Amylenum Nitrosum এমিলিনাম নাইট্রোসাম - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

Amylenum Nitrosum  এমিলিনাম নাইট্রোসাম

Amylenum Nitrosum এমিলিনাম নাইট্রোসাম

Short Description:

Product Description


Amylenum Nitrosum  এমিলিনাম নাইট্রোসাম

Nitrite of Amyl (C5H11NO2.), Amyl Nitrite, Amylis Nitris
(Amyl Nitrosum), 
Nitrite of Amyl 
C10 H11 O, NO3

[Please scroll down for the English Version]


পরিচয়ঃ অ্যামিল নাইট্রেট । নাইট্রিক এসিড সহ অ্যামিলিক সুরাসারের সংমিশ্রনে প্রস্তুত ।

ধাতুগত বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ স্নায়ু প্রধান, থলথলে ও রক্তপ্রধান স্ত্রীলোকদের ক্ষেত্রে অধিক উপযোগী ।


Antidotes / ক্রিয়ানাশকঃ ক্যাকটাস, ষ্ট্রীকনাইন, আর্গট (Cactus; Strychn; Ergot  



Henry Clay Allen, William Boericke, E. B. Nash, Constantine Hering এঁর মেটেরিয়া মেডিকা থেকে নেয়া Amylenum Nitrosum ঔষধের সারাংশ নিম্নরূপ:

  • অল্পতেই বিচলিত হয়, ঘাবড়িয়ে যায়, অনুভূতিপ্রবণ, রক্তাধিক্যপূর্ণ নারী, মহিলাদের মনোপোজের সময় বা পরে সৃষ্ট অসুস্থতা। 
  • রক্ত তীব্র গতিতে মুখমন্ডল এবং মাথায় ধাবিত হয়।
  • মুক্ত খোলা বাতায় চায়, সতেজ বায়ু পছন্দ করে, পেতে ইচ্ছা হয়।
  • লাল, আরক্তিম মুখমন্ডলে শুরু হয়ে পাকস্থলী সহ শরীরের বিভিন্ন অংগ প্রতঙ্গে হয়; এরপর প্রচুর পরিমাণে গরম ঘাম হয়।
  • সাগরতীরে গেলে অসুস্থ হয়; সাগর পাড়ে বৃদ্ধি, সমুদ্র শৈকতে রোগলক্ষণ বাড়ে।
  • সন্তান প্রসবের পর পরই খিঁচুনি; প্রসব পরবর্তী খিচুনি, পেশীর প্রবল আক্ষেপ।
  • মানসিক বা শারীরিক পরিশ্রমে বৃদ্ধি ।
  • উৎকাশ, হিক্কা ওঠা, হেঁচকি, বিষম লাগা এবং হাই তোলা (জৃম্ভমান; জৃম্ভন) ।
  • কিছু একটা ঘটবে-এমন ভাবনা থেকে সৃষ্ট উৎকন্ঠা, উদ্বেগ; মুক্ত বাতাস, বায়ু নিতে বাধ্য হয়।
  • বিশৃঙ্খল হৃদযন্ত্রের ক্রিয়া (হার্টের গন্ডগোল, হৃদপিন্ডের সমস্যা)
  • মেনোপোজের / রজোনিবৃত্তির সময় মাথাব্যথা এবং মুখমন্ডলে আকষ্মিক রক্তোচ্ছ্বস, রক্তিমাভা( লাল, আরক্ত, রাঙা হয়ে ওঠা)। 
  • অনবরত হাত-পা ঘন্টার পর ঘন্টা ধরে প্রসারিত করে, করতে থাকে ।
  • যে সকল রোগীর আবেগের ফলে হঠাৎ মুখমন্ডল লাল হয়ে ওঠে না; তাদের এই ঔষধ প্রয়োজন নেই।
  • সামান্য অল্প একটু আবেগে মুখমন্ডল লাল হয়ে ওঠে (আরক্ত, রক্তিম, রাঙা, আরক্তিম হয়)
  • হৃদরোগ।
  • মানসিক লক্ষণের পর মুখমন্ডলের বাম দিক এবং বাম কান হঠাৎ লাল হয়ে ওঠে এবং হঠাৎ চলে যায় (স্বাভাবিক হয়)।
  • মাথাঘুরা, শিরোঘূর্ণন অনভূতিসহ মুখমন্ডল লাল, আরক্ত এবং তীব্র, প্রচন্ড উত্তপ্ত (উত্তাপ, গরম) হয়।
  • মুখমন্ডলে জ্বালা-এমন অনুভূতি ।
  • মুখমন্ডলের বাম দিক বিবর্ণ, মলিন, ফ্যাকাশে এবং ক্লান্ত দেখায় (দুশ্চিন্তাগ্রস্ত, চোখ মুখ বসে যায়) ।
  • জামা, শার্টের কলার খুব টাইট ( কষা, আঁটা, আটসাট ) মনে হয়; একটু ঢিলা করতে, করে দিতে  ইচ্ছা হয়, চায়।
  • পাকস্থলীতে চাপ বোধ এবং পূর্ণতা বোধ, সেইসাথে ঢেকুর (ঢেঁকুর), উদগার ওঠে।
  • পেটে গুড়ুম গুড়ুম, গুড় গুড় শব্দ হয় ।
  • হৃদরোগ, বুকে তীব্র ব্যথা হয় (এনজাইনা পেকটারিস)।
  • ধমনী বা নাড়ির স্পন্দন, গতি দ্রুত।
  • ধমনী দ্রুত এবং প্রসারিত হয় কিন্তু সঞ্চালন দুর্বলতর হয় ।
  • অঙ্গ-প্রতঙ্গের পেশির দৃঢ়তা, পেশী শক্ত ।



সর্তকতা: বয়স্কদের হাঁপানীতে ব্যবহৃত হলেও ইহা শিশুদের ক্ষেত্রে কখনোই দেবেন না-ডাঃ ব্ল্যাকউড ।


কাতরতাঃ অত্যন্ত গরমকাতর। 

মূল কথাঃ

  • ভীত, আতঙ্কিত।
  • মৃগী বা মূর্চ্ছাক্রান্ত রোগীকে ইহার নিম্নশক্তি আঘ্রাণ করাইলে আশু ফললাভ হয়।
  • স্নায়বিক দুর্বলতা; রোগী ক্রমাগত আড়মোড় ভাঙ্গিতে থাকে, হাই তুলিতে থাকে।
  • প্রসবান্তে আক্ষেপ।
  • হৃদশূল বা অ্যাঞ্জাইনা পেকটোরিস (ক্যাকটাস)।
  • মাথা উত্তপ্ত এবং রক্তের চাপ বেশি।
  • গাড়ী বা নৌকায় চড়িলে বমি।


ব্যবহারস্থলঃ সহসা শ্বাসরোধের উপক্রম, উন্মুক্ত বায়ুর জন্য ছটফট করিতে থাকে, হাওয়ার জন্য গায়ের জামা-কাপড় খুলিয়া ফেলা, হৃদপিন্ডের স্পন্দন, হিক্কা, হাইতোলা, হাঁপানি, আক্ষেপ, মৃগীর আক্রমন এবং অনেক দুরারোগ্য ব্যাধি ইহা দ্বারা উপশম লাভ করে। শ্বাসরোধ হইয়া মৃত্যুর আশংকা থাকিলে ইহার ঘ্রাণে সুফল পাওয়া যায়।নৌকা, জাহাজ বা পাল্কী, প্রভৃতিতে ভ্রমনকালে যদি বমি হয় বা মাথা ঘুরে তাহা হইলে এই ঔষধের ঘ্রাণ লইলে তৎক্ষনাৎ উপশম হয়।

ইনফ্লুয়েঞ্জার পর প্রচুর ঘাম হইলে ও শরীর ঠান্ডা হইলে এই ঔষধ বিশেষ উপযোগী। ইহা আঘ্রাণ ও সেবন যে কোন প্রকারেই গ্রহণ করা হউক, ক্রিয়া অতি দ্রুত-এমন কি প্রায় আধ মিনিটের মধ্যেই হয় কিন্ত আবার ক্রিয়া যেমন শীঘ্র শীঘ্র প্রকাশিত হয়, তেমন শীঘ্র শীঘ্র নষ্টও হইয়া যায়। অতএব, হোমিওপ্যাথিতে ইহা প্রয়োগ করিতে হইলে খুব ঘন ঘন প্রয়োগ করা উচিত।পুনঃ পুনঃ ইহার আঘ্রাণে আধকপালে মাথা ব্যাথার উপশম হয়।

ক্রিয়াস্থলঃ ইহার অতি অল্প মাত্রাতেই ভ্যাসোমোটর নার্ভসমূহের পক্ষাঘাত এবং ক্যাপিলারি শিরা আর্টারিসমূহ প্রস্রারিত ও শিথিল হয়; তাহাতে শরীরের উদ্বেগ, মুখ চোখ লালবর্ণ, হৃদপিন্ডের ক্রিয়া গোলমেলে হয়।

উপশম/হ্রাসঃ খোলা ঠান্ডা বাতাসে, ঠান্ডা জলে উপশম ।

বৃদ্ধিঃ গরম ঘরে, ঋতুলোপ কালে, মানসিক শ্রমে ও উত্তেজনায়, উত্তাপে ও বন্ধ ঘরে ।

লক্ষণ সূত্রঃএম, ভট্রাচার্য্য: পৃষ্ঠা-৭৯, এন, সি ঘোষ: পৃষ্ঠা-৮৩, উইলিয়াম বোরিক: পৃষ্ঠা-৩৩, নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়: পৃষ্ঠা-৪৬৯, জে এম মিত্র: পৃষ্ঠা-১০১, ই. বি ন্যাশ: পৃষ্ঠা-৬১৮, এস কে সাহা: পৃষ্ঠা-৮১, এইচ. সি এলেন: পৃষ্ঠা-৩০ ।


First Grade Symptoms of [Amylenum Nitrosum এমিল নাইট্রোসাম (aml-ns)] ::: (Total 10)


Amylenum Nitrosum
Nitrite of Amyl (C5H11NO2.), Amyl Nitrite, Amylis Nitris
(Amyl Nitrosum)



H.C. Allen 

Amylenum Nitrosum.
Nitrite of Amyl (C5H11NO2.)


  • For nervous, sensitive, plethoric women, during or after menopause.

  • Often palliative in incurable cases; very important as regards euthanasia.

  • Rapidly dilates the arteries and accelerates, but later weakens and retards the pulse.
  • Intense surging of blood to face and head (Bell., Glon.).
  • Craves fresh air; opens clothing, removes bed covering and opens windows in the coldest weather (Arg. n., Lach., Sulph.).
  • Flushings: start from face, stomach, various parts of body, followed by sweatings, often hot, profuse; abruptly limited, parts below are icy cold; followed by great prostration.
  • Face flushes at the slightest emotion (Coca, Fer.).
  • Blushing: chronic or acute; sea sickness.
  • Hemicrania, especially when afflicted side is pallid.
  • Collar seems too tight, must loosen it (Lach.).
  • Angina pectoris; tumultuous heart action; intense throbbing of heart and carotids (Glon.).
  • Constant stretching for hours; impossible to satisfy the desire; would seize the bed and call for help to stretch.
  • Profound and repeated yawning (Kali c.).
  • Puerperal convulsions immediately after delivery.



Similar: to, Bell., Cac., Coca, Fer., Glon., Lach.




  • Mental or physical exertion.
  • Acts promptly by inhalation; resuscitates persons sinking under anaesthetics.
  • Crude drug chiefly palliative; must be repeated as patient becomes accustomed to it; is curative in the stronger higher potencies.
  • The cure more frequently depends upon the strength of the potency than many who have not put it to the curative test imagine.







Amyl Nitrite



  • On inhaling this drug, it rapidly dilates all arterioles an capillaries, producing flushings of face, heat, and throbbing in the head.--Superficial arterial hyperaemia.
  • Palpitation of the heart and similar conditions are readily cured by it, especially the flushings and other discomforts at climacteric.
  • Hiccough and yawning.
  • Often relieves temporarily epileptic convulsions.
  • Seasickness.



  • Anxiety, as if something might happen; must have fresh air.
  • Surging of blood to head and face; sensation as if blood would start through skin, with heat and redness.
  • Flushings, followed by sweat at climacteric.
  • Ears hyperaemic.
  • Throbbing.



Constriction; collar seems too tight.



  • Dyspnoea and asthmatic feelings.
  • Great oppression and fullness of chest; spasmodic, suffocative cough.
  • Praecordial anxiety.
  • Tumultuous action of heart.
  • Pain and constriction around heart.
  • Fluttering at slightest excitement.



  • After-pains; haemorrhage associated with facial flushing.
  • Climacteric headache and flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation.



  • Much flushing of heat; sometimes followed by cold and clammy skin and profuse sweat.
  • Throbbing throughout whole body.
  • Abnormal sweat after influenza.



  • Constant stretching for hours.
  • Veins of hands dilated; pulsations felt in tips of fingers.



Compare: Glonoine; Lachesis.

Antidotes: Cactus; Strychn; Ergot.



Third potency.

For palliations. In all conditions where the blood-vessels are spasmodically contracted, as in angina pectoris, epileptic seizure, megrim, accompanied by cold, pallor, etc, also in paroxysms of asthma, chloroform asphyxia, inhalation of the Amyl nit will give immediate relief. For this non-homeopathic application, two to five minims (put up in pearls) dropped on a handkerchief and inhaled may be required.








  • It has quite a reputation for arresting paroxysms of epilepsy and resuscitating patients sinking under anaesthetics.

  • It is given here by olfaction.
  • There are various speculations as to how it does this; the most important thing, after all, is that it does it.
  • We know that it causes and cures tumultuous heart action very similar in appearance to that of Glonoine.
  • I have cured a very bad case of chronic blushing or flushing of blood to the face on the least excitement, either mental or physical.
  • It was in a young married woman, not near the climacteric, and she had suffered very much for a long time.
  • The cure is permanent and the patient is very grateful, for, as she said, she supposed it was natural and medicine could not help it.
  • Those who cannot blush don't need it.
  • This is all the experience I have had with this remedy and I always used it in the 30th.

Constantine Hering

Amylenum Nitrosum

 Nitrite of Amyl. C10 H11 O, NO3.

Discovered by Ballard in 1884, proposed as a medicine by Guthrie in 1859, introduced into the Materia Medica of Old School in 1866. Introduced into our School in 1871. Proved by T. F. Allen and published in his Encyclopedia in 1874. Again proved by the Boston School and published by C. Wesselhoeft in 1876, a first-rate proving, which could not be dispensed with. There are very few cures on record, mostly palliations of incurable cases ; but it is of the utmost importance as regards euthanasia. Before going to press we received an excellent collection, through J. H. McClelland, by S. B. Chanter.


  • Mental confusion and a dreamlike state.
  • Epilepsy.
  • A trance-like state, everything seeming unreal to her.
  • Unconsciousness, with inability to swallow. 
  • Convulsions of a child.
  • Unable to do any business ; head in a constant state of dull confusion.
  • After long-continued convulsions.
  • Increasing sense of stupefaction, with flushing of face and scalp.
  • Flow of ideas becomes more lively.
  • Frequent piercing shrieks.  
  • Child in convulsions.
  • Melancholy.
  • Melancholy without sensation of anguish.
  • Actual fright at throbbing of head.
  • Cannot sit still for fear of something dreadful happening.
  • Anxiety as if something might happen ; must have fresh air.
  • Haunted many times a day with an indescribable dread and sensation as of an oncoming fit, although it came on only once or twice a week.
  • Epilepsy.
  • From the slightest emotion flushing of face.


  • Dullness in head, and peculiar confusion. 
  • Headache.
  • Confused feeling after congestion to head.
  • Confusion of head with vertigo and drowsiness.
  • Vertigo, headache and nausea on rising.
  • Giddy ; drunken feeling.
  • Dizziness.
  • Heaviness of head.
  • Dizziness with slight nausea, < when eyes are closed.
  • Produced so much giddiness and sensation of fullness in head that he preferred ether.  
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Giddiness, confusion of mind, heaviness in head, headache and general weakness.
  • Giddiness, mental confusion and a dreamlike state.
  • Congestive state of head.
  • Great rush of blood to head and face.



  • Dull heavy aching all through head.
  • Conscious of a dull headache for about three hours.
  • Headache in frontal region.
  • Severe dull heavy pains across forehead, without marked external heat.
  • Heaviness and pressure outward in forehead and temples.
  • When pain in forehead was <, pain in occiput was >.
  • Sense of fullness, pressure, tension and throbbing in temples.
  • Pain in right temple.
  • Painful pressure outward in temples, < in left, with dull, heavy aching pain in occipital region extending to nape of neck, while walking.
  • Severe pain in temples, occiput and over eyes, with burning in stomach.
  • Visible pulsating in temples.
  • Headache on left side, parietal region.
  • Hemicrania, especially where affected side looks pale in comparison with sound one.
  • A dull aching in cervical region, gradually moving to suboccipital region, during morning.
  • Sensation of something rushing upward and throbbing in vertex.
  • No pain in head is felt until some time after attack comes on, and it is then of a dull aching character in vertex, accompanied by unusual paleness of face and coldness of feet and hands.
  • Severe occipito-frontal headache, felt most in sub-occipital region.
  • Pain in right occipital region.
  • Dull pain in occiput.
  • Pain in occiput < in heat of room and from writing.
  • Constant occipital headache and aching across loins, < from fatigue.
  • Occipito-frontal headache, with aching in right renal region.
  • Heat and throbbing in head ; feeling of fullness to bursting.
  • A quick, somewhat sharp throbbing in head.
  • Throbbing headache with flushed face and confusion of mind.
  • Beating and throbbing in head and ears with constriction of throat and heart.
  • A sense of fullness and distension of head amounting at last to severe pain, and accompanied by intense flushing of face, starting perspiration on head, face and neck.
  • Pressure in head, forehead and temples, with moist skin.
  • Severe pain accompanied with sense of distension of head.
  • Bursting sensation in head and ears as if all blood was rushing to head.
  • Pain in head, with a stupid, drowsy sensation and burning in stomach and up throat.
  • (OBS :) Hemicrania or sick headache ; pain most violent left side.
  • Sick headache.



  • Oppression in fronto-parietal suture, extending to frontal bone.
  • Redness and heat of head, face and neck, with violent throbbing in top of head and carotids.
  • Intense crushing pain upon head, which seemed to gather into a feeling of confusion, threatening for a moment to make him unconscious.
  • Visible pulsation in temples.
  • Temporal artery protruding, hard, pulsating audibly.
  • Sensation as though scalp was jerked forward from occiput towards forehead, ceasing just before it reached that point, repeated several times.
  • Heat and perspiration of head, face and neck, while hands and feet are very cold, which continue so for hours.
  • Head would first fall to one side, then to the other.



  • If the eye is fixed on a spot or a blank wall, the spot itself with the surrounding surface appears of a yellowish hue, the yellow circle being encircled by a violet blue halo, with undulating lines at the edge.
  • Objects appear pea green or yellow.
  • Slight blurring of letters when reading.
  • Everything appears as if trembling, wavering.
  • Aching pains in eyes in sunlight, with profuse running of tears, followed by sneezing.
  • On closing eyes : dizziness <.
  • Pain back of eyes on looking at near objects.
  • Dimness of sight.
  • Pupils dilated.
  • Dull heavy pressure over eyes, as if a heavy weight was within.
  • Pain over both eyes.
  • Ciliary neuralgia ; eye injected ; face or cheek suffused.
  • Sudden smarting of conjunctivæ with injection of both eyes, with dimness of vision, as if caused by a film.
  • Conjunctivæ smarting and bloodshot.
  • The eye shines.
  • Eyes glazed, protruding with a staring look and immovable. 
  • Eyes protruded, staring.
  • Exophthalmic goitre.
  • Sudden sharp pain under left eye.
  • Twitching under outer left canthus.
  • Twitching and creeping under left eye, momentary.

Arteries of optic disc small, but veins enlarged and tortuous.


  • Throbbing in ears ; bursting sensation as if membrane would be forced out with each beat of heart.
  • Burning of ears.
  • Heat in left ear.



  • Constant desire to sneeze.
  • Numb feeling of nasal bones lasting several hours.
  • Slight nosebleed from left side, about an hour after inhalation, very unusual with him.



  • Features show more vivacity.
  • Neuralgia of fifth pair.
  • Creeping sensation in right cheek below malar bone, which was momentary.
  • Creeping in left cheek.
  • Intense surging of blood to face and head, heat and redness ; feels as if blood would start through skin, with lachrymation.
  • Face flushed scarlet and hot.
  • Face and even back of hands deeply reddened.
  • Face flushes at slightest emotion. θ Climaxis. θ Heart disease, etc.
  • Intense redness of surface with great subjective feeling of heat in face and head.
  • Left side of face and left ear get intensely red, coming suddenly and disappearing suddenly during intervals of attacks of headache ; most after mental symptoms.
  • Intense redness and heat in face, often with a sensation of giddiness.
  • Intense glowing of face, with general sweat, most marked in palms of hands.
  • Burning sensation in face.
  • Burning of right cheek, extending up into eye and around to r. ear.
  • Intensely hot and red face ; on passing off face paler than usual.
  • Turned deadly pale, felt very giddy, became partially unconscious for ten minutes.
  • Left side of face pale and haggard. θ Headache.



  • A smacking of lips as if in act of tasting.
  • A short munching movement of lower jaw, which was depressed and elevated as if in act of chewing.


Mouth dry, throat sore.


  • Awoke at 5 A. M. with an extremely dry, parched sensation in throat and mouth ; arose to rinse mouth with water ; marked stiffness and dryness of lips.
  • As if a vapor spread from throat through her head, rendering her quite powerless for one or two seconds.
  • Sore throat.
  • Feeling of constriction in throat.
  • Choking feeling on either side of trachea, along carotids ; feeling of constriction.
  • Inability to swallow, with unconsciousness. θ Child in convulsions.
  • Heat in head and along oesophagus to stomach, lasting thirty minutes.
  • Tickling in throat.
  • Left tonsil swollen and inflamed.
  • Catarrh and dysphagia (sequela of a recent attack of diphtheria) entirely relieved during action of drug, but returned after its effects had passed off.
  • Collar seems too tight ; desires to loosen it.


Loss of appetite.


  • Hiccough.
  • Eructation.
  • Nausea, with dryness in throat.
  • Great nausea.
  • Nausea and uncomfortable feeling in stomach.
  • Nausea and heat in stomach, with pains.
  • Slight nausea, followed by inclination to vomit.



  • Crampy pains in epigastric region.
  • Fullness and pressure in stomach, with belching.
  • Cardialgia.
  • Hot burning sensation in stomach, with empty belching.
  • Heat principally in stomach, moist skin.
  • Burning in stomach and up to throat ; nausea.


Sense of oppression near liver.


  • Crampy, colicky pains in umbilical region and abdomen, increased when lying down.
  • Rumbling in bowels.
  • Slight distension of abdomen, with dull pain.


Bowels moved at 7.40 A. M. with rumbling, followed by a feeling of emptiness.


  • Urine, sp. gr. 1012, 1014.
  • Urine clear, acid, sp. gr. 1014 ; free from albumen and phosphates.
  • Light cloud of an oxalate and distinct traces of sugar.
  • Urine clear, free, acid, sp. gr. 1016, saccharine.
  • Urine clear, acid, sp. gr. 1020, trace of oxalate and sugar in marked quantity.
  • Increased flow of urine which contains an abundance of sugar.



  • Contraction of muscles in lower part of abdomen, as though they were all being drawn together over region of uterus.
  • Region of uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries felt very hard on pressure.
  • During catamenia most violent left sided headache, beginning in morning ; most violent at noon, lasting till evening, with frequent vomiting.
  • Neuralgia during catamenia.
  • Chronic blushing in climacteric years ; blushing with disease of right heart in male.
  • (OBS :) Nervous dysmenorrhœa.
  • Convulsions occurring immediately after delivery.
  • The feeling of constriction in throat extended to chest, and produced dyspnœa and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea, with desire to eructate.


Inhalation followed immediately by dizziness and nausea.

  • After inhalation : blood is forced up to head ; redness of face, later very pale, more than usual. Headache.
  • Pains at times accompanied by sinking respiration.
  • Very deep, not more frequent breathing.
  • Oppressed, difficult and rapid breathing.
  • Hastens and deepens breathing.
  • Two or three full inspirations were succeeded by one of extreme depth, accompanied by depression of lower jaw and elevation of ribs and scapulæ.
  • Breathing panting in trance-like state.
  • Choking feeling in throat and chest.
  • Increasing dyspnœa, with sneezings, nasal catarrh and sighing respiration.
  • Could hardly breathe for about a minute.
  • Cardiac dypsnea with extreme anasarca, due to a dilated and hypertrophied heart.
  • Asthma ; arrests paroxysm, yet on cessation of effect dyspnœa returned.
  • Dyspnœa, constriction of throat and heart ; driven by actual fright to window for fresh air.
  • Feeling of suffocation from palpitation of heart.
  • Dyspnœa and asthmatic feeling in larynx and trachea.
  • Suffocation and cough in paroxysms of several minutes. θ Disease of heart.



  • Slight breathlessness and cough.
  • Sensation in throat producing a desire to cough, similar to that produced by fumes of a burning match.
  • Some inclination to cough.
  • Bronchial irritation, cough.
  • Hacking cough five minutes after inhalation, repeated forty-five minutes after.
  • (OBS :) Whooping cough.



  • Slight, dull, aching pain in right chest, more severe after awhile.
  • Commotion in chest.
  • Peculiar sensation in right lung or chest.
  • Drawing pains in left side, between seventh and ninth ribs, short but frequent.
  • Feeling as if a band was drawn tightly around chest.
  • Sense of oppression in chest, < at lower part of sternum, < on going down-stairs.
  • Feeling as if weight was on sternum.
  • Oppression of chest on walking about.



  • Angina pectoris.
  • Precordial anxiety.
  • Cardiac oppression and tumultuous heart action.
  • Anxious feeling in precordial region with faintness and oppression of head.
  • Stitching pains in cardiac region and feeling of constriction (no palpitation).
  • Aching and constricted feeling about heart.
  • Violent beating of heart and throbbing of arteries with a sense of constriction.
  • The aching and constriction of the heart continued more or less for at least three weeks, when it was relieved after taking Cact. grand.
  • Depression of heart's action.
  • Sharp pain in region of heart < by belching, several days.
  • Pain in left side, in region of heart, extending around to back.
  • Quicker circulation.
  • Rapid dilatation of arteries, with quickened but weakened circulation.
  • Relaxes whole arterial system, greatly reducing arterial pressure.
  • Great dilatation of arterioles.
  • Causes a dilatation of capillaries, especially of head.
  • Violent pulsation of carotids.
  • Visible arteries, like the temporal, often become notably large, sometimes doubled in size.
  • Sudden beating of carotids, which extends to head and temples, accompanied by intense flushing of face, which precedes debilitating perspiration.
  • Throbbing of heart and carotids, felt as high as ears. θ Angina pectoris.
  • Accelerated heart's action, with increased cardiac pulsations.
  • Fluttering at heart on slightest excitement.
  • Violent palpitation.
  • Tumultuous action of heart, with great precordial anxiety and quick respiration. θ Disease of heart.
  • During paroxysm of cough pulsations of heart could not be counted, neither was it possible to count radial pulsations.  
  • Disease of heart.
  • The irregular rumbling sound of heart could be perceived almost instantaneously to change into a more regular pulsation.
  • The heart gave one strong beat, and from the state of agony the patient passed to one of perfect repose and peace. θ Angina pectoris.
  • Aortic insufficiency with excessive hypertrophy of heart ; with severe frontal headache.
  • Pulse slow and very strong, then quicker and jerking, accelerated.
  • Beating of pulse distinctly felt in fingers.
  • Pulse accelerated, full and hard.
  • Pulse slightly quickened. 
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Quickens pulse in a very variable degree.
  • Pulse increased about twelve beats in minute, but could not count it at once owing to confusion of head.
  • Pulse rose twenty beats, remaining a few minutes, gradually coming to normal standard.
  • Pulse increased in number of beats, but not in force.
  • Pulse not accelerated but irregular in action, almost impossible to count.
  • Increase of pulse by 20 to 30 beats in a minute, during which tension of radial artery is much diminished.
  • Pulse, sitting : 78 to 84, feeble ; 66, regular, feeble ; 68, small, feeble.
  • Pulse before taking it, 83, in 25 minutes, 63, in 2 hours, 73, not returning to usual state till two days after.
  • In some pulse sank below average, in most it rose higher, became fast, full and hard.
  • The sphygmograph pulse-curve ends abruptly in a very sudden downfall.
  • As the pain in arm increases, the curve of the sphygmograph becomes lower, both the ascent and the descent more gradual, and dichrotism disappeared. 
  • If blood does not flow after cupping, the cuts immediately begin to bleed freely after inhaling it.



  • Twinges near dorsal vertebrae.
  • Pain and weakness in lower lumbar region.


Slight discomfort in right shoulder.
Lameness in right scapula.
Soreness in right arm and shoulder.
Lameness of flexor muscles of right arm.
Severe precordial pain, extending to right arm. 
Pain and stiffness in right arm, most near wrist, < from motion ; effort of bending arm or of writing very painful.
Drawing, tensive pains in wrist and finger joints of left hand.
Veins of hands dilating to double the previous size.
Hands trembling and grasping at imaginary objects. 
Hands tremble.
Tremulousness of hands and stiffness and slight numbness of fingers.
Pulsations distinctly felt in tips of fingers.
Profuse sweat on hands.

Stiffness in lower limbs.
Rheumatic pains in left knee and leg.
Sharp pains in left calf.
Cold feet, sometimes cold hands.

Pain and stiffness in upper and lower limbs.
Weakness in limbs.
Lameness and soreness in muscles of arms and thighs.
Tired feeling of limbs.
Stiffness and pain in right side of neck and right shoulder, extends down right arm to wrist, neuralgic or rheumatic.

The slightest exertion brought on intense pain. 
After rising, sneezing violently three times.
Sub-occipital and loin aching, < by fatigue.
During and after a walk of a mile (two hours after inhalation) heaviness and pressure in head and oppressed breathing remain, passed off two hours later.
Least exertion or excitement may bring on "heats."
Violent exercise during one minute produced a dull headache.
After exercise heart beats more violently.
Weak, emaciated, walking with tottering gait, inclining to go to one side when walking. θ After long-continued convulsions.
Cannot sit still.
On rising : vertigo, headache and nausea.
Worse from motion : pains and stiffness in right arm ; pains in dorsal surface of right hand.
Worse from writing : pain in occiput.
Worse on going down-stairs : oppression in chest.
While walking : painful outward pressure in temples, and pain in occiput ; oppression of chest.

Great restlessness and uneasiness.
Trembling sensation all over.
Trembling of limbs with feeling of weakness.
Every muscle seems to be in motion.  

Epileptiform spasms.
(OBS :) Eclampsia.
On occurrence of aura or before onset of fit (inhalation). 
Succession of fits, linking together by intervening unconsciousness, fits recurring with increasing frequency, till at last no sooner is one fit ended, or before it has finished, another begins. θ Status epilepticus.
After an extensive burn, violent acute tetanus, beginning fourth day and advancing rapidly in forty hours, temperature 102, pulse 133, breathing 32 in minute, marked opisthotonos, trismus, horrid tetanic grin ; swallowing interfered ; five drops inhaled twice a day, in forty-six days restored, having inhaled one ounce.
General lassitude, did not feel like doing anything.
Relaxed feeling in all muscles and heaviness, most when rising, with an uncertainty.
General weakness with a tendency to sweat easily on slight exertion.
Weak feeling all over.


Yawning, profoundly and repeatedly in coma during an unconscious state. θ Status epilepticus.
Sleep restless, full of anxious dreams.
Restless, awakes with pains in temples, stomach, etc.
Sleep often much broken, waking with frequent starts, feels unrefreshed in morning. θ Flushings.
Frequent waking, with severe pain in temples, stomach and bowels.
On awaking pains returned with increased intensity, most in spine, lungs and conjunctivæ, with shifting pains caused by movement on dorsal surface of right hand, l. patella, and from left thumb to axilla, with catarrhal symptoms and severe fronto-orbital cephalalgia.


Hemicrania beginning in morning, most violent at noon, lasting till evening.
Many symptoms returned with varying intensity during day.
Most marked during evenings.
Restless in night.
Flushes sometimes occur chiefly at night.
At 5 A. M. : awoke with parched sensation.
At 7.40 A. M. : bowels moved.
Morning : aching in neck and occiput.

Warm room causes dull pain from temple to occiput, < left, for two or three hours.
Must have fresh air.
All symptoms > by exercise out-doors.
Cold water and air relieve symptoms.
Open their clothes or remove greater part of bed-covering and throw open window in coldest weather.
Severe burning sensation over loins followed by sweat, burning so unendurable that she was constrained to open window at night even in Winter, sometimes to rush out of doors ; for three years several times daily.

Frequent chilly crawlings over whole body, face pale all day.
Cold chills running down back, during sweat.
Slight chill crept over back and sides after heat and moisture.
Sometimes warmth and sweat affect whole surface, or while surface glows hands and feet may become very cold.
Flushings occasionally, peculiarly and abruptly limited, reaching to thighs, knees or elbows, while all parts above it feel burning hot, parts below feel icy cold. θ Climaxis.
After heats pass away skin sometimes becomes cold and clammy, and may turn very pale.
Dry heats.
Flushings or "heats," starting from various parts, as face, epigastrium, etc., thence spreading over greater part of body.
Heats are followed by sweatings, often very profuse.
Heats with great throbbing throughout whole body, and followed by much prostration, seeming scarcely able to rouse herself.
Hands moist, head and body warm, especially abdomen, later greater warmth in chest.
Though not warm, sweat started freely.
Skin moist, free sweat during moderate exercise.
General sudden perspiration with great debility.
Lowers temperature by checking oxidation.
Reduces animal heat.

Outward pressure : in forehead and temples.
Right to left cheek and to left eye.
Right : pain in temple ; in occipital region ; aching in renal region ; creeping sensation in cheek ; burning of cheek extending into eye and ear ; heart affected ; pain in chest ; peculiar sensation in lung ; lameness in scapula ; soreness in and around shoulder ; pain and stiffness in arm ; precordial pain extending to arm ; stiffness and pain inside of neck and in shoulder extending to arm ; pains in dorsal surface of hand.
Left : headache ; outward pressure in temple ; sharp pain under eye ; twitching pain under outer canthus and creeping under eye ; heat in ear ; nosebleed ; creeping in cheek ; flushing of face and ear ; face pale and haggard ; tonsil swollen and inflamed ; headache (head pain) during catamenia ; drawing pains in chest ; contraction of heart ; pains in cardiac region ; drawing tensive pain in wrist and finger joints ; rheumatic pain in knee ; sharp pain in calf.

As of something rushing upward and throbbing in vertex ; fullness to bursting in head ; quick, sharp throbbing in head ; as if all the blood was rushing to head ; a stupid drowsy feeling ; confusion threatening to make unconscious ; as though scalp was jerked forward ; as of a heavy weight over eyes ; as if membrane in ear would be forced out with each beat of heart ; as if blood would start through skin of face ; as if a vapor spread from throat through head ; uncomfortable feeling in stomach ; peculiar sensation in right lung or chest ; as if a band was tightly drawn around chest ; as if a weight was in sternum ; anxiety in precordial region ; discomfort in right shoulder.
Pain : in right temple ; in right occiput ; in occiput ; back of eyes ; over eyes in region of heart ; in lower lumbar region ; in right arm, near wrist.
Dull pain : in occiput.
Sharp pain : under left eye ; in region of heart.
Stitches : in cardiac region.
Twinges : near dorsal vertebrae.
Rheumatic pains : in left knee and leg.
Burning : of ears ; in face ; of right cheek ; in stomach and up throat.
Smarting : of conjunctivae.
Soreness : in right arm and shoulder ; in muscles of arms and thighs.
Aching : all through head ; in vertex ; in eyes ; in cervical region ; across loins ; in right renal region ; in right chest.
Soreness : of throat ; of extensor muscles.
Drawing : in left side ; in left wrist and finger joints.
Pressure : in head ; over eyes ; in forehead and temples, outward ; in stomach ; on sternum.
Crushing pain : upon head.
Tension : in temples ; in left wrist and finger joints.
Constriction : of throat and heart ; of abdominal muscles, over uterus.
Choking feeling : from throat to chest ; on either side of trachea, along carotids.
Crampy pains : in epigastric region ; in abdomen ; in umbilical region.
Twitching : under outer left canthus ; under left eye.
Distension : in head.
Bursting sensation : in head ; in ears.
Throbbing : in head ; in temples ; in top of head ; in ears ; in carotids ; of heart ; in tips of fingers.
Fullness : in head ; in temples ; in stomach.
Dull heavy pains : across forehead ; in occiput.
Heaviness : of head ; in forehead and temples.
Oppression : in fronto-parietal suture ; near liver ; in chest ; at lower part of sternum.
Lameness : in right scapula ; in flexor muscles of right arm ; in muscles of arms and thighs.
Tired feeling : of limbs.
Weakness : in lower lumbar region ; in limbs.
Creeping : under left eye ; in left cheek ; in right cheek below malar bone.
Numbness : of nasal bones.
Stiffness : of lips ; in right arm near wrist ; in lower limbs.
Heat : of head, face and neck ; in left ear ; along oesophagus ; in stomach.
Parched sensation : in throat and mouth.
Dryness : of mouth ; of lips.
Coldness : of hands and feet.
Tickling : in throat.
Tingling sensation : in different parts of body.
Subacute smartings in precordial region, then in renal region, then in right axilla, then of midsternum, then in lumbar region, then in lower lobe of right lung, at apex of heart and in lower lobe of right lung, with tenderness on pressure.
The smartings changed position rapidly, being most persistent in eyes, basis of lungs and spine.


Intense surging of blood to face and head ; later veins turgid.
Rapidly dilates arteries and quickens but weakens circulation.
Venous and arterial blood are of same hue.
Rigidity of muscles of limbs. θ Child in convulsions.
Weak and emaciated. θ A man after convulsions.
A green spot at point of subcutaneous injection.
Quantity of urine increased, and 2 per cent. of sugar in it.

Collar feels too tight.

Nervous, sensitive women are far more powerfully affected by it than men.
A man, aet. 60, with enlargement and softening of heart caused by years of depression, care and anxiety ; > only, but wonderfully.

Ringer compares it with Glonoine, with respect to varying effect of even small doses on different persons, but the greatest similarity is the first accelerated and afterwards retarded pulse.
There is a remarkable correspondence between this remedy and the Glonoine, the first characterizing the Old School, the second ours.
In some cases more useful than 20, 30 gr. bromide of potassium taken daily. Old School.
Sometimes pain returns as soon as the effect of the drug passes away. 
In some cases it loses its effects and must be taken in increased quantities and at shorter intervals, even to an ounce a week. 
Two drachms a fortnight for a year still unfailing relief. 
Similar to : Glonoine (circulation of blood, congestion, etc.) ; Acon. ; Ether ; Cactus (constriction of heart ; pulsations, etc.) ; Nitr. dulc. spir. (heart, lungs, etc.) ; Laches. (flushes at climaxis ; Coca (flushing when excited, as in company ;) chloroform ; Bellad. (Neuralgia with red face).
Antidote in failure of respiration by chloroform; and to convulsions of strychnine.
Antidoted by: Cactus (cardiac constriction).



রজোনিবৃত্তি, রজোবন্ধ (ঋতুজরা, মেনোপোজ, মনোপজ, মাসিকবন্ধ হওয়ার সময় )


টান টান করে

পাকস্থলি ভরা ভরা ভর্তি মনে হয়

জামার কলার ঢিল করে দেয়
