ডাকাতের স্বপ্ন দেখে এবং ঘরটিতে খোঁজাখুঁজি না করা পযর্ন্ত ঘুমাতে পারে না DREAMS - ROBBERS - sleep, until the house is searched; and cannot Add to Cart Checkout Short Description: Product Description List of Symptom (Total 110) DREAMS - AMOROUS - pollutions, with - sleep, as soon as he falls DREAMS - AMOROUS - sleep - restless, with DREAMS - ANXIOUS - falling asleep, on DREAMS - BUSINESS - falling asleep, on DREAMS - CONFUSED - falling asleep, on DREAMS - CONFUSED - sleep; during restless DREAMS - CONTINUATION - dreams, of - sleep; former dream is continued on going to Dreams - DAYTIME, during sleep DREAMS - DEAD BODIES - sleeping on left side; when DREAMS - DEAD; of the - sleeping on back, while DREAMS - DEAD; of the - sleeping on back, while - left side, on the DREAMS - DISCONNECTED - sleep; with disturbed DREAMS - EVENTS - past; long - continues the same dream; after awaking falls to sleep again and DREAMS - NIGHTMARES - falling asleep, on DREAMS - NIGHTMARES - first sleep; during DREAMS - NIGHTMARES - periodical - night - sleep; on going to DREAMS - SLEEPING - air; in DREAMS - SLEEPING - thousand years; for a - woman would sleep DREAMS - UNPLEASANT - falling asleep, on DREAMS - UNREMEMBERED - morning - sleep; in DREAMS - WHIMPERING, whining - sleep; during HEAD - Pain (headache) - alternating with - dreams; many - sleepiness; and MIND - MANIA - sleep - during - dreaming MIND - SHRIEKING - sleep, during - dreams; from disturbing MIND;c - SHRIEKING - children, in - sleep, during - dreams; from disturbing স্বপ্ন দেখে ঘুমের ব্যাঘাত ঘটলে শিশু কর্কশ স্বরে তীক্ষ্ণ চিৎকার করে SLEEP - DEEP - exhausting - dreams; with SLEEP - DEEP - interrupted by dreams, with chilliness SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - amorous SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - exciting SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - frightful SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - menses; during SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - morning SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - night - midnight - after SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - night - midnight - after - 5 h SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - night - midnight - before SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - noon SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by - noon - sleep - siesta; during SLEEP - DISTURBED - dreams, by স্বপ্ন দেখার ফলে ঘুমের/ নিদ্রার ব্যঘাত ঘটে; বিশৃঙ্খল ঘুম SLEEP - DREAMING - awake, while SLEEP - DREAMING - bed; driving out of SLEEP - DREAMING - chill; with SLEEP - DREAMING - closing the eyes agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - coition; after SLEEP - DREAMING - daytime, during sleep SLEEP - DREAMING - daytime, during sleep - periodically SLEEP - DREAMING - evening - bed - going to bed - before SLEEP - DREAMING - evening - bed - in bed - agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - followed by - Head; pain in SLEEP - DREAMING - followed by - vomiting SLEEP - DREAMING - forenoon SLEEP - DREAMING - forenoon - sleep; when falling asleep SLEEP - DREAMING - heat; during SLEEP - DREAMING - lying - back; on - agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - lying - side; on - agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - lying - side; on - left - agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - menses - before - agg. - falling asleep, after SLEEP - DREAMING - menses - before - agg. মাসিক ঋতুস্রাবের পূর্বে ঘুমের মধ্যে স্বপ্ন দেখে SLEEP - DREAMING - menses - during - agg. মাসিক ঋতুস্রাবের সময় ঘুমের মধ্যে স্বপ্ন দেখে SLEEP - DREAMING - nausea, followed by SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight - after SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight - after - 3 h SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight - after - 5 h SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight - after - sleep; on going to SLEEP - DREAMING - night - midnight - before SLEEP - DREAMING - noon SLEEP - DREAMING - noon - afternoon, and SLEEP - DREAMING - noon - sleep - siesta; during SLEEP - DREAMING - palpitations; with SLEEP - DREAMING - perspiration - cold - with SLEEP - DREAMING - perspiration - with SLEEP - DREAMING - perspiration - with - cold perspiration; when waking SLEEP - DREAMING - perspiration – during ঘামের সময় ঘুমের মধ্যে স্বপ্ন দেখে SLEEP - DREAMING - prolonged SLEEP - DREAMING - sensation of dreaming SLEEP - DREAMING - sleep - falling asleep SLEEP - DREAMING - sleep - going to sleep; on - agg. SLEEP - DREAMING - sleep - throughout SLEEP - DREAMING - thirst, followed by SLEEP - DREAMING – morning সকালে ঘুমের মধ্যে স্বপ্ন দেখে SLEEP - DREAMS, - cutting - of cutting a woman up for salting SLEEP - EXHAUSTING - deep, with dreams SLEEP - FALLING ASLEEP - late - waking - dreams, from SLEEP - RESTLESS - dreams; from - frightful SLEEP - RESTLESS - dreams; from - voluptuous SLEEP - RESTLESS - dreams; from স্বপ্ন দেখার ফলে অস্থির নিদ্রা, ঘুম SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - alternating with - dreams SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - dreams; from SLEEP - SLEEPLESSNESS - thoughts - dreams from previous night, of SLEEP - UNREFRESHING - dreams; from SLEEP - WAKING - difficult - dreams; from SLEEP - WAKING - dreams, by SLEEP - WAKING - dreams, by - falling; of SLEEP - WAKING - dreams, by - sad SLEEP - WAKING - frequent - dreams, from SLEEP - WAKING - fright, as from - dreams; frightened from SLEEP - WAKING - fright, as from - dreams; frightened from - menses; before SLEEP - WAKING - just awakened, sensation as if - dream, from a SLEEP - WAKING - morning - 6 h - dream, from SLEEP - WAKING - morning - dreams, from SLEEP - WAKING - night - midnight - after - 2 h - dream, from SLEEP - WAKING - night - midnight - at - dream; after SLEEP - WAKING - sudden - dream, as from a ঘুম আসলেই ভয়ঙ্কর, ভয়ানক, ভীতিজনক স্বপ্ন দেখে DREAMS - FRIGHTFUL - falling asleep, on ডাকাতের স্বপ্ন দেখে এবং ঘরটিতে খোঁজাখুঁজি না করা পযর্ন্ত ঘুমাতে পারে না DREAMS - ROBBERS - sleep, until the house is searched; and cannot তাকে সাপে কামড়েছে-এমন স্বপ্ন দেখে SLEEP - DREAMS, - snakes - of being bitten by DREAMS - ANXIOUS - weeping during sleep; with Mind - DREAMY, state - sleepless night, as after a, with shivering and cold creepings SLEEP - DREAMING - sexual gratification SLEEP – DREAMING