HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - icy coldness মাথার চূড়া, শীর্ষদেশ, চাঁদিতে বরফের মত ঠান্ডা, শীতল [LAUR. VERAT.: CR ] Add to Cart Checkout Short Description: Product Description List of Symptom (Total 422) ABDOMEN - COMPLAINTS of abdomen - accompanied by - chilliness ABDOMEN - INFLAMMATION - Colon - chilliness; with ABDOMEN - INFLAMMATION - Small intestine - chilliness; with ABDOMEN - PAIN - chilliness; during ABDOMEN - PAIN - chilliness; during - burning ABDOMEN - PAIN - chilliness; during - cramping ABDOMEN - PAIN - stool - before - mucous and chilliness ABDOMEN - PAIN - stool - before - mucous and chilliness - cramping Breasts - CHILLINESS, in breasts, shivering in CHEST - CHILLINESS in CHEST - CHILLINESS in - eruptions; with CHEST - CHILLINESS in - evening CHEST - CHILLINESS in - External chest CHEST - CHILLINESS in - left side CHEST - CHILLINESS in - Sternum CHEST - CHILLINESS in - stool agg.; after CHEST - CHILLINESS in - walking in open air agg. CHEST - PAIN - chilliness; during CHEST - PAIN - chilliness; during - drawing pain CHEST - PAIN - chilliness; during - stitching pain CHEST - PERSPIRATION - chilliness; during CHEST - TREMBLING - chilliness; with CHILL - AFTERNOON - constantly increasing chilliness without subsequent heat or perspiration CHILL - CHILLINESS - accompanied by - voice; complaints of CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - 16 h CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - dinner; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - menses; during CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - not relieved by heat of stove, but relieved by covering up warmly in bed CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - sleep - siesta agg.; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - afternoon - subsequent heat, without CHILL - CHILLINESS - air - chest is chilly in the air; the well-covered CHILL - CHILLINESS - air - cold air were blowing on uncovered parts; as if CHILL - CHILLINESS - air agg.; draft of CHILL - CHILLINESS - air agg.; in open CHILL - CHILLINESS - air agg.; in open - and heat in the room CHILL - CHILLINESS - air agg.; in open - and heat in the room - whole body, but not in cold air; over the CHILL - CHILLINESS - air agg.; in open - evening CHILL - CHILLINESS - apyrexia, during the CHILL - CHILLINESS - bad news; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - bed, but heat in bed; outside of CHILL - CHILLINESS - children; in - newborns CHILL - CHILLINESS - coffee agg.; abuse of CHILL - CHILLINESS - coition; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - drinking - after - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - drinking - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - eating - after - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - eating - while - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - eating; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - flushes of heat in the face; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - hair standing on end, sensation of CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - headache; during CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - lasting all night, with cold legs CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - lying - bed; in - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - lying - bed; in - amel. CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - nausea and cold limbs, with CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - sleep; when falling asleep CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - sleepiness; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - wakes, as often as she CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - walking agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - evening - warm stove agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - exciting news CHILL - CHILLINESS - forenoon CHILL - CHILLINESS - forenoon - dinner, eating amel.; before CHILL - CHILLINESS - forenoon - hair standing on end CHILL - CHILLINESS - frequent attacks of CHILL - CHILLINESS - frequent attacks of - intermediate sleep; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - frequent attacks of - short attacks of CHILL - CHILLINESS - frightful dream; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - hair standing on end, sensation of CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - after - pulsating in occiput; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - during CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - during - menorrhagia, during CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - during - one side CHILL - CHILLINESS - headache - during - Temple - right CHILL - CHILLINESS - heat; before flushes of CHILL - CHILLINESS - influenza; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - itching; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - itching; with - Abdomen CHILL - CHILLINESS - labor pains - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - labor pains - first; from CHILL - CHILLINESS - labor pains - with CHILL - CHILLINESS - laughter - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - left - then right CHILL - CHILLINESS - lifting the bed clothes CHILL - CHILLINESS - menses - before - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - menses - during - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - morning CHILL - CHILLINESS - morning - lasting - day; all CHILL - CHILLINESS - morning - lasting - forenoon; all CHILL - CHILLINESS - morning - rising agg.; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - morning - waking; on CHILL - CHILLINESS - motion; from slightest CHILL - CHILLINESS - movement of the bedclothes; slightest CHILL - CHILLINESS - nausea; during CHILL - CHILLINESS - nervous CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - 21.30 h has to go to bed, followed by shaking chill CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - lying down, and as often as she wakes without thirst; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - menses - before - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - menses - during - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - sleep agg.; during CHILL - CHILLINESS - night - undressing CHILL - CHILLINESS - noon CHILL - CHILLINESS - noon - sleep agg.; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - pain; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - pain; with - abdomen; in CHILL - CHILLINESS - pain; with - abdomen; in - burning CHILL - CHILLINESS - pain; with - burning pains, with CHILL - CHILLINESS - pain; with - throbbing pains; with burning CHILL - CHILLINESS - part touched CHILL - CHILLINESS - perspiration; with CHILL - CHILLINESS - perspiration; with - warm in bed; as soon as he gets CHILL - CHILLINESS - sneezing - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - sneezing - with CHILL - CHILLINESS - stool - after - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - stool - before CHILL - CHILLINESS - stool - during - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - stool - urging to - during CHILL - CHILLINESS - subsequent heat, without CHILL - CHILLINESS - sun amel. CHILL - CHILLINESS - uncovering agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - after - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - after - amel. CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - before CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - during - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - urging to urinate - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - urging to urinate - followed by CHILL - CHILLINESS - urination - urging to urinate - on CHILL - CHILLINESS - vertigo; after CHILL - CHILLINESS - vomiting - after CHILL - CHILLINESS - vomiting - while CHILL - CHILLINESS - waking; on CHILL - CHILLINESS - walking - after - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - walking - air agg.; in open CHILL - CHILLINESS - warm - bathing - amel. CHILL - CHILLINESS - warm - room - agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - warm - room - agg. - more in a warm room than in the open air CHILL - CHILLINESS - warm - room - entering a warm room; when - air; from open CHILL - CHILLINESS - warm - touch; yet warm to CHILL - CHILLINESS - washing agg. CHILL - CHILLINESS - waves; in CHILL - CHILLINESS – night [main] CHILL - COLDNESS - chilliness; without external CHILL - LYING - desire to lie down; with - chilliness; from CHILL – CHILLINESS [main] EAR - CHILLINESS EAR - PAIN - chilliness, on beginning of EAR - PAIN - chilliness, on beginning of - stitching pain EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Elbows EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Feet - extending to - Upward EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Feet - left EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Feet - motion; after EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Feet - summer EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Fingers EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Fingers - Tips EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Forearms EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Hands EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Hips EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Hips - extending to - Legs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Knees EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Legs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Legs - touch agg. EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Lower limbs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Lower limbs - sneezing agg. EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Lower limbs - sneezing agg. - Anterior part EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Shoulders EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Shoulders - Between EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Toes - Ball of right big toe EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Toes - First toe EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper arms EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - afternoon EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - Anterior surface EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - arms away from the body amel.; holding the EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - evening - lying down agg.; after EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - left EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - Posterior surface EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - right EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - right - air agg.; in open EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - right - extending to - Back and legs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - stool agg.; after EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS - Upper limbs - walking in open air agg. EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS – Feet EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS – Thighs EXTREMITIES - CHILLINESS – Toes EXTREMITIES - DISCOLORATION - Hand - purple - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - HEAT - chilliness over back, during EXTREMITIES - HEAT - Hands - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - HEAT - Hands - evening - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - HEAT - Lower limbs - chilliness, after EXTREMITIES - HEAVINESS - Feet - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - Sciatic nerve - accompanied by - chilliness in legs EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - walking - agg. - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Lower limbs - walking - agg. - chilliness; during - stitching pain EXTREMITIES - PAIN - Shoulders - chilliness; with EXTREMITIES - STIFFNESS - Hands - chilliness EXTREMITIES - TWITCHING - Thighs - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - WEAKNESS - Feet - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES - WEAKNESS - Upper limbs - chilliness; during EXTREMITIES – CHILLINESS [main] FACE - CHILLINESS FACE - HEAT - alternating with - chilliness FACE - HEAT - chilliness - after FACE - HEAT - chilliness - during FACE - HEAT - evening - chilliness; during FACE - HEAT - flushes - chilliness; with FACE - PAIN - chilliness - after FACE - PAIN - chilliness - after - burning FACE - PAIN - chilliness - during FACE - PAIN - chilliness - during - burning FACE - PAIN - chilliness with the pain FACE - PAIN - Jaws - chilliness; during FACE - PAIN - Jaws - chilliness; during - drawing pain FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - chilliness; with FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - chilliness; with - night FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - copious - chilliness, after FEVER - AFTERNOON - chilliness - followed by FEVER - AFTERNOON - chilliness - followed by - air agg.; in open FEVER - AFTERNOON - chilliness - with FEVER - ALTERNATING with - chilliness, dry, burning heat FEVER - BURNING heat - alternating with - chilliness FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - 21.30 h has to go to bed, followed by shaking chill FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - alternating with heat not perceptible to the touch FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - extending to - Extremities FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - fire; with desire to be near a FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - long into the heat; continues FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - putting the hands out of bed, from FEVER - CHILLINESS; with - sleep; during FEVER - DRY heat - afternoon - chilliness; with FEVER - DRY heat - evening - bed, with chilliness in back; in FEVER - EVENING - chilliness; with FEVER - EXTERNAL heat - afternoon - chilliness; with FEVER - EXTERNAL heat - afternoon - chilliness; with - and redness without internal heat FEVER - EXTERNAL heat - chilliness; with FEVER - FORENOON - 11 h - thirst and chilliness; with FEVER - FORENOON - chilliness; with FEVER - INTERNAL heat - chilliness; with FEVER - INTERNAL heat - night - uncover, which causes chilliness; must FEVER - MORNING - chilliness; with FEVER - MOTION - chilliness, brings on FEVER - NIGHT - chilliness; with GENERALS - FAINTNESS - chilliness with GENERALS - HEAT - flushes of - chilliness - after GENERALS - LASSITUDE - chilliness; with GENERALS - WEAKNESS - chilliness; with GENERALS - WEAKNESS - sudden - chilliness; during HEAD - CHILLINESS - Scalp HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - accompanied by - Back; coldness of HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Across head HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - afternoon HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - air; in open - agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - air; in open - amel. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - begins in head HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - begins in head - spreads from the HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Brain HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - breakfast agg.; after HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - burning; after HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - cold - air - agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - cold - air - as from HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - cold - air - passing over brain; as if cold air HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - cold - cloth around the brain; as if HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - congestion of, with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - covered - amel. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - covered - even when HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - evening HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - extending to - Brain; base of HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - followed by - heat HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - accompanied by - Occiput; heat in HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - afternoon HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - air - draft of; as from a HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - Base of brain hot HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - cold air agg. - painfully; penetrates HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - evening HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - externally HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - heat - during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - heat - external heat, with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - ice, as from HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - menses; during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - morning HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - night HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - one-sided HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - perspiration; during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - spots; as of a cold finger in small HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - vertigo; with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - warm - becomes warm if lightly covered HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Forehead - warm - room - agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - hand; as if touched by an icy cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - hat; from pressure of a HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - headache; during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - heat; with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - heated; from becoming HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - icy HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - icy - Scalp HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - internally HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - lying - amel. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - menses; during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - morning HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - motion agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - night HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - air; like cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - evening HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - extending to - Feet HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - extending to - Feet - waves; in cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - frozen, as if HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - left side HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - right side HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - rising from neck like cold air HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Occiput - weather agg.; cold wet HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - pain; with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - painful parts HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - perspiration; with HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - perspiration; with - body, of HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - riding; after HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Scalp HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Scalp - hat; has to wear a HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - scratching agg.; after HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - left HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - one side HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - right HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - right - evening HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - right - feels burning hot; but HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - spots, in HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - spots, in - Above the ear HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Sides - warmth - amel. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - sitting agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - spot, as of a cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - stool - after - agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - stool - before HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - stool - during - agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - stooping agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Temples HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Temples - left HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Temples - right HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - afternoon HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - covered, even when HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - covering; as if upper part was without HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - extending to - Sacrum HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - icy coldness - when covered HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - menses; during HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - motion agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - spots, in HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - spots, in - small HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - stooping agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - warm room agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - water, as from cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - warm room agg. HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - water, as from cold HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - wind as of a HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - wind as of a - Occiput HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - wrap the head; must HEAD - HEAT - alternating with - chilliness HEAD - HEAT - chilliness - before HEAD - HEAT - chilliness - during HEAD - HEAT - Forehead - chilliness; during HEAD - Pain (headache) - accompanied by - chilliness HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - during HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - during - boring pain HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - during - drawing pain HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - during - stitching pain HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - with HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - with - burning HEAD - Pain (headache) - chilliness - with - stunning pain HEAD - Pain (headache) - Forehead - chilliness; during HEAD - Pain (headache) - Forehead - chilliness; during - boring pain HEAD - Pain (headache) - Temples - chilliness; during HEAD - Pain (headache) - Temples - chilliness; during - drawing pain HEAD - PULSATING - chilliness; with LARYNX AND TRACHEA - VOICE - chilliness agg. MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - diminished - apathy, with - chilliness; and MALE GENITALIA/SEX - SEXUAL DESIRE - diminished - chilliness; with MIND;cc - FEAR - misfortune, of - chilliness, during কনকনে ঠান্ডার সময় দুর্ভাগ্যের ভয় MIND;cc - INSANITY - chilliness, with শীত সহ উন্মাদনা, মস্তিষ্কবিকৃতি MIND;cc - INSANITY - chilliness, with - coldness of skin; and চর্ম ঠান্ডা এবং শীত সহ উন্মাদনা, মস্তিষ্কবিকৃতি MIND;cc - LAUGHING - chilliness, followed by MIND;cc - THOUGHTS - control of thoughts lost - chilliness, during হিম কনকনে ঠান্ডার সময় চিন্তা ভাবনা করার উপর নিয়ন্ত্রণ হারিয়ে যায় NOSE - CORYZA - chilliness; with NOSE - CORYZA - chilliness; with - Back, in PERSPIRATION /Sweat - MOTION - brings on chilliness PERSPIRATION /Sweat - NIGHT - midnight - before - 22 h - chilliness; during রাত ১০টায় শীতাবস্থায় ঘাম PERSPIRATION /Sweat - SUDDEN - walking in the open air, with chilliness; while PERSPIRATION /Sweat - WARM IN BED agg.; becoming - chilliness and perspiration as soon as he gets warm RECTUM - CHILLINESS - Anus; in - stool agg.; after RECTUM - CHILLINESS - constipation; during RECTUM - CHILLINESS - Rectum; in - stool; before RECTUM - URGING - chilliness in hand and thighs; with SLEEP - DEEP - interrupted by dreams, with chilliness SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - chilliness SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - chilliness - after SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - chilliness - during SLEEP - SLEEPINESS - noon - chilliness; during SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - chilliness; with SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - uneasiness; from - anxiety with heat, must uncover which causes chilliness; and SLEEP - YAWNING - chilliness, with SLEEP - YAWNING - chilliness, with - menses, before STOMACH - CHILLINESS; feeling of STOMACH - CHILLINESS; feeling of - Epigastrium STOMACH - COLDNESS - chilliness in pit of STOMACH - ERUCTATIONS - chilliness; with STOMACH - INFLAMMATION - chilliness; with STOMACH - NAUSEA - chilliness - after STOMACH - NAUSEA - chilliness - with STOMACH - PAIN - chilliness; during STOMACH - PAIN - chilliness; during - burning STOOL - MUCOUS - colic and chilliness; with TEETH - PAIN - chilliness; with TEETH - PAIN - night - chilliness when toothache disappears THROAT - COLDNESS, sensation of - chilliness beginning in throat THROAT - PAIN - chilliness; with THROAT - PAIN - chilliness; with - aching THROAT - PAIN - sore - accompanied by - chilliness VERTIGO - CHILLINESS; during শীতলতাসহ মুখমন্ডল তাপে লাল হয় GENERALS - HEAT - flushes of - chilliness - with BACK - COLDNESS (chilliness) পিঠে শীতলতা, পৃষ্ঠদেশ শীতল, পিঠ ঠান্ডা (GELS-4 :CR) [main] FEVER - CHILL; with; CHILLINESS; with ঠান্ডা, শীতলতার সাথে জ্বর [main] HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex মাথার চাঁদি, চূড়া শীতল, খুব ঠান্ডা [main] HEAD - COLDNESS, chilliness, etc. - Vertex - icy coldness মাথার চূড়া, শীর্ষদেশ, চাঁদিতে বরফের মত ঠান্ডা, শীতল [LAUR. VERAT.: CR ]