Antimonium Tartaricum (ant-t) এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

Antimonium Tartaricum (ant-t) এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম

Antimonium Tartaricum (ant-t) এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম

Short Description:

Product Description


Antimonium Tartaricum (ant-t) এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম

Tartar Emetic, 2[K(SbO)C4H4O6]H2O, Tartrate of Antimony and Potash, Trituration and solutions.


[Please scroll down for the English Version]


পরিচয়ঃ  অপর নাম টার্টারেট এমেটিক। অক্সাইড অব অ্যান্টিমোনি এবং এসিড পটাসিয়া টার্টারেট সহযোগে প্রস্তুত।

ধাতুগত বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ শিশু, বদ্ধদিগের পীড়ায়, অলস ও শ্লেষ্মাপ্রধান ধাতুবিশিষ্ট ব্যক্তিদের পক্ষে ফলপ্রদ।

ইহা ছাড়া যে সকল রোগীর শরীর বর্ষার হাওয়ায় বা জলীয় আবহাওয়ায়, ঠান্ডা খালি মেঝেতে শয়ন করিলে বা জলাশয়ের নিকট বাস করিলে সহজেই অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ে তাহাদের ক্ষেত্রে বেশী ব্যবহার হয়। (ডালকামারা, রাসটক্স, নেট্রাম সালফ)

Antidote food / ঔষধের ক্রিয়ানাশক খাদ্য:  কফি, কর্পূর, আফিম ।

ক্রিয়ানাশকঃ অ্যাসাফিটিডা, চায়না, ককিউলাস, ইপিকাক, লরোসিরেসাস, ওপিয়ম, পালসেটিলা, সিপিয়া।

Inimical food /ঔষধের পরিপন্থী বা অনিষ্টকর খাদ্য:  দুগ্ধ, ফল, চর্বি, মাখন, উষ্ণ খাদ্য, টক, মদ্য ।  


কমপ্লিম্যান্ট বা পরিপূরকঃ (একটি ঔষধ অন্যটির কাজ সমাপ্ত করে): ইপিকাক   

Henry Clay Allen, William Boericke,  E. B. Nash, Constantine Hering, James Tyler Kent, John Henry CLARKE, Henry N. Guernsey এঁর মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা থেকে নেয়া Antimonium Tartaricum ঔষধের সারাংশ:


বৃদ্ধি, রোগলক্ষণ বাড়ে, কষ্ট বেশি হয়:

  • উষ্ণ পানীয় পানে বৃদ্ধি।
  • দুগ্ধ, দুধ পানে বৃদ্ধি।
  • আর্দ্র সেঁতসেঁতে আবহাওয়ায় বৃদ্ধি;
  • রাতে শয়নে বাড়ে বৃদ্ধি;
  • ঘরের গরমে বৃদ্ধি;
  • বসন্তকালে আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে বৃদ্ধি।


উপশম; আরাম হয়; কষ্ট কমে, রোগলক্ষণ হ্রাস পায়:

  • ঠান্ডা খোলা বাতাসে কমে,
  • শীতল হাওয়ায় উপশম;
  • সোজা হয়ে বসলে উপশম;
  • শ্লেষ্মা তুললে কমে;
  • ডান কাতে/ পাশে শয়নে উপশম।
  • বসা থেকে দাঁড়ালে উপশম;
  • ঢেকুর উঠলে উপশম।


  • অকর্মা, নিষ্প্রভ ধীর, সহজে উত্তেজিত হয় না-এমন ব্যক্তি।
  • ভূগর্ভস্থ আর্দ্র সেঁতসেঁতে ঘরে থাকার ফলে সৃষ্ট অসুস্থতা।
  • বুকে শ্লেষ্মার ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ হয় কিন্তু শ্লেষ্মা উঠে না; তোলা যায় না, বের হয় না; অল্প একটু উঠে।
  • কাশি দিলে শ্বাসনালীতে প্রচুর পরিমাণে শ্লেষ্মা দেখা দেয়; মনে হয় কাশলে অনেক গয়ের নির্গত হবে কিন্তু কিছুই বের হয় না।
  • মুখমন্ডল ঠান্ডা, নীল, বির্বণ; মুখে শীতল ঘাম হয়।
  • জিহবায় সাদা পুরু প্রলেপ জমে তৎসহ জিভের কিনারা, প্রান্তদেশ লাল, মধ্যখানে শুষ্কতা।
  • আপেল খাওয়ার প্রচন্ড ইচ্ছা, খুব পছন্দ।
  • টক জাতীয় ফল পছন্দ।
  • কলেরা, ডায়রিয়ায় ডান পাশে শয়ন ছাড়া যে কোন অবস্থানে থাকলে মূর্চ্ছা না যাওয়া পযর্ন্ত বমি হয়; অতপর নিদ্রালুতা, তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্ন হয়ে পড়ে; ঠান্ডা ঘাম হয়।
  • ভীষন নিদ্রালুতা, তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্নতা বা দুর্নিবার, অদম্য ঘুমানোর প্রবণতা, ঝোঁক।
  • একাকী হওয়ার ভয়।
  • দাঁত, সন্ধিসমূহে রিউমেটেক পেইন; বাতঘটিত ব্যথা।
  • দাঁত সংবেদনশীল।
  • পিপাসা হীনতা ।
  • এসিডযুক্ত ফল খাওয়া ইচ্ছা, পছন্দ এবং এর ফলে অসুস্থ হয় ।
  • বমি বমি ভাব সহ পাকস্থলীর উৎকন্ঠা।
  • ছুড়ি দিয়ে কেটে ফেলার মত ব্যথা।
  • পেটে প্রচন্ড ব্যথা ।
  • অচেতন হয় যদিও তা বিরল।
  • নিদ্রালুতা এবং বোকাটে; অচেতন করে দেয়ার মত মেনিনজাইটিস (মস্তিষ্ক প্রদাহ)।
  • আক্রান্ত, অসুস্থ হওয়ার পূর্বে এবং সময়ে করুণভাবে ঘ্যানঘ্যান করে; নাকিসুরে কাঁদে।
  • গ্রীষ্মকালীন সমস্যা।
  • নাক/ নাসিকা শুস্ক।
  • মাথা, ঘাড়সহ মুখমন্ডলে ছিড়ে ফেলার মত ব্যথা।
  • বিশেষত রাতে মুখের স্বাদ তিতা, তিক্ত হয়।
  • অজীর্ণ রোগ।
  • হাত কাঁপতে থাকে; কাঁপে।
  • শিশু কোলে চড়ে বেড়াতে চায় কিন্তু কেউ তাকে স্পর্শ করলে কাঁদে; শিশু তার পালস (নাড়ি) দেখতে দেয় না।
  • নিদারুণ দুর্বলতা বা নিদ্রালুতার সহিত বুকের মধ্যে ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ ও শ্বাসকষ্ট।
  • বুকের মধ্যে সর্দি ঘড়ঘড় করিতে থাকে তথাপি তাহা তুলিয়া ফেলিতে পারে না দুর্বলতার দরুন।
  • তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্নতা ভাব বেশির ভাগ সময় থাকে।
  • রোগীর মুখমন্ডল নীলাভ ও ঘর্মাক্ততা।
  • রোগী সচেতন অবস্থায় ক্রুদ্ধ, বিরক্তিবোধ এবং শিশু রোগী নাড়ী দেখিতে দিয়ে চায় না।
  • টিকা জনিত কুফল (থুজা, সাইলিশিয়া, ইত্যাদি)
  • শিশু স্তন পান করিতে করিতে হঠাৎ স্তন ছাড়িয়া কাঁদিয়া উঠে, মনে হয় যেন তাহার নিঃশ্বাস বন্ধ হইয়া গেল; তাখন তাকে সোজা করিয়া কোলে লইয়া বেড়াইলে ভাল বোধ করে। এই সময় এন্টিম টার্ট প্রয়োগ করিতে পারিলে রোগ গোড়াতেই নষ্ট হইয়া যায়।
  • শিশুর যখন প্রথম গলা ও বুকে সর্দি বসিয়া যায় ও বুকে ঘড়ঘড় শব্দ হয়, বারে বারে কাশি হইতে থাকে এবং গলায় উঠে তখন ইপিকাকের প্রয়োজন হয়; কিন্ত কাশি যখন কমিয়া যায় অথচ বুকের সর্দি ও ঘড়ঘড়ানি পূর্বর মত থাকে, কিছুমাত্র কমে না, শিশু নিঝুম হইয়া পড়ে, তখন এন্টিম টার্ট প্রযোজ্য।
  • এন্টিম টার্টে জল পিপাসা একেবারে থাকে না। 


  • গরমকাতর (তৃতীয় গ্রেড): [James Tyler Kent ]
  • শীতকাতর (তৃতীয় গ্রেড) :


মায়াজমেটিক অবস্থাঃ  (মায়াজমের দোষ নষ্ট করার শক্তি)

  • এন্টি-সোরিক  (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-সাইকোটিক (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-সিফিলিটিক (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)

মূল কথাঃ

  • বুকের মধ্যে ঘড় ঘড় শব্দ; ফুসফুস পক্ষাঘাতের মত হয়; ফলে বুকের সর্দ্দি সহজে উঠে না; তৎসহ নাকের পাতা দুইটি একবার খুলে ও একবার বন্ধ হয়।
  • মুখমন্ডল নীলাভ ও ঘর্মাক্ত ।
  • ভীষন শ্বাসকষ্ট ।
  • সর্বদা তন্দ্রাচ্ছন্ন ভাব।
  • প্রবল বমি কিন্তু জিহবা পরিষ্কার নহে।
  • নিদারুন দুর্বলতা বা নিদ্রালুতার সহিত বুকের মধ্যে ঘড় ঘড় শব্দ ও শ্বাসকষ্ট।
  • সকল অবস্থাতেই বমি করে, কেবল ডান পার্শ্বে শয়ন করিলে বমি হয় না।
  • সমস্ত শরীর ঠান্ডা, নাড়ী ক্ষীণ ও ঠান্ডা; কপাল ঠান্ডা ও ঘর্মযুক্ত (মৃতুকালীন কোলাপস)
  • তৃষ্ণাহীনতা।
  • পিপাসাহীনতা।
  • জিহবা সাদা লেপাবৃত ও ধারে লাল দেখা যায়।
  • টিকাজনিত কুফল।
  • শিশু সর্বদাই ক্রদ্ধ, বিরক্ত, নাড়ী দেখিতে দিতে চায় না, মাঝে মাঝে কোলে উঠিয়া বেড়াইতে চায়।
  • আপেল পছন্দ।
  • ঠান্ডা খাবার পছন্দ।
  • আপেল খাইবার বেশ স্পৃহা
  • ঠান্ডা খেতে বেশি পছন্দ

উপশম/হ্রাসঃ  সোজা হয়ে বসলে উপশম, ঢেঁকুর উঠলে উপশম, গয়ার উঠলে উপশম, ঠান্ডা খোলা হাওয়ায় উপশম, ডানে শুইলে উপশম।

বৃদ্ধিঃ  সন্ধ্যায় বৃদ্ধি, রাতে বৃদ্ধি, বেলা ৩ টায় বৃদ্ধি, বা রাত্ ৩ টায় বৃদ্ধি, ঠান্ডা লাগিবার পর, ঋতু পরিবর্তনের সময় বৃদ্ধি, শরৎকালে বৃদ্ধি, বসন্তকালে বৃদ্ধি, বর্ষার দিনে বৃদ্ধি, দুধ খেলে বৃদ্ধি, টকদ্রব্যে বৃদ্ধি, গরম ঘরে বৃদ্ধি, বসলে বৃদ্ধি।

ক্রিয়া স্থিতিকালঃ ২০-৩০ দিন।

ব্যবহারস্থলঃ  সুরাপান জনিত মন্দফল, মানসিক বিকৃতি, নবজাত শিশুর শ্বাসরোধ উপক্রম, নিউমোনিয়া, হাঁপানী, ব্রঙ্কাইটিস, সর্দি-কাশি, ঘুংড়ি কাশি, বসন্ত, পানি বসন্ত, হাম, কলেরা, উদারাময়, হুপিং কাশি, বমন প্রভৃতি পীড়ায় উপযোগী।

লক্ষণ সূত্রঃ এম, ভট্রাচার্য্য: পৃষ্ঠা-৯৪, এন, সি ঘোষ: পৃষ্ঠা-৯৫, উইলিয়াম বোরিক: পৃষ্ঠা-৪২, নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়: পৃষ্ঠা-৭০, অতুল কৃষ্ণ দত্ত: পৃষ্ঠা-১২৯, ই. এ. ফ্যারিংটন: পৃষ্ঠা-৪৪৯, জেমস টেইলর কেন্ট: পৃষ্ঠা-৬৯, নীলমনি ঘটক: পৃষ্ঠা-২৯, ই. বি ন্যাশ: পৃষ্ঠা-২৯৬, জে এম মিত্র: পৃষ্ঠা-৫৮, এস কে সাহা: পৃষ্ঠা-৭৩, এইচ. সি এলেন: পৃষ্ঠা-৩৬, জন হেনরি ক্লার্ক: পৃষ্ঠা-১১৭ ।



Antimonium Tartaricum
Tartar Emetic. , Tartar Emetic. 2[K(SbO)C4H4O6]H2O. , Tartrate of Antimony and Potash, Trituration and solutions.


H. C. Allen

Antimonium Tartaricum

Tartar Emetic

  • Adapted to torpid, phelgmatic persons; the hydrogenoid constitution (of Grauvogl).
  • Diseases originating from exposure in damp basements or cellars (Ars., Aran., Tereb.).
  • Through the pneumogastric nerve it depresses the respiration and circulation, thus producing the keynote of the remedy, viz., when the patient coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in the bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.
  • Child clings to those around; wants to be carried; cries and whines if any one touches it; will not let you feel the pulse (Ant. c., Sanic.).
  • Face cold, blue, pale, covered with cold sweat (Tab.).
  • Tongue coated pasty, thick, white, with reddened papillae and red edges; red in streaks; very red, dry in the middle; extraordinary craving for apples (Aloe- for acids, pickles, Ant. c.).
  • Vomiting: in any position except lying on right side; until he faints; followed by drowsiness and prostration; of cholera morbus with diarrhoea and cold sweat, a dose after each attack (Ver.).
  • Asphyxia: mechanical, as apparent death from drowning; from mucus in bronchi; from impeding paralysis of lungs; from foreign bodies in larynx or trachea; with drowsiness and coma.
  • Great sleepiness or irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all complaints (Nux m., Op.).
  • Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping; asphyxia neonatorum.
  • Relieves the "death rattle" (Taran.).
  • Icterus with pneumonia, especially of right lung.



Similar: to Lycopodium; but spasmodic motion of the alae is replaced by dilated nostrils; to Veratrum, both have diarrhoea, colic, vomiting, coldness and craving for acids; to Ipecac, but more drowsiness from defective respiration; nausea, but > after vomiting. When lungs seem to fail, patient becomes sleepy, cough declines or ceases, it supplants Ipec. For bad effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Silicea is not indicated. Before Silicea in dyspnoea from foreign bodies in the larynx or trachea; Puls. in suppressed gonorrhoea; Tereb. from damp basements. Children not easily impressed when Ant. tart. seems indicated in coughs, require Hepar. In spring and autumn, when damp weather commences, coughs of children get worse.




In damp, cold weather; lying down at night; warmth of room; change of weather in spring (Kali s., Nat. s.).




Cold open air; sitting upright; expectorating; lying of right side (Tab.).







Tartar Emetic. Tartrate of Antimony and Potash


Has many symptoms in common with Antimonium Crudum but also many peculiar to itself.

Clinically, its therapeutic application has been confined largely to the treatment of respiratory diseases, rattling of mucus with little expectoration has been a guiding symptom.

There is much drowsiness, debility and sweat characteristic of the drug, which group should always be more or less present, when the drug is prescribed.

Gastric affections of drunkards and gouty subjects.

Cholera morbus.

Sensation of coldness in blood-vessels.


Antimonium tart is homeopathic to dysuria, strangury, haematuria, albuminuria, catarrh of bladder and urethra, burning in rectum, bloody mucous stools, etc.

Antimon tart acts indirectly on the parasites by stimulating the oxidizing action of the protective substance.

By-effects following injection for Bilharziasis.

Chills and contractures and pain in muscles.

Trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness.


Chills, contractures and muscular pains.

Warts on glans penis.



Mind and Head:

Vertigo alternates with drowsiness.

Great despondency.

Fear of being alone.

Muttering, delirium, and stupor.

Vertigo, with dullness and confusion.

Band-like feeling over forehead.

Face pale and sunken.

Child will not be touched without whining.

Headache as from a band compressing (Nit ac).




Coated, pasty, thick white, with red edges.

Red and dry, especially in the center.





Cold, blue, pale; covered with cold sweat. Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw (Gelsem).




Difficult deglutition of liquids.

Vomiting in any position, excepting lying on right side.

Nausea, retching, and vomiting, especially after food, with deathly faintness and prostration.

Thirst for cold water, little and often, and desire for apples, fruits, and acids generally.

Nausea produces fear; with pressure in praecordial region, followed by headache with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting.




Spasmodic colic, much flatus.

Pressure in abdomen, especially on stooping forward.

Cholera morbus.

Diarrhoea in eruptive diseases.




Burning in urethra during and after urinating.

Last drops bloody with pain in bladder.

Urging increased.

Catarrh of bladder and urethra.





Respiratory Organs:


Great rattling of mucus, but very little is expectorated.

Velvety feeling in chest.

Burning sensation in chest, which ascends to throat.

Rapid, short, difficult breathing; seems as if he would suffocate; must sit up.

Emphysema of the aged.

Coughing and gaping consecutively.

Bronchial tubes overloaded with mucus.

Cough excited by eating, with pain in chest and larynx.

Oedema and impending paralysis of lungs.

Much palpitation, with uncomfortable hot feeling. Pulse rapid, weak, trembling.

Dizziness, with cough.

Dyspnoea relieved by eructation.

Cough and dyspnœa better lying on right side--(opposite Badiaga).




Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region.

Slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat.

Sensation of heavy weight at the coccyx, dragging downward all the time.

Twitching of muscles; limbs tremulous.




Pustular eruption, leaving a bluish-red mark.






Coldness, trembling, and chilliness.

Intense heat.

Copious perspiration.

Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness.

Intermittent fever with lethargic condition.




Great drowsiness.

On falling asleep electric-like shocks.

Irresistible inclination to sleep with nearly all complaints.




Worse, in evening; from lying down at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather; from all sour things and milk.

Better, from sitting erect; from eructation and expectoration.




Antidotes: Puls; Sepia.

Compare: Kali sulph; Ipecac.




Second and sixth trituration.

The lower potencies sometimes aggravate.




James Tyler Kent

Antimonium Tartaricum

Face: About the first thing we see in the study of an Antimonium tart. patient is expressed in the face.

The face is pale and sickly; the nose is drawn and shrunken; the eyes are sunken and there are dark rings around the eyes.

The lips are pale and shriveled. The nostrils are dilated and flapping, and there is a dark, sooty appearance inside of the nostrils.

The face is covered with a cold sweat and is cold and pale. The expression is that of suffering. The atmosphere of the room is pungent, more pungent than foetid or putrid, and makes you feel that death is in it.

The family is disturbed; they are going hither and thither, and the nurse is in an excited and busy state, and you enter upon this scene to make a homoeopathic prescription.

It is one of excitement and one that you cannot act rapidly in, but one in which you must make a very quick prescription.

These things will interfere somewhat with your thinking at the time that you must do the best thinking and the most rapid thinking.

Now, in what kind of cases do we find this state and appearance, where all the features and symptoms conform to the nature of the remedy?

Catarrhal patients: First, in catarrhal patients, in broken down constitutions, in feeble children, in old people.

Catarrhal conditions of the trachea and the bronchial tubes. Our ears being open we hear coarse rattling and bubblings in the chest.

If you have ever been in the room of the dying you have heard what is called the death rattle. It is coarse like that.

Now and then there is expectoration of a mouthful of light-colored, whitish mucus. The condition is one in which the chest is steadily filling up with mucus, and at first he may be able to throw it out; but finally he is suffocating from the filling up of mucus and the inability of the chest and lungs to throw it out.

Lungs: It is a paralytic condition of the lungs. It may occur in cases of grippe. At first it may be a case that comes on quite rapidly, running a rapid course.

It may be a case that produces early prostration, that is, in three or four days or a week. The first few days of the sickness will not point to Antimonium tart.

So long as the reaction is good and his strength holds up you will not see this Hippocratic countenance, sinking, and coldness and cold sweat.

You will not hear this rattling in the chest, because these symptoms are symptoms, that indicate a passive condition.

Antimonium tart. has weakness and lack of reaction. Hence we see that it is suitable in those cases that present this state, or in such patients as are so feeble, when they are taken down, that they at once enter upon a passive or relaxed state.

Bronchitis: In cases of bronchitis with pneumonia, inflammation of the trachea, inflammation of the air passages in general, the inflammation is likely to be attended with dryness or a scanty flow of mucus.

If this be violent in a few days it will reach a state of relaxation and weakness. But the first state does not indicate Antimonium tart.

Such medicines as Bryonia and Ipecac. come in for the first period, and your impression is, when administering those medicines, that they will be sufficient for the whole case, and they will be, except in those states wherein this weakness is present from the beginning, or where there is lack of ability to react sufficiently from your remedy to recover under it.

Then comes in a second remedy, and that is the time when this medicine begins its operation.

Ipecac. has some of this coarse rattling, but it is attended with great expulsive power of the lungs.

This medicine has the coarse rattling that comes after many days. Ipecac. has it the first days of the sickness. This remedy has the coughing and gagging and retching, but in the stage of great relaxation, prostration and coldness. It seems as if he will die.

When you hear him cough you are at once impressed with the idea that there must be some profound weakness in his lung power. We know that it is in the power of the lungs to produce an expulsive action with the deep inspirations.

They have no such power in Antimonium tart. The chest is full of mucous and it rattles; the cough is a rattling cough, but the mucus does not come up, or only a small quantity comes up, but it does not relieve him.

His chest is full of mucus, he is suffocating and he is really passing away, dying from carbonic acid poisoning due to a lack of expulsive power.

Pneumonia: In cases of pneumonia; when first coming down with a chill, it may be a very violent attack, such an attack as from its violence produced prostration early, that is, after three or four days.

It is not indicated in the beginning during the chill, and during the high grade of inflammation, but during the stage of exudation. But the violence of the attack leads him to a state of prostration, or he is already feeble as if he were old, and therefore he becomes easily relaxed and prostrated from the disease.

Altogether unlike Aconite, Bell., Ip.. and Bry., for they come down with violence - the very opposite is present in Antimonium tart.

Little fever, cold sweat, coldness, relaxation, Hippocratic aspect. So it is the remedy that closes out the scene with the severe cases of bronchitis, pneumonia; most of these cases die in an Antimonium tart. state.

This patient is an old gouty patient, debilitated from long illness, always shivering, pale, with enlarged joints. Every spell of wet weather brings on a catarrhal state of the chest, larynx and trachea which runs into a state of copious secretion of mucus.

He is in bed at once, prostrated, with coarse rattling.

Children: In children that have frequent attacks of bronchitis, from cold wet weather, from cold rainstorms in the autumn, in the spring and in cloudy weather.

No sooner do they get over one cold than another cold comes on. The acute stage is never violent with them, but they keep having these passive rattling colds. Recurrent rattling in the chest. Chilly, and pale.

Those florid children that do not look sick when they have a cold, are more or less vigorous, who have rattling in the chest, but do not come down with weakness and are not prostrated from it, but keep on rattling, they call for Kali sulph.

That is quite a distinguishing feature, the weakness at once speaks for this remedy.

Old people: In very old people this weakness occurs, old broken down people who have for years had catarrh of the chest.

Every sharp cold spell in the winter brings on catarrh of the chest, with thick white mucus, and attended with great dyspnoea, driving him to bed. He must sit up in bed and be fanned; cannot lie down because of the difficult breathing, and filling up of the chest.

Antimonium tart. will, ease him over a number of these attacks before he dies. When the mucus is yellow and purulent in one of these old people, Ammoniacum will tide him over a good many winters. We see a good many old people that suffer from catarrh of the chest during the winter; they have had it for years, and do not expect to be any better.

When the expectoration is yellow, Ammoniacum will pull them through and Antimonium tart, when it is white and attended with prostration, sweat, coldness, pallor and blueness of the face. These are the principal uses of this remedy in practice.

Modalities: it has many pains and aches. To a great exent Ant. tart. builds upon the Antimonium crudum basis. It forms its chest symptoms to a great extent upon that basis.

Many of the symptoms are like Antimonium crudum; many symptoms are worse when warmed up, and from too much clothing. You will see this patient sitting up in bed with no clothing around the shoulders or neck, and the night-gown wide open in order to breathe. Suffocates if the room is too warm. It gets that from the Antimonium crud. It is worse from bathing in cold water, like Antimonium crud. The mucous membranes are covered with thick white mucus, like Antimonium. crud. Also he does not want to be meddled with or bothered. Everything is a burden.

The child when sick doesn't want to be touched or talked to or looked at. Wants to be let alone. The infant is always keeping up a pitiful whining and moaning. Many times the respiration is a moaning respiration. Rattling and moaning. Always in bad humor, that is, extremely irritable when disturbed.

Any disturbance seems to increase the breathing and is an annoyance and makes the patient irritable.

No wonder the patient is wonderfully anxious, because from his appearance we would say that he must have the feeling that he is dying. He looks as if he were sinking, and if he does not get relief soon he certainly will die, for there is a filling up of the chest that is suffocating him, and the feeling is that of suffocation, dyspnoea, which is steadily increasing.

The wings of the nose move as in Lycopodium. Lycopodium competes with it very closely and resembles it very much.

There are many headaches laid down under Antimonium tart., but Antimonium crud. is more likely to work out for Antimonium headaches, while this medicine is more likely to work out for Antimonium chest troubles.

Both of these remedies have very decided gastric symptoms. Constant nausea, vomiting and indigestion. Antimonium tart. with its difficult breathing is sick at the stomach. Loathes everything, loathes food; vomits even water.

He has also a docile state and if allowed to be quiet, in spite of all the sufferings, he will fall into a sleep, or go into a state of inability to feel. He will cough and sleep, and snore through the dyspnoea, so that it is in many ways like Antimonium crud., but Antimonium crud. has nothing like the copious flow of mucus from mucous membranes that are inflamed. It has nothing like the passive state of the whole economy, It is not so desperate in its provings, and not so dreadful to look upon.

Eyes: Clinically Ant. tart. has been confined in its use mostly to the mucous membranes of the chest, but it has the same passive conditions of all the mucous membranes of the body. Discharges of white mucous from the eyes.

"Eyes prominent, glaring. Dim, and swimming, Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia."

But the rheumatic conditions furnish another form of this remedy, another phase of it like Antimonium crudum. The joints are affected, take on a passive, slow infiltration and become dropsical; dropsical swelling of all the joints. Gouty infiltration of the joints, and these are especially bad during the cold, wet weather. Eye symptoms of this gouty character.

Eyes infiltrated along with the joints, so there is a gouty state of the eyes. The gouty state affects the whole body. The mucous membrane is pale instead of being red and inflamed; it is pale and relaxed, and it appears to ooze; mucus forms upon it very readily.

This is the state that occurs in the chest. It is not that burning rawness found in Ars. and the more acute remedies, although there is a state of prostration and the anxiety and cold sweat which resembles Ars.

Teeth: Then this gouty state affects the teeth. His teeth are all rheumatic.

"Rheumatic pains in the teeth," with rheumatic pains in the joints. Teeth are sensitive.

"Teeth covered with mucus."

With all the complaints the stomach gives out, and there is nausea, inability to digest and loathing of food. Vomiting of everything taken, into the stomach; vomiting of even a spoonful of water. In most complaints this remedy is thirstless.

It is an exception that it has thirst. Generally in these attacks of dyspnoea the friends of the patient stand around with a very strong desire to do something, if it is only to hand a glass of water.

This patient is irritated by being offered a swallow of water. He is disturbed, and shows his annoyance.

The child will make an offended grunt when offered water. Thirstlessness with all these bronchial troubles, with copious discharge of mucus and great rattling in the chest.

Sometimes there is an irresistible desire for cold things in the stomach, but it is the exception.

"Desire for acids or acid fruits," and they make him sick.

Troubles brought on in the stomach from vinegar, from sour things, from sour wine, from sour fruits, as in Ant. crud.

Aversion to milk and every other kind of nourishment, but milk especially makes the patient sick, causing nausea and vomiting.

Flatulence: The stomach and abdomen are greatly distended with flatulence. The abdomen is tympanitic. With the stomach symptoms and bowel symptoms there is this constant nausea, but it is more than a nausea, it is a deadly loathing of every kind of food or nourishment, a nausea with the feeling that if he took anything into the stomach he would die; not merely aversion to food, not merely a common nausea that precedes vomiting, but a deadly loathing of food.

The weakness takes on an increased anxiety, and he increasingly suffocates when he is offered food. Kind-hearted people very often want him to take something, for perhaps he has not taken any food all day, or all night; but the thought of food only increases the dyspnoea, increases his nausea, his loathing and his suffering.

Vomiting: Vomiting is not an easy matter in this remedy. The vomiting is more or less spasmodic.

"Violent retching. Gagging and retching and straining to vomit. Suffocation, gagging, through great torture."

The stomach seems to take on a convulsive action, and it is with the greatest difficulty, after many of these great efforts, that a little comes up, and then a little more, and this is kept up.

"Vomiting of anything that has been put into the stomach, with quantities of mucus."

Thick, white, ropy mucus, sometimes with blood.

"Vomits slime, with great exertion. Vomiting large quantities of mucus. Vomits tenacious mucus."

"Vomiting of slime, with bile. A tough, watery mucus, then some food, then bile."

But the principle thing vomited is the thick white, ropy mucus, flowing from the mucous membranes everywhere. Tough and stringy; can be drawn out in strings.

The patient is often choked while this thick, ropy, white mucus is expelled from the oesophagus and mouth. The mouth fills up with it. It is a tremendous effort, a spasmodic effort, for this patient to rid the stomach of its contents, which is mucus, or mucus and bile.

Early in the vomiting it is mucus, and after much straining there is a regurgitation of bile into the stomach, and the continuing of vomiting is from bile. The great straining also induces a flow of blood into the stomach, and the contents of the stomach will be streaked with blood.

Ulcerations: Ulceration of mucous membranes everywhere. It has ulcers in the nose and in the larynx, and ulcers that bleed. Bleeding ulcers in the stomach, and so there is vomiting of blood.

Like Antimonium crud., it has been useful in old drunkards.

Drunkards: Old drunkards sometimes take on a debilitated form and take frequent colds.

After getting over a big debauch, having been many days on one of their times, they become relaxed and cold, and take cold, and the chest fills up with mucus, and they are vomiting, suffocating and vomiting.

"Rattling of mucus in the chest of old drunkards."

Ant. tart. is sometimes required. Ant. crud. when the trouble is confined mostly to the stomach. Ant. tart. when the chest symptoms are present with growing anxiety and the coldness and the prostration; prostration from long drinking.

Old gouty patients, old drunkards; old broken down constitutions. In children also that have broken down constitutions, as if they had grown old. These take cold in the chest, with great rattling of mucus and require this remedy.

Very commonly there is anxiety in the stomach, it is not always described as a pain, but an anxious feeling, a deathly sinking, an indescribable sinking in the stomach as if she was going to die.

"Anxiety in the stomach, with nausea."

A passive congestion of the liver, with vomiting and bile.

Pains: The remedy is also full of cutting pains, cutting like a knife. Pinching in the intestines. Colicky pains. Distension of the abdomen.

The abdomen may be distended with serum, or it may be distended with flatus.

"Sharp, cutting pains, as with knives. Most violent pains in the abdomen."

Dropsy is one of the natural conditions of all forms of Antimonium. I remember an energetic horse doctor feeding all the horses Black antimony when the epizootic was upon the land, going through all the stables.

I learned, that he was giving Black antimony to all horses and I left instructions that mine should not have any medicine except what I gave. Nearly all the horses that he treated ended in dropsy, and were laid up for days and weeks with the legs wrapped up.

It was a proving of Antimonium. Ant. tart. is full of it. It was a common thing, formerly, for old broken down constitutions to be put on Ant. Tart. at the end of pneumonia and fevers, but they almost always had bloating of the feet for three or four months after getting up.

If they did not have that, they had "fever sores."

Antimonium is a common cause of the "fever sore," the lingering indolent ulcer that forms upon the legs following old fevers in broken down constitutions.

Sometimes they never get rid, of them. They certainly never get rid of them unless they fall into the hands of a prescriber of our school.




Constantine Hering

Antimonium Tartaricum

Tartar Emetic. 2[K(SbO)C4H4O6]H2O.

An invention of the alchemists, very popular with them, forbidden by the French Academy, finally introduced and much used and abused by the Old School. Proved by Hahnemann and some of his students. Published by Stapf, in 1844, and proved since by many others. We have made use of the masterly monograph of Dr. R. Hencke, of 1874, who collected all poisonings, provings and cures.

Unconsciousness, but rarely.
Stupefaction, with numbness of head.
Stupid and sleepy ; stupefying meningitis.
Confusion of head ; with feeling as if he ought to sleep.
Dulness of mind ; imbecility.
Apathy and indifference to everything, even death would have been welcome.
Delirium, with pleasant expression.

Bronchial catarrh.
Contradiction between mind and will.
The child must be carried, it cries if touched.
Anxious face.
Moaning and groaning, with oppression on chest.
Crying with cough.
Pitiful whining before and during attacks.

Infantile catarrh.
Continual crying and whining of a child for three days, gets only little sleeps of fifteen or thirty minutes.

Summer complaint.
Child cries on attempting to take breast.
Child clings to those around, calls for help in a hoarse voice, with cough.
The child will not allow itself to be touched without whining and crying.
Fear and dread of being alone.
Uneasiness of mind, indisposed to work, apparently proceeding from abdomen.
Bad humor.

Bronchial catarrh.
Despondent and apprehensive that he would not recover ; t.
Hopelessness, despondency.
Hopeless mood. 

Hopeless and despairing when awake. 

Despondent, hypochondriacal ; inclined to violence.

Chronic metritis.
Complains about his numerous symptoms.

Despairs of his recovery. 

Depression of mind and fear that he will never get well.
Apprehensive and restless.
Great concern about future with beating in stomach.
Anxiety and restlessness.
Anxiety during paroxysm, often lasting two to three hours. 

Anxiety with nausea.
Indescribable anxiety and oppression of chest. 


Despair and hopelessness, with lethargy, with cold sweat.
After attacks, in good humor, playing. 

Catarrhal croup.
Merry all day, in evening anxious and full of fear.
Gayety, wild mirthfullness, with subsequent ill humor and anxiety for future.
Desire to bite.
Excessively peevish and quarrelsome (a boy æt. 3).

The children get angry, weep and cry.

Whooping cough.
Mental excitement.
Frightened at every trifle.
Highest degree of mental restlessness.
Consequences of anger or vexation.
Worse after getting angry.

Strong emotion followed by amblyopia.

During pregnancy.
Heaviness of head.
Stupefying dulness with unconquerable drowsiness.
Felt giddy and sick ; immediately.
Dizziness, with cough.
Vertigo with alternate drowsiness.
Vertigo : on closing eyes ; on walking ; when lifting head, must lie down, with nausea.
Pressing pain in forehead with vertigo, stupor and dulness of head, slightly delirious, drowsiness, but cannot sleep.

Vertigo with flickering before eyes.

Vertigo with dimness of vision and a pressing headache.

Vertigo and violent chills running through body with a sudden shock.
Fainting, with sweat on forehead.
Child gets insensible, limbs cold, pulse weak, almost imperceptible ; recovery after brandy and water.
Fainting after a cold feeling in scrobiculum, followed by sleep.
Asphyxia; t.
After vomiting once, a heavy asphyxia, and when coming to herself again, violent colic.
Asphyxia from drowning.
Cerebral congestion.
Arachnoid membrane too opaque; t.

Dull head, like a strong pressure, more in right forehead, with boring, sharp shooting tearing deep in brain.

Violent pain in forehead and giddiness.
Headache, as from a band compressing forehead.
Tensive pain in forehead and one side of head, as if brain was in one lump, with drowsiness, < evening, after eating and sitting bent ; > sitting up, lying high with head and in the cold.
Pressing headache, as if brain was put together in lumps.
Feels as if brain was pressed together; stupid and sleepy ; more when resting ; in evenings and at night ; > when moving about, or after washing head.
Heavy pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.
Reverberation of pulse in head.
Very sensible pressure on vertex, with violent pulsation in the temples.
Throbbing in right forehead, < evenings, sitting bent, from warmth and > sitting up and in cold.
Pressive pains in forehead ; stitching extending downward into left eye.
Painful drawing in right temple ; extending down to zygoma and upper jaw.
Tearing pains in head.
Stitches in left parietal bone, on stooping, extend forward.
Headache and feeling as if paralyzed. 

Stupefying headache.

Occiput heavy, requires support.
On stooping, feeling in occiput as if something fell forward.
Headache with vomiting.

Headache with sensitiveness of region of stomach.
Violent headache during heat.

Headache also in apyrexia.

Inflammation of brain.
Apoplexia nervosa and serosa.
Headache : < evening ; lying down ; getting warm in bed ; after eating ; sitting bent ; in rest ; > sitting upright ; in the cold ; lying high with head ; moving about ; after washing head.
Head very hot. 

Head dull, forehead warm, less strength, and displeased with everything.
Forehead covered with sweat; head is cold.
Sweat on forehead and on neck.
Plica polonica.
Scalp very sensitive, with heaviness of head.
Chronic trembling of head, most after coughing, with sense of inner trembling, chattering of teeth and great desire to sleep ; < evening and from warmth.
Chronic trembling of head and hands, with great debility.
Numbness of head, with stupefaction and somnolence.
Cold sweat on head, with cough.
Head hot and sweaty.

Atelectasis pulmonum.

During efforts at vomiting.  

Lifting head.
Flickering before eyes.
Sees only as through a thick veil.
Vanishing of sight.
It gets dark before eyes and his senses leave him.
Amblyopia after strong emotion, and colic during pregnancy.

Oversensitive retina.

In scrofulous persons.
Weak eyes, next day headache, most in forehead.

Of cattle.
Tearing pains in eyes.
Eyeballs pain, as if bruised, especially on touching them.
Burning and smarting in eyes and canthi with redness of conjunctiva, evenings.
Eyes open ; pupils closely contracted.
Eyes turned upward, with difficult breathing.

Catarrhal croup.
Dim, swimming eyes. 

Eyes prominent, glaring.

Jerking, shooting in inner canthi and pressure in eyes.
Eyes fill with tears when gaping.
Eyes feel tired, as if lids would close.
Inclination to press lids tightly together.
On closing eyes, vertigo.
Inclination to shut eyes, without shunning light.
Eyes sunken.
Eyes sunken and surrounded by dark circles.

Edges of lids covered with mucus. 

Lids and external canthi granulated.
Injected eyes.
Eyes slightly inflamed, staring, dull, unsteady, half open or one closed.  

Inflammation of conjunctiva with much lachrymation.
Red, inflamed eyes, engorged ciliary vessels.
Eyes somewhat reddened, aching with suppuration of lids. 

Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.
Ophthalmia rheumatica or arthritica.
Roaring in ears.
Fluttering before left ear, as from a large bird ; at same time, warmth of ear.
Twitching, tearing in right concha ; evening on lying down ; disappears in bed.
Uncontrollable epistaxis with spongy gums, as in scurvy.
Nose dry.

Sneezing, fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell, and a feeble voice.
Stoppage of nose, alternating with fluent coryza.
Nosebleed, followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.
Stupefying tension over root of nose, as from a band.
Well-marked motion of alæ nasi with a child.

Nostrils widely dilated.
Nose pointed.
Nostrils dark, sooty and dilated.
Nostrils black, smoky, inflated and moving rapidly, like wings.

Face animated, tongue red, moderate thirst, region of stomach sore, headache.
Face expresses greatest anxiety.

Acute Oedema of lungs.
Anxious look.

Bronchial croup.
Despairing anxiety depicted on face.

Suffering face, livid red.

Remarkable distortion of countenance with spasms.
Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of face.

With cough.
Tearing pain in whole side of face, even head and neck of that side.

Rheumatic toothache.
Burning heat of face.
Face very much flushed.

Catarrhal croup.
Congested face, with difficult breathing.
Face dark red or purple.

Puerperal convulsions.
Face red, puffed.

Bronchial croup.
Face red, bloated, anxious. 

Despairing, anxious look, face cool, pale and earthy ; nostrils dark, sooty and dilated. Pneumonia.
Face pale, bluish ; anxious.

Bronchial catarrh.
Pale, sunken face.


Face pale, circumscribed redness on cheeks.

Face cool, pale earthy, bluish around nose. 

Face as pale as a corpse, with bluish spots, distorted and cold.

Face pale, nose pointed, eyes sunken with blue margins ; lips livid. 


Child after birth.
Cold and livid countenance, bathed in cold sweat.
Sweat on forehead : with nausea ; with cough ; with heat.
Maculæ in face.
Pustules on face ; sometimes they leave ugly blue-red scars.
If ulcers last awhile on limbs, ulcers also appear on face.


Mouth closed spasmodically.
When gaping he cannot open the mouth fully.

Mouth remained open after gaping, he could not shut it for a while.

Mouth open, parched, upper lip drawn up.

Lips : dry, scurfy ; chapped, nights ; pale, livid ; blue ; swell much and quickly, and have excoriations on many places ; erythematous eruption ; covered with little blisters ; (after intermittent) ; itching vesicles.
Eruption around mouth, of rheumatic origin.

Aphthae around mouth.

Burning, as from hot coal, on right side of chin.
Teeth chatter with inward trembling.
Tearing in roots of teeth after eating (l. side posteriorly).
Violent toothache in morning.
Rheumatic toothache of intermitting type.
Gums : bleed as if scorbutic ; red ; spongy, with nosebleed ; scurvy.
Teeth covered with mucus.
During dentition catarrhal hyperemia.

Taste : flat ; salty ; sour ; bitter ; as from rotten eggs.
Food seems tasteless ; tobacco has no taste.
Sour taste of sputa.
A very unpleasant taste in mouth.
Mouth slightly bitter.

Flat or bitter taste.

Taste bitter, with a slimy, furred tongue.
Bitter taste in mouth, especially all night.

Speechlessness ; speech difficult, tongue swollen.
Difficult, even painful, to move tongue.
Tongue : very thinly white, with reddened papillæ, red edges ; very red, dry in middle ; red, in streaks ; dry and red ; cold pale, covered with a thin, white, slimy fur (cholera) ; coated, bitter taste and nausea ; slimy, furred ; covered with a thick, white, pasty coat ; furred, yellowish-brown, dry ; covered with a flocculent, tough coat ; covered with a false membrane.
Tongue has a thick white fur.

Thick, white or bilious fur on tongue, with retching of phlegm, nausea and vomiting. Influenza.
Tongue, brown, dry.

Imprints of teeth on border of tongue.
Small round ulcers with lard-like borders, on tongue.
Much heat in mouth with eruption.
Mucous membrane of cavity of mouth and pharynx covered with a soft, grey, false membrane not continuous.
Tongue moist and yellow in middle.
Mouth so sore can scarcely swallow, morning after rising.
Small, circular patches, like smallpox pustules, in and upon mouth and tongue. Diphtheria.
Blisters and pustular eruptions on mucous membrane of whole cavity of mouth.

During pregnancy.
Mouth and lips swollen and excoriated as from salivation with mercury.
Ptyalism with buccal eruptions ;
Copious salivation with nausea.
Copious salivation, spits all the time.
Spits much after recovering from his faint ;
A membranous exudation peels off in pieces.
Sensation of soreness of posterior part of palate when not swallowing.
Soft palate and upper part of pharynx very red and full of little blisters, and so much swollen that he could not swallow anything, even some fluid ; it interferes with breathing.
Soft palate and throat deep red, covered with small vesicles ; surrounding parts swollen and coated with mucus.
Lips, tongue, hard and soft palate covered with a score of vesicles or pustules, of a yellowish white color, flattened, depressed in the centre, and filled with a purulent liquid, of a milk white color ; t.
Back of pharynx covered with mucus.
Mouth, tongue and pharynx covered with a soft, pale, disconnected false membrane ; mucous membrane beneath reddened, or covered with grey, sometimes transparent, flakes.
Fauces covered with pustules, which spread over body and limbs on two days following.
Burning in fauces.
Rapid swelling of tonsils and cervical glands.
(OBS :) Acute angina.
Saltish rising in throat.
Much mucus in throat with short breathing.
Roughness in throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe on hawking.
Throat full of phlegm, with cough.
Heat and constriction in throat.
In throat, mouth and tongue a sensation of tension, with some pain and a well-marked metallic taste.
Œsophagus dry.
Erythematous sore throat ; t.
Mucous membrane of digestive tube, from mouth to cardia, shows traces of pustular or pseudo-membranous inflammation ; t.
Phlegmasia of a portion of intestinal canal with false membrane, completely tubular, obstructing œsophagus ; t.
Intercurrent pseudo-membranous sore throat.
All along mucous membrane of alimentary canal innumerable small conical pustules filled with serum ; membrane pale ; t.
Difficulty in swallowing.
Violent irritation in throat with difficult swallowing.
Swelling of tonsils and highly reddened pharynx.
Throat so swollen and mucus coated, he was unable to swallow even liquids, and his breathing was obstructed.

Good appetite with flat taste, and somewhat dry mouth.
Canine hunger on walking in open air.
Appetite diminished.
Less appetite in apyrexia.

Loss of appetite, anorexia.
Loss of appetite, without much thirst.
Weariness, with no appetite ; in apyrexia.
Disgust for food during pregnancy.
Disgust for food, frequent nausea and relief by vomiting.  Gastric derangement.
No appetite at noon.
Little thirst, no appetite.
Not much appetite, no thirst.
No appetite, great thirst.
Very little thirst. Thirstlessness.

Great thirst.
Eager desire for water with vomiting smallest quantity.
Greedy desire for water.

Summer complaint.
Irresistible thirst for cold water.

Much thirst ; drinks little and often.
Thirst with burning sensation in fauces, stomach and abdomen.
Thirst after stool.
Desire for acids, for fruits, or for any cold drink.
Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cold water.
Aversion to milk.

Aversion and disgust for milk and every other kind of nourishment ; child æt. 3 months. Great disgust for whiskey.
No desire for tobacco.
Food relieves somewhat pressure in abdomen.
After eating : cough with vomiting of food and of mucus ; sleeps ; uncomfortable feeling ; toothache ; squeamishness ; pressure in stomach ; backache.
Relishes food, but often attacked with loathing after eating.
Worse after warm drinks, especially milk.

After drinking : cough.
All food is immediately vomited up.
After eating he vomits ingesta, but without relief.
Eating sour food or drinking tart wine brings on attack.

After every drink, nausea and pressure in pit of stomach.
Febrile motion after every meal, with pungent heat in face.

Violent hiccough without vomiting.
Frequent retching with eructations tasting of food, bitter or acid.
Belching, which relieves.
Eructations tasting like rotten eggs, with sensation as if stomach had been overloaded, at night.
Foul eructations.

Rising of saltish water in throat.
Loathing : with desire for cooling things ; after eating.
Qualmishness in stomach after dinner.
Nausea with anxiety.
Nausea causes great anxiety.
Continuous anxious nausea, straining to vomit, with sweat on forehead.  Diarrhoea.
Nausea with restlessness and great anxiety.

Nausea with faintness.

Nausea with bitter taste.
After nausea, stomach feels empty.
Nausea, often disgust, with an apparent full stomach, with vertigo and dull head.
Nausea during loose stools.
Nausea, sweat, weariness and apathy continue till late in night.
Long-continued tormenting nausea.

Yellow fever.
Nausea and incessant vomiting all night.
Nausea, vomiting and want of appetite.
In morning, nausea and vomiting of slime, followed by sweat.
Nausea with frequent vomiting of bitter-sour substances.  

Violent retching, nausea and vanishing of senses.
Cold and hot flushes, finally vomiting of slime, followed by a mushy substance and bilious fluid, with very great exertion of chest and abdomen, and breaking out of anxious sweat.
Nausea and vomiting of phlegm, with increase of pulse from 62 to 75 beats, which frequently continues into night.
Nausea and vomiting with constipation.
After nursing at breast, nausea and vomiting lumps of milk.
Copious vomiting.
Vomits at every motion.
Vomits even smallest quantity of drink, with eager desire for water.
Vomiting immediately after taking a cup of broth.
Vomits food and drink, even before attack.
All food immediately ejected from stomach.
Violent retching and vomiting food with cough.
Vomits with great effort.

Vomiting mucus ; with mucous diarrhoea.
Vomits mucus ; with mucous diarrhoea.
Vomituritio with diarrhoea, great masses of phlegm brought up.
Vomiting of large quantities of mucus.
Vomits tenacious mucus.
Vomiting of slime and bile ; of tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, then fluid, mixed with bile ; of bilious masses with great violence ; of bitter, mushy and fluid matter of a bad odor, and acid reaction ; matter tinged with blood ; bloody foaming fluid.
Gastric and bilious vomiting with bitter taste in mouth, vomiting bitter-sour.
Violent painful vomiting of much mucus and bile, with some blood next day.
Vomiting bloody mucus.

Delirium tremens.
Vomiting in any position, except lying on right side ; with headache and trembling of hands.
During efforts of vomiting, head hot and sweaty.
Vomiting until he faints away.
Vomiting and fainting.
Pressure on stomach causes vomiting.
Vomiting with pain in belly and purging.
Vomiting and diarrhoea in August, with a child, æt. three months.
Vomiting is followed by great languor, drowsiness, loathing, desire for cooling things.

In morning vomiting and cramps in arms and legs, after diarrhoea all night.
Retching, then vomiting, followed by great prostration, chilliness and sleepiness.
Vomiting returning after sleep.
Pressure in pit of stomach, dulness of head, and anxious difficult breathing.
Tingling and pinching in pit of stomach, with violent, sudden beats of heart.

Violent tickling in pit of stomach (and trachea), irritating to cough.
Beating and throbbing, particularly in pit of stomach or abdomen, with great concern about future.
Pit of stomach sensitive, with meteorism, nausea and vomiting. 

Pneumonia of drunkards.
Coldness in pit of stomach with fainting.
No pain in pit of stomach or abdomen.
Sensation of emptiness in stomach.
Stomach feels empty after nausea.
Pressing in stomach with belching ; diminished appetite.
Pressure in stomach after eating.
Violent pains in region of stomach, constantly increasing until they cause fainting.
Cramps in stomach.
Unpleasant feeling of warmth in region of stomach, followed by violent pain in forehead and in back part of throat ;
Unpleasant feeling of warmth in region of stomach, gradually increasing until it is a painful burning, and causes great restlessness.
Burning heat in region of stomach.
Stomach very sensitive, no appetite.
Irritation in stomach with nausea.
Sensation as if stomach had been overloaded ; eructations frequent, like foul eggs ; sleep restless.
Violent pains at the epigastrium, which was tense;
Burning heat and pain in epigastric region.
Burning under sternum.
Retraction of epigastrium with cough.
Great precordial anxiety with vomiting of mucus and bile.
Pressure in hypochondria with distension, most in region of liver.
Region of liver sensitive to touch.
Gastric and hypochondriac regions sensitive and distended.
Icterus with pneumonia, especially of right lung.
(OBS :) Diaphragmitis.
Upper part of abdomen tense and painful.
Shocks and jerks proceeding from abdomen when asleep.
Violent colic as if bowels would be cut to pieces ; < sitting bent forward.
Violent bellyache after vomiting.
Sharp cutting colic before stool.
Colic, during loose stools.
Colic around umbilicus, > after stool.
With colic : pain going down thighs.
Cutting in bowels with purging.
Abdominal pains increasing and very frequent discharges from bowels of watery matter.
Most violent pain in abdomen, sacral and coccygeal region and in loins.
Burning in abdomen.
Beating and pulsation in abdomen.
(OBS :) Engorgement of abdominal viscera.
Abdomen feels as if stuffed full of stones, though he has eaten nothing, and it does not feel hard.
Shifting of flatulence, with rumbling in bowels and diarrhoea.
Rumbling in bowels, painless.
After much rumbling in intestines a second discharge from bowels.
Meteorism and diarrhoea.
Abdomen tympanitic and very sensitive to pressure.
Pressure and aching in hypogastrium, with cold shivers.
Much enlargement at sides near hips.
Painful sensation in hypogastrium, causing highest degree of mental restlessness and aversion to all work ; towards evening hopeless mood, with chilliness and great sleepiness.
Violent burning soreness in right groin.
Violent cutting and labor-like tearing from above downward across groins, through thighs down to knees.
Pain in groins and cold creeps before menses.
Violent pain at epigastrium and through whole abdomen, with constant spasmodic contractions of abdominal muscles.
Abdominal breathing.
Sensitiveness of external abdomen, with pinching and tension inwardly.
Sensitive abdomen with mushy stools.
(OBS :) Ascites.
Stitches in rectum.
Sudden violent stitch from hypogastrium down through rectum.
Burning at anus, after loose stool.
Desire for stool ineffectual, though bowels seem full and pressing.
Tension in perineum.
Unsuccessful urging to stool with apparent full abdomen.
Tenesmus during and after loose stools.
Stool, after much rumbling in intestines.
Violent shifting of flatulence without distension of abdomen, before stool.
At first cutting pains in limbs, then purging.
Relief of pains after loose stools.
Copious alvine evacuations.
Soft, semi-fluid stool, with much discharge of urine, forenoon and evening.
Frequent, profuse, loose stools.
Mucous diarrhoea with colic and restlessness.
Small, slimy, diarrheic stools.
At times pituitous, not copious diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea slimy and of appearance of yeast, with a marked cadaverous smell.
Watery, mucous, bloody diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea, slimy stools, with noise in bowels and urging, and now and then some nausea.
Watery, sometimes slimy and greenish diarrhoea, increased each time after taking breast.
Stools as green as grass, slimy.
Diarrhoea with grass-green, slimy stools and collapse.
Evening, a few watery stools, thirty or forty during night.
Vomiting with rice-water discharges.
Violent vomiting and purging.
Cholera when vomiting is copious and there is coldness, and threadlike or trembling pulse.
Constant involuntary stools ; profuse, copious diarrhoea.
Involuntary discharge, with much phlegm and dead ascarides.
Involuntary stools.
Stools : yellowish-brown ; thin, bilious, mucous ; liquid greenish, with heat at anus ; slimy, appearing like yeast and of cadaverous smell ; light brownish-yellow, fecal.
Diarrhoea with flatulency.
Colliquative diarrhoea, with meteorism.
Purging with colic.
Thin fluid stools, with very acute drawing pain in bowels, constant sickness and nausea, uncomfortable feeling, now chill, now heat, and after frequent drinking of sugar water frequent emission of pale urine.
Diarrhoea in pneumonia, smallpox and other eruptive diseases, especially if eruption is suppressed.
Diarrhoea of drunkards.
Stool seldom, somewhat hard, with tenesmus.
Costiveness for several days.
Constipation with nausea and vomiting.
No stool.
After stool : tenesmus, thirst ; burning at anus ; colic less.

Sharp stitches in region of kidneys on moving arms.
Stricture of urethra.
Burning from rectum through urethra.
Spasm of bladder, urine scanty and red.
Painful urging, with scanty, dark red, frequently at last bloody urine ; violent pains in bladder.
More frequent urination.
Urine albuminous.
Urine dark brownish-red, turbid, of strong odor ; or becomes cloudy and deposits a violet colored earthy sediment.
Urine acid.
Urine profuse ; also at night.
Urine deposits bloody, red filaments on standing.
Highly reddened urine.
Urine at first clear, then it deposits a flour-like sediment.
Urine scanty, dark, with a brick-dust sediment.
Violent tension in perineum, especially on walking, with strong inclination to urinate.
Violent and painful urging to urinate, with scanty or bloody discharge.
Urinary discharge interrupted during whole time ; only in evening, on third day, scanty dark urine.

Excitation of sexual system.
Pain in testicles ; after checked gonorrhoea.
(OBS :) Secondary orchitis.
Warts behind glans penis, with ulcers elsewhere.
Pustules on genitals and thighs.
(OBS :) Syphilis.

Sensation as if a heavy weight was tugging at coccyx.
Severe bearing down in vagina.
Menses too early, weak, and only for two days.
Before menses, pains in groins and cold creepings.
Leucorrhœa of watery blood, < when sitting ; comes in paroxysms.
Pustules on external genitals.
Violent itching of pudenda.
Itching in vulva.

Gastric derangements ; vomiting of mucus ; belching ; disgust for food ; salivation ; nausea with faintness ; amblyopia after colic or strong emotions.
Puerperal-like convulsions continuing after birth of foetus ; breathing short, difficult ; oppression of chest ; loose rattling cough, no sputa ; suffocative fits ; face dark purple ; great jactitation of muscles.
Child at birth pale, breathless, gasping, although cord still pulsates.

Asphyxia neonatorum.
(OBS :) Metro-peritonitis.

Voice weak and changed, in evening.
Feeble voice, burning under sternum, cough and sneezing.
Voice weak, soundless ; indescribable anxiety and oppression on chest, with moaning and groaning.
He cannot speak a loud word.
Unable to speak a word.

Acute Oedema of lungs.
Groaning and moaning with a weak, hollow, soundless voice.
Speech short, interrupted.
Great hoarseness even when cough is slight.
Creeping in larynx excites cough.
Child grasps at its larynx with cough.
Painfulness of larynx to touch ; sawing respiration.
Rattling of mucus when coughing or breathing.
Rattling originates in upper bronchi and can be heard at a great distance.  

Bronchial catarrh.
Great rattling in larynx extending down to trachea, neither cough nor vomiting brought up phlegm.
Tracheal stertor, bronchial rhonci.
Much rattling of mucus in trachea ; cannot get it up.
Sensation as of a leaf obstructing windpipe.
Chronic bronchial catarrh.
Bronchiectasis and senile catarrh.
(OBS :) Croup with inability to swallow.
Catarrhal (not membranaceous) croup ; croup of adults.
Obviates paralysis in croup.

Breathing short ;

Quick breathing.
Breathing quick, short, trembling, as it were.
Breathing frequent.
Breathing short, frequent.
Children breathe more quickly when lying down than when carried about in an upright position.
Much phlegm in throat and short breathing.
Breathing short and difficult. 

Puerperal convulsions.
Shortness of breath from suppressed expectoration, especially if drowsy.
Slow respiration.
Respiration short and labored without stertor.
Breathing carried on only by aid of abdominal muscles.
Attacks of unequal breathing.
During sleep, frequent attacks of unequal, intermittent breathing.
The unequal breathing, now shorter, then longer, is much more frequent in lying down, > when child is carried upright.
Breath panting, more depending on abdominal muscles than on chest ; right half of chest immovable.
Fulness and oppression in bronchia.
Difficult, anxious breathing.
Inspirations gasping ; expirations long and slow.
Gasping inhalation.

Gasps for air at beginning of every coughing spell.
Breathing with a moaning sound, and raising shoulders.
Child expels air with a kind of bellowing.
Air expelled with a crowing, almost barking sound.
The noise of breathing became more sharp and rough, a continued whistling and purring could be heard in chest.
Sawing respiration.
Breathing from fifth to seventh rib (r. side behind) indistinct, but bronchial consoning rattling.
Such rattling that is threatens to suffocate child.
Respiration with great rattling of mucus.
Breathing impeded on account of a swelling of upper part of throat and accumulation of tough mucus in that region ; with it fever and delirium.
Breathing obstructed. See 12.
Difficulty of breathing, rattling, etc., in convulsions.
Great difficulty in breathing, shoulders raised, eyes turned upward, face congested.
Child cannot nurse, but ends each attempt with crying.
Great difficulty in breathing.
Oppression of breathing, relieved by expectoration.
He has been asthmatic ever since the proving.
Anxious asthma and feeling of fulness and contraction of chest.
(OBS :) Asthma.
Every night suffocating attacks.
If the attack of difficult breathing is very violent at night, all next day breathing is impeded.
Must be supported in a sitting posture in bed.
Dyspnœa : in croup ; nostrils widely dilated, thorax elevated, much rattling ; with heat in chest ; when awakening.
Not much pain in chest, but much dyspnœa.
Extreme want of breath.
Danger of suffocation with rattling of phlegm, always comes on suddenly.
Great orthopnea.

Acute Oedema of lungs.

Dilatation of heart.
Suffocated and oppressed about 3 A. M., must sit up to get air ; after cough and expectoration she became >.
Suffocation with cough.
Suffocative attacks with heat about heart.
Spells of suffocation.
Spells of choking, in evening, in bed ; with constriction.
Child is breathless after birth.
Asphyxia : from mechanical causes, as apparent death from drowning ; from pneumonia, capillary bronchitis, atelectasis ; from accumulation of mucus which cannot be expectorated ; neonatorum ; from emphysema, acute Oedema pulmonum with hydrothorax ; with impending paralysis of lungs ; accompanied by drowsiness or coma ; pale or dark red face ; blue lips ; delirium, muscular twitchings ; threadlike pulse.
Relieves the "death-rattle."

Frequent little cough, without expectoration.
Cough day and night, returning at short intervals, no sputa.
(OBS :) Whooping cough.
Whooping cough : preceded by the child crying, after eating or drinking, or when getting warm in bed ; after attack, somnolency.
Cough with the peculiar sound of whooping cough.
Cough in attacks, with a hissing hoarseness, raises hand to larynx, which is sensitive to touch.
Short cough with a shrill sound.
Tormented from time to time by painful coughs of a shrieking sound.  Catarrh of a child.
Cough compels patient to sit up, is moist and rattling, but without expectoration.

When child coughs there appears to be a large collection of mucus in bronchial tubes, and it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.
Rattling cough, sounding as if it were moist, without really being so.
Great rattling, but little expectoration.
Loose rattling cough, no sputa.
Cough, with dentition of children, in which the râles are so loud that they can be heard at a distance ; disappearing as soon as children finish their bout of coughing.
Between the coughs faint or loud cries for help.
Cough, accompanied by crying out ; dizziness ; trembling of head ; drowsiness ; cold sweat on head and hands.
Pale face ; retraction of epigastrium ; retching and vomiting of food.
Violent cough after each meal, ending with vomiting of food.
Cough hollow, excites vomiting, accompanied by great pain.
Tickling cough, with violent eructations and retching, even vomiting of watery, tough slime ; with it a running coryza.
Uninterrupted cough, with frequent vomiting of bloody, frothy, thin fluid masses.

Great hoarseness, even when cough is slight.
Gasping for breath at commencement of cough.
Cough with suffocating attacks.
Distracting cough day and night, with short breath and rattling in chest.

Catarrh of a child.
Child springs up, clings to those around ; calls for help in a hoarse voice, or bends backward and grasps at its larynx.
Cough with rattling of large bubbles and purring in chest.
Every cough causes unbearable pains in sides of chest or in abdomen.
Every attempt to cough increases the torture.
Pain in chest when coughing.
Cough with weak, quick, trembling pulse ; restlessness ; hot body, but cold limbs.
Cough in variola.
Coughing and gaping consecutively, particularly children ; with crying or dozing, and twitching in face.
Much fatiguing cough, most nights, shaking whole chest and causing headache most in forehead.
Cough dry, breathing sawing, face red, puffed up, look anxious, could not talk.
Rattling or hollow cough, < at night, with suffocation, throat full of phlegm, sweat on forehead, vomiting food.
The sputum caused by the proving was always white and frothy ; expectoration at times abundant.
Constant irritation to cough, with brown expectoration of sero-albuminous kind.

Profuse mucus with feeble expulsive power.  

Bronchitis of infants and old people.
Profuse mucous sputa, easily expectorated.
Nightly cough, with expectoration of mucus.
Expectoration not constant ; in morning and during day.
Difficult expectoration, continual shooting pain in left side of chest.

Expectoration : thick ; bloody sputa ; of tough mucus.
Sputa thick and yellow.
Expectoration tough, foamy, mixed with blood.
Frequent cough, with frothy, sanguineous sputa.
Blood spitting when after attack there remains for a long time a bloody, slimy expectoration.
Scraping cough, with a great deal of puslike expectoration ; after shaking chills, copious sweating, with chilliness at every motion.
Expectoration of a sour or salty taste.
Cough excited by creeping in larynx or trachea.
Gasps for air in beginning of a coughing spell.
Irritation to cough with tenacious phlegm from bronchia.
After cough lasts a while, it gets loose and relieves contraction of chest.
After suffocative fits at night cough with increase of asthma.
Cough grows less frequent, patient shows signs of "carbonized blood."
Cough > : sitting upright ; carrying child in an upright position ; from expectoration.
Cough < : after midnight ; after eating ; after getting angry ; sleeping in damp cellars ; getting warm in bed.
At 11 P. M. sudden violent cough.  Acute Oedema of lungs.
Cough < every morning.  Bronchial catarrh.

Full feeling of chest.
Crushing weight on chest.  Variola.
Constriction of chest.
Oppression > after cough.
Great oppression on chest.
Oppression before eruption appears.

Velvety feeling in chest.

Heart disease.
Anxious, with oppression of chest and warm rising from heart.
Heat in chest with dyspnœa.
Pain dull, pressing and burning extending to sternum.  

Burning in chest extending towards throat.
Stitches in left chest, oppressed breathing in evening.
Shooting in chest.  

Violent pains from chest to shoulder, lancinating and tearing.  

Pleuritis rheumatica.
During five hours had at least six pounds of fluid evacuated, and still both lungs seemed filled with a fluid secretion.  

Acute pulmonary Oedema.
Motion of chest very quick but heavy, like under a heavy load, with suffocative anxiety and stertorous rattling of phlegm.  Pneumonia.
Slight motion of chest ; principally abdominal breathing.  

Rattling in chest.
Mucous and subcrepitant râles and dull percussion ver summit of right lung.
Rattling of large bubbles with purring in chest.  With cough.
Constant rattling, can be heard at a distance, mostly on r. side.  

Acute catarrh.
Rattling of phlegm in bronchia very audible, with increased irritation to cough.  Bronchial catarrh.
Rattling of phlegm on chest, > when carried in an upright position, < lying down ; with oppression.  Bronchial catarrh.  Croup.
After pneumonia rattling continuing, with much cough and copious, white, frothy expectoration.  Pneumonia.
Râles heard over hepatized parts ; too weak to expectorate.
On upper right side and whole left side ; numerous fine râles.  Pneumonia.  Oedema of lungs.
Inflammation of respiratory mucous membrane.
Grippe ; acute pneumonia ; broncho-pneumonia ; pleuro-pneumonia.
Sputa blood-streaked, rust-colored, adhering like glue to vessel.  Pleuro-pneumonia.
Gastric or bilious pneumonia.
Rheumatic affections of pleura or peritoneum.  Pneumonia.
Strong bronchial breathing in front, right side, above and behind ; crepitation in left lung ; expiratory murmur.  Pneumonia.
Coarse and fine râles ; very weak vesicular breathing.  Oedema of lungs.
Complete hepatization.  Pneumonia.
In front, right side, a dull, empty percussion sound.  Pneumonia.
Percussion sound tympanitic.  Oedema of lungs.
Percussion behind and below, right side, up to third rib, empty tympanitic.  Pneumonia.
Atelectasis, with symptoms of asphyxia belonging to remedy ; with Oedema of unhepatized portions of lungs ; breathing labored, orthopnea ; mucous râles.  Pneumonia.
Oedema of lungs.
Frequent vomiting of a bloody, foamy fluid.
Hydrothorax. See 26.
Tuberculosis (palliative).
Impending paralysis of lungs.  Typhus pneumonia.

Heat about heart and warmth rising up from it.
So warm about heart that she must let arms sink down, with great general weakness.  Dilatation of heart.
More frequent and shorter beat of heart and general increase of bodily temperature.
Violent sudden beats of heart.  Pleurisy.
Beat of heart is felt in head.
Palpitation of heart, without anxiety.
Palpitation of heart with loose stools.
Pericarditis with pleuro-pneumonia.
Dilatation of heart from rheumatism, with feeling as if heart was strained ; velvety feeling in chest ; warmth about heart ; orthopnea ; cyanosis.
Oppression of heart and small unequal pulsations.
Heart's action feeble and intermittent.
Heart's impulse scarcely perceptible.
Cyanosis.  Dilatation of heart.
Sensation of coldness in bloodvessels.
Pulse frequent.  Summer complaint.
Pulse increases from 62 to 75 beats, and remains frequent until night.  Rheumatism.
Frequent and full pulse with quicker breathing.
Pulse frequent, but not quick.  Bronchial croup.
Pulse frequent and strong.
Pulse very frequent and unequal.  Catarrh of a child.
Somewhat irritated pulse with slight sensation of chills.
Pulse 132, small, hard.  Pneumonia.
Pulse free and hard, skin warmer.
Pulse hard and quick, in old people.
Pulse 112.  Pneumonia.
Pulse 120 with a child.  Pneumonia.
Pulse hard, full and strong ; sometimes trembling ; very much accelerated by every motion ; when fever abates it is often slow and imperceptible.
Pulse is sometimes accelerated, sometimes retarded, in same person.
Pulse almost ceases or is violent, reverberating in head.  Dilatation of heart.
Pulse small and contracted ; t.
Pulse small.  Influenza.
Pulse quick and small.  Diarrhoea of a child.
Pulse small, hard, very quick, intermitting.  Pneumonia.
Pulse weak, quick and trembling.  Bronchial catarrh.
Threadlike or trembling pulse.  Cholera.
Small threadlike pulse.  Meningitis.
Pulse small, threadlike, 120, with very little increased temperature ; girl, æt. 11.  Acute catarrh.
Pulse confused, cannot be counted or estimated.  Pneumonia.
Pulse difficult to be felt, now quick, then slow ; t.
Beats of pulse much retarded, with indifference.
No pulse could be felt on radial arteries, and on carotids only a slight vibration, a man, æt. 30.  Cholera.

Crawling as of insects above left mamma.

Does not like anything to touch him ; inclination to unbutton collar of his shirt.
Cramp in muscles of neck.
Pain in back as from fatigue, especially after eating and while sitting.
Stiff neck.  Influenza.
Neck stretched out, head bent back.  Catarrhal croup.
Backache with chill.  Intermittent.
Drawing down back, heaviness in limbs ; before a leprous eruption broke out.
Burning in back.
Sharp stitches in region of kidneys, on moving arms.
Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region ; slightest effort to move causes retching and cold clammy sweat.  Lumbago.
Pain in sacrum with sensation of lameness.  Pneumonia.
Sensation as if a heavy load was hanging on end of coccyx, dragging downward all the time.  Chronic metritis.

Tearing and stitching pains.
Pain, as from dislocation, in right shoulder.
Most violent pain, like dislocation in left arm, as if flesh were torn from bones, from axilla down to tips of fingers.  Rheumatism.
Could not move arm unless assisted by the other.  Rheumatism.
Right arm and hand are cold to touch.
Twitching of muscles.
On moving arms sharp stitches in region of kidneys.
Rheumatic pain in left elbow.
Pain in wrists, knees and ankles.
Tremor of hands and picking of bedclothes or anything within reach.
Hands sweat and are cold.
Trembling of hands.
Hands cold and moist ; or, hot and moist.
Dampness in palms of hands.  Pregnancy.
Tips of fingers appear dead, dry and hard ; without sensation.
Brown spots on fingers.
Fingers firmly contracted and muscles quite rigid.
Fingers are contracted, flexors bent inward.  Leprosy.
Itch-like eruption on wrist, which itches violently ; itching disappears after scratching.

Rheumatic pains about hips, thighs and calves.
Drawing tensive pains in lower limbs.
Tearing and drawing in lower limbs.
Violent cutting, tearing across groins and down thighs ; with colic.
Fatigued in lower limbs.
Numbness and coldness in legs.
Tension in hamstrings on walking ; also on instep.
Spasmodic starting of muscles of legs.
Painful cramps in legs.
Cramps in legs ; with lumbago.
Trembling of knees.
Painful cramps in calves.
Dropsy of left knee joint.
Pains in foot extending to other articulations.
Weariness in feet.
Feet feel as if beaten.
Feet go "to sleep" immediately after sitting down.
Numbness and coldness of feet.
Cold feet.
Veins of feet distended.
Some swelling in knuckles of right foot and stiffness of foot.
The big toes of both feet feel cold when touched.

Heaviness in limbs followed by a leprous eruption.
Soreness in calves of legs and shoulder blades.
Limbs overfatigued ; a sensation coming from back.  Influenza.
Weakness, insensibility and coldness of limbs.
Rheumatic and bruised sensation in limbs, on and shortly before rising.
Rheumatic pains with sweat, which does not relieve ; pains are tearing, beating, stinging.
Right arm and hand and great toes of each foot were cold to touch.
Jerking up of limbs during sleep, with loose stools.
Tonic spasms in arms and legs, most in forearms and calves.  Cholera.
On tips of fingers and toes small ulcers, not very deep, little discharge and not much pain, they spread and destroy one joint after another, and one phalanx after another falls off, finally hands and feet are separated in their joints ; a slight livid redness around ulcers.  Leprosy of the Society Isles.

Worse resting : headache ; stupor and drowsiness <.
Sitting bent forward : colic <.
Child bends backward : with cough.
After sitting down : feet go to sleep.
While sitting : pain in back ; leucorrhœa <.
Sitting erect : headache > ; cough >.
Can only breathe when sitting up.  Pleurisy.
Has to sit up, and supported he moves continually to and fro.  Acute Oedema of lungs.
Had to sit on a chair and lay head on table to be relieved.  Asthma.
Sitting posture in bed. See 26.
Lying down : earache <.
Lying on right side : vomiting >.
Could lie on his right side only ; any change from his position was sure to induce vomiting ; t.
Lying down : quick breathing.
Cannot lie on side affected.  Pneumonia.
Child lies with head bent back.  Pneumonia.
Lies on her back, somewhat to left, doubled up.  Acute catarrh.
On walking : vertigo.
Worse on walking : tension in perineum ; in hamstrings.
Walking, sitting and lying are equally unbearable.  Chronic metritis.
Constant inclination to stretch.
On rising : bruised sensation.
Stooping : headache < ; pain in occiput, as though something fell forward in occiput.
Moving about : headache >.
Moving tongue : is painful.
Moving arms : stitches in region of kidneys.
Slightest effort to move : causes retching and vomiting ; trembling of hands ; aggravates heat.
Pain worse from motion.  Pneumonia ; stupor and drowsiness >.
Moving limbs : tonic spasms.
Every motion accelerates pulse ; chilliness.
Carried about in upright position : children >.  Croup.  Cough.
Before rising : bruised sensation.

Alternations of unsteadiness and syncope.
Extreme restlessness and anxiety.
Tossing about with great restlessness.  Meningitis.
Child tosses about with anxiety.  Pneumonia.
Great restlessness.  Bronchial catarrh.
Child throws its arms about all the time.  Pneumonia.
Unusual volubility and activity.
Jactitation of muscles.
Trembling : of whole body ; internal ; of head and paralytic trembling of hands on every motion ; of drunkards.
Convulsions with loss of consciousness.
Clonic spasms.  Meningitis.
Convulsions partial or general.  Meningitis.
Violent convulsions and spasms. See 8.
Convulsions from repelled or non-appearing eruptions ; skin pale, cold, great difficulty in breathing.
Constant spasmodic contraction of muscles, particularly of upper limbs.
Tonic spasm when moving limbs.  Intermittent.
Tetanic rigidity and spasms of jaws.  Tetanus.
Great weakness and lassitude.  Intermittent.
Enormous weakness.  Cholera. Pneumonia.
Great loss of strength, slipping down in bed.  Pneumonia.  Acute catarrh.
Great prostration and sluggishness of body with bad humor.
Complete prostration from frequent vomiting.
Prostration and collapse.  Summer complaint.
Great apathy, alternating with restlessness in night.  Influenza.
Lies comatose with half-closed eyes, when spoken to he is fully conscious.  Cholera.
Very much weakened and exhausted, falls in a kind of coma and can hardly be awakened, only a new coughing attack interrupts it.  Pertussis.
Attacks of fainting, with coldness in pit of stomach.
Insensibility ; he lies motionless ; paralysis ; t.

Frequent incomplete gaping.  Bronchial croup.
Drowsiness, with loose stools.  Diarrhoea of a child.
Unconquerable sleepiness.
Great sleepiness ; irresistible inclination to sleep, with nearly all affections.
Somnolency after cough.
Sleepiness with sweat.  Intermittent.
Sopor, especially from imperfectly oxygenized blood.
Sopor, with starting.  Pneumonia.  Hydrothorax.
Coma with pale, puffed face.  Bronchitis.
Stupor with coma.
With muttering delirium she fell into a stupid sleep.  Pneumonia.
Deep sopor.  Meningitis.
Even in a sopor appears as if suffocating.  Bronchial catarrh.
Coma.  Bronchial catarrh.
Child lies in a stupid sleep, starting sometimes.  Pneumonia.
Stupor and drowsiness, evening and night, < in rest, > from motion and washing head.
Had scarcely fallen asleep when he was seized with shocks and jerks, all of which came from abdomen.
During sleep jerks through body.
Sleep at night full of dreams, in morning dull head.
Very little sleep on account of pain.  Chronic metritis.
Sleeplessness.  Pneumonia.
Nightly sleeplessness on account of violent pains in head and arm.  Rheumatism.
Cannot sleep till towards morning, a few hours.  Rheumatic toothache.
Restless all night with anxious tossing about ; in morning pressure in forehead and occiput.
Morning awakening with a dizzy head, heaviness and feeling very uncomfortable.
Awakens with dyspnœa.
Vomiting returns after sleep.
After sleep very great weariness, but otherwise better.
When awake, hopeless, despairing.  Chill and fever.
In morning when awaking sweat all over and clear remembrance of heavy, anxious dreams.
Most attacks at night, with vomiting of slime and food.  Catarrhal pertussis.
At 11 P. M. : sudden violent cough.
Worse night, loose stools.
During night much <  Catarrhal diarrhoea.
Worse at night and sleepless.  Bronchial catarrh.
At night : lips chapped ; belching like rotten eggs ; bitter taste, nausea and vomiting ; profuse urine ; cough < ; profuse sweat ; sleep full of dreams.
At 3 A. M. : oppression.
After midnight : cough <.
Morning : head dizzy and dull ; toothache ; mouth sore ; hoarseness ; expectoration ; pressure in forehead and occiput.
During day : expectoration ; hilarity.
Towards evening : bellyache ; wild gayety.
Evening : headache ; earache ; voice weak ; choking ; drowsiness ; anxious, timid ; oppressed breathing ; biting itching over whole body.
Morning 9 o'clock : heavy rigor with shaking.  Intermittent.
Considerable aggravation towards evening, continuing all night.  Rheumatic toothache.
From heat : headache <.
In warm place : drowsiness.
In bed : earache ; cough <.
Worse from lying in bed, especially on becoming warm there.  Whooping cough.
Warm drinks < cough.  Pertussis.
Desires cool things.
Cold air : headache >.
Walking in open air : hunger.
Longs for open air.
Even when riding in open air he could scarcely keep awake.
Worse in damp, cold weather : whooping cough.
Worse from remaining in vaulted chambers, churches, cellars.  Whooping cough.
After washing head : headache > ; stupor and drowsiness >.
Keeping warm lessens pain.  Rheumatism.
Warmth aggravates, even getting warm in bed.  Rheumatic toothache.
After taking cold : rheumatism of joints.
After taking cold in Summer : diarrhoea.
After getting cold feet : asthma.
High degree of sensitiveness to every change of weather.  Rheumatism.
In Spring and Fall when damp weather commences : rheumatic toothache.
Cold water lessens : rheumatic toothache.
After a change in temperature during Fall : coughs with children get <.
Sudden fall of temperature.  Meningitis.
Slight chilly feeling.
Chill predominating.
Chill spreading from within and from vertebræ over abdomen and limbs, with retching, belching and a drawing tensive pain in lower limbs.
Great debility of limbs, feeling of fulness in chest, tearing in joints, with chilly feeling.
Chill and sensation of heaviness in limbs and some trembling, cannot get warm.
Chill, with external coldness, coming on at all times of day, with somnolency ; mostly with trembling and shaking ; frequently as if cold water was poured over one.
Rigor with shuddering and cold skin all over, remaining longest on hands, with it headache, small contracted pulse, thirst, restless, excited mood and drowsiness.
Cold skin.
The whole body very cold.  Cholera.
Insensibility and coldness of limbs, with a weak, scarcely perceptible pulse ; without vomiting (child).
Skin of whole body, in spite of many covers, icy cold, covered with colliquative sweat, great thirst, pulse frequent (cannot be counted), like a thread.
Violent palpitation and great anxiety.  Oedema of lungs.
Cold, pulseless, speechless and apparently insensible.
Shivering over whole body, nausea, retching and cold sweat.
Violent crawls fly through body, with vertigo ; t.
Crawls over whole body, cold sweat.
Nausea, retching and inclination to vomit.
Skin chilly, with very copious sweats, which do not relieve.  Influenza.
Chill and heat alternating during day.
Chilliness as if water was poured over him, with gooseflesh, gaping, want of thirst ; drowsiness, following heat with dulness in head.  Intermittent.
Chill lasting 45 minutes followed by vomiting, headache, heat and thirst ; after drinking, retching.  Intermittent.
Violent but not long-lasting heat succeeding a long chill, aggravated by every motion.
Long-lasting heat, after a short chill, with somnolency and sweat on forehead.
Temperature increased.  Pneumonia.  Rheumatism.
General warmth over whole body.
Heat about heart.
Skin dry and warm.
Violent fever in delirium.
Sudden flushes over face.
Heat, does not want to nurse, and is costive.  Catarrh of a child.
Feverish heat, body hot and dry.  Rheumatism.
Thirst not constant during hot stage, but marked between heat and sweat.
Skin burning hot, only somewhat moist in scrobiculum and upon chest.  Pneumonia.
Heat long and great, with much sweat, intense thirst and delirium.  Tertian intermittent.
Hot and sweaty head.
Copious sweat.
Profuse sweat all over, also at night.  Intermittent.
Profuse night sweats.
Pains and night sweat make restless and sleepless.  Rheumatism.
The sweat follows long after, in afternoon during sleep.  Intermittent.
The affected parts sweat most profusely.
Skin covered with a running, sticky sweat.  Bronchial catarrh.
Worse while sweating ; but rather better after sweat.
Fever, copious sweats, which do not relieve pains.  Rheumatism.
Sweat is frequently cold and clammy.
Skin on head and limbs cold and viscous ; t.
Forehead covered with sweat, hands sweat and are cold ; t.
Cold sweat and retarded pulse ; t.
Gastric rheumatic character of intermittent.
Bilious fever and profuse hæmoptysis.
Remitting type of fever ; nausea and vomiting, drowsiness ; red, itching rash over body ; mostly with children.
Soporous intermittent.
Wavelike increase and decrease of pain in forehead.
Paroxysms return at regular intervals, and there is comparative freedom between attacks.
At short intervals : cough.
Every morning : cough <.
Every night : suffocating attacks.
Attacks antepone several hours.  Tertian.
Two days only : menses.
Every two months an attack lasting two weeks.  Bronchial catarrh.
Every afternoon some chills followed by great heat, with thirst and sweat, heat lasted all night.  Intermittent.
Rheumatic pains first in right hand, then through both legs from above downward, especially in knees.
Right : temple, headache ; tearing in ear ; burning of chin ; lying on right side, vomiting > ; soreness in groin ; rattling in lung < ; upper side fine râles ; lung inflamed ; shoulder as if dislocated ; arm and hand and great toe cold ; half of chest immovable ; swelling of knuckles of foot.
Left : parietal bone, headache ; fluttering before ear ; toothache ; mamma, crawling ; pain in elbow ; pain in side of chest ; stitches in chest ; whole side fine râles ; dropsy of knee joint.
Down into left eye : headache.
Extending down to zygoma and upper jaw : headache.
From above downward : bellyache.
Downward : to rectum.
From chest towards throat : burning.
Extending forward : headache.
Insensibility, sensation of numbness (not want of irritability).
As if brain was in one lump ; as if brain was pressed together ; as of band compressing forehead ; as if something fell forward in occiput when stooping ; as if abdomen was stuffed full of stones ; as if bowels would be cut to pieces ; as if a small leaf obstructed windpipe ; as of weight tugging at coccyx ; as if flesh was torn from bones of left arm ; feet as if beaten ; as if he ought to sleep, as if head was paralyzed ; eyeballs as if bruised, as if lids would close ; fluttering before ear as from a large bird ; burning as from hot coal on right side of chin ; gums bleed as if scorbutic ; taste as from rotten eggs ; as if stomach had been overloaded ; cough sounds as if it was moist ; crawling as if insects above left mamma ; in a sopor, appears as if suffocating ; as if water was poured over him.
Pain in forehead like waves increasing and decreasing.
Pain : violent, in forehead ; in teeth ; in stomach ; at epigastrium ; in abdomen ; in groins ; in bladder ; in testicles ; in back, as from fatigue ; in sacro-lumbar region ; in wrists, knees and ankles ; in foot ; in joints.
Violent pain : in forehead ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in abdomen ; sacral and coccygeal region ; in loins ; in epigastrium ; in sacro-lumbar region ; in head and arms.
Stitches : in left parietal bone ; from forehead into left eye ; in l. chest ; in rectum ; in region of kidneys ; in upper limbs.
Pinching : in pit of stomach.
Lancinating : from chest to shoulder.
Shooting : in chest ; in brain ; in inner canthi.
Stitching pain : in upper limbs.
Cutting : in bowels ; through groins and thigh to knee ; in limbs.
Boring : in brain.
Tearing pain : deep in brain ; in head ; in eyes ; in right concha ; in side of face, head and neck ; in roots of teeth ; in all limbs ; in belly.
Beating : in stomach ; through whole body ; belly and pit of stomach.
Burning : in eyes and canthi ; heat of face ; as from hot coal on right side of chin ; in fauces ; in chest, to throat ; in stomach ; under sternum ; in abdomen ; at anus ; from rectum through urethra ; in back.
Smarting : in eyes and canthi.
Violent burning soreness : in right groin.
Violent cutting and labor-like tearing from above downward, across groins through thighs down to knees.
Soreness : on posterior palate ; in calves and shoulder blades.
Painful drawing : in right temple to zygoma and upper jaw.
Bearing down : in vagina.
Pressing pain : in forehead ; in vertex ; in stomach ; in hypochondria ; in hypogastrium.
Heavy pain : in forehead.
Drawing : in right temple to zygoma ; in bowels ; in back ; in lower limbs ; in belly.
Constriction : in throat ; of chest.
Cramp : in stomach ; in muscles of neck ; in legs ; in arms ; in calves.
Aching : in lids ; in hypogastrium.
Spasmodic contraction of abdominal muscles.
Pain as from dislocation : in right shoulder ; in left arm.
Tingling and pinching : in pit of stomach.
Rheumatic pains : in teeth ; in chest ; in left elbow ; about hips, thighs and calves.
Rheumatic sensation : in limbs.
Bruised sensation : in limbs.
Tensive pain : in forehead and one side of head ; stupefying over root of nose : in throat and mouth ; in perineum ; in lower limbs ; in hamstrings.
Tension : in throat ; of abdomen ; in hamstrings ; in instep.
Pressure : in stomach in hypochondria and liver ; in hypochondrium.
Heaviness : of head ; in forehead ; in occiput ; in limbs.
Numbness : of head ; in legs ; of feet ; of external parts.
Throbbing : in right forehead ; in pit of stomach ; in abdomen.
Twitching : muscles of face ; of muscles.
Roughness : in throat.
Tickling : in pit of stomach excites cough.
Sense of inner trembling : with trembling of head.
Tired feeling : in eyes.
Fluttering : before left ear.
Creeping : in larynx.
Heat : in mouth ; in throat ; in stomach ; spreading from heart.
Unpleasant warmth : in region of stomach.
Coldness : in pit of stomach ; in legs ; of feet ; in scrobiculum ; in veins.
Itching : on whole body, in evening ; of rash and pustules ; eruption on wrist ; of pudenda ; in vulva ; vesicles on lips.
Hemorrhages bright red.
Oligæmia ; anemia ; chlorosis ; t.
Varices with stitching pains.
Signs of poisoning of blood with carbonic acid.
Where gastric membrane was most inflamed there were two or three white spots, size of a split pea, appearing under glass as spots of commencing ulceration ; t.
Inflammation of mucous membranes of stomach and intestinal canal.
Jejunum studded with a considerable number of pale, hypertrophied follicles ; t.
Muscular relaxation.
Acute arthrodynia.
Dropsy of synovial membranes.
Collection of synovia in joint.  Hydrarthrosis.
Pain in joints, going from one joint to another.
Joints somewhat swollen, reddened, hot ; very painful at every attempt to move them.  Rheumatism.
(OBS :) Shifting rheumatism.
Acute articular rheumatism.
Mucous membranes : catarrhal inflammation ; conjunctivitis ; gastritis, enteritis ; laryngitis, trachitis, bronchitis, extending even into air-cells ; cystitis.
Pustular eruption : on conjunctiva ; face ; mouth and fauces ; œsophagus, stomach, jejunum ; genitals.
Emaciation.  Acute catarrh.
(OBS :) Granular vegetations.
Emaciation of scrofulous children.
Dropsical effusion after checked transpiration.
Nausea with coldness followed by sweat.
Skin on face and limbs cold and pale ; t.
The child wants to be carried, cries if any one touches it; will not let you feel the pulse.
Touch : larynx painful.
Pains increased by every touch.  Rheumatism.  Pneumonia.
Asphyxia from drowning.
Skin pale.
Skin slightly icteric.  Pneumonia.
Skin shrivelled, dry.  Acute catarrh.
Skin dry, wilted ; cool.
Skin as if dead.
Skin dry, on chest and hands burning hot, on feet cool.  Pneumonia.
Skin hot and dry.  Bronchial croup.
Biting itching on whole body in evening.
Itching in skin.
Ecthyma on face and hands, and after a scratch on hand a large flat ulcer on side of it ; > after Rhus ; rash increased.
Red itching rash over body ; with fever.
Rash mixed with phlyctenæ and furunculi ; after vaccination.
Erythema infantum.
Itching pustules, which soon dry up.
Blisters filled with serum and erysipelatous tension of skin.
Vesicular eruption over body.
Morphea ; crusta lactea ; vitiligo ; prurigo ; scabies ; obstinate pustules ; pustular impetigo ; desquamation of cuticle.
Variola : backache, headache ; cough and crushing weight on chest before or at beginning of eruptive stage ; diarrhoea, etc. ; also when eruption fails.
The breast and anterior surface of upper arms, wrists, hypogastrium and inner surface of thighs were thickly covered with an eruption of bright red, small, conical, hard pimples, having an inflamed base resembling lichen, itching intolerably. This eruption began to show itself after the fifth day of taking four grains daily, and abated about third day after its discontinuance ; t.
Skin gets hot, bright red ; small, isolated nodules are developed, have a red halo, between them skin somewhat swollen, soon they get larger and fill with lymph, etc., very similar to smallpox.
Vesicles over whole body, filling quickly with pus, very painful, soon drying up and forming crusts.
Pustules and vesicles first on face and forearms, next on back, fill up with pus in a few days and form crusts.
Eruption of small papulæ and vesicles which rapidly enlarge and fill with pus, and of a dark red color at base, so as to resemble mature variolous pustules, and were very painful ; in a few days they were dry and crusted over. Eruption appeared first on inner side of forearm, then over whole back, where pustules were partly solitary, partly grouped.
If the use of Ant. tart. was continued after it had produced an eruption like smallpox, the pustules got large, full of pus, deepened in centre and became confluent ; with great pain, crusts were formed, leaving deep scars.
Pustular eruptions all over ; pustules size of peas, some covered with brown crusts.
Pustular eruption leaves bluish-red marks on face ; also similar eruption on genitals, thighs etc. ; painful.
Eruption fails to appear and convulsions set in ; varicella, etc.
Thick eruption like pocks, often pustular, as large as a pea.
Hydrogenoid constitutions.
Torpid, phlegmatic constitutions.
Women : suppressed lochia ; chlorosis, hysteria, etc.
Woman in fifth month of pregnancy, good constitution.  Febrile motions.
When the newborn child is pale and breathless, although the cord may still pulsate.
Infancy and childhood : hydrocephalus ; asthma Millari ; whooping cough ; capillary bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia ; croup ; [Obs. Many cases were treated by the lower and soon got well, but what the reporters never mentioned, the children remain liable to returns, which is not apt to be the case after cures with the higher doses of Hepar, Spongia, Phosphor. or Arsen.] spasms ; cyanosis ; asphyxia, etc.
Teething children with rattling cough.
A sickly lean child, looking pale and bluish.  Diarrhoea.
Constitutions worn out by vomiting, in metastasis of hydrocephalus.
A girl, æt. 6 months.  Catarrhal cough.
A weakly girl, æt. 1, after fever and cough, catarrh in larynx ; next day in bronchia.
Child, æt, 18 months, after febrile catarrh and spasms.  Pneumonia.
A boy, æt. 2, short build, large head, blonde, subject to catarrh.  Catarrhal croup.
A boy, æt. 2 years.  Bronchial inflammation.
Boy, æt. 3 years.  Whooping cough.
Boy, æt. 10.  Bronchial croup.
Girl, æt. 11 years.  Acute catarrh.
Girl, æt. 18, fever, oppression on chest and prostration, three days.  Inflammation of lungs.
A man, æt. 27, of a weakly constitution.  Asthma.
A man, æt. 27, weakly ; Oedema pulmonum. 2 grs. every hour, cured in one day.
Woman, æt. 40, weak and nervous.  Pneumonia.
Man, æt. 52.  Periodically returning asthma.
Often suitable for spasmodic whooping cough of adults.
Old age : orthopnea ; bronchitis ; trembling ; paralysis.
Man, æt. 30, habitual alcohol drinker, got 4 grains of Tart. emet. daily in his liquor ; in 15 days he was poisoned.
For drunkards.  Diarrhoea.
Similar to : Acon. (croup, spasm of larynx) ; Arsen. (asthma ; heart symptoms ; gastric catarrh, etc.) ; Baryt. carb. ; Bromine (croup) ; Camphor ; Hepar : Iodium ; Kali hydr. (Oedema pul., pneumonia) ; Laches. (dyspnœa on awaking, sensitive larynx, asthma, asphyxia, etc.) ; Lycop. (catarrh on chest ; but spasmodic motion of alæ is replaced by dilated nostrils in Ant. tart.) ; Veratr. (both have colic, vomiting, coldness and craving for acids) ; Ant. tart. has more jerks, drowsiness and urging to urinate ; Veratr. more cold sweat and fainting.
Similar to Ipec. (but has more drowsiness from defective respiration). It must supplant Ipec. when lungs seem to fail, patient becomes sleepy and cough ceases or becomes less frequent.
Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails, and Silic. is not indicated.
With Phosphor., hydrocephaloid in worn-out constitutions ; also similar in laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.
Follow with Silic. for dyspnœa from foreign substances in windpipe.
Pulsat. in gonorrhoeal suppression.
Tereb. in symptoms from damp cellars.
Conium cures pustules on genitals caused by Ant. tart.
Camphor., Ipec., Pulsat., Sepia, Sulphur follow Ant. tart. well.
Ant. tart. follows well after Baryt. carb., Pulsat., Camphor and Caustic.
Antidotes to Ant. tart. : Asaf, Cinhon., Coccul., Ipec., Lauroc., Opium, Pulsat. and Sepia.
Ant. tart. antidotes : Sepia.
(OBS :) Opium in large doses is the best antidote in poisoning.
Kali sulph. increased the symptoms.
Mercur. and Ant. tart. always differ by Mercur. acting only indirectly on mouth, while Ant. tart. exercises a purely local action, similar to its action on skin.
In diarrhoea similar to Veratr.
Useful after Bryon. and Caustic. in dyspepsia.
After Pulsat. did not relieve.  Rheumatic toothache.
The 25th part of a grain, every half hour, in all half a grain.  Cholera.
First trituration, as much as lies on the point of a knife, in two tablespoonfuls of water, a teaspoonful every hour.  Summer complaint.




John Henry CLARKE

Antimonium Tartaricum

Tartar Emetic. Tartrate of Antimony and Potash 2[K (Sb O) C4 H4 O6] H2O. Trituration and solutions.

Clinical.Alcoholism. Aphthae. Asphyxia neonatorium. Asthma. Bilious affections. Bronchitis. Catarrh. Chicken-pox. Cholera. Cholera morbus. Coccygodynia. Cough. Group. Delirium-Tremens. Dyspepsia. Ecthyma. Eyes, inflamed. Impetigo. Intermittent fever. Laryngitis. Lumbago. Lungs, affections of. Myalgia. Paralysis agitans. Plica-polonica. Pneumonia. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Screaming. Small-pox. Stiff-neck. Sycosis. Synovitis. Taste, altered. Thirst. Tongue, coated. Tremors. Varioloid. Vomiting. Whooping-cough.

Characteristics.Antim. tart. resembles closely Antim. crud. and the other Antimonies in its action, though the modalities differ. Antim. tart. was the favourite emetic of olden times, and consequently it is one of our best remedies in states of nausea. The nausea is as intense as that of Ipec., but less persistent, and is > by vomiting. Nash has found it the nearest thing to a specific in cholera morbus, the indications being "nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold sweat, stupor, or drowsiness." In chest affections of all kinds it is indicated where there is great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling and inability to raise it. Drowsiness and even coma may accompany cases of all kinds in which Ant. t. is called for. The face is pale or cyanotic and the breathing stertorous. There is heat about heart and warmth rising up from it. A sensation of coldness in the blood-vessels. A correspondent of the Chemist and Druggist (May 21, 1892) related the case of an apprentice who had been employed for a week making up "cough-balls" and diuretic balls for horses, both containing powdered antimony. He had been cautioned not to inhale the powder, but his employer believes he did. At the end of the week he was seized with an illness, due, his employer thinks, and no doubt correctly, to the antimony. The symptoms are very characteristic. First, there was nausea, lassitude, and a desire for sleep. He was sent to bed, and during the night his fellow apprentice said he got up and struggled to relieve himself of an imaginary load on the chest. On being put to bed again, a profuse perspiration broke out, and also a peculiar rash on his face and chest; after that he vomited freely and felt better. Temperature 104, pulse 120. A fever-mixture of liq. ammon. acet. and Sp. æther. nit. was given. A doctor who was called in found undoubted symptoms of pneumonia of left lung, but confessed he had never seen the rash before and would not venture an opinion regarding it. For two days the temperature kept at 104, then both temperature and the pulse became normal, the rash disappeared, and with it the pneumonic cough; in six days the boy was perfectly well. "A child coughs when angry" is characteristic. Heath cured a case of whooping-cough in a child who was very fretful before the cough. The mother said that if the child got angry she immediately had a fit of coughing. "Cough at 4 a.m." is another indication which I have found true. Further leading indications for this remedy are: attacks of fainting, internal trembling. It causes relaxation of sphincters and muscles, with nausea or without. Os uteri dry, tender, undilatable, with distress, moaning, and restlessness with every pain (Aco.), feeling of sickness. Convulsive twitching. Convulsions. Great heaviness in all the limbs and great debility. Rheumatic pains (fever), with perspiration, which does not relieve. Inflammation of internal organs. Gastric and bilious complaints. Constant nauseanausea felt in chest (Puls.). Sensation of weight or heaviness in many parts; head, occiput, coccyx, limbs. Pulsations in all the blood-vessels. The child wants to be carried and cries if any one touches it. Peevishness, whining, and crying. Inquietude, apprehension, agitation. Dulness and bewilderment of head as if benumbed. Chronic trembling of head; of head and hands (as in paralysis agitans). The tongue has a thick, white, pasty coat with red papillæ showing through. Intense nausea and vomiting with great effort; with perspiration on forehead. Fulness and sensation of stones in abdomen especially when sitting bent forward. The skin is notably affected. The typical eruption is like that of small-pox, the symptoms of which disease are so closely reproduced in the proving that it has been used instead of vaccine for inoculation purposes, and prophylactic power has been claimed for it. (Compare Variolinum.) The terrible backache of small-pox is paralleled by the back-pains of Ant. t., which I have found to correspond to more cases of lumbago than any other remedy. Ant. t. is also a "sycotic," and I have verified a symptom given in Hering, "warts at the back of the glans penis." Antim. tart. has < by warmth, but not the excessive sensitiveness to heat and sun of Ant. c., and some of the rheumatic symptoms are > by warmth. Warm drink < cough, also lying in bed, especially becoming warm there. There is also < from cold and damp, but not the ill effects of cold washing found in Ant. crud. Also cold washing > the rheumatic toothache of Ant. t. Both have < from touch and even from being looked at. Ant. t. has < on sitting down; when seated; and on rising from a seat; < sitting bent forward; > sitting erect. < Lying on side affected. < Motion, on every effort to move. A characteristic of Ant. t. in lung affections is "lies with head back." There is not the > from rest which is apparent in many symptoms of Ant. c. The Ant. t. headache is < by rest; also earache and respiration. < At night is more marked with Ant. t. than Ant. c. Cough is < 4 a.m. > from eructations.

Relations.Compare:Acon. (croup); Æthus. c. and Ipec. (expression of nausea); Am. c.; Arsen. (asthma, heart symptoms, gastric catarrh); Bry. (pneumonia < l., Ant. t. < r.,-chest and brain symptoms after retrocession of eruptionBry., measles and scarlatina; Ant. t. small-pox). Laches. (dyspnœa on waking); Lyc (catarrh of chest, flapping of nostrils.Ant. t. has nostrils dilated); Verat. (colic, vomiting, coldness, craving for acidsAnt. t. has more jerks, drowsiness, urging to urinate; Ver. more cold sweat and fainting); Op. (cough with drowsiness and yawning); Sang. c. (pneumonia, face livid); Ipec. (Ant. t. has more drowsiness and tendency of lungs to collapse); Thuja (effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Silic is not indicated. Ant. t. develops small-pox pustule; Thuja dries it up). Compatible: Phos. in hydrocephaloid, worn-out constitutions, laryngitis, pneumonia. Follows well: Silic. in dyspnœa from foreign substances in larynx; Puls. (nausea in chest, gonorrhoeal suppressions); Tereb. (symptoms from damp cellars); Variolinum. Antidoted by: Asaf., Chi., Coccul., Con. (pustules on genitals), Ipec., Lauro., Op. (Opium in large doses is the best antidote in poisoning), Puls., Sep. It antidotes: Baryt. c., Bry. (dyspepsia), Camph., Caust. (dyspepsia), Puls. Ant. t. differs from Mercury in producing a purely local action on the mouth similar to its action on the skin. The action of Merc. on the mouth is indirect.

Causation.Effects of anger (cough) or vexation.


1. Mind.During the day hilarity, in the evening anxious and timid.Inquietude and agitation, with palpitation of the heart, and trembling.Anxious apprehension respecting the future (in the evening).Pitiful whining before and during the attack.Bad humour.Excessively peevish and quarrelsome.Child will not allow itself to be touched.Discouragement and despair.Lethargy.Suicidal mania.Wild gaiety (by day only).Consequences of anger and vexation.

2. Head.Dulness, confusion, and bewilderment in the head, which is, as it were, benumbed, with inclination to sleep.Fits of vertigo with sparkling before the eyes, and dizziness when walking.Dulness of all the senses.Headache, with palpitation of the heart, and vertigo.Heaviness of the head, esp. in the occiput.Semi-lateral headache.Pressive pains in the head, with compressive tension, as if the brain were contracted into one hard mass, often with dizziness, extending into the root of the nose, sometimes in the evening, and at night; with stupefaction and lethargy; better when exercising and washing the head.Pulsation in the right side of the forehead; worse in the evening, when sitting stooped, and from heat; better from sitting erect, and in the cold air.Drawing, tearing, and digging in the head.Stitches in the head.Lancinating pains in the head, sometimes extending into the eyes, with necessity to shut them.Boring in the forehead.Semi-lateral throbbing in the forehead.Chronic trembling of the head.Trembling with the head, esp. when coughing, with an internal sensation of trembling, chattering of the teeth, and an irresistible somnolency; worse in the evening, and from heat.Trembling with the head and hands, with great debility; worse when lying and getting warm in bed, better when sitting up erect and in the cold.Neck stretched out, head bent back.

3. Eyes.Eyes fatigued, requiring sleep, and to be firmly closed.Pain, as of a bruise in the eyeball, on touching it.Aching of the eyes.Shootings, burning sensation, and smarting in the internal canthi, with redness of the conjunctiva.Eyes confused, swimming in tears; sunken, surrounded by dark circles.In pneumonia when the edges of the lids are covered with mucus.Rheumatic ophthalmia or from gonorrhoea.Incipient amaurosis.Confused sight, with sparkling before the eyes, especially on rising from a seat.

4. Ears.Humming in the ears.

5. Nose.Violent fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing, ulcerated nostrils, shivering, loss of smell, and of taste.Uncontrollable epistaxis with spongy gums.Nose dry.Nose pointed.Nostrils widely dilated.Nostrils black; alæ flapping.

6. Face.Face pale and wan, or red and bloated, with anxious expression.Face pale, sunken.Dull, drawing pressure, in the zygomatic process.Convulsive jerking of the muscles of the face.Parched lips, with desquamation.Eruption round mouth.Cracked lips.

7. Teeth.Odontalgia, with very violent pain in the morning.Rheumatic toothache of intermittent type.Scurvy.

8. Mouth.Copious accumulation of saliva in the mouth.Tongue moist, clean, or loaded with a brown coating.Tongue: red, dry in middle; red in streaks, thick, white, pasty coat; thick white fur.Aphonia.

10. Appetite.Fatty taste in the mouth.Insipidity of food.Salt taste in the mouth.Bitter taste in the mouth.Thirst for cold water.Moderate appetite with burning thirst.Good appetite, with speedy disgust, on partaking of any food.Bulimy, when walking in the open air.Craving for acid things, or for raw fruits (apples); for cold drinks or thirstlessness.Aversion to all food, esp. milk.Every mouthful produces a painful sensation, extending to the stomach.After drink: nausea; cough.

11. Stomach.Empty risings.Sobbing risings.Risings with taste of rotten eggs, at night.Regurgitation, of acrid, or salt, or else sourish fluid.Regurgitation after partaking of milk.Constant nausea, sometimes with inclination to vomit, anguish, pressure in the scrobiculus, and headache, mitigated by expulsion of flatus, upwards and downwards.Violent retching, with copious flow of saliva, sweat on the forehead, and lassitude in the legs, or else with diarrhoea, and excessive debility.Much vomiting, with violent efforts, pain in the stomach and abdomen, trembling of the body, necessity to bend double, shiverings, and strong inclination to sleep.Vomiting of mucus, with mucous diarrhoea.Acid vomiting, containing food.Vomiting of sour and bitter substances, esp. at night.Excessive sensibility of the stomach; the smallest mouthful causes a painful sensation.Pain in the stomach, as if it were overloaded.Uneasiness and emptiness in the stomach.Pressure in the stomach and scrobiculus, esp. after a meal.Violent throbbings and pulsations in the region of the stomach.Shootings in the pit of the stomach.

12. Abdomen.Pains in the abdomen, with great moral and physical agitation, and dislike to all kinds of labour.Uneasiness in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, which compels the patient to lie down and to stretch himself.Fulness and pressure in the abdomen, as if it contained stones, esp. on stooping forward, while in a sitting posture.Spasmodic colic in the abdomen, with violent contraction of the eyelids, and irresistible inclination to sleep.Incisive pains in the abdomen, as if the intestines were being cut.Pulsations in the abdomen.Abundant production of flatus, with grumbling, borborygmi, and pinchings in the abdomen.

13. Stool and Anus.Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea.Diarrhoea in pneumonia, small-pox, and other eruptive diseases, esp. if the eruption has been suppressed.Diarrhoea and vomiting.Fæces of the consistence of pap.Slimy diarrhoea, or yellow, bright brown, or else watery, often preceded by gripings and movements in the abdomen.Sanguineous fæces.Involuntary evacuations.During the evacuation, palpitation of the heart.Violent burning tickling, extending from the rectum into the glans penis.Lancinations in the rectum.Tenesmus during and after Stool, frequent burning at the anus.

14. Urinary Organs.Very profuse and distressing emission of urine, with tension in the perineum, burning sensation in the urethra, and scanty stream, which is sanguineous towards the end of the emission, with violent pains in the bladder.Nocturnal calls to urinate, with burning thirst and scanty emission.Involuntary emission of urine.Red, fiery urine, which forms blood-red filaments after standing.Deep-brown, acrid, turbid urine.Pressure and tension on the bladder.Shootings in the urethra and lower part of the bladder.

15. Male Sexual Organs.Excitation of sexual system.Pain in testicles after checked gonorrhoea.Warts behind glans penis; with ulcers elsewhere (sycosis).Pustules on genitals and thighs.Syphilis.

16. Female Sexual Organs.Catamenia of watery blood.Severe bearing-down in vagina.Chronic metritis with feeling of weight tugging at coccyx.Eruption of pimples or) the genital organs.Itching of pudenda.

17. Respiratory Organs.Catarrh, with irritation, which excites coughing, copious accumulation of mucus, and rattling of mucus in the chest.Hoarseness.Painful tenderness of the larynx when touched.Cough, excited by violent tickling in the trachea.A child coughs when angry.Paroxysms of coughing, with suffocating obstruction of respiration (suffocating cough).Dyspnœa, compelling one to sit up.Shortness of breathing from suppressed expectoration.Suffocating attacks with sensation of heat at the heart.Whooping-cough, preceded by the child crying, or after eating or drinking, or when getting warm in bed; after the attack somnolency.Cough, with heat and moisture of the hands, and perspiration on the head, chiefly on the forehead.Cough, with vomiting of food, after a meal.Hollow cough, with rattling of mucus in the chest.Cough, with expectoration of mucus, sometimes at night only, chiefly after midnight.

18. Chest.Velvety feeling in the chest.Frequent fits of obstructed respiration, esp. in the evening or in the morning, in bed, almost to the extent of suffocation.Shortness of breath.Difficult respiration.Paralysis of the lungs.Anxious oppression of the chest, with a sensation of heat, which ascends to the heart.Rattling of mucus in the chest when breathing.Fitful pain, as from excoriation in the chest, esp. on the l. side.Rheumatic pain in the l. side of the chest.Burning sensation in the chest which ascends to the throat.Inflammation of the lungs.Miliary eruption on the chest.

19. Heart and Pulse.Visible and anxious palpitation of the heart (also without anxiety), sometimes during an evacuation.Palpitation with loose stools.Heat about heart and warmth rising up from it.Sensation of coldness in the blood-vessels.Pulse: hard, quick, and small; or weak, quick, and trembling; small, threadlike: imperceptible.Twisting, digging, and blows in the region of the heart, at night, which do not cease till perspiration breaks out.

20. Neck and Back.Weakness of the muscles of the neck, which prevents the head from being held up.Miliary eruption on the nape of the neck.Pain in the back and loins when seated, as from fatigue.Violent pain in the sacro-lumbar region; slightest effort to move causes retching and cold, clammy sweat.Pain in sacrum with sensation of lameness.Sensation as if a heavy load was hanging on end of coccyx, dragging downwards all the time.Rheumatic pain in the back.

21. Limbs.Heaviness in limbs followed by leprous eruption.Limbs over-fatigued, a sensation coming from back.Jerking up of limbs during sleep with loose stools.Small ulcers on tips of fingers and toes, spreading, livid edges (leprosy).

22. Upper Limbs.Cracking in the joints of the shoulder, with tearing in the arms, extending into the hands.Excessive heaviness of the arms.Jerking of the muscles in the arms and hands.Miliary eruption on the arms.Itching pimples on the arms and wrists.Red spots on the hands, like fleabites.Trembling of the hands.Coldness of the hands.Icy coldness in the tips of the fingers, as if dead.Finger-ends dead, dry, and hard.Spots of a deep yellow on the fingers.Distortion of the fingers.

23. Lower Limbs.Heaviness and rheumatic pains in the hips and legs.Painful weakness in the knee-joint, in bed, in the morning.Dropsy of the l. knee-joint.Tension of the tendons of the ham, and of the instep, when walking.Cramp in the calf of the leg.Coldness of the feet.Numbness of the feet, on sitting down.

24. Generalities.Rheumatic pains (fever) with perspiration, which does not relieve.Inflammation of internal organs.Gastric and bilious complaints.Arthritic and rheumatic tearings and drawings in the limbs, with sensation as of a fracture.Collection of synovial fluid in joints.Contraction of the limbs.Jerking of the muscles.Convulsive jerks and spasm.Epileptic fits.Trembling of the limbs; long-continued of the head and hands after every exertion or motion.Internal trembling.Shootings in the varices.Aggravation of the symptoms when sitting down, or else when seated, and when rising from the seat.In some forms of asthma one has to sit in a chair and lean his head on a table.In some forms of pneumonia so great is the prostration that the patient is constantly slipping down in bed.Heaviness in all the limbs, and great indolence.Violent pulsations throughout the body.Great debility, weakness, and excessive lassitude; feels best when sitting still doing nothing.A child continually wishes to be carried.Syncope.Excessive tenderness of the whole body.A child, when touched, utters piercing cries.

25. Skin.Itching in the skin.Itching pimples, and miliary eruption.Eruptions like scabies.Eruption of pustules, like varioloids, as large as peas, filled with pus, with red areola (like small-pox), and which afterwards form a crust, and leave a scar.Itching round inveterate ulcers.Pustular eruption on different portions of the body, leaving a bluish-red mark.

26. Sleep.Urgent inclination to sleep during the day, with frequent stretching and yawning.Invincible drowsiness, with deep and stupefying sleep.In the morning, sensation as from insufficient sleep.Retarded sleep, and nocturnal sleeplessness.Light sleep, with many fantastic dreams.Much talking during sleep.Cries during sleep, with fixed eyes, and trembling limbs.Shocks and blows during sleep, which occasion jerking, sometimes of a single limb, at others of the whole body.Lying on the back while sleeping, with the left hand passed under the head.

27. Fever.Predominance of shivering and coldness.Shiverings, with excessive paleness of the face, and trembling of the whole body.Violent but not long-continuing heat, preceded by a long-lasting chill; worse from every exertion; or long-continued heat, with lethargy and perspiration on the forehead following a short-lasting chill.Burning heat of the whole body, chiefly in the head and face, increased by the least movement.Pulse quick, weak, or full; hard and accelerated; at times trembling.The fever ceasing, the pulse becomes often slow and imperceptible.The least exertion accelerates the pulse.Fever, with adipsia, and excessive drowsiness.Profuse, frequent, and sometimes cold perspiration.Perspiration on the parts affected.Profuse nocturnal perspiration.Perspiration on the whole body.Perspiration frequently cold and clammy.Intermittent fevers, with lethargic condition.






ঢিলা লোক মন্থর জড়বুদ্ধি অকমর্ণ্য Hydrogenide hydride সেতসেতে স্যাত স্যাতে স্যাঁতস্যাতে কাশী কাশলে শ্বাসনালিতে বেশি পরিমানে গয়ার থাকে তোলা তুলিয়া ফেলা উঠবে শিতল নিল পান্ডু বিবর্ন মাঝখান শুকনা শুকনো জিহবার ভীষন ভিষন পছন্দ খুব বেশি পছন্দ উদরাময়  ফিট না হওয়া ঠান্ডা ঘাম ঝোক প্রবৃত্তি প্রবনতা প্রচন্ড ঘুমানোর ইচ্ছা আকাঙ্খা আকাংখা বেশি বেশী হয় বায়ু বায়ুতে শিতল তোলা হলে পার্শ্বে শুলে শুইলে শ্লেষমা শ্লেসসা শ্লেষসা একাকি হয়ে যাওয়া ভীতি ওঠে সামান্য ঢেঁকুর উদগার ওঠলে কমে দাত, দন্ত সংবেদনশিল জয়েন্টে ব্যথা অনুভূতিপ্রবণ অনুভুতিপ্রবণ অনূভুতিপ্রবন পিপাসা কম নেই পিয়াস অল্প পানি জল পিপাসা সামান্য ছুঁড়ি ছুরি কাটার মত বেদনা ছিঁড়ে ছিরে ছিঁরে অজির্ণ অজীর্ন কাপতে থাকে কাপে হস্ত গরম পানিয় খেলে বাড়ে ঠান্ডায় 


First Grade Symptoms of [Antimonium Tartaricum এন্টিমোনিয়াম টার্টারিকাম (ant-t)] ::: (Total 183)