Anacardium Orientale (anac) অ্যানাকার্ডিয়াম ওরিয়েন্টালি - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

 Anacardium Orientale (anac) অ্যানাকার্ডিয়াম ওরিয়েন্টালি

Anacardium Orientale (anac) অ্যানাকার্ডিয়াম ওরিয়েন্টালি

Short Description:

Product Description

 Anacardium Orientale (anac) অ্যানাকার্ডিয়াম ওরিয়েন্টালি

Anacardium Orientale, Marking Nut. (Anacardiaceae.), ANACARDIUM



 [Please scroll down for the English Version]


পরিচয়ঃ  ইহার দেশীয় নাম ভেলা বা ভল্লাতক।

ধাতুগত বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ স্নায়ুপ্রধান হিষ্টিরিয়া গ্রস্তা স্ত্রী এবং বৃদ্ধ, চিত্তোন্মাদ ও অবসাদ বায়ুগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তিগণের পক্ষে ইহা অধিক উপকারী।  

Antidotes food/ ঔষধের ক্রিয়ানাশক খাদ্য:  বাদাম, কফি । 

Antidotes / ক্রিয়ানাশকঃ ফ্লিমেটিস,ক্রোটন, গ্রিল্ডেলিয়া, কফি, জগ্‌ল্যান্স র‌্যানান-বালবো, রসটক্স।

Inimical food/ ঔষধের পরিপন্থী বা অনিষ্টকর খাদ্য:  শীতল পানীয়, উষ্ণ খাদ্য । 


  • শীতকাতর (তৃতীয় গ্রেড) [Synthesis]
  • গরমকাতর (তৃতীয় গ্রেড) [Synthesis]

মায়াজমেটিক অবস্থাঃ (মায়াজমের দোষ নষ্ট করার শক্তি)

  • এন্টি-সোরিক  (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-সিফিলিটিক (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)
  • এন্টি-সাইকোটিক  (তৃতীয় গ্রেড)

Henry Clay Allen, William Boericke,  E. B. Nash, Constantine Hering, James Tyler Kent এঁর মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা থেকে নেয়া Anacardium Orientale ঔষধের সারাংশ :


  • এক কাঁধে শয়তান অন্য কাধে ফেরেশতা-এমন মনে হয়; অনুভূতি, ভ্রান্ত ধারণা ।
  • মনে করে যে সে দুইটি ইচ্ছা শক্তির অধীন; একটি শক্তি যা করতে আদেশ দেয়, অন্য শক্তিটি তা করতে নিষেধ করে।
  • অদ্ভূত মানসিক অবস্থা বা মেজাজ; সিরিয়াস বা গম্ভীর, রাশভারী, গুরুতর বিষয়ে হাসে এবং হাস্যকর বিষয়ে গম্ভীর, রাশভারী সিরিয়াস হয়।
  • হঠাৎ স্মৃতিশক্তি লোপ, আকষ্মিকভাবে স্মরণশক্তি হারিয়ে যায়; সবকিছুই যেন স্বপ্নের মধ্যে দেখছে।
  • ভুলোমন, সবকিছু গুলিয়ে ফেলা, ব্যবসা বানিজ্যের জন্য অযোগ্য- রোগী যেন এই সব সমস্যার মধ্যে রয়েছে। 
  • নিজের এবং অন্যের উপর আস্থার অভাব ।
  • নিজেকে একজন দানব / পিশাচ/ শয়তান/ অসুর ভাবে; অভিশাপ দেয় এবং শপথ/ হলফ করে বলে।
  • খাবার খাওয়ার সময়, রাতে বিছানায় শোয়ার সময়, শয়নে এবং যখন ঘুম আসে তখন মাথা ব্যথা সম্পূর্ণরূপে সেরে যায়, চলে যায়।
  • সঞ্চালনে, নড়াচড়া করলে এবং কাজ করার সময় মাথা ব্যথা বাড়ে; বৃদ্ধি।
  • যারা শুয়ে বসে থাকে বা বসে বসে কাজ করে-এমন লোকদের, ব্যক্তিদের গ্যাস্ট্রিক এবং স্নায়বিক মাথা ব্যথা।
  • খাবার খাওয়া এবং পান করার সময় বিষম লাগে।
  • খাদ্য গ্রহণ ও জল/ পানি পান দ্রুত করে; খাবার খাওয়ার সময় রোগলক্ষণ কমে, চলে যায়।
  • হাতের তালুতে আঁচিল।
  • মলত্যাগ করার চাপ খুব বেশি; মলবেগ বেশী কিন্তু মল বের হয় না।
  • মলদ্বারের অসাড়তা, পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ততা; মলদ্বারে যেন একটি ছিপি আটকানো আছে-এমন অনুভূতি।
  • স্মরণশক্তি, স্মৃতিশক্তি দুর্বল
  • স্মৃতিশক্তি নষ্ট হয়, হারিয়ে যায়।
  • মেনিনজাইটিস
  • পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত হওয়ার পর থেকে স্মৃতিশক্তি নষ্ট হয়, হারিয়ে যায়।
  • শপথ নেয়া, কসম কাটা, হলফ করে বলা এবং অভিশাপ দেয়ার দুর্নিবার, অদম্য ইচ্ছা ।
  • অর্শ রোগ, পাইলস এবং কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য, কোষবদ্ধতা ।
  • হাঁটার সময় উদ্বেগ, উদ্বিগ্ন, উৎকন্ঠিত হয়।
  • এই ভেবে সন্দেহ হয় যে কেহ যেন তাকে অনুসরণ করছে; কেউ পিছে পিছে আসছে-এমন মনে হয়।
  • পক্ষাঘাতগ্রস্ত হওয়ার ভয়।
  • সে যেন গোটা বিশ্ব থেকে আলাদা হয়ে গেছে এবং নিজের উপর খুব কমই আস্থা যে সে তার প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস নিশ্চিত করতে পারবে; এ ব্যাপারে হতাশ।
  • তার সকল ইন্দ্রিয়, ইন্দ্রিয়শক্তি দুর্বল।
  • দৃষ্টিশক্তি অস্পষ্ট, ক্ষীণ, ঝাপসা
  • নিরস, বিরস, বিস্বাদ, দুর্গন্ধযুক্ত মুখের ও খাবারের স্বাদ
  • পাকস্থলীতে শূর্ণতাবোধ, খালি বোধ- পাকস্থলী যেন শূন্য-এমন মনে হয়।
  • গরম জল দিলে কষ্ট বাড়ে; গরম পানি প্রয়োগে বৃদ্ধি।
  • খাদ্য খাবার খেলে উপশম, হ্রাস।
  • কাত হয়ে শয়নে উপশম, হ্রাস।
  • খাবার খেলে পাকস্থলীর ব্যথা কমে, উপশম
  • অদ্ভুত, বিষ্ময়কর, বিচিত্র ধারণা, ভাবনা




  • দুইটি ইচ্ছাশক্তি মনে হয়-একটি কোন কাজ করিতে বলে, অপর ইচ্ছা শক্তি সেই কাজ করিতে নিষেধ করে।
  • দুটো পরস্পরের বিপরীত দিক; নিজেকে ফেরেশতা নয়ত শয়তান ভাবে।
  • হঠাৎ স্মরণ শক্তির লোপ, সকলই ভুলিয়া যায়, সকলই যেন স্বপ্ন বলিয়া মনে হয়;
  • শপথ করিবার বা অভিসম্পাত দিবার অদম্য ইচ্ছা।
  • মলদ্বারে ছিপিবদ্ধবৎ অনুভূতি ও কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য।
  • খুব তাড়াতাড়ি করে পানাহার করে, ফলে ভুক্তদ্রব্য গলায় আটকাইয়া যায়।
  • আহারে উপশম।

সর্তকতা: যেখানে রক্তে অতিরিক্ত জমাট বাঁধে সেক্ষেত্রে ইহা বিরূদ্ধ নির্দ্দেশক –ডাঃ ফ্যারিংটন ।   


মূল কথাঃ

  • বিষন্ন এবং সদাই সন্দেহ পরায়ণ;
  • কে যেন সর্বদাই তার সহিত রহিয়াছে-এমন মনে হয়;
  • নিজের উপর বা অন্যের উপর সর্বদাই সন্দেহ হয়;
  • হাসির কথায় রাগ করে আবার রাগের কথায় হাসিয়া ফেলে-এমন অদ্ভুত আচরণ;
  • কঠোর মানসিক পরিশ্রম, অতিরিক্ত হস্ত মৈথুন, অতিরিক্ত সহবাস জনিত কারণ।
  • স্মৃতিশক্তির দুর্বলতা বা অকস্মাৎ স্মৃতিভ্রংশ।
  • মলত্যাগের জন্য চাপ দিবার সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই মলত্যাগের ইচ্ছা চলিয়া যায়।
  • দেহ এক ব্যক্তি আর মন অপর ব্যক্তি বলিয়া মনে হয়।
  • একটু অহঙ্কারী।
  • সন্দেহ প্রবণ; পিতামাতা এমনকি স্ত্রীকেও সন্দেহ করিয়া থাকে (হাইওসাইয়েমাস)।
  • ভয় হয় যেন কউ তার পেছনে পেছনে আসছে।
  • শরীরের ডান পার্শ্ব বেশি আক্রান্ত হয় (লাইকো, কষ্টিকাম, স্যান্গুনেরিয়া, ক্রোটেলাস, আর্স আইওড)।
  • ডান পাশে আক্রমণ ।
  • ডান হাতে আঁচিল দেখা যায়।
  • হাতের তালুতে চর্মরোগ।

ব্যবহারস্থলঃ  সুরাপান জনিত মন্দফল, সন্ন্যাস, মস্তিষ্কের ক্লান্তি, কাশি, দুর্বলতা, অর্জীণ, শিরপীড়া, কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য, শূলরোগ, উন্মাদ রোগ, স্মৃতিশক্তির হ্রাস, নানাবিধ চর্মরোগ, মেরুদন্ডে পীড়া, গ্রীবাস্তম্ভ, গর্ভিণীর বমন, গোদ, কুষ্ঠরোগ, হৃদযন্ত্রের পীড়া, আঁচিল, অর্শ প্রভৃতি ক্ষেত্রে উপযোগী।

উপশম/হ্রাসঃ  খাইবার সময়, গরম সেঁকে উপশম, পার্শ্বদেশে শয়নে ও ঘর্ষণে উপশম।

বৃদ্ধিঃ  গরম জলে, খাইবার ২ ঘন্টা পর, মানসিক পরিশ্রমে (মাথাধরা) বৃদ্ধি।

 ক্রিয়া স্থিতিকালঃ ৩০-৪০ দিন।

লক্ষণ সূত্রঃ এম, ভট্রাচার্য্য: পৃষ্ঠা-৮২, এন, সি ঘোষ: পৃষ্ঠা-৮৫, উইলিয়াম বোরিক: পৃষ্ঠা-৩৪, নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়: পৃষ্ঠা-৫৩, অতুল কৃষ্ণ দত্ত: পৃষ্ঠা-১১৮, ই. এ. ফ্যারিংটন: পৃষ্ঠা-১৭৯, জেমস টেইলর কেন্ট: পৃষ্ঠা-৬৪, নীলমনি ঘটক: পৃষ্ঠা-২৩, ই. বি ন্যাশ: পৃষ্ঠা-৫০০, জে এম মিত্র: পৃষ্ঠা-৮০, এস কে সাহা: পৃষ্ঠা-১১৫, এইচ. সি এলেন: পৃষ্ঠা-৩১, জন হেনরি ক্লার্ক: পৃষ্ঠা-৯৩ ।


Anacardium Orientale
Marking Nut. (Anacardiaceae.)





H.C. Allen

Anacardium Orientale
Marking Nut. (Anacardiaceae.)


  • Sudden loss of memory; everything seems to be in a dream; patient is greatly troubles about his forgetfulness; confused, unfit for business.
  • Disposed to be malacious, seems bent on wickedness.
  • Irresistible desire to curse and swear (Lac. c., Lil., Nit. ac. - wants to pray continually, Stram.).
  • Lack of confidence in himself and others.
  • Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding him to do what the other forbids.
  • When walking, is anxious, as if some one were pursuing him; suspects everything around him.
  • Weakness of all the senses.
  • Hypochondriac, with haemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Strange temper, laughs at serious matters and is serious over laughable things.
  • Thinks herself a demon; curses and swears.
  • Sensation as of a hoop or band around a part (Cac., Carb. ac., Sulph.).
  • Headache: relieved entirely when eating (Psor.); when lying down in bed at night, and when about falling asleep; worse during motion and work.
  • Gastric and nervous headaches of sedentary persons (Arg. n., Bry., Nux).
  • Apt to choke when eating and drinking (Can. s., Kava kava, Nit. ac.).
  • Swallows foods and drink hastily; symptoms disappear while eating (Kali p., Psor.).
  • Stomach: sensation of fasting "all gone," comes one only when stomach is empty and is > by eating (Chel., Iod.); > during process of digestion (rev. of Bry., Nux).
  • Warts on palms of hands (Nat. m.).
  • Great desire of stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without evacuation; rectum seems powerless, paralyzed, with sensation as if plugged up (irregular peristaltic or over action, Nux).


Compare: Rhus r., Rhus t., and Rhus v. Symptoms are prone to go from right to left (Lyc.). Anacardium follows well: after Lyc., and Puls. Anacardium follows, and is followed by Platina.


Marking Nut


  • The Anacardium patient is found mostly among the neurasthenics; such have a type of nervous dyspepsia, relieved by food; impaired memory, depression, and irritability; diminution of senses (smell, sight, hearing).
  • Syphilitic patients often suffer with these conditions.
  • Intermittency of symptoms.
  • Fear of examination in students.
  • Weakening of all senses, sight, hearing, etc.
  • Aversion to work; lacks self-confidence; irresistible desire to swear and curse.
  • Sensation of a plug in various parts-eyes, rectum, bladder, etc; also of a band.
  • Empty feeling in stomach; eating temporarily relieves all discomfort.
  • This is a sure indication, often verified.
  • Its skin symptoms are similar to Rhus, and it has proved a valuable antidote to Poison-Oak.



  • Fixed ideas.
  • Hallucinations; thinks he is possessed of two persons or wills.
  • Anxiety when walking, as if pursued.
  • Profound melancholy and hypochondriasis, with tendency to use violent language.
  • Brain-fag.
  • Impaired memory.
  • Absent mindedness.
  • Very easily offended.
  • Malicious; seems bent on wickedness.
  • Lack of confidence in himself or others.
  • Suspicious (Hyos).
  • Clairaudient, hears voices far away or of the dead.
  • Senile dementia.
  • Absence of all moral restraint.



  • Vertigo.
  • Pressing pain, as from a plug; worse after mental exertion-in forehead; occiput, temples, vertex; better during a meal.
  • Itching and little boils on scalp.



  • Pressure like a plug on upper orbit.
  • Indistinct vision.
  • Objects appear too far off.



  • Pressing in the ears as from a plug.
  • Hard of hearing.


  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Sense of smell perverted.
  • Coryza with palpitation, especially in the aged.



  • Blue rings around eyes.
  • Face pale.



  • Painful vesicles; fetid odor.
  • Tongue feels swollen, impending speech and motion, with saliva in mouth.
  • Burning around lips as from pepper.



  • Weak digestion, with fullness and distention.
  • Empty feeling in stomach.
  • Eructation, nausea, vomiting.
  • Eating relieves the Anacardium dyspepsia.
  • Apt to choke when eating or drinking.
  • Swallows food and drinks hastily.



  • Pain as if dull plug were pressed into intestines.
  • Rumbling, pinching, and griping.



  • Bowels inactive.
  • Ineffectual desire; rectum seems powerless, as if plugged up; spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani; even soft stool passes with difficulty.
  • Itching at anus; moisture from rectum.
  • Haemorrhage during stool.
  • Painful haemorrhoids.



  • Voluptuous itching; increased desire; seminal emissions without dreams.
  • Prostatic discharge during stool.



  • Leucorrhoea, with soreness and itching.
  • Menses scanty.



  • Pressure in chest, as from a dull plug.
  • Oppression of chest, with internal heat and anxiety, driving him into open air.
  • Cough excited by talking, in children, after fit of temper.
  • Cough after eating with vomiting of food and pain in occiput.



  • Palpitation, with weak memory, with coryza in the aged; stitches in heart region.
  • Rheumatic pericarditis with double stitches.



  • Dull pressure in the shoulders, as from a weight.
  • Stiffness at nape of neck.



  • Neuralgia in thumb.
  • Paralytic weakness.
  • Knees feel paralyzed or bandaged.
  • Cramps in calves.
  • Pressure as from a plug in the glutei.
  • Warts on palms of hands.
  • Fingers swollen with vesicular eruption.



  • Spells of sleeplessness lasting for several nights.
  • Anxious dreams.



  • Intense itching, eczema, with mental irritability; vesicular eruption; swelling, urticaria; eruption like that of Poison-Oak (Xerophyl; Grindel; Croton).
  • Lichen planus; neurotic eczema.
  • Warts on hands.
  • Ulcer formation on forearm.



Worse, on application of hot water.

Better, from eating. When lying on side, from rubbing.



Antidote: Grindeleia; Coffea; Juglans; Rhus; Eucalyptus.

Compare: Anacard occidentale (cashew nut) (erysipelas, vesicular facial eruptions), (anæsthetic variety of leprosy; warts, corns, ulcers, cracking of the skin on soles of feet). Rhus; Cypriped; Chelidon; Xerophyl.

Platina follows well. Cereus serpentina (swearing).


Dose: Sixth to two hundredth potency.




Pain in stomach when it is empty, > by eating.

Frequent ineffectual desire for stool, from insufficiency or paralytic state of rectum; with sense of lump or plug in anus; with the effort the desire vanishes.

Loss of memory; irresistible desire to curse and swear; feels as if he had two wills, one commanding, the other forbidding, to do things.

Pain and sensation as of a blunt plug in different parts.

Suspects every one and everything around him; when walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him; weakness of all the senses.


Anacardium Orientale

Mind: This remedy is full of strange notions and ideas.

  • The mind appears to be feeble; almost, if not complete imbecility; seems as if in a dream; everything is strange; slow to comprehend. Marked irritability; disturbed by everything; cursing.
  • Weak memory. Forgetful of things in his mind but a moment ago. All his senses seem to vanish and he gropes around as if in a dream.
  • Change of states; after states. Dullness and sluggishness of the mind prevail. He is in a continuous controversy with himself. Irresolution marks his character. He cannot settle between doing this and that, he hesitates and often does nothing. He cannot decide, especially in an action of good or evil.
  • He hears voices commanding him to do this or that, and seems to be between a good and an evil will. He is persuaded by his evil will to do acts of violence and injustice, but is withheld and restrained by a good will. So there is a controversy between two wills, between two impulses. When this is really analyzed by one who knows something of the nature of man it will be seen that the man is disturbed in his external will, but the internal will cannot be affected by medicine.
  • His external voluntary is continuously excited by external influences, but his real will, in which is his conscience, restrains that and keeps him from carrying the impulses into effect. This can only be observed when its action is on a really good man. He has a controversy when his external will is aroused, but in an evil man there is no restraint and be will not have this symptom.
  • Hallucinations:a demon sits on one shoulder and an angel on the other.
  • He is disposed to malice and has an irresistible desire to curse and swear. Laughs when he should be serious. So it is carried on until all things in the external will are inverted. Internal anxiety, i. e., the internal will is in a turmoil. over this external disturbance.
  • "Contradiction between will and reason" is an attempt to express what the individual knew nothing about.
  • "Feels as though he had two wills."
  • That is better. It finally destroys or paralyzes the external will, and when a man is naturally evil and is under the paralyzing influence of Anacardiumhe will do acts of violence.
  • A wicked man is restrained, not by his conscience, but by fear of the law. Anacardiumparalyzes the external will arid places him in a position of imbecility, and he does acts of violence from his own natural perverted self It has so acted on a portion of the mind that it teaches a great deal.
  • I have learned much from Anac., Aurum and Argentumof the strange action of medicines on the human mind.
  • Psychology must be figured out by the action of drugs on the human mind. By this means we get at facts and can lay aside many hypotheses.
  • Ideas as if nothing were real, all seems to be a dream. Fixed ideas. He thinks he is double. This comes from a vague consciousness that there is a difference between the external and internal will, a consciousness that one will is the body and another is the mind.
  • Dwells on thoughts about salvation. That a stranger is by his side, is another recognition of the two wills. That strange forms accompany him, one to his right side and one to his left. This mental state drives him to madness.
  • Alternation of his moods and understanding. One moment he sees a thing and another moment he does not understand it. One moment she sees it is her child and another that it is not. One moment it is a delusion and next moment it is an illusion.
  • One moment thinks it is so and next moment has enough reason left that it is not so .
  • Delusion is an advanced stage of illusion.
  • In the Repertory we have the same remedies often in illusion and delusion, it is a matter of grade.
  • When the intellect is slightly affected it is an illusion, and what he sees he knows is not so.
  • He sees demons, and at first he knows from his intelligence that a demon is not there, but later, he wants you to drive him out.
  • It does not matter which, they are similar symptoms, and it is a matter of degree, and so, in the Repertory, delusions and illusions are not given separate places.
  • Anac., Hyos., Stram, and Bell., are important in bringing out the quality of the perverted human mind as to the intelligence and affections.
  • Whenever a medicine makes a man desire to do something it affects his will, and when it affects his intelligence it is acting on his understanding. Medicines act on both.
  • Low-spirited, disheartened, fears be is pursued, looks for thieves, expects enemies, fears everything and everybody.
  • Full of internal anxiety. No peace. He is separated from the whole world, and he despairs to do that which is required of him. Cowardly in the extreme.
  • Fears some dreadful thing will happen. Morose, sulky, sullen.
  • Unsocial; complains of weak memory. Slight causes make him excessively angry. A strong feature is that all moral feeling is taken out of him. He feels cruel. Can do bodily injury without feeling.
  • Cruel, malicious, wicked.
  • Bad effects of mental excitement. Weak-minded. Consequences of fright and mortification. Suitable in religious mania when the conflict between the external and internal will is kept up. It is analogous to Hyos.
  • Many complaints are ameliorated by eating.
  • Sensation here and there of pressure, described as if a plug, all through the body, in the head, eyes, in the navel and down the spine.
  • Objects appear too far off. Things have a strange look, sometimes uncanny. Illusions of smell, burning timber, pigeon's dung.
  • Chronic dry coryza.
  • The whole body has been well covered by symptoms; but it seems that the mind represents the principal aspect, and A will seldom be used excepting for such mind symptoms.
  • Usually when the mental symptoms are strong the physical are also covered by the remedy.
  • Full of trembling and paralytic weakness. Tetanus; epilepsy. Sensations as of a hoop or band around the body, limbs or head; pressing as of a plug.
  • Skin: The eruptions are like Rhusin many respects; erysipelatous eruptions dark, dusky and of malignant types.
  • It is an antidote to Rhuspoisoning.
  • Eruptions all over. Yellow vesicles are common. Intense itching of eruptions. Warts on the palms like Natrum mur. Skin burns much. It seems closely related in its symptoms to all the Rhusfamily.



Constantine Hering

Marking Nut. Anacardiacea.

 The nut of Semecarpus Anacardium ; not identical with Avicennia tomentosa, as Hahnemann erroneously stated. It is imported from the East Indies, and if Schwabe, in his Pharmacopœia, recommends the soft resin of the seed for trituration, it is only to avoid too old and dry ones.

     The common tincture of the whole nut was proved by Hahnemann and his original disciples, because it had been one of the most famous medicines in the old Arabian school, forgotten for nearly a thousand years.

     The provings were arranged and published by E. Stapf, in the second volume of his Archives, in 1823. The next edition was made by Hahnemann, in his Chronic Diseases, in 1835, where he condensed the 484 symptoms of the first publication, and added (without having another prover) 158 new symptoms.


  • Everything appears as in a dream. θ Melancholia.
  • Feeling as if spirit was separated from body.
  • Stupor.
  • Did not know those around her. 
  • Memory and senses are affected.
  • In afternoon his memory is > than in forenoon, although his recollections only come to him after the time when he is in need of them ; however, he easily remembers what he reads.
  • Weak memory.
  • Loss of memory. 
  • Meningitis.
  • Loss of memory after general paralysis. 
  • Forgetfulness. 
  • Hysteria.
  • Forgets everything she has seen. 
  • Mania.
  • Her forgetfulness troubles her so much that she loses her appetite. 
  • Melancholy.
  • After having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they were not what she supposed. θ Melancholy.
  • After having caressed her husband or child she pushes them away from her, as if they were not what she supposed. 
  • He remembers with difficulty ; he retains nothing in his memory ; he is deficient in ideas and he soon loses his subject without being aware of it.
  • Cannot remember anything about his previous state. 
  • Imbecility.
  • A very intelligent man, at. 60, after having been a few hours in his grapery, where powdered sulphur had been sprinkled, suddenly lost all power of recollection so completely, that even what had happened a few minutes or a few hours ago was gone from his memory and he was quite imbecile. One dose Anacardium, 2ø, restored him very soon and permanently.
  • Memory quite useless, particularly for single names, mornings.
  • Weakness of mind.
  • Dulness of mind and inability to think.
  • Imbecility. θ After apoplexy.
  • Idiocy. θ After poisoning with stramonium seed.
  • Intellect remains weak or impaired after having passed through severe fevers, smallpox, etc.
  • From 9 to 10 P. M., first extreme excitement of fancy and projective ideas ; later, by degrees, becomes dull and does not think at all.
  • Imagines he hears voice of mother or sister, who are far away.
  • Has a devil in his ear whispering blasphemous words.
  • Idea as if everything perceived had no reality, all things appear as in a dream.
  • Thinks he is double.
  • Fixed ideas : that mind and body are separated ; about redemption of soul and about the devil ; that a stranger is constantly by his side ; that strange forms accompany him, one to his right and one to his left.
  • Has the fixed idea that her husband is not her husband, her child not her child ; now she fondles them and again pushes them away. θ Mania.
  • Hallucination ; a demon sits on his neck and tells him most offensive things.
  • ** Delirious mania.
  • Disposed to malice, seems bent on wickedness.
  • Irresistible desire to curse and swear.
  • Talks constantly in senseless, stupid phrases.
  • Extreme merriment, laughs when he should be serious.
  • Continual talking of senseless twaddle. 
  • Strange temper, she laughs at serious and is grave over ludicrous occurrences.
  • Screaming and crying of infants. θ Fever.
  • Every five minutes he screams loudly, as if he would call someone. θ Rage.
  • Uses profane language, swears, thinks himself a demon.
  • Furious, has to be kept in a straight jacket.
  • Dull and stupid, fixed gaze. θ Imbecility.
  • Every motion extremely awkward and sluggish.
  • It is difficult to get an answer from him, it takes a long while ; his answers are short and incomplete, but correct. θ Imbecility.
  • Disinclined to talk. θ Headache.
  • Estrangement from individuals and society, with fear of future.
  • Cannot be persuaded to do anything. θ Imbecility.
  • Aversion to work.
  • Sadness : looks on dark side of everything.
  • Low-spirited, disheartened. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
  • Melancholy. θ Amenorrhoea. θ After parturition.
  • Hypochondriac mood in forenoon, dejected and desponding, with foolish, clumsy actions.
  • Hypochondriasis. θ Hemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Anxiety : with wabbling sensation in epigastrium ; with stupidity ; with fidgety legs.
  • Anxious and hypochondriac, shuns people.
  • When walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him ; he suspected everything around him.
  • Apprehensive of death being close at hand.
  • Fearfulness.
  • Fear of paralysis.
  • Inward anxiety and heat. θ Angina.
  • Anxiety and feeling of impending misfortune.
  • Internal anxiety, which did not leave him any peace ; he felt solicitous on account of every trifle, as if it would lead to some great trouble ; with apprehension of future.
  • Despondency and fear of approaching death. θ Pertussis.
  • Anxiousness ; despairs of getting well. θ Apoplexy.
  • He is very indifferent and unfeeling ; neither agreeable nor disagreeable objects excite his interest.
  • He is separated from whole world and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to do that which is required of him.
  • Contradiction between reason and will. θ Headache. θ Pertussis.
  • Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding to do what the other forbids.
  • In one ear a devil, in the other an angel, prompts him to do murder or acts of benevolence.
  • Loss of will power. θ After apoplexy.
  • Cowardice.
  • Morose and restless.
  • His great forgetfulness makes him very morose. θ Melancholy after typhus.
  • Hypochondriac sullen mood.
  • Excessively peevish and ill-humored. θ Headache.
  • Extreme irritability.
  • Irritable, passionate and contradictory.
  • He takes everything in bad part and becomes violent.
  • Unsocial, complains of weak memory. 
  • slight offense makes him excessively angry, breaking out in personal violence.
  • Want of moral feeling ; depravity, ungodliness, inhumanity, and hardness of heart.
  • Malicious, wicked and cruel.
  • Excited mood.
  • Dull insusceptibility.
  • Bad effect of mental exertion.
  • Exertion of mind brings on tearing pressing headache in forehead, temples and occiput.
  • Weeping relieves oppression of chest.
  • Melancholy after quarreling with her husband.
  • Consequences of fright or mortification.  
  • Loss of memory.



  • Overacuteness of the senses.
  • Senses less acute ; lessening of sight, hearing, smell and taste.
  • Numbness and pressure in head, most when he exerts himself in writing. θ Apoplexy.
  • Dulness of head and pale face. θ Mania.
  • Feels dull and prostrated.
  • Weakness of special senses. θ Sequela of meningitis.
  • Weakness of all senses.
  • Dulness and confusion in head.
  • Vertigo : getting black before eyes ; when walking ; as if surroundings or self were tottering.
  • Sensation as if everything was moving around.
  • Vertigo on stooping and rising from stooping, as if he were turning round to left ; with vertigo dim sight.
  • Giddiness as if drunken, out-of-doors. θ Headache.



  • Pressure : in forehead, mornings when awaking, and in evening.
  • Dull pressure as with a plug on upper border of right orbit, extending into brain, with stupefaction of whole side of head.
  • Most headache in temples.
  • Violent pressure in temples.
  • Dull pressure, as from a plug, on left side of vertex.
  • Constrictive headache in forehead, with very irritable mood, pains increase hourly ; momentarily relieved by strong pressure ; finally whole head affected ; later whole head pains as if a tense band was reaching from nape of neck to ears ; must lie down.
  • Pressing from temples toward eyes.
  • Stitches : over right eye ; in left side of head.
  • Throbbing headache.
  • Hot head, with icy-cold hands and feet.
  • Digging and throbbing pains in right side of head and along border of orbit ; relieved entirely when eating, and when lying down in bed at night and when about falling asleep ; < during motion and work.
  • Stitches in brain. θ Pertussis.
  • Nervous headache. θ Hypochondriasis.
  • Pressive pain in top of head when coughing or taking a deep inspiration.
  • Pressing headache mostly in temples from without inward, with diminished sight and hearing ; < a few hours after a meal, on exerting mind or stepping hard.
  • Tearing headache during hard labor.
  • Tearing throbbing in vertex.
  • Tearing and pressing in forehead and temples.
  • Tearing pain in occiput.
  • Throbbing in occiput.
  • Headache in occiput, < from making a misstep and from loud noise.
  • Congestion of blood to head, with pain in cerebellum. θ Pertussis.
  • Pressure : in right side of occiput ; from without, in jerks, spreading from forehead over whole head ; from within outward ; from forehead backward.
  • Gastric and nervous headaches.



  • Tearing headaches extending into muscles of neck and throat.
  • Bending head backward, pain in occiput aggravated.
  • Violent itching of scalp.
  • Itching on forehead.
  • Many lentil-sized boils on scalp, with sore pain when touched or scratched.
  • Small pimply eruption on head.
  • Dry heat on whole head.
  • Baldness.
  • Many little boils on hairy scalp, very sensitive to touch, and about size of a flax-seed.



  • Great sensitiveness to light.
  • The light seems to have a halo around it.
  • Flickering before eyes during day, blind at night.
  • Optical illusions in dark colors.
  • Halo around light.
  • Pupils first contracted, later dilated.
  • Weakness of sight. θ Apoplexy.
  • Vision indistinct.
  • Weakness and dimness of eyes. θ Coryza.
  • Blackness before eyes with vertigo.
  • Eyes sunken.
  • Shortsightedness.
  • After a half hour’s sleep, every object appeared a long way off.
  • Objects appear too far off.
  • Stitches over right eye.
  • Pain in left eye with a twitching in it.
  • Strange, uncanny look. θ Mania.
  • Lachrymation with coryza ; also with a contracting pain in nose.
  • Lids so swollen he could hardly see.
  • Eyelids felt swollen, but without pain.
  • Pressure as from a plug, on upper margin of right orbit.
  • Pressure on eyeball from before backward, or from above downward.
  • Blue circles around eyes.



Speaks of a devil who whispers blasphemy into his ear.
Humming in ears.
Roaring before ears.
Hearing at times very weak, at others very acute.
Hardness of hearing.
Sensation of obstruction, as from cotton or a plug in ear.
Want of ear-wax. θ Coryza.
Dragging pains with polypus auris.
Tearing or stitching pains in left ear ; < when swallowing.
Sore pain in ear when biting teeth together.
Itching in ears.
Painful swelling of external ear.
Ear inflamed with headache.


Worse from strong smells. θ Headache.
Sense of smell too acute. θ Coryza.
Sensitive smell and bitter taste.
Illusory smell as of burning tinder, morning, when rising.
Constant smell before nose like pigeon or chicken dung, especially when smelling his clothes or his body.
Smell seems quite lost, though nose is not obstructed. θ Coryza.
Feeling of dryness in nose.
Obstruction of nose ; of left nostril. θ Coryza.
Chronic coryza and discharge of mucus from nose.
Chronic dry coryza, with anosmia and a discharge of purulent phlegm.
Fluent coryza, with sneezing and lachrymation.
Red pustule in right nostril on septum, with sore pain when touched.
Much sneezing and long-continued disposition thereto. θ Pertussis.
Irritation to sneeze with cough.


Strange expression in face. θ Mania.
Face disfigured, look wild, childish, without expression. θ Palsy.
Tearing pains in face. θ Headache.
Violent burning in face.
Complains of heat in head and red cheeks, forehead cold.
Face red, more frequent pulse. θ Mania.
Heat in face with great prostration.
Paleness of face.
Pale, wan looking ; blue rings around eyes. θ Headache.
White scaly herpes on right cheek, near upper lip.
Strange expression. θ Melancholy.
Face swelled, beginning from eyes.
Left side of face swollen and covered with small pock-like blisters.
Repeated tearing in right side of face and neck. θ Faceache.
Itching in face. θ Headache.
Acute eczema of face and neck, with redness and eruption of small blisters with intense itching.


Rough, scaly skin around mouth, with crawling itching.
Burning dryness of outer border of lips, almost like from pepper.
Violent burning on chin.
Mouth twitches in sleep.
Small blisters on chin, discharging liquid when broken.


Tearing in teeth of left side.
Toothache on taking something warm into mouth.
Toothache in one lower incisor, < by contact with tongue and open air.
Teeth of lower jaw seem most affected.
Swelling of gums.
Bleeding of gums upon slight rubbing.


Bitter taste in mouth after smoking tobacco.
Everything tastes like herring-brine.
Flat, offensive taste in mouth, and taste of food.
Taste lost.
Heaviness of tongue and sensation as if swollen ; impedes speech.
Impeded speech. θ Apoplexy.
Speech firmer and surer in afternoon than forenoon.
Was unable to speak, and made only unintelligible sounds. θ Palsy.
Tongue white and rough like a grater.


Fetid odor from mouth, without his perceiving it. θ Headache.
Painful vesicles in mouth.
Ulcers in mouth.
Water accumulates in mouth, until it provokes vomiting ; also with violent thirst and red face.
Water flows together in mouth and runs out. θ Apoplexy.


Roughness and scraping in throat.
Sensation of rawness in throat, during cough, after eating.
Firm tough mucus in fauces ; raising it causes gagging and retching. θ Coryza.
Suppuration of tonsils.


Loss of appetite and feverishness, with cutaneous symptoms.
The torturing forgetfulness makes her low-spirited, and she loses her appetite. θ Mania.
All food offensive and flat.
At times violent hunger, at others no appetite.
Constant thirst ; yet drinking takes breath ; must stop frequently during a draught.
Thirst during heat.
Thirst for milk with sweat all over.


Apt to “choke” when eating and drinking. (Verschluckern.)
Swallows food and drink hastily. θ Rage.
Symptoms disappear during dinner, but begin anew after two hours. θ Headache, dry throat, dyspepsia, etc.
Worse after eating : head, stomach and bowel symptoms ; rough throat ; nausea ; pressure in liver ; short breath ; violent cough (after drinking) ; heartburn ; flying heat over face.
Warm food causes toothache.
Sweat lessened while eating.
Weak digestion in hypochondriacs.
Hypochondriac mood after eating.


Eructations : empty ; fluid, causing choking ; with spasmodic pain in stomach.
Heartburn, after eating soup.
Burning rising from stomach to throat.
Nausea in morning, with empty feeling in stomach.
Nausea, with retching, returning soon after drinking cold water ; vomiting of water with pain, as if oesophagus was distended by a large ball.
After cough vomiting of ingesta, which gives relief.


Sensation of fasting in pit of stomach, followed by pressure in stomach ; < awaking mornings.
Stitch in pit of stomach during inspiration.
Rumbling and fermentation in pit of stomach.
Weak digestion, with fulness and distension of abdomen and hypochondriacal humor.
Spasmodic pain in stomach, with belching.
Every step shakes the stomach.
Catarrh of stomach, with drawing together and shooting pains.
Drawing pain in cardiac end of stomach on walking fast.


Stitches in hypochondria.
Pressure in liver.
Pain in spleen with fever.


Pain around navel, as if a blunt plug was pressed into intestines.
Continual rumbling in abdomen, especially in umbilical region.
Pinching and griping in abdomen.
Bursting pain in abdomen. θ Pertussis.
Hardness of abdomen.
Faintlike weakness in abdomen and knees.
Fulness and distension of abdomen.


Stools of very pale color.
Stools mush-like, bloody, brown, liver-like ; painless.
Great and urgent desire for stool, but with effort the desire passes away, without an evacuation ; rectum seems powerless, with sensation as if plugged up.
Diarrhoea-like stools.
Summer complaint with stupor, thirst, vomiting, fever.
Frequent profuse hemorrhage when at stool. θ Hemorrhoids.
Itching at anus.
Moisture from rectum.
Inactivity of rectum, even soft stool is passed with difficulty.
Unsuccessful urging to stool.
Painful hemorrhoidal tumors.
Internal piles, especially if fissured.


Constant desire to urinate.
Frequent urging, with but small discharge.
Urine : clear as water ; turbid when passed, deposits a dirty sediment ; when shaken urine looks clay colored ; passed involuntarily.
Frequent urination at night. θ Apoplexy.
Prostatic juice with even a soft stool ; also after urinating.


Violent sexual desire.
Erections during day.
Seminal emissions at night, without amorous dreams.
Want of enjoyment during coitus.
Cutting pain along penis.
Voluptuous itching of scrotum, exciting sexual desire.
Burning in glans before and after urinating.


Pain in abdomen with pressing in uterus.
Menses scanty but frequent. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Spasmodic pains deep in abdomen. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
Leucorrhoea, causing soreness and itching.


Nausea during pregnancy, < before and after, but better while eating.
Much loss of blood after an abortion.
Melancholia after childbed.


Voice hoarse and deep, with roughness in throat.
Talking excites cough.
Pressure or aching near larynx.
Pressure in pit of throat.
Rattling in windpipe when lying on side.


The breath has a bad odor.
From breathing deeply or coughing : pain in vertex.
Shortness of breath, oppression in region of sternum.
Anxiety in region of sternum, without pain ; feels as if he must go into open air and busy himself.
Loss of breath on beginning to cough.
Oppression of chest, with internal heat and anxiety driving him into open air.
Attacks of suffocation. θ Pertussis.


Cough excited by : talking ; tickling in trachea.
Cough worse, not while eating, but after eating, with vomiting of food.
Cough worse after meals. θ Apoplexy.
Paroxysms every three or four hours ; more violent every other or every third day.
Violent cough, with loss of smell and taste.
When coughing : pain in occiput ; abdomen feels as if it would burst.
Deep hollow cough, wakes him at night.
Violent, concussive cough. θ Pertussis.
Yawning and sleepiness after cough.
Expectoration : of sweetish, flat-tasting mucus ; tenacious greyish yellow ; purulent.
Expectoration only during day.


Chest oppressed with anxiety and internal heat.
Dull pressure, as from a plug in right side of chest.
Sharp stitches in precordial region, extending thence to small of back.
Rawness and scraping in chest.
Violent pressure in chest. θ Pertussis.
Chest contracted in walking. θ Headache.


Restless feeling at heart.
Rheumatic affections of pericardium.
Stitch in region of heart, during inspiration, at night.
Stitches piercing through and through at heart ; each time two quickly succeeding each other.
Pulse generally accelerated, with beating in bloodvessels.
Pulse frequent, face red. θ Melancholia.


Itching on chest.
Violent eczema on breast and throat.
Redness of skin, with little blisters itching intolerably.


Pain in nape of neck and occiput.
Stiffness of nape of neck.
Feeling as from a tightly-drawn tape from ear to ear.
Dull intermittent pressure, as from a heavy load on right side of neck and left acromion.
Painful tearing between scapula.
Dull stitches in left scapula.
Backache, upper part feels as if beaten. θ Headache.
Stiffness in small of back.


Dull stitches in left scapula, return slowly and radiate to all sides.
Sensation of weakness in arms, with trembling.
Very painful strokes, as from a heavy body at middle of l. upper arm.
Left arm “goes to sleep,” also fingers.
Stitches and heaviness in forearm.
Tensive pain and weakness in arms.
Small blisters on back of hands.
Sweat in inside of hands ; left worse.
Fingers twitch during sleep.
Cramplike pain at metacarpo-phalangeal articulations : cramplike twitches in fingers.
Great feeling of dryness of hands.
Hands, even palms, covered with warts.
Numbness of fingers.
Fourth and fifth fingers fall asleep if cool. θ Anosmia.
Writers’ spasm.
Trembling of right hand.
Pustules on fingers.


Pain in head of femur, extending to groin.
Shooting burning from thigh to foot, ceasing at times and suddenly returning. θ Rheumatism.
Dull pressure, as from a plug, in left glutei muscles.
Painful dull-pointed pressure in thigh, at times in rhythmical intermissions.
Legs tense, as if too short.
Legs stiff, as if bandaged, with painful restlessness in them.
Legs lame after apoplexy.
Painful uneasiness about knee, with sensation of stiffness as if bandaged or made tense, when sitting.
Wavelike twitches, here and there, in legs.
Knees feel paralyzed, with stiffness, great lassitude and drowsiness ; is scarcely able to walk.
An ulcer below knee.
Limbs start violently when lying down ; in an old woman.
Cramp in calves when walking, or rising from a seat ; better lying down.
Painful drawing in tibia.
Cramplike pressure in calves, externally, towards tibia.
Cramplike, intermittent drawing, from heel up into calves.
Pain in ankle, as if sprained, when stepping on left foot.
Stitches in dorsum of foot.
Cramplike drawing and tearing pains, from toes to dorsum of foot.
Burning in soles, while sitting.
Coldness of feet in morning.


Tired feeling in limbs, trembling, with feverish restlessness.
Repeated tearings in paroxysms, through upper and lower limbs at same time. θ Headache.
Heaviness in limbs, especially in knees.
Weakness in arms and knees, with trembling.


Lying down : headache relieved ; limbs start violently ; cramps in calf >.
Lying on side : rattling in windpipe.
Must lie down : headache.
Sitting : painful uneasiness and stiffness of knees ; burning in soles ; sweats.
Rising from a seat : cramp in calf.
Rising from stooping : feels as if turning around to left.
Stooping : feels as if turning around to left.
Beginning to walk : is toilsome, but by continuing he feels better.
Walking : feels anxious : vertigo ; drawing pain in stomach ; cramp in calf ; pains in lower limbs.
Stepping : headache <; stomach shakes ; pain in ankle.
Ascending stairs : feels faint.
Motion : headache < ; causes trembling.
Playing piano : heaviness and fulness of whole body.
After hard labor : headache.


Paralysis of single parts.
Incomplete palsy of muscles subject to volition.
Tired feeling in all limbs.
Wants to lie or sit continually ; can scarcely move a hand.
Trembling : from every motion.
Trembling weakness of limbs. θ Apoplexy.
Very faint from going up-stairs.
Heaviness and fulness of whole body from playing piano.
Violent concussion of whole body. θ Pertussis.


Gaping and drowsiness after cough. θ Pertussis.
Headache better after falling asleep.
Sleepless from restlessness, cannot keep still.
Could not sleep well on account of itching.
Sound sleep until 9 A. M.
Vivid dreams at night, which recurred to him during day, as if things dreamed of had really happened.
Dreams : of smelling burning punk or sulphur, continues after waking ; of fire ; of dead bodies.
On lying down to sleep : legs start.
Headache < after getting awake in morning.


Most prominent times of aggravation, morning, and evening until midnight.
Remission after midnight and during day.
Day : flickering before eyes ; expectoration from cough ; erections.
Night : blindness ; seminal emissions ; cough ; vivid dreams.
Morning : memory impaired ; pressure in forehead ; smell of tinder when rising ; nausea ; sensation of fasting and pressure in stomach ; cold feet ; sound sleep till 9 o’clock.
Forenoon : memory deficient ; hypochondriac mood ; speech less firm than in afternoon.
Afternoon : memory > than in forenoon ; speech firmer than in forenoon.
At 3 4 P. M. : heat daily.
Evening : pressure in forehead ; heat from 4 P. M. ; sweat on abdomen and back ; itching.
At 9 to 10 P. M. : excitement of fancy ; later, dull.
After 10 P. M. : dull, does not think.


Sensitive to draught ; liable to take cold.
Open air : toothache <; feels as if he must go into it ; chill ; blisters harden to a crust.
Sunshine : relieves chill.
Warm room : internal chill.


Chill especially in open air, > in sunshine.
Internal chill, even in a warm room.
Shaking chill, with ill humor and restlessness.
Cold forehead and red cheeks.
External heat, with internal chill.
Shivering over back, as if cold water was poured over it, with heat of face.
Heat of upper part of body, with cold feet ; internal chilliness and hot breath.
Internal heat with cold sweat.
Outer and inner heat, with thirst and whimpering in sleep.
Heat from 4 P. M. till evening, daily ; passing off after supper.
Heat of left side.
Violent fever heat ; headache and great thirst. θ Pemphigus.
Sweat on head, abdomen and back, evenings.
Night-sweat on abdomen and back.
Clammy sweat in palms, particularly left.
Sweat lessened while eating.
Sweats when sitting.


The attacks cease for one or two days and then continue again for a couple of days.
Tertian and quartan intermittents.
Paroxysms of cough every three to four hours, more violent every other or every third day.
Two stitches quickly succeed each other.
Dull radiating stitches return slowly.
Ceasing and suddenly returning.
Heat daily from 4 P. M. till evening.


Right : dull pressure, digging and throbbing in upper border of orbit ; pressure in temple ; stupefaction of whole side of head ; digging and throbbing in side of head ; pressure in side of occiput ; pustule in nostril ; herpes on cheek ; tearing in face and neck ; pressure in chest ; dull pressure on side of neck ; trembling of hand.
Left : pressure in temple ; pressure in side of vertex ; stitches in side of head ; obstruction in ear ; tearing or stitching in ear ; obstructed nostril ; face swollen and covered with blisters ; tearing in teeth ; sharp stitches in chest ; pressure in acromion ; dull stitches in scapula ; painfulness of middle of upper arm ; arm and fingers “go to sleep ;” dull pressure in glutei muscles ; pain in ankle ; heat ; clammy sweat in palm.
Without inward : pressive pain in temples.
Before backward : pressure on eyeball.
Above downward : pressure on eyeball.
Below upward : cramplike drawing in lower limbs.
Diagonally : stitches from precordia to small of back.


As if everything was moving around ; pressure as with a plug on upper border of right orbit into brain ; as of a tense band from nape of neck to ears ; as from cotton or plug in ear ; as from pepper on border of lips ; as from fasting in pit of stomach ; as if a blunt plug was pressed into intestines ; as if abdomen would burst when coughing ; as from a plug in left glutei muscles ; legs tense as if too short ; as from a plug in right side of chest ; restless feeling at heart ; as if cold water was poured over back ; as of a hoop or band around part ; as if stuffed up.
The burning changes to an extremely painful itching, combined with pricking, like stings of insects.
Stitches : over right eye ; in left side of head ; in brain ; in left ear ; in pit of stomach during inspiration ; in hypochondria ; in precordial region to small of back ; in region of heart during inspiration ; piercing heart ; dull in left scapula ; in forearm ; in dorsum of foot.
Cutting : along penis.
Pinching and griping : in abdomen.
Digging : in right side of head and along border of orbit.
Tearing pain : in vertex ; in forehead and temples ; in occiput ; headache extending into muscles of neck and throat ; in left ear ; in face ; repeatedly in right side of face and neck ; in teeth ; between scapula ; from toes to dorsum of foot ; in paroxysms through limbs.
Shooting burning : from thigh to foot.
Burning : in face ; dryness of lips ; on chin ; from stomach to throat ; in glans, before and after urinating ; and shooting from thigh to foot ; in soles ; herpes ; in skin.
Soreness : in boils on scalp ; in ear when biting teeth together ; in pustule, in right nostril when touched ; from leucorrhoea.
Rawness : and roughness in throat ; in chest.
Pressure : in head ; in forehead ; as from a plug on left side of vertex and on upper border of right orbit ; in temples ; from temples towards eyes ; in top of head ; from without inward, in temples ; in right side of occiput ; without inward, from forehead over head ; from within outward, from forehead backward ; on eyeball, from before backward ; in stomach, preceded by emptiness ; in liver ; as from a plug around navel ; in rectum ; on uterus ; near larynx ; in throat pit ; as from a plug in right side of chest ; in left glutei muscles ; in thigh.
Drawing pain : in cardiac end of stomach ; in tibia ; cramplike, from heel into calves.
Dragging pain : with polypus auris.
Tensive pain : in arm.
Spasmodic pain : in stomach ; deep in abdomen.
Aching : near larynx.
Pain : in left eye ; in spleen ; in abdomen ; in head of femur to groin.
Cramplike pain : at metacarpo-phalangeal articulations ; in calves ; from toes to dorsum of foot ; in muscles ; from heel into calves.
Cramp : in calves when walking.
Contracting pain : in nose.
Constriction : in forehead ; like a band around head.
Sprained feeling : in ankle.
Lameness : in legs ; in knees.
Paralyzed feeling : in knees.
Stiffness : in nape of neck ; in small of back ; in legs, as if bandaged ; about the knees.
Swollen feeling : in eyelids ; of tongue.
Dulness : of head.
Stupefaction : of side of head.
Tired feeling : in limbs.
Throbbing : headache ; in right side of head ; in vertex ; in occiput.
Bursting pain : in abdomen, when coughing.
Weakness : in abdomen and knees ; in arms and knees with trembling.
Heaviness : of tongue : in forearm ; in limbs, especially in knees.
Oppression : in region of sternum ; of chest.
Numbness : in head ; left arm ; fingers.
Itching : of scalp ; on forehead ; of ears ; in face ; and crawling in eruption around mouth ; at anus ; of scrotum, exciting sexual desire ; on chest ; of little blisters on breast and throat.
Crawling : around mouth.
Trembling : in limbs.
Twitching : in left eye ; of mouth in sleep ; of fingers during sleep.
Wavelike twitches : here and there in legs.
Painful uneasiness : in knees and legs.
Painful strokes at middle of left upper arm.
Dryness : in nose ; of hands ; of lips.
Heat : in head ; in face ; internally with anxiety ; in upper part of body while feet are cold ; internally, with cold sweat ; from 4 P. M. till evening, daily ; of left side.
Coldness : on forehead ; of feet in morning ; as if cold water was poured over back.


Cramplike pains in muscles.
Contraction of joints.
Complaints of external parts.
Such a swelling of the affected parts that the patient looks like a hogshead (from wearing the nut).


Touch : soreness of boils on scalp <; soreness of pustule in nose <; toothache <.
Pressure : relieves pain in forehead for a while.
Scratching : itching generally <, but sometimes > or changed in location ; boils on scalp <.
Rubbing : gums bleed.
Wounded tendons.


Bright scarlet eruptions on whole body, especially on thighs in contact with nut, and of abdomen.
Destruction of epidermis, leaving an inflamed surface covered with small miliary pustules, with unbearable itching and discharging a yellow liquid, forming crusts (by applying the juice).
Intense redness of skin, with eruption of little blisters and unbearable itching.
Chest, neck, axilla, upper arms, abdomen, scrotum and thighs were not only covered with raised crusts, discharging a thick yellowish liquid, but these had partly changed into wartlike excrescences, with thickened epidermis, the whole intermediate skin being of an erythematous redness, and the itching fearful (from wearing the nut).
White herpetic spots, scaling.
Want of irritability of skin ; sinapisms will not excite it.
Itching < in evening and when he went to bed.
Burning and stinging herpes.
Excessively itching eruptions.
Blisters discharging a yellowish transparent liquid, hardening to a crust in open air.
Effects like those of Rhus tox. plant on skin.
Warts even on palms of hands.
Skin burns her very much. θ Pemphigus.
Scarlet redness over whole body. θ Pemphigus.
Covered all over with blisters from size of a pin-head up to a pea. θ Pemphigus.
Memory impaired after smallpox.


Ill-natured children with pertussis.
Old people.
Frequently indicated in nervous and hysterical females.
Women during pregnancy, gastric and nervous disorders.
Man, at. 72, apoplexy ; after it Bellad., Opium and Anacardium and after it Baryta.
Widow, at. 69, talkative after mortification. θ Insanity.


Similar to : Ant. tart. (cough in high-tempered children ; gaping, drowsy after cough) ; Apis. (skin) ; Coriaria ruscifolia (loss of memory, etc.) ; Ferrum (occiput pains in cough) ; Iodium ; Juglans ; Lycop. ; Nitr ac. (cursing) ; Nux vomica ; Phosph. ac. (brain) ; Platin. ; Pulsat. ; Urt. ur. (skin ; Zincum (brain) ; Pulsat., Natr. mur. (dry coryza) ; Caustic. (in writers’ spasm).
Relatives : Anacardium occid., Comoc., Rhus glab., Rhus rad., Rhus tox., Rhus ven.
Antidotes : Coffea and Juglans.
Anac. antidotes : Rhus tox., especially if there are gastric symptoms, or symptoms go from right to left.
It follows well after Lycop., Pulsat. and Platin.
After Anacardium : Platin. follows well.
Belongs to same family as Rhoes, and there is a similarity with Terebinthinea.
Neither Camphor. nor Spir. nitr. dulc. antidotes its effects, but for anger and violence of mind, smelling of raw coffee is a very effectual antidote.


ধারনা ভাব অভিমত খালী শুলে শুইলে নীরস ঝাঁপসা ক্ষীন পেছনে পিছনে স্মরণশক্তি হারিয়ে যায়, স্মৃতি শক্তি দুর্বল অশ্বরোগ অর্শ্ব মনে হয় মলদারে ছিপী আটকে আছে আচিল তাড়াতাড়ি তাড়াতাড়ী করে গিলে অদ্ভুত অদ্ভুদ খাদ্য সেড়ে সাড়ে ভাল হয়