Baryta Carbonica (bar-c) ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

Baryta Carbonica (bar-c) ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা

Baryta Carbonica (bar-c) ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা

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Product Description


Baryta Carbonica (bar-c) ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা

পরিচয়ঃ  ইহা এক প্রকার খনিজ দ্রব্য।ইহা এন্টিসোরিক ও টিউবারকুলার ঔষধ।

ধাতুগত বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ বিশেষতঃ ইহা বৃদ্ধ এবং শিশুদের পীড়ায় ব্যবহৃত হয়।শিশুর বয়সের সহিত শারীরিক ও মানসিক বিকাশ হয় না।বোকা ধরনের, স্থুলূ বুদ্ধিসম্পন্ন শিশু।অপরিচিত লোকের কাছে যেতে চায় না। বৃদ্ধদের আচরণ শিশুদের মত।

Antidote food/ ঔষধের ক্রিয়ানাশক খাদ্য:  কফি, কর্পূর । 

ক্রিয়ানাশকঃ এন্টিম টার্ট, বেল, ক্যাম্ফর, ডল্‌কা, জিঙ্কাম ।

  • শারীরিক খর্বতার চেয়ে মানসিক খর্বতা বেশি। অথার্ৎ যাহাদের বুদ্ধি-বৃত্তির অভাব বেশি তাহাদের ক্ষেত্রে বেশি প্রযোজ্য। (শুধুমাত্র জন্মগত দোষ নহে; কোন পীড়ায় তথাকথিত আরোগ্য লাভের পর সৃষ্ট মানসিক খর্বতা দেখা দিলেও ইহা প্রযোজ্য।)
  • ধাতুগত গন্ডমালা দোষ ও টনসিলের বিবৃদ্ধি।
  • নির্জন প্রিয়তা; সঙ্গী পছন্দ করে না।
  • বামপার্শ্ব চাপিয়া শুইলে বৃদ্ধি (বুক ধড়ফড় করে, কাশির বৃদ্ধি)।
  • অন্যমনষ্ক থাকিলে উপশম (মেডো)।
  • কোন একটি অঙ্গের পুষ্টি সাধন না ঘটিলে –ইহা প্রযোজ্য।

ক্যাল্কেরিয়ার পরে এই ঔষধ ব্যবহার করা অনুচিত।

ইহা সোরিণাম, সাল্ফার এবং ব্যাসিলিনামের পূর্বে ও পরে উত্তম কাজ করে।  

সর্তকতা: শৈষ্মিক হাঁপানী বা হাঁপানীর সহিত ফুসফুসে বায়ুজমা (Emphysema) থাকলে ইহা কখনই দিবেন না –ডাঃ ফ্যারিংটন । 


শীতকাতর (প্রথম গ্রেড): [Dr. Robert Gibson Miller এবং James Tyler Kent]

গরমকাতর (দ্বিতীয় গ্রেড): [James Tyler Kent]

মায়াজমেটিক অবস্থাঃ (মায়াজমের দোষ নষ্ট করার শক্তি)

  • এন্টি-সোরিক (দ্বিতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-সাইকোটিক (দ্বিতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-টিউবারকুলার (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)

মূল কথাঃ

  • শারিরীক ও মানসিক খর্বতা (মেডোরিন, ওলিয়াম, জেকোরিস, ক্যাল্কে-ফস, সালফার)।
  • যে কোন পীড়া হঠাৎ আসে না, ধীরে ধীরে আসে।
  • সর্বদা সর্দি হইবার ধাত।
  • অপরিচিত লোক দেখে ভয় পায়।
  • অন্যের উপর সম্পূর্ণ নির্ভরশীল।
  • ভ্রান্তি যেন সে হাঁটুতে ভর করে হাঁটে।
  • ভ্রান্তি যেন তার প্রিয় বন্ধু অসুস্থ এবং মৃত্যুপথযাত্রী।

ব্যবহারস্থলঃ  মস্তিষ্কের বিকৃতি, মস্তিষ্কের খর্বতা, স্মৃতি শক্তির অভাব ও দুর্বলতা, টনসিল প্রদাহ, অর্বুদ, সন্ন্যাস, টাক পড়া, কোষময় অর্বুদ, পায়ে ঘাম, আঁচিল, হৃৎযন্ত্রের পীড়া, আঙ্গুলহাড়া, পক্ষাঘাত, গলক্ষত, কর্ণমূল গ্রন্থি প্রদাহ রোগে উপযোগী। ইহার প্রধান ক্রিয়া টনসিলের উপর।

উপশম/হ্রাসঃ  খোলা হাওয়ায় বেড়াইলে, একলা থাকিলে, ঠান্ডা খাবারে উপশম।

বৃদ্ধিঃ  বসিয়া থাকিবার সময়, যে দিকে ব্যাথা সেইদিকে শুইলে, ভোজনের পর, আক্রান্ত স্থান জলে ধুইলে, ঠান্ডা হাওয়ায়, বর্ষাকালে, গরম খাদ্যে, মানসিক উত্তেজনায়, অনেক লোকের মধ্যে, অসুকের কথা মনে পড়িলেই বৃদ্ধি।

ক্রিয়া স্থিতিকালঃ৪০ দিন।

 (Inimical food) ঔষধের পরিপন্থী বা অনিষ্টকর খাদ্য:  রুটি, ঠান্ডা খাদ্য, উষ্ণ খাদ্য ।

লক্ষণ সূত্রঃ এম, ভট্রাচার্য্য: পৃষ্ঠা-১৬৭, এন, সি ঘোষ: পৃষ্ঠা-১৫১, উইলিয়াম বোরিক: পৃষ্ঠা-৭৬, নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়: পৃষ্ঠা-১২৪, অতুল কৃষ্ণ দত্ত: পৃষ্ঠা-২০২, ই. এ. ফ্যারিংটন: পৃষ্ঠা-৫০৩, জেমস টেইলর কেন্ট: পৃষ্ঠা-১৪৩, নীলমনি ঘটক: পৃষ্ঠা-১১০, ই. বি ন্যাশ: পৃষ্ঠা-৪৬৩, জে এম মিত্র: পৃষ্ঠা-১৭০, এস কে সাহা: পৃষ্ঠা-৩৪৯, এইচ. সি এলেন: পৃষ্ঠা-৫৬, জন হেনরি ক্লার্ক: পৃষ্ঠা-২৩০ ।

Super Grade Symptoms of [Baryta Carbonica ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা (bar-c)] ::: (Total 9)

by William BOERICKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T


Carbonate of Baryta

Specially indicated in infancy and old age. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily, and then always have swollen tonsils. Persons subject to quinsy which is prone to suppurate; gums bleed easily. Diseases of old men when degenerative changes begin;-cardiac vascular and cerebral;-who have hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, very sensitive to cold, offensive foot-sweats, very weak and weary, must sit or lie down or lean on something. Very averse to meeting strangers. Catarrh of posterior nares, with frequent epistaxis. Often useful in the dyspepsias of the young who have masturbated and who suffer from seminal emissions, together with cardiac irritability and palpitation. Affects glandular structures, and useful in general degenerative changes, especially in coats of arteries, aneurism, and senility. Baryta is a cardio-vascular poison acting on the muscular coats of heart and vessels. Arterial fibrosis. Blood-vessels soften and degenerate, become distended, and aneurisms, ruptures, and apoplexies result.

Mind.--Loss of memory, mental weakness. Irresolute. Lost confidence in himself. Senile dementia. Confusion. Bashful. Aversion to strangers. Childish; grief over trifles.

Head.--Vertigo; stitches, when standing in the sun, extending through head. Brain feels as if loose. Hair falls out. Confusion. Wens.

Eyes.--Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils. Photophobia. Gauze before eyes. Cataracts (Calc; Phos; Sil).

Ears.--Hardness of hearing. Crackling noise. Glands around ears painful and swollen. Reverberation on blowing nose.

Nose.--Dry; sneezing; coryza, with swelling of upper lip and nose. Sensation of smoke in nose. Discharge of thick, yellow mucus. Frequent bleeding. Scabs around wings of nose.

Face.--Pale, puffed; sensation as of cobweb (Alumina). Upper lip swollen.

Mouth.--Awakes with dry mouth. Gums bleed and retract. Teeth ache before menses. Mouth filled with inflamed vesicles, foul taste. Paralysis of tongue. Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue. Dribbling of saliva at dawn. Spasm of œsophagus when food enters.

Throat.--Submaxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Takes cold easily, with stitches and smarting pain. Quinsy. Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Tonsils inflamed, with swollen veins. Smarting pain when swallowing; worse empty swallowing. Feeling of a plug in pharynx. Can only swallow liquids. Spasm of œsophagus as soon as food enters œsophagus, causes gagging and choking (Merc cor; Graphit). Throat troubles from over use of voice. Stinging pain in tonsils, pharynx or larynx.

Stomach.--Waterbrash, hiccough, and eructation, which relieves pressure as of a stone. Hungry, but refuses food. Pain and weight immediately after a meal, with epigastric tenderness (Kali carb). Worse after warm food. Gastric weakness in the aged with possible malignancy present.

Abdomen.--Hard and tense, distended. Colicky. Enlarged mesenteric glands. Pain in abdomen swallowing food. Habitual colic, with hunger, but food is refused.

Rectum.--Constipation, with hard, knotty stools. Hæmorrhoids protrude on urinating. Crawling in rectum. Oozing at anus.

Urinary.--Every time patient urinates, his piles come down. Urging to urinate. Burning in urethra on urinating.

Male.--Diminished desire and premature impotence. Enlarged prostate. Testicles indurated.

Female.--Before menses, pain in stomach and small of back. Menses scanty.

Respiratory.--Dry, suffocative cough, especially in old people, full of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate, worse every change of weather (Senega). Larynx feels as if smoke were inhaled. Chronic aphonia. Stitches in chest; worse inspiration. Lungs feel full smoke.

Heart.--Palpitation and distress in region of heart. Aneurism (Lycop). Accelerates the heart's action at first, blood pressure much increased, contraction of blood vessels. Palpitation when lying on left side, when thinking of it especially; pulse full and hard. Cardiac symptoms after suppressed foot-sweat.

Back.--Swollen glands in nape of occiput. Fatty tumors about neck. Bruised pain between scapulæ. Stiffness in sacrum. Weakness of spine.

Extremities.--Pain in axillary glands. Cold, clammy feet (Calc). Fetid foot-sweats. Numbness of limbs. Numb feeling from knees to scrotum; disappears when sitting down. Toes and soles sore; soles painful when walking. Pain in joints; burning pains in lower limbs.

Sleep.--Talking in sleep; awakens frequently; feels too hot. Twitching during sleep.

Modalities.--Worse, while thinking of symptoms; from washing; lying on painful side. Better, walking in open air.

Relationship.--Compare: Digitalis; Radium; Aragallus; Oxytrop; Astrag. Complementary: Dulc; Silica; Psorin. Incompatible: Calc. Antidote for poisonous doses: Epsom salts.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency, the latter to remove the predisposition to quinsy. Baryta is slow in action, bears repetition.


Late Professor of Materia Medica in Hering College, Chicago.
Presented by Dr Robert Séror

Baryta Carbonica

Generalities: Baryta carbonica is an interesting study, because it is fully proved and a constitutional remedy. Such remedies are always more interesting than the short-acting, superficial ones. They take hold in deep-seated, long-lasting, miasmatic troubles.

This remedy looks towards the development of the young. You will see in the text commonly expressed under this medicine, "dwarfishness."

That does not always mean small in stature as it is spoken of in this remedy. Dwarfishness in body and mind; mental dwarfishness, and dwarfishness of organs.

You realize what precocity means; young persons who are unusually brilliant; well advanced mentally. We say they are beyond their years. They are precocious.

Get this in mind first, and think what it means; and then in the Baryta carb. constitution, we have the very opposite state.

That is what we mean by dwarfishness. Children are late coming into usefulness; or activity; late with their studies; late! learning to talk; late learning to read; late learning to make the combinations that enter into life; late learning to take in images, and form perceptions; to take on their activities; to do their work.

Late: We say sometimes that Calc. carb. is late in learning to walk, but Baryta carb. is also late learning to walk, although it has an entirely different cause.

To express it in a common, old-fashioned way, Baryta carb. is late learning how to walk, even with pretty good limbs. Calc. has miserable, weakly limbs, flabby muscles, poor bones, and hence he is late learning to walk.

"Late walking" is Calc.

"Late learning to walk" is Baryta carb.

It competes also with Borax and Natrum mur. All three of these medicines have a peculiar kind of tardiness in the development of the brain, so that they are late learning to do things; late in developing.

But Baryta carb. leads them all in this late coming into the activities and uses of life.

You will have patients to treat, where this slow development manifests itself in girls. 18 to 25 years of age, who do the things they did when they were children, and say things as they said them when they were children.

"Childish manner of doing things, and childish behavior. Playing with dolls and saying foolish things."

They have not come into womanhood. They are late in taking on the activities and uses of the woman. They lack the prudence of the woman. They have not become circumspect, and say things just as a boy or just as a little girl would say them.

That is the dwarfishness of the mind. To appreciate that late development, and to see it in Baryta carb. from all of its symptoms and peculiar features, leads to a strong grasp of the remedy.

There is some of this found in such remedies as Graph., Sulph. and Calc., but nothing compared to this remedy. This seems to suspend the development that makes the child into a man or a woman.

It is not a small person that makes me think of Baryta carb., but the dwarfishness that is mental, and that is of organs.

Organs, as it were, become paralyzed, or one organ does not develop. It stops, and the others go on. That would make me think of this remedy. A single organ fails to mature, and the others go on; one-sidedness, a partiality of development.

Lymphatic glands: The next grand feature of this remedy is its affinity for the lymphatic glands all over the body. The glands all over the body enlarge and indurate; the glands of the neck, the glands of the groin, the lymphatics in the abdomen are all affected-knotty chains form in the neck.

With a few other things that we will put together shortly we will see in this patient a peculiar figure. It has emaciation-gradual dwindling in persons who have been fat, who have been well nourished.

It has an enlarged abdomen. It has been found suitable in marasmus, for children with enlarged glands, enlarged abdomen; emaciation of the tissues, emaciated limbs and dwarfishness of mind, and you have there all the whole Baryta carb. marasmus.

The patient himself is chilly; sensitive to cold; wants to be well wrapped. Marked weakness with feeble pulse is a strong feature and he must lie down; he is worse standing and sitting.

The weakness is worse after eating. His pains are better from motion and in the open air. His complaints are aggravated by cold. The enlarged glands take on tenderness and congestion from being exposed. The tonsils gradually increase. The glands of the neck increase in size, and in hardness, from every cold and from becoming chilled.

"Swelling and induration of glands. Inflammation of glands with infiltration."

Infiltration belongs to the remedy. The glands become harder and harder. Ulcers become indurated in their base. Open sur faces become indurated in their walls.

When a child has almost any disease, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, or even a bad cold, or a malarial attack, the development ceases and dwarfishness results, a state in which he was not born, but a state that he has acquired, arrest of development.

It brings on emaciation and dwindling of the whole body, except the abdomen, which gradually enlarges. These are phases not to be overlooked in the very beginning, because the symptoms only help to establish this basis and these troubles and tissue changes come on as ultimates.

Another grand feature in this remedy is the application of these things to more advanced years. We say this is a childhood state, this is the state of youth and arrested development.

Now it does not matter whether we have this arrested development in youth, in childhood, or at the advanced age of fifty. From some strange circumstance which we are not able to fathom we say the individual is taking on the, appearance of old age.

Premature old age: We call it premature old age. Baryta carb. has cured lingering complaints that have resulted from malaria, overwork, mental or physical, prolonged mental strain, when the appearance of premature old age was a prominent feature.

Old age creeps upon him too soon. There is but little difference between childhood and old age, and hence old age is called second childhood; but we always regret to see a man under seventy becoming childish, and yet we do see many becoming simple and childish. It does not mean merely imbecility, but childlike behavior.

Doing and saying things like a child. So in premature old age these symptoms lead us to think of Baryta carb.

Baryta carb. has cured fatty tumors, encysted tumors, lupus, outward growths of tuberculous character, sarcoma; and it has mitigated the pains and sufferings and has prolonged life in cancerous affections.

Mind: Mentally it is worthy of careful study, and we will see cropping out in the mental symptoms all of the phases intermingled with tissue changes.

The Baryta carb. child will be seen hiding behind the furniture when strangers come in; will hide as for shame of something or as if afraid. It imagines all sorts of strange things, that it is talked about, or laughed at.

It does not seem to advance. It does not seem to do any good to teach it, for it does the same things over and over and remains untrained. They either cannot comprehend, or they can not memorize, or they cannot maintain a thought, and you go over it and over it, and the mother wonders if that child is ever going to learn something, and the teacher reports that the child lacks capacity.

The teacher cannot comprehend it, the mother cannot comprehend it, but the homoeopathic physician should know all about it at once. If he knows his Materia Medica he should be well up in the development of a feeble child; those who are going towards rickets, who are feeble, who are always depending on somebody, fitted only for menial places.

The homeopathic physician does well when he trots the little Johnnies and the little Susies on his knee and takes a good fair observation of their ability, and of what they lack, and understands how to build up what is lacking. Is not that in itself worth working for?

It requires all of the potencies that have ever been made to master constitutions. Some will require medium potencies, some very low, some very high. Let us not deprive our little ones of anything they need. Only so we look forward to the highest use, to develop them into their fullest capacity.

There is an expression here in the text,

"Want of clear consciousness."

Do we not see from what I have said, what that must mean in this remedy, and that it is different in this remedy from what it is in a good many others?

And yet if you had read that symptom first you would not have appreciated it.

"A want of clear consciousness."

Especially in old age has that been useful. It is not that confusion of mind that we know to be dizziness. But he is not clear in his intellect. We see how this medicine takes hold of the intellect. It takes hold of his memory. It begins with a feeble state, and it gradually travels toward imbecility.

You press it to its extreme and it has imbecility, and up to this we have degrees all along the line from the very beginning, from a mere matter of cloudiness in his thoughts to imbecility.

When the Baryta carb. babies appear in the clinic they will keep the hand up over the face and peek out through the fingers.

Bashful. Timid. Easily frightened. Afraid of strangers. Other remedies have similar features, but it is a strong feature of this medicine. Withered face. Sickly countenance. It is the idea of hiding, the idea of timidity.

The child does not want to play, and it sits in the corner. Does not pay any attention to its hammer, if it is a boy; or its doll, if it is a girl. Sits and sits. Does not seem to be thinking; a lack of ability to think.

Children grow up without any distinctiveness, without any ability to perceive, and therefore fail to develop. Always. borrowing trouble.

Like Caust., fear of something going to happen. Full of imaginations; imaginary cares and worries. Hatching up all sorts of complaints and grievances that may happen. A good deal like Ars. Children in a constant whining mood; always whining. Running through the complaints will be the sufferings of the parts, or the men symptoms.

"The more he thinks about the complaint the worse it gets."

If he thinks about his troubles, his sufferings, they at once grow worse. Premature old age and brain fag from prolonged mental work.

Head: Troublesome headaches.

"Pressure in the brain."

A feeling of looseness in the brain, as if the brain fell from side to side or was rising and falling. A sensation of motion in the brain when moving the head or from sudden jar.

Seems as if the brain moves to and fro to correspond to the motions of the head when the head is turned from, side to side.

"Pressing headaches."

Headaches ameliorated in fresh air, in the open air, and aggravated from heat. That is the opposite of its general state. The Baryta carb. general state is aggravated from cold; he is sensitive to cold, and his complaints come on from becoming cold; but his headaches are ameliorated in cool air.

The Baryta carb. patient is often sensitive to the extremes of heat and cold. Hot weather will bring on complaints. Hot weather will cause the blood to mount to the head, and favors apoplectic conditions.

It has many complaints of the head like unto the stupor of apoplexy. It has some of the paralytic conditions analogous to the complaints in old apoplectics, and it has been very useful in re-establishing the supply and flow of nerve force along the nerves.

It parallels Phos., and is an excellent remedy for old paralytic conditions that have come from a rupture of a blood vessel, and therefore pressure upon the nerve supply.

The headaches are congestive, pressive headaches; a feeling of pressure in the brain.

These puny infants, such as we have described, have eruptions upon the head; eczema upon the head; and those who are born for better things have the eruption driven back by ointments and applications.

"Moist crusts upon the scalp."

"Dry eruptions upon the scalp. Falling off of the hair. Baldness."

Head complaints and a dwarfish state of mind, an intellectual defect, as results of suppressed eruptions.

Eyes: It is full of eye symptoms.

"Granular lids. Thickening of the eyelids, thickening of all of the membranes and tissues about the eyes. Opacity of the cornea."

Infiltration of the various coverings. It has cured cataract it has cured various kinds of dim sightedness, but especially in those that things look hazy,

"looking as through a fog or through smoke."

Ulceration of the cornea. Little white spots, causing defective vision .

"Lids agglutinated in the morning." Styes.

"A sensation of weight in the upper lids."

A sensation of weight in the brow with headaches as if the forehead was pressing down over the eyes.

Like Carbo veg., Carbo an. and Natr. mur. The patient will often grasp the whole forehead with the hands, and say,

"I feel as if the forehead was pressing down over the eyes."

Ears: he has many noises in the ears, but especially cracking and flapping when breathing, swallowing and chewing; better while lying. It affects the right ear most. Rushing sounds in the ears when breathing.

"Eruptions about the ears. Glandular swellings and eruptions about the ears."

Inflammation of the parotid glands, with hardness.

First, it may be called swelling, but it is finally permanent enlargement and induration, and it means a great growth sometimes.

Other glands about the neck are affected in association with the ear troubles. Knots of lymphatic glands down the neck under the ear (Bar. m., Tub.).

Sometimes the sub-maxillary gland is affected, being enlarged and indurated. Sometimes the tonsils enlarge and indurate. All these glands inflame and become sensitive, and get a little larger, after any exposure to cold, and from sudden changes of the weather, It is a wonderful medicine for the cure of enlarged glands.

Tonsils: Clinically it is laid down in the books for suppuration of these glands, but all my life I have failed to find it a good remedy for suppuration. The inflammation is more likely to turn into an increased infiltration.

It is laid down in the books here for suppuration of the tonsils, but from long experience it is one of the last remedies I would think of for suppuration of the tonsils. It may have done so, but it has not been my observation that it runs that way, and I am very much in doubt about the great value and high marking of that observation. But it certainly has infiltration gradually increasing from becoming cold.

The enlarged tonsils will redden up and inflame and become painful, and the acute inflammation and pain will subside, but the tonsils are a little larger than with the last cold. In that way the tonsils keep growing. In children these are often cut out.

There are instances in which I might admit it was necessary to cut them off, when there is a wonderful superabundance, creating much disturbance in swallowing and in speaking.

Two or three times I have absolutely failed to cure with remedies selected to the best of my ability, and they have gone to the surgeon and he has cut them off; but I believe these tonsils ought to be all cured.

One thing in Homoeopathy taught in Hahnemann's Organon is that unless there are symptoms to indicate the remedy, no great things should be expected from the administration of the remedy.

The enlargement of the tonsils alone is not a symptom upon which a remedy can be selected, and it necessitates guessing a dozen times, and perhaps not hitting at all.

That is the worst sort of practice, guessing at a remedy; yet there are children having enlarged tonsils that appear to us without any symptom whatever to select a remedy by.

The symptoms to prescribe on are such as represent the patient, not the glands; not the changed tissue. We must always regret that the surgeon must come in, for in cutting off anything it may be done to the constitutional detriment of the patient.

Yet there are things that have to be done that we know are to the constitutional detriment of the patient. We have to keep servants on their feet to earn their living, and operations have to be performed upon them, because they cannot lie up a year or two to be cured.

The surgeon will always have a place with us, but let us do our part as physicians first.

Eruptions upon the face. The face is sickly, often purple, red and bloated, or lean and emaciated, looking old and withered. The infant looks like a little old person, like the state we find in Nat. mur. and Calc. With face troubles, with teeth troubles, and especially with throat troubles, enlarged glands under the jaw and down the neck.

Ear diseases following scarlet fever. Enlargement and induration of the parotids and of the submaxillary glands after scarlet fever. Scarlet fever often stirs up much trouble in the economy, especially when it has not been properly treated, when it has been treated by the allopath, or by a nervous homoeopath.

A nervous homoeopath is one who does not wait for his own convictions to be ultimated, does not wait for his remedy to work, and he gives another and another, and by the time the scarlet fever runs its course the patient becomes dreadfully sick, ends up with ear troubles, enlarged glands and sometimes kidney affections.

When it runs into car troubles and enlarged glands of the neck this is one of the several remedies to be studied.

"Paralysis of the tongue in old people. Weakness of the tongue in old people. Hardness of the tongue in old people."

Premature old age and giving out of muscles. There is a catarrhal state in this remedy, an accumulation of mucus, in the nose, throat, larynx and trachea. It is very suitable for old, people who have rattling in the trachea.

On every cold change of the weather, and on every exposure to the cold, he gets an additional aggravation of the rattling. Rattling respiration. There are a few remedies that have, in such high degree, this coarse rattling in the chest of old people, that it is well to emphasize it.

Baryta carb. is one of them. Senega, Ammoniacum and Baryta muriatica should be compared. When there is coarse rattling in the chest all the time in an old person, an octogenarian, who is pretty comfortable in summer, but miserable all winter from the coarse rattling in the chest, and there are no other symptoms, Ammoniacum will keep him comfortable.

Throat: The sore throat in this remedy has numerous symptoms.

"Inflammation of cellular tissue of fauces and tonsils."

This remedy is one in general catarrhal symptoms of the throat. Granulations of the throat, so that the pharynx looks shiny, studded with coarse granules becoming inflamed with every cold spell, or from being chilled.

Every cold change inflames the tonsils, and in children they very soon enlarge. Children with enlarged tonsils, and with enlarged glands in other places, somewhat dwarfish intellectually, slow to learn, Baryta carb. will cure the enlarged tonsils.

But these, you see, are constitutional symptoms. You are not selecting the remedy purely on enlarged tonsils.

"Inflammation of the tonsils."

The inflammation not so violent as that which comes in Bell., it does not come on in a night, it does not go on rapidly to suppuration; but it is a very sore throat, has come on slowly after many days of exposure and there is gradual growth and gradual development.

That is the character of the Baryta carb. tonsillitis; while that of Bell. comes on with great rapidity. Hepar is also rapid and goes on to suppuration. There is a remedy for inflammation of the tonsils where the ear is involved and is ameliorated by heat, that very few use, but it is of great value; it is Chamomilla, and it is especially indicated if the patient is irritable.

The pain is ameliorated by heat and comes on with great violence. It might be mistaken for a Bell. inflammation, but Cham. cures it permanently.

"Sensation of plug in the throat;" that is, the tonsils are so large they feel like a great ball or great lump in the throat.

They change the character of the voice, cause difficulty.

"Much burning in the throat. Inability to swallow anything but liquids."

This irritation keeps up a constant choking and spasmodic constriction in the throat; contractions, and drawings, and crampings in the throat.

It also has a spasm in the oesophagus when swallowing, especially in old nervous, or prematurely broken-down people.

"Spasm in the oesophagus. Difficulty in swallowing."

The bolus of food goes down a little way, and then causes spasms, and he gags and chokes. This gagging and choking with a little food is a very strong feature in Kali c., Graph. and Merc. cor.

This is also a strong feature of Baryta carb., but much stronger in Merc cor.

The troubles of eating and drinking and appetite and stomach can all be run together.

Stomach and abdomen: There is weakness of digestion, all sorts of disorders and disagreeable sensations in the stomach after eating. Sometimes gastralgia; sometimes distension.

"Stomach aches after eating."

Extreme weakness after eating. Abdomen hard and tense.

"Mesenteric glands swollen and hard; with a big belly; abdominal muscles sore to touch."

It has cured, in the early stages, tabes mesenterica. It has cured the enlarged abdomen of children, when there was emaciation of the limbs, emaciation everywhere, knots of enlarged glands and a dwarfed intellect.

Baryta carb. has an inveterate constipation.

"Difficult knotty stools. Stool hard, and insufficient."

A lack of action in the rectum, and hemorrhoidal protrusion during stool and urination.

Genitals male: Of the male sexual organs we have some strange features. This medicine takes away all sexual desire and ability, leaving the genitals relaxed, and in a state of impotency.

"Relaxed penis. Impotence. Diminished sexual desire. Hypertrophied prostate. Atrophied testicles."

It cures old gleety discharge from the urethra. An old, painless, whitish, gleety discharge that has been in existence a long time. It is an offensive discharge and there is no inflammation.

"Numbness of the genitals."

Genitals female: The female has many troubles. Sterility. Dwindling of the ovary. Dwindling of the mammary glands, and yet the lymphatics become enlarged and infiltrated.

A passive leucorrhoeal discharge, whitish, thick, persistent, often copious, worse about a week before the menstrual period.

Larynx: With some a constitutional weakness takes hold of the larynx; a paralytic weakness. Voice entirely lost.

Or, "hoarseness and huskiness."

Low, deep voice. Aphonia from constitutional weakness, and from paralysis. Feeling in the larynx all the time as if inhaling smoke, or pitch, or sulphur fumes, or dust.

With the hoarseness there is a chronic dry, hoarse, barking cough; not a hard cough, but it comes every night. Suffocative cough of old people.

It says here, "impending paralysis of the lungs."

Chest and cough: That is in keeping with the general nature of the remedy. Chest full of mucus, but unable to expectorate it.

You observe from the effort made in the cough that there is a weakness somewhere, a lack of power. It is not a strong effort.

"Night cough, with asthmatic breathing."

Cough excited by irritation in the larynx and trachea. There is a cough in Baryta carb. where he coughs and coughs, and gets no relief until be lies on the abdomen; and so long as he lies on the abdomen he is free from cough.

Palpitation from slight exertion when lying on the left side when thinking about it, with anxiety and orgasm of blood, with strong pulsation in the head, rapid pulse. Palpitation in chlorotic girls.

Tension in the muscles of the back. Swelling of the glands of the back of the neck.

" Swelling of the cervical glands. Fatty tumors upon the back."

A number of times a patient has said,

"Doctor, did you intend to take away that fatty tumor I had on my back?

The chances are I did not know he had one. That is generally, the way such things appear in the practice of the homoeopathic physician, for he does not prescribe for the tumor, and the chances are he thinks little about the tumor in his prescription; he gives the constitutional medicine, and they often disappear after a while, and then the patient thinks the doctor has done a wonderful thing.

He gets more glory and more credit for curing a wart than he does for curing the patient. The doctor who prescribes correctly turns the vital state into order.

He cures the patient, and the patient, being in a state of order, commences to repair his body, and the tissues go through a general house cleaning and such things as are not needed are dispensed with; and the physician is considered a wonderful man.

So this remedy cures tumors and warts. Warts upon the limbs, and upon the back, and upon the hands.

The pains are of a gouty, rheumatic character, worse from becoming cold and from cold weather. Paralytic weakness and trembling and numbness of the feet.

Offensive perspiration of the feet which causes soreness of the soles, ulcers on the feet, checked foot sweat. Trembling of the feet while standing and tottering while walking. Tearing, drawing pains in lower limbs. Sudden sharp pains in knees.


By John Henry CLARKE, M.D.
Presented by Médi-T ®

Baryta Carbonica.

Carbonate of Barium Ba C03, with which are included symptoms of Baryta aceticaBarium acetate Ba(C2H3O2)2. (I follow Hering and Hahnemann in combining the two, as I agree with Hering that "there is hardly any difference between the two, and certainly none in the symptoms cured.") Solution of acetate; trituration of carbonate.

Clinical.Aneurism. Apoplexy. Atrophy. Baldness. Brain, affections of. Cysts. Foot-sweat. Glandular swellings. Hæmorrhoids. Heart, affections of. Memory defective. Œsophagus, spasm of. Panaris. Paralysis. Parotitis. Prostate, enlarged. Quinsy. Throat, sore. Tonsils, enlarged. Tumours. Warts. Wens.

Characteristics.Baryta corresponds to scrofulous conditions in children and old age; dwarfish children and childish old people. Old people who are fat. Those liable to take cold easily; sore throat from cold; glandular affections. Many cases of aneurism have been cured with Baryta, mostly in lower attenuations. It corresponds to the atheromatous condition. A paralytic condition runs throughout the pathogenesis. There is paralysis of mind and body. Mistrust; want of self-confidence; aversion to strangers (the child does not want to play). It has cured a case of fetid foot-sweat with spells of despondency, seeking solitude, sobbing and crying. Deficient memory (children cannot remember and learn). Sensation as if brain loose. Vertigo: with nausea; from stooping; when lifting arms up; in old people. Pressure and sticking in brain, at vertex on waking. It has cured baldness in young people; tinea, wens. The scalp is very sensitive to touch. Enlarged glands in occiput and neck. On the face there are rough, dry and herpetic eruptions. Dark redness. Tension of whole face as if white of egg had dried on it; as if a cobweb (B. acet.) over face, temples, and scalp. Painful swelling of parotid and of submaxillary glands. The sense of smell is very acute. There is an illusion of smell as of pine smoke. Nose-bleed before menses. The tongue is paralysed. Salivation; saliva runs out during sleep. The digestion is weak; after eating, pressing in stomach; and pain in hard, swollen abdomen. Sensation of soreness of stomach; while eating it feels as if the food had to force its way through some raw place. It has proved curative in the habitual colic of children who do not thrive; enlarged mesenteric glands; hungry, but refuse food, swallowing painful. The anus is sore and humid. Piles protrude with urination as well as stool. Constipation, with hard, knotty stools; hæmorrhoids, burning and soreness. The paralytic condition appears in the sexual organs. Impotence. Soreness and moistening between scrotum and thighs. Enlarged prostate. There is also a paralytic condition of the respiratory organs. There is a feeling in the larynx as if inspiring smoke or pitch. Hoarseness and loss of voice from cough, mucus in larynx and trachea. Suffocating catarrh and paralysis of lungs in old people. Sensation as if lungs full of smoke. There is a spasmodic cough, like whooping-cough, from roughness and tickling in throat and pit of stomach. Cough < evening till midnight; after getting feet cold; exercise; lying left side; cold air; thinking of it. Palpitation with soreness of heart, < lying on left side; < thinking of it. Violent long lasting palpitation; felt in head. Palpitation < on exertion. Slightest exertion makes him feel tired and sleepy. These heart symptoms of Bar. c. are met with in many cases of aneurism and atheroma, and no remedy has a better record here. I cured an advanced case of thoracic aneurism with the 3x. Baryt. c. has cured tumours of several kinds. Induration in the breasts. Sarcoma in neck with burning. Fatty tumours, especially about the neck. Swelling and induration of glands. A marked symptom is, pulsation in the back. Stiffness and tension in small of back, in evening, especially while sitting, allowing neither to rise nor to bend backwards. Painfulness of arms and swelling of axillary glands. Cold feet. Fetid perspiration of feet. Corns with burning and stinging. Burning and drawing pains are frequent in lower limbs. A case has been recorded in which Baryt. removed in an old man a pain, coming suddenly, in hollow of knee and running down back of leg like a thin stream of hot fluid or molten metal, running down under the skin. Tearing in limbs with chilliness. Tension and shortening of muscles. Intolerable irritation all over like prickings and tingling, waking him at night. Itching, sore and humid skins.Warts.Burning pains are found in many parts. General soreness and sensitiveness. Small wounds ulcerate and get very sore.

Chilliness predominates. It has cold, clammy feet as notably as Calcarea. < Cold air; cold washing; damp weather; warm food; in sun (headache); near warm stove (headache). < From raising arms, < from mental emotion. < Thinking of complaints. < In company; > alone. > From cold food. Left side much affected. Offensive sweat of one side (mostly left). < Lying on painful side; on left side. < After eating. After eating, so weak cannot raise his hands; too weak to masticate.

Relations.Compare: Alum., Ant. t. (paralysis of lungs); Bell., Calc. c. (scrofulosis, coryza, &c.); Calc. iod. (large tonsils); Caust. (paralysis); Cham., Chi., Con. (old people); Dulc. (catching cold); Fluor. ac. (old people); Iod. (glands); Lach., Lyc. (tonsils); Mag. c., Merc. (colds, glands, diarrhœa); Nat. c., Phos., Puls., Sep. (tinea); Silic. (glands, fetid foot-sweat, but Bar. c. lacks the head-sweat of Silic., and Silic. has self-will instead of the weak-mindedness of Bar. c.); Sul., Tell. Antidoted by: Ant. t., Bell., Camph., Dulc., Merc., Zn. Compatible: after Scilla, Ars. Before and after Sul. Incompatible: Calc.

Causation.Checked foot-sweat.


1. Mind.Lachrymose disposition.Repugnance to strangers or to society; (the sight of them < symptoms or causes a recurrence).Mistrust; want of self-confidence, the child does not want to play.Anxious inquietude about domestic affairs.Scrupulous, irresolute, suspicious temper, with mistrust of one's self.Fear and cowardice.Aversion to play (in children).Sudden fits of passion from trifling causes.Incessant activity.Great weakness of memory.Inattention to studies in children.Deficient memory (children cannot remember and learn).

2. Head.Vertigo, with nausea, and headache on stooping.At night everything rocks with him as on a ship.Aching pains in the head, principally in the forehead, over the eyes, and the root of the nose, or with tension in the occiput, towards the nape of the neck.Pricking, lancinating pains in the head, esp. provoked by the heat of a stove.Pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput, on waking, with stiffness of neck.Digging in the head, with a sensation of looseness of the brain.Painful sensibility in the scalp.The scalp is very sensitive to the touch, esp. on the side on which he lies, with the sensation of sugillation, worse from scratching.Numbness in skin of forehead to root of nose.Tendency to take cold through the head.Itching and gnawing in the scalp; and external head, particularly behind the ears; lobe of the ear, or lobes of the ears; upper lip; nape of neck.Eruptions and humid or dry scabs on the head.Baldness.Losing hair from crown of head.

3. Eyes.Aching and burning pain in the eyes, esp. on fatiguing the sight.Inflammation of the ball of the eye and of the eyelids, with pain as of excoriation, sensation of dryness with photophobia.Swelling of the eyes in the morning.Exophthalmos.Scrofulous inflammation with phlyctenulæ and ulcers on cornea.Stye in inner corner of l. eye.Tarsal tumours.Agglutination of the eyelids.Confusion of sight, which prevents one's reading.Specks flying about, and black spots before the eyes.Sparks before the eyes in the dark.Dazzling of the eyes by the light.

4. Ears.Itching in the ears.Nocturnal pulsation in the ears when they are lain upon.Eruptions on the ears or behind the ears.Parotids swollen and painful.Hardness of hearing.Tinkling and roaring in the ears.Cracking in the ears on swallowing, on sneezing, and on walking quickly.Tearing in bone in front of r. ear.

5. Nose.Epistaxis, esp. after having blown the nose; before catamenia.Crusts below the nose.Very acute sense of smell.Smells pine smoke.Fluent coryza with abundant secretion of thick mucus.Painful dryness of the nose.Coryza; with upper lip swollen, < mornings.

6. Face.Face deep red, with purple lips, and great ebullition of the blood.Sensation of swelling and tension in the face, as if it were covered with cobwebs.Pains in the face with tensive swelling.Eruption on the face.Lips dry and cracked.Swelling of upper lip; with burning pain.Acute pain in the joint on closing the jaws.Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with induration.

7. Teeth.Toothache only in the evening, in bed.Pullings, throbbing, and shocks in the teeth, extending even to the ear and the temple.Toothache < when thinking about it.Burning shootings in the carious teeth, excited by contact with anything hot.Toothache before the catamenia, with pale red swelling of the gums and of the cheek.Bleeding of the gums.Fistula dentalis.

8. Mouth.Buccal cavity feels numb.Dryness of the mouth.Accumulation of saliva in the mouth.Offensive smell from the mouth.Inflamed vesicles in the mouth and on or under the tongue.Cracks in the tongue, with burning pain as of excoriation.Paralysis of tongue.Cold tongue, somewhat black (Acet.).Tongue coated as if fuzzy.

9. Throat.Sore throat, with swelling of the palate and of the amygdalæ, which suppurate.Sensation, as if one had a plug in the throat.Suffocation and contraction in the throat.Shootings, and pain as of excoriation, in the throat, esp. during the act of deglutition.Spasm of œsophagus; can only swallow liquids.Sensation in œsophagus as if a morsel of food had lodged there.

10. Appetite.Disagreeable, or bitter taste, generally in the morning, with tongue much loaded.Sour taste, esp. before, but not after a meal.Continual thirst.Appetite weak, and soon satisfied, although the food pleases the palate.After dinner, pains in the stomach, uneasiness, indolence, and aversion to labour.Weakness of digestion.Cough from warm food.> From cold diet.

11. Stomach.Sinking sensation in the afternoon.Risings after a meal.Frequent risings, abortive or sour.Discharge of phlegm from the stomach.Vomiting of mucus.Nausea, chiefly in the morning, when fasting, and sometimes as if in consequence of indigestion.Pains in the stomach, when fasting, after a meal, or on pressing upon the epigastrium.Sensibility and pain in the epigastrium at every step taken.Heaviness, fulness, and pressure in the stomach and epigastrium, ever. after having eaten little.Weakness of the digestion after eating, pressing in the stomach; and pain in the hard, swollen abdomen.Sensation as if stomach were hanging relaxed.Pain, as of excoriation, in the region of the stomach, with a sensation when eating as if the parts through which the food passes were raw.

12. Abdomen.Pain in the abdomen, relieved by eructation or by external heat.Painful tension and inflation of the abdomen.Colic, with retraction of the navel.Pinchings and cuttings in the abdomen, with inclination to evacuate, as if diarrhœa were coming on.Accumulation of flatulency in the abdomen.

13. Stool and Anus.Evacuations difficult and knotty, or hard and insufficient.Frequent inclination to evacuate, with a sensation of anxious uneasiness in the lumbar region, shiverings passing over the thighs, and evacuations soft and loose.Sudden irresistible urging to stool, with painful soreness in the lumbar region, followed by frequent diarrhœic stool (Acet.).Urgent desire to evacuate, which can scarcely be repressed.Expulsion of ascarides.Crawling in the rectum (ascarides).Appearance of hæmorrhoidal excrescences, with shooting pain.Itching, sensation of burning, excoriation and oozing at the anus.

14. Urinary Organs.Frequent inclination to make water, with abundant emission.Urgent inclination to make water; it can hardly be retained.During urination, burning in urethra.

15. Male Sexual Organs.Diminution of sexual desire, and weakness of the genital functions.Relaxed penis, premature emissions.Falling asleep during coition, without the emission having taken place.Gleet.Hypertrophied prostate.Excoriation and oozing between the scrotum and the thighs.Erections only in the morning before rising.

16. Female Sexual Organs.Diminution of sexual desire in women.Catamenia too feeble, and of too short duration.Leucorrhœa a little before the catamenia.Before and during menses: toothache; colic; pain in back.

17. Respiratory Organs.Catarrh, with cough, voice hollow and low, and fluent coryza.Suffocative catarrh and paralysis of the lungs in old people.Sensation of smoke in the larynx.Spasmodic cough (like whooping-cough) from roughness and tickling in the throat and pit of the stomach.Cough worse in the evening till midnight; after getting the feet cold; from exercise; when lying on the l. side; in the cold air; from thinking of it.Hoarseness and loss of voice, from an accumulation of viscid mucus in the throat and on the chest, with dry cough, chiefly at night, in the evening, or in the morning.

18. Chest.Difficulty of respiration and shortness of breath, with sensation of fulness in the chest.Pains in the chest, mitigated partly by eructations and partly by external heat.Sensation of soreness in the chest.Sensation, as if something hard dropped down in the chest.Fulness and pressive heaviness on the chest, esp. when ascending, with shooting in the act of respiration.

19. Heart.Very violent throbbings of the heart.Throbbing of the heart excited by lying on the l. side, or renewed by thinking of it.Palpitation felt in head.Atheroma and aneurism.

20. Neck and Back.Stiffness at the nape of the neck.Shootings in the nape of the neck.Aching pains in the nape of the neck.Steatoma in the nape of the neck, with burning pain in the bottom of it.Swelling and induration of the glands of the neck.Encysted tumour under the arm-pit.Sacral pains, more violent when seated than when in motion.Tensive stiffness in the loins, aggravated in the evening to such an extent that one cannot get up from one's chair, nor stand up straight.Tension in the shoulder-blades, the nape of the neck, and the muscles of the neck, esp. in a sharp and cold air.Burning pain and throbbing sensation in the back, esp. after mental emotion.Beating and pulsation in the back.Stiffness in the small of the back in the evening, esp. while sitting, which allows neither to rise nor to bend backwards.

22. Upper Limbs.Swellings of the arms, with pain of the axillary glands.Pain in the deltoid muscle on raising the arm.The arm becomes numbed when one lies down.Hands cold, with bluish spots.Swollen veins and redness of the hands.Hands dry, like parchment.Trembling of the hand when writing.Violent tingling and gnawing in the palm of the hand, with desire to scratch.Peeling off of the skin of the back of the hand, and of the tops of the fingers.The fingers are numbed.Panaris.

23. Lower Limbs.Pain, as of dislocation or of stiffness of the coxo-femoral joint.Tension in the legs, as if the tendons were too short.Drawing pain in r. nates as if the flesh were being torn off.Violent stitches; burning in nates.Drawing pain down whole l. leg (Acet.).Burning pains: in nates; in bend of thigh; in knee-pan; in soles.Tractive and acute pains in legs, as if in the bones.Itching in the thighs, even at night.Shootings in the joints of the knee.Tension in the tibia and in the calves and the legs.Cramps in the calves of the legs and in the toes on stretching out the limbs.Inquietude and trembling in the legs and feet.Pain in the joint of the foot, as from a sprain.Fetid sweat of the feet.Ulcers in the feet.Lymphatic and painful swelling in the fleshy part of the great toe.Pain like that of a corn in the callous part of the sole of the foot, esp. when walking.Corns, with burning shootings and pinchings.

24. Generalities.Pains in the joints and in the hollow bones.Cramp-like pressure or pulling, with paralytic weakness, or tension, as if from contraction of the tendons, in different parts.Paralysis and palsy of aged persons.Acute drawing pains in the limbs, with shuddering.At night, starting of the muscles.Shakings and startings of some of the limbs, and of the whole body during the day.Tearing in the limbs with chilliness.The symptoms exhibit themselves particularly on the l. side, and when sitting; they disappear on movement, or in the open air.Swelling and induration of the glands.Heaviness in the whole body.Great uneasiness and over-excitability of all the senses.Great weakness, which does not permit a long-continued standing posture.Great weakness of mind and body of old men.Necessity to lie down, or to be seated.Intellectual, nervous, and physical weakness.Emaciation, or bloating of the body and of the face, with inflation of the abdomen.Great tendency to catch cold, which commonly occasions inflammation in the throat.

25. Skin.Sensation in different parts, like the pricks of burning needles, itching and crawling sensations.Intolerable itching and tingling over the whole body at night.Excoriation and oozing in several parts of the skin.Injuries in the skin healing with difficulty.Swelling and induration of the glands.Warts.Whitlows.

26. Sleep.Somnolency in the daytime.Drowsiness night and day.Nocturnal sleep, agitated, with frequent waking and anxious dreams.At night, ebullition of the blood; strong pulsations of the heart, and sensation in the heart as if it were excoriated, with great anxiety, and inability to lie on the l. side.Sleep with many unquiet dreams.

27. Fever.Pulse accelerated but weak.Strong disposition to chilliness.Shuddering, with corrugated skin, and uprising of the hair, or with tension of the face.Shuddering, which runs over the whole body, beginning at the face, or at the epigastrium, followed by a transient heat over the whole body.Chilliness relieved by external heat.Flushes of heat, more at night, with great restlessness.Perspiration, one-sided (l.) every other evening.


A Text-Book of Materia Medica.
(Characteristic, Analytical, and Comparative.)
By Pr.  Allen Corson Cowperthwaite, M. D., PH. D., LL. D.


Carbonate of Barium.- BaCo 3.

General Analysis.-

Irritates and depresses the cerebral and ganglionic nervous systems, producing a condition as from loss of energy, both mental and physical, or premature senility.

It also acts upon the lymphatic glandular system, especially the glands of the throat, where is shown its most characteristic effect.

Characteristic symptoms.

Mind.- (Baryta carbonica)

Irresolute, constantly changing his mind. (Ign.)

Great forgetfulness, does not know what he has just spoken. (Arn.)

Great mental and bodily weakness ; childishness ; old people.

Deficient memory ; child cannot remember or be taught. (Calc. phos.)

Want of self-confidence (reverse, Plat.).

Dread of strangers ; imagines she is being criticised and laughed at.

Child does not want to play.

Sudden ebullitions of anger, but coupled with cowardice.

Head.- (Baryta carbonica)

Apoplexy, vertigo ; in old people who are childish.

Pressing sticking in the vertex, which extends through the whole head whenever he stands in the sun.

Baldness, especially on the crown. (Zinc.)

Scalp sensitive on the side on which he lies ; worse from scratching.

Crustea lactea ; dry or humid scurf. (Calc. c., Graph., Hep. s., Lyc.)

Encysted tumor on the scalp.

Eyes.- (Baryta carbonica)

Weakness of sight ; gauze before the eyes. (Caust., Phos.)

Inflammation, with sensation of dryness in the eyes.

Pupils dilate and contract in quick succession.

Ears.- (Baryta carbonica)

Right parotid swollen and painful to touch.

Drawing, twinging pain in ears.

Tearing pain, with boring and drawing in bones in front of right ear.

Itching in the ears. (Sulph.)

Buzzing and jingling in the ears.

Cracking in the ear when sneezing, swallowing, or walking fast. (Graph.)

Reverberation in ears on blowing the nose violently.

Nose.- (Baryta carbonica)

Obstinate dryness of the nose ; secretion of thick, yellow mucus. (Ailanth.)

Coryza, nose, and upper lip swollen ; children with large abdomen. (Calc. c.)

Frequent nose bleed.

Face.- (Baryta carbonica)

Face pale and puffy. (Ars.)

Tension, as from a cobweb over the face. (Alum., Carls., Brom., Graph.)

Pain in articulation when closing the jaws.

Mouth.- (Baryta carbonica)

Tongue coated, as if fuzzy.

Smarting, burning pain in tip of tongue ; cracked and sore.

Paralysis of the tongue ; loss of speech. (Caust., Gels.)

Mouth filled with vesicles, especially palate and inside of cheeks.

Much tough phlegm in the mouth.

Mouth very dry, with thirst. (Acon., Ars., Bry.)

Throat.- (Baryta carbonica)

Smarting in the throat when swallowing, though most on empty swallowing.

Tonsils ; inflammation after every cold ; tend to suppurate (Hep. s.) ; chronic induration. (Calc. c.)

Constriction in throat ; sensation of a plug in throat when swallowing. (Bell., Kali bi., Hep. s.)

Painful indurated swelling of the submaxillary glands. (Arum, Calc. c., Iodi., Rhus tox., Natr. carb.)

Stomach.- (Baryta carbonica)

Sensation of hunger in stomach, but no appetite.

Weakness in stomach, disappears after eating.

Pressure, as from a stone (Ars., Bry., Merc., Puls.) ; relieved by eructations.

Sensitiveness of the stomach ; every step painful to it.

Soreness in stomach, as if food passed over sore places.

Abdomen.- (Baryta carbonica)

Abdomen distended and hard. (Ars., Merc., Lach.)

Intestines fall from side to side on turning in bed.

Male Organs.- (Baryta carbonica)

Diminished sexual ability (Agn.) ; increased desire. (Agar.)

Respiratory Organs.- (Baryta carbonica)

Feeling in larynx as if inspiring smoke (Natr. ars., Brom.) or pitch.

Suffocative catarrh in old people ; impending paralysis of the lungs.

Spasmodic cough from roughness and tickling in the throat (Nux v.) ; worse evening until midnight.

Soreness in chest when coughing. (Arn.)

Neck and Back.- (Baryta carbonica)

Swelling of the glands of the neck and occiput. (Calc. c., Carb. v., Iodi.)

Stiffness in nape of neck.

Pain in the small of the back.

Upper Limbs.- (Baryta carbonica)

Pain in the arms, with hard, swollen axillary glands. (Sil.)

Lower Limbs.- (Baryta carbonica)

Drawing pain down the entire left leg.

Stitching pain in knee joints.

Fetid foot sweat. (Nitr. ac., Sil., Sep.)

Generalities.- (Baryta carbonica)

Weariness, with heaviness of the body.

Great weakness of mind and body in old people.

Very sensitive to cold air. (Coccul., Sep., Sil.)

Offensive sweat of one (mostly left) side.

Dwarfish ; defective mental and physical growth.

Sleep.- (Baryta carbonica)

Awakens often at night ; feels too hot ; soles of feet feel bruised.

Skin.- (Baryta carbonica)

Fatty tumors about the neck.

Burning prickings here and there.

Swelling and induration of the glands. (Calc. c., Iodi., Hep. s., Graph.)

Humid and sore ; warts. (Thuja.)

Aggravation.- (Baryta carbonica)

In morning ; while sitting ; when thinking of symptoms ; from moistening or washing the part ; when lying on painful side.

Amelioration.- (Baryta carbonica)

When walking in open air.

Therapeutic Range.- (Baryta carbonica)

Inflammation and induration of tonsils.

Glandular swellings and ulcerations.

Premature senility ; general paralysis of old people ; impotence ; hysteria ; asthma.

Conditions.- (Baryta carbonica)

Especially suitable for old people ; dwarfs ; scrofulous children, especially those who have inflammation and swelling of tonsils from least cold.

Left side most affected.

Compare.- (Baryta carbonica)

Alum., Bell., Calc. c., Calc. iod., Caust., Cinch., Gels., Iodi., Merc., Phos., Sep., Sil., Sulph.

Antidotes.- (Baryta carbonica)

Ant. tart., Bell., Camph., Dulc., Zinc.

To large doses : Sulphate of soda or magnesia.


First Grade Symptoms of [Baryta Carbonica ব্যারাইটা কার্বোনিকা (bar-c)] ::: (Total 303)