আট সাট, কষে কাপড় পড়লে পাকস্থলীর সমস্যার বৃদ্ধি STOMACH - CLOTHES AGG.; TIGHT Add to Cart Checkout Short Description: Product Description List of Symptom (Total 31) ABDOMEN - CLOTHES - tight - agg. ABDOMEN - CLOTHES - tight - agg. - Hypochondria ABDOMEN - CLOTHES - tight - amel. ABDOMEN - CONSTRICTION - clothes are too tight; sensation as if ABDOMEN - EMPTINESS - tightening clothing amel. BACK - CLOTHES - tight - agg. BACK - CLOTHES - tight - agg. BACK - PAIN - Dorsal region - clothes agg.; tight CHEST - CLOTHING agg. - bra feels tight CHEST - CONSTRICTION - clothes are too tight; sensation as if COUGH - CLOTHES AGG.; TIGHT EXTERNAL THROAT - CLOTHING agg. - tight; as if clothes too EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs - clothes too tight; as if GENERALS - CLOTHES - tight; too GENERALS - FAINTNESS - pressure of tight clothes agg. HEAD - CONSTRICTION - Brain - cloth around the brain; sensation of a tight MIND;cc - ANGUISH - clothes too tight when walking in open air; as if যখন খোলা বাতাসে হাঁটে তখন মনে হয় যেন পরিধেয় বস্ত্র ভীষণ কষে বা টাইট করে পড়া হয়েছে, এতে তীব্র MIND;cc - ANXIETY - clothes - walking out of doors; as if clothing too tight when যখন দরজার বাহিরে হাঁটে তখন মনে হয় পরনের কাপড় খুব কষে, শক্ত করে পড়া হয়েছে; এ নিয়ে উদ্বেগ RECTUM - URGING - clothing, on tightening SLEEP - WAKING - clothes feel damp or tight STOMACH - CLOTHING - tight clothes - amel. STOMACH - CLOTHING - tightening amel. STOMACH - PAIN - clothes - tight clothes agg. STOMACH - PAIN - clothes - tight clothes agg. - cramping STOMACH - PAIN - pressure - clothes; of tight - agg. STOMACH - PAIN - pressure - clothes; of tight - agg. - stitching pain STOMACH - PAIN - pressure - clothes; of tight - amel. STOMACH - PAIN - pressure - clothes; of tight - amel. - cramping STOMACH - PAIN - tightening clothes amel. STOMACH - CLOTHES AGG.; TIGHT – Epigastrium আট সাট, কষে কাপড় পড়লে পাকস্থলীর সমস্যার বৃদ্ধি STOMACH - CLOTHES AGG.; TIGHT