Ammonium Muriaticum এমোনিয়াম মিউরিয়েটিকা - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

Ammonium Muriaticum  এমোনিয়াম মিউরিয়েটিকা

Ammonium Muriaticum এমোনিয়াম মিউরিয়েটিকা

Short Description:

Product Description


Ammonium Muriaticum  এমোনিয়াম মিউরিয়েটিকা 

Sal Ammoniac. (NH4OCl),  Sal Ammoniac


[Please scroll down for the English Version]

পরিচয়ঃ অপর নাম নিশাদল বা অ্যামন ক্লোরাইড।

ধাতুগত বৈশিষ্ট্যঃ যে সকল ব্যক্তি স্থূলকায় ও অলস অথচ যাহাদের হাত পা শীর্ণ এই ঔষধ তাহাদের পক্ষে বেশি উপযোগী। ডান অঙ্গের পীড়ায় এই ঔষধ অ্যামন কার্ব অপেক্ষাও অধিক কাজ করে।

  • Antidote / ক্রিয়ানাশকঃ  Coffea; Nux; Caust.  হিপ, ক্যাম্ফর, ভিনিগার
  • Inimical food / ঔষধের পরিপন্থী বা অনিষ্টকর খাদ্য: মদ্য, আলু । 
  • Antidote food / ঔষধের ক্রিয়ানাশক খাদ্য: তিক্ত খাদ্য, কফি, ধূমপান ।
  • পরবর্তী ঔষধ: এন্টিম ক্রুড, মার্ক, ফস, পাল্স, রস।

মায়াজমেটিক অবস্থাঃ (মায়াজমের দোষ নষ্ট করার শক্তি)


মূল কথাঃ

  • দুই কাঁধের মাঝখানে ঠান্ডা বোধ।
  • অধিকাংশ রোগে মুখশ্রী পাংশু দেখায়।
  • ঘায়ের ব্যথার মত ব্যথা।
  • প্রচুর পরিমাণে আঠা আঠা সর্দি স্রাব।
  • অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গ বিশেষত হাতের ও পায়ের আঙ্গুলে ঝাঁকানিযুক্ত ছিঁড়িয়া ফেলার ন্যায় ব্যথা।
  • কোমরে ব্যথা।
  • মুখের ভিতর, গলকোষে পিচ্ছিল বোধ।
  • সার্ভাইক্যাল গ্রন্থির স্ফীতি।
  • বুকে ঘড় ঘড় শব্দ ও চটচটে শ্লেষ্মা।

ব্যবহারস্থলঃ সমস্ত শ্লৈষ্মিক ঝিল্লী হইতে প্রচুর শ্লেষ্মাস্রাব, নাক অবরুদ্ধ, সর্দি, সায়েটিকা বাত, কটি শূলের বেদনা, প্রভৃতি পীড়ায ব্যবহার্য্।

৭ দিন অন্তর জ্বর এবং দিন অপেক্ষা রাত্রিকালেই পীড়ার বৃদ্ধি।

উপশম/হ্রাসঃ মুক্ত বাতাসে, ঘর্ষণে (গোড়ালীর ব্যাথা), ঠান্ডা জলে ধুইলে (মুখের উদ্ভেদ)।

বৃদ্ধিঃ প্রাতঃকালে (মাথা ও বুক), অপরাহ্নে (পেটে), সন্ধ্যাকালে (চর্ম ও জ্বর) সন্ধ্যা ৬ টায় (কাশি), রাত্রি ২ টায় (কলিক) বৃদ্ধি পায়।বিকালে তলপেটের লক্ষণগুলির বৃদ্ধি।

ক্রিয়া স্থিতিকালঃ ২০-৩০ দিন।

লক্ষণ সূত্রঃ এম, ভট্রাচার্য্য: পৃষ্ঠা-৭০, এন, সি ঘোষ: পৃষ্ঠা-৮১, উইলিয়াম বোরিক: পৃষ্ঠা-৩১, নরেন্দ্রনাথ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়: পৃষ্ঠা-২৯৯, অতুল কৃষ্ণ দত্ত: পৃষ্ঠা-১১১, ই. এ. ফ্যারিংটন: পৃষ্ঠা-৫১৪, জেমস টেইলর কেন্ট: পৃষ্ঠা-৬২, নীলমনি ঘটক: পৃষ্ঠা-২২, ই. বি ন্যাশ: পৃষ্ঠা-৫৮৭, জে এম মিত্র: পৃষ্ঠা-৯৯, এস কে সাহা: পৃষ্ঠা-৮৮, এইচ. সি এলেন: পৃষ্ঠা-২৯, জন হেনরি ক্লার্ক: পৃষ্ঠা-৮৭ ।


First Grade Symptoms of [Ammonium Muriaticum এমোনিয়াম মিউরিয়েটিকাম (am-m)] ::: (Total 114)

Ammonium Muriaticum
Sal Ammoniac. (NH4OCl)

Sal Ammoniac


H.C. Allen

Ammonium Muriaticum
Sal Ammoniac. (NH4OCl)


  • Especially adapted to those who are fat and sluggish; or body large and fat, but legs too thin.
  • Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip (All. c.).
  • During menses: diarrhoea and vomiting; bloody discharge from the bowels (Phos.); neuralgic pains in the feet; flow more profuse at night (Bov. - on lying down, Kreos.).
  • Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus.
  • Hard, crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion; crumble from the verge of anus. (Mag. m.); vary in color, no two stools alike (Puls.).
  • Haemorrhoids: sore and smarting; with burning and stinging in the rectum for hours after stool (Aesc., Sulph.); especially after suppressed leucorrhoea.
  • Leucorrhoea; like white of egg, preceded by griping pain about the navel; brown, slimy, painless, after every urination. Sensation of coldness in the back, between scapulae (Lach.).
  • Hamstrings feel painfully short when walking; tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles (Caust., Cimex). Offensive sweat of the feet (Alum., Graph., Psor., Sanic., Sil.).


Relationship: Followed: by Ant. c., Phos., Puls., Sanic.



Sal Ammoniac


  • A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy.
  • All mucous secretions are increased and retained.
  • It is especially adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles.
  • Coughs associated with catarrhs and affections of liver.
  • A tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations, etc.
  • Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough, profuse glairy secretions.
  • Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. "Boiling" sensation.



  • Melancholy, apprehensive; like from internal grief.
  • Desire to cry, but cannot.
  • Consequences of grief.



  • Hair falls out, with itchings and dandruff.
  • Feels full, compressed; worse mornings.



  • Mist before eyes, optical illusions in incipient cataract; capsular cataract.



  • Free acrid, hot watery discharge corroding the lip.
  • Sneezing.
  • Nose sore to touch; ulcerative pain in nostrils.
  • Loss of smell.
  • Obstructed, stuffy feeling; constant and unavailing efforts to blow it out.
  • Itching.



  • Inflammatory face-ache.
  • Mouth and lips sore and excoriated.



  • Throbbing in, and swelling of tonsils, can scarcely swallow.
  • Sore spot behind uvula, relieved by eating.
  • Internal and external swelling of throat with viscid phlegm.
  • So touch, it cannot be hawked up. Tonsillitis.
  • Stricture of Oesophagus.



  • Thirst for lemonade, regurgitation of food, bitter waterbrash.
  • Nausea.
  • Gnawing in stomach.
  • Epigastric pain immediately after eating.
  • Cancer of stomach.



  • Splenic stitches, especially in the morning, with difficult breathing.
  • Pain around navel.
  • Abdominal symptoms appear during pregnancy.
  • Chronic congestion of liver.
  • Excessive fatty deposit around abdomen.
  • Much flatus.
  • Strained feeling in groin.



  • Itching and haemorrhoids, soreness with pustules.
  • Hard, crumbly stool, or covered with glairy mucus.
  • Stinging in perineum.
  • Green mucus stools alternate with constipation.
  • During and after stool, burning and smarting in rectum.
  • Haemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhoea.



  • Menses too early, too free, dark, clotted; flow more at night.
  • Pain as if sprained in left side of abdomen during pregnancy.
  • Diarrhoea, greenish mucous stools, and navel pain during menses.
  • Leucorrhoea, like white of an egg (Alum; Bor; Calc p); with pain about the navel; brown, slimy after every urination.



  • Hoarseness and burning in larynx.
  • Dry, hacking, scraping cough; worse lying on back or right side.
  • Stitches in chest.
  • Cough loose in afternoon, with profuse expectoration and rattling of mucus.
  • Oppression of chest.
  • Burning at small spots in chest.
  • Scanty secretion.
  • Cough with profuse salivation.



  • Icy coldness between shoulders; not relieved by warm covering, followed by itching.
  • Bruised pain in coccyx when sitting.
  • Backache, as if in a vise when sitting.



  • Pain as from ulceration in finger tips.
  • Shooting and tearing in tips of finger and toes.
  • Ulcerative pain in heels.
  • Contraction of hamstring tendons.
  • Sciatica, worse sitting, better lying.
  • Neuralgic pain in amputated limbs.
  • Offensive sweaty feet.
  • Pain in feet during menses.



Itching, generally evenings.

Blisters on various parts.

Intense burning better cold applications.



  • Chilliness evenings after lying down and on awakening, without thirst.
  • Heat in palms and soles.
  • Sub acute, low fevers due to unhealthy climate.
  • Lowest potencies.



  • Better, open air.
  • Worse, head and chest symptoms in the morning; abdominal symptoms in the afternoon.



  • Antidotes: Coffea; Nux; Caust.
  • Compare: Calcarea; Senega; Caustic.


Dose.--Third to sixth potency.




One symptom of this remedy that has proved to be a valuable keynote for its administration is: "Sensation of coldness in the back, between the shoulders." It is generally found in chest affections, such as cough or pains in the chest without cough. I have found it as reliable a keynote as is the burning between the shoulders of Lycopodium or Phosphorus. It is also a remedy for constipation, the stool being hard, dry and crumbling and also very difficult to expel. Sometimes the stool is covered with mucus, something like Causticum, which has stool covered with mucus, shining, as if greased. There is also a resemblance between these two remedies affecting the muscles and ligaments. Ammonium mur. has pain with a sensation as if the muscles were contracted or too short, while Causticum goes a step further and has actual contraction of these parts, producing what is known as arthritis deformans. (Cimex, Nat. m.).

There are two remedies that have menses, or flow of blood from the uterus, at night. They are Ammonium mur. and Bovista, the other symptoms, of course, deciding the choice between them (Kreosot. menses flow only on lying down, cease when sitting or walking about; Lilium tig. flows only when moving about, ceased to flow when she ceased to walk; Magnesia carb. flows only at night or when lying, ceases when walking). This remedy is also sometimes useful in sciatica. Here we have the sense of contraction in the tendons and the patient is worse while sitting, some better when walking and entirely relieved when lying down. It also has pains in the heels as if ulcerated. For pains in the heels see also Phytolacca, Cyclamen, Manganum, Ledum and Causticum. I once cured a case, very severe and long lasting, with Valeriana.