সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতার চিকিৎসা (Coryza / Catarrh): - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতার চিকিৎসা (Coryza / Catarrh):

সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতার চিকিৎসা (Coryza / Catarrh):

Short Description:

Product Description


সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতার চিকিৎসা (Coryza / Catarrh):

সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতা আমাদের দেশে অত্যন্ত পরিচিত একটি রোগ, সঠিক চিকিৎসা পদ্ধতিতে না আসার কারণে বহু রোগী বছরের পর বছর কষ্ট করছেন, হোমিওপ্যাথিতে এ রোগের সফল চিকিৎসা রয়েছে। এ রোগটি সাধারণত ভাইরাসের আক্রমণে হয়ে থাকে । যাদের শরীরে রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা কম থাকে তাদের এ রোগ হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা বেশী থাকে । এ রোগ ঠাণ্ডা-গরমের হঠাৎ পরিবর্তনের সময়,  ঋতু পরিবর্তনের সময় বেশী দেখা যায়। একটানা অতি বর্ষণ, স্যাঁতস্যাঁতে পরিবেশ,  খুব ঠাণ্ডা,  খুব গরম এ ধরনের অবস্থায় এ রোগ হতে পারে।

উপসর্গ ও লক্ষণ (Symptom & Sign):

  • হঠাৎ করে নাকে ও গলায় সুড়সুড়ি লাগে, জ্বালা করে।
  • হাঁচি হয়, নাক দিয়ে অনবরত পানি ঝড়ে, নাক বন্ধ থাকে ।
  • গা ম্যাজ ম্যাজ ও ব্যথা করে, গলা ব্যথা করে। সামান্য জ্বর থাকতে পারে।
  • মাথা ভার ভার লাগে।
  • ব্যাকটেরিয়া দিয়ে ইনফেকশন হলে-জ্বর, ঘন সর্দি, মাথা ব্যথা, সাইনাসের ব্যথা, কান ব্যথা, ফুসফুসে প্রদাহ হতে পারে।
  • কিছু জটিলতা যেমন- সইনোসইটিস, মধ্য কর্ণের প্রদাহ, ফুসফুসে প্রদাহ দেখা দিতে পারে।

পরিচর্যা (Care):

  • রোগীকে বিশ্রামে থাকতে হবে। ঠাণ্ডা জাতীয় সব কিছু এড়াতে হবে। গরম খাবার ও পানীয় খেতে হবে।
  • পুষ্টিকর খাবার ও প্রচুর পানীয় গ্রহণ করতে হবে।
  • ভিটামিন সি জাতীয় খাবার যেমন লেবু, আনারস, পেয়ারা, আমলকী ইত্যাদি প্রচুর পরিমাণে খেতে হবে।
  • রোগী হাঁচি দেবার সময় মুখে রুমাল দিবে এবং যেখানে সেখানে কফ, থুথু বা নাকের শ্লেষ্মা ফেলবে না ।

চিকিৎসা, লক্ষণ ও তার রেপার্টরি রুব্রিকঃ (পুর্নাঙ্গ ভাবে রোগ আরোগ্য করা হোমিওপ্যাথির বলিষ্ঠ দাবি)

হোমিওপ্যাথিতে সর্দি ও সর্দি প্রবণতার চিকিৎসার জন্য নিচে দেয়া ৩৬৮ টি লক্ষণ ও তার রেপার্টরি রুব্রিক অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয়। প্রতিটি লক্ষণের আলাদা আলাদা ঔষধ হোমিওপ্যাথিতে রয়েছে। যারা চিকিৎসা নিতে চান তারা এ লক্ষণ সমূহের কোনটা আপনার রোগের সাথে মিলে তা ডাক্তারকে স্পষ্ট করে জানালে চিকিৎসা পেতে সহজ হবে।


  1. CORYZA, (196)
  2. CORYZA, acrid, dry in warm room, fluent in open air (1)
  3. CORYZA, afternoon (7)
  4. CORYZA, afternoon 4m. (1)
  5. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold (9)
  6. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold draft of, from a (10)
  7. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold post nasal, sensitive to (1)
  8. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold snow (2)
  9. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold warm (3)
  10. CORYZA, air, agg. in cold warm agg. yet, dreads cold (2)
  11. CORYZA, air, open (26)
  12. CORYZA, air, open amel. (17)
  13. CORYZA, air, open amel. after a while (1)
  14. CORYZA, air, open dry, cold (2)
  15. CORYZA, alternating, days (1)
  16. CORYZA, alternating, days cutting pain in abdomen, with (1)
  17. CORYZA, amel. the general symptoms (1)
  18. CORYZA, ascending (5)
  19. CORYZA, asthmatic, breathing, with (18)
  20. CORYZA, autumn, in (1)
  21. CORYZA, bathing, in cold water amel. (1)
  22. CORYZA, bathing, in cold water amel. sea, in, amel. (1)
  23. CORYZA, bloody, in infants (1)
  24. CORYZA, change of season or temperature (2)
  25. CORYZA, changeable (2)
  26. CORYZA, children, in (1)
  27. CORYZA, chill, during (4)
  28. CORYZA, chilled, from becoming, while overheated, snow or ice, from (8)
  29. CORYZA, chilliness, with (19)
  30. CORYZA, chilliness, with back, in (1)
  31. CORYZA, chronic, long-continued (63)
  32. CORYZA, chronic, long-continued asthma, causing (3)
  33. CORYZA, chronic, long-continued left side (1)
  34. CORYZA, cold, on becoming (8)
  35. CORYZA, constant (7)
  36. CORYZA, cough, with (64)
  37. CORYZA, cough, with agg. (10)
  38. CORYZA, cough, with after (1)
  39. CORYZA, cough, with croup, with (6)
  40. CORYZA, cutting, the hair, from (5)
  41. CORYZA, daytime (7)
  42. CORYZA, daytime damp agg. (1)
  43. CORYZA, descending (9)
  44. CORYZA, diarrhea, followed by (10)
  45. CORYZA, dinner, after (1)
  46. CORYZA, diphtheria, during (17)
  47. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with (108)
  48. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with (55)
  49. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with afternoon (8)
  50. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with afternoon amel. (1)
  51. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with air, in open (20)
  52. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with air, in open amel. (4)
  53. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with alternating sides (1)
  54. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with cold, room (3)
  55. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with cold, room cold, water (1)
  56. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with daytime (9)
  57. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with evening (20)
  58. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with forenoon (4)
  59. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with forenoon 10m. (1)
  60. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with forenoon 11m. (1)
  61. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with morning (17)
  62. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with morning bed, in (1)
  63. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with morning cough and expectoration, with (1)
  64. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with morning dry in afternoon (1)
  65. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with morning rising, after (2)
  66. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with night (7)
  67. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with noon (1)
  68. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with nosebleeds, with (6)
  69. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with stooping, on (2)
  70. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with warm room (5)
  71. CORYZA, discharge, fluent, with windy weather (2)
  72. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry (59)
  73. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry (34)
  74. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry afternoon (1)
  75. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry air, open, in (3)
  76. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry alternating with watery (30)
  77. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry annual, (0)
  78. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry day (1)
  79. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry eating (1)
  80. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry evening (12)
  81. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry evening with discharge during the day (4)
  82. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry evening bed, in (1)
  83. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry followed by watery (3)
  84. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry indoors (1)
  85. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry left (2)
  86. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry morning (14)
  87. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry morning rising, after (1)
  88. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry morning rising, after, amel. (1)
  89. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry morning watery daytime (1)
  90. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry morning watery in evening (1)
  91. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry night (14)
  92. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry night watery during the day (7)
  93. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry nose, obstruction, with (1)
  94. CORYZA, discharge, without, dry warm room (9)
  95. CORYZA, dyspnea, with (3)
  96. CORYZA, eating, after (9)
  97. CORYZA, eating, after agg. (5)
  98. CORYZA, elderly, people (6)
  99. CORYZA, elderly, people palpitations, with (1)
  100. CORYZA, evening (24)
  101. CORYZA, evening fluent, dry in morning (1)
  102. CORYZA, evening lying down, after (1)
  103. CORYZA, excitement, amel. (1)
  104. CORYZA, exhausting (2)
  105. CORYZA, extending to (0)
  106. CORYZA, extending to chest (14)
  107. CORYZA, extending to frontal sinuses (6)
  108. CORYZA, fever, with (21)
  109. CORYZA, flowers (4)
  110. CORYZA, flowers chamomille (1)
  111. CORYZA, flowers odors of, agg. (3)
  112. CORYZA, fluent, dry and, alternately (1)
  113. CORYZA, fluent, dry and, alternately indoors (3)
  114. CORYZA, fluent, dry and, alternately thick and, alternately (1)
  115. CORYZA, hot (2)
  116. CORYZA, hunger, with (4)
  117. CORYZA, intermittent (1)
  118. CORYZA, laryngitis, with (48)
  119. CORYZA, left (13)
  120. CORYZA, left left to right (2)
  121. CORYZA, light, strong (1)
  122. CORYZA, lying (5)
  123. CORYZA, lying amel. (1)
  124. CORYZA, lying flows into fauces and rattle while breathing (1)
  125. CORYZA, lying watery, while (1)
  126. CORYZA, menses, during (13)
  127. CORYZA, menses, during before (3)
  128. CORYZA, menses, during before with cough and hoarseness (1)
  129. CORYZA, menses, during suppressed (1)
  130. CORYZA, milk, agg. (1)
  131. CORYZA, morning (32)
  132. CORYZA, morning amel. (1)
  133. CORYZA, morning and evening (1)
  134. CORYZA, morning waking (4)
  135. CORYZA, motion, amel. (4)
  136. CORYZA, newborns, in (5)
  137. CORYZA, night (21)
  138. CORYZA, night a.m. agg (1)
  139. CORYZA, night air, in open (4)
  140. CORYZA, noon (1)
  141. CORYZA, nosebleeds, with (6)
  142. CORYZA, nose, obstruction, with (1)
  143. CORYZA, obstinate, with soreness beneath nose and on margin of nose (2)
  144. CORYZA, one-sided (13)
  145. CORYZA, overheated, from becoming (7)
  146. CORYZA, peaches, from the odor of (1)
  147. CORYZA, periodical attacks (7)
  148. CORYZA, periodical attacks alternate days (2)
  149. CORYZA, periodical attacks every fourth day (1)
  150. CORYZA, periodical attacks every fourth day twenty-one days (1)
  151. CORYZA, perspiration, with (3)
  152. CORYZA, perspiration, with amel. after (2)
  153. CORYZA, perspiration, with polyuria, with (1)
  154. CORYZA, recurrent (2)
  155. CORYZA, right (10)
  156. CORYZA, right bath, after a (1)
  157. CORYZA, right right to left (6)
  158. CORYZA, rose, cold (6)
  159. CORYZA, salivation, with (2)
  160. CORYZA, scarlatina, during (10)
  161. CORYZA, short (4)
  162. CORYZA, side, one (3)
  163. CORYZA, singer’s (1)
  164. CORYZA, sitting, on cold stone (1)
  165. CORYZA, sitting, on cold stone up amel. (2)
  166. CORYZA, sleep, fluent in (2)
  167. CORYZA, smell, acute, with (1)
  168. CORYZA, sneezing, then, with (4)
  169. CORYZA, sleeplessness, with (2)
  170. CORYZA, sore, throat, with (10)
  171. CORYZA, spring (3)
  172. CORYZA, stool, during (1)
  173. CORYZA, stooping, agg (1)
  174. CORYZA, sudden, attacks (13)
  175. CORYZA, sudden, attacks evening after lying down (1)
  176. CORYZA, summer (1)
  177. CORYZA, summer diarrhea, with (1)
  178. CORYZA, suppressed (26)
  179. CORYZA, suppressed as if (1)
  180. CORYZA, suppressed air, from least contact of cold (1)
  181. CORYZA, swallowing, agg (1)
  182. CORYZA, talking, agg (1)
  183. CORYZA, uncovering, the head, from (2)
  184. CORYZA, urination, burning, with (1)
  185. CORYZA, violent, attacks (19)
  186. CORYZA, walking, amel. (5)
  187. CORYZA, warm, room (10)
  188. CORYZA, warm, room amel. (5)
  189. CORYZA, warm, room becoming, when walking, amel. (1)
  190. CORYZA, washing, after (1)
  191. CORYZA, washing, after amel. (2)
  192. CORYZA, watery, discharge (160)
  193. CORYZA, watery, discharge afternoon (9)
  194. CORYZA, watery, discharge afternoon amel. (1)
  195. CORYZA, watery, discharge air, in open (18)
  196. CORYZA, watery, discharge air, in open amel. (4)
  197. CORYZA, watery, discharge alternating sides (1)
  198. CORYZA, watery, discharge cold, room (3)
  199. CORYZA, watery, discharge cold, room water (1)
  200. CORYZA, watery, discharge daytime (9)
  201. CORYZA, watery, discharge evening (20)
  202. CORYZA, watery, discharge followed by coryza without discharge (1)
  203. CORYZA, watery, discharge forenoon (4)
  204. CORYZA, watery, discharge forenoon 10m. (1)
  205. CORYZA, watery, discharge forenoon 11m. (1)
  206. CORYZA, watery, discharge morning (18)
  207. CORYZA, watery, discharge morning bed, in (1)
  208. CORYZA, watery, discharge morning dry in afternoon (1)
  209. CORYZA, watery, discharge morning rising, after (2)
  210. CORYZA, watery, discharge morning with cough and expectoration (1)
  211. CORYZA, watery, discharge night (7)
  212. CORYZA, watery, discharge noon (1)
  213. CORYZA, watery, discharge nosebleeds, with (5)
  214. CORYZA, watery, discharge stooping, on (2)
  215. CORYZA, watery, discharge warm room (5)
  216. CORYZA, watery, discharge windy weather (1)
  217. CORYZA, weather, dry cold (2)
  218. CORYZA, weather, dry cold changeable, in (3)
  219. CORYZA, weather, dry cold wet, during (7)
  220. CORYZA, weather, dry cold windy, in (2)
  221. CORYZA, wet, after getting (1)
  222. CORYZA, whooping, cough, in (2)
  223. CORYZA, wind, caused by, cold west (1)
  224. CORYZA, wind, caused by, cold west cold, dry (2)
  225. CORYZA, wind, caused by, cold west north east, after (1)
  226. CORYZA, yawning, with (3)
  227. BURNING, pain coryza, during (12)
  228. DISCHARGE, bloody coryza, during (1)
  229. DISCHARGE, copious coryza, without (2)
  230. DISCHARGE, crusts, scabs, inside yellow coryza, in (3)
  231. DISCHARGE, watery, coryza, watery, without (5)
  232. DRYNESS, inside coryza, with (1)
  233. DRYNESS, inside painful coryza, during (1)
  234. HAY fever chronic, coryza (41)
  235. NOSEBLEEDS, epistaxis coryza, during (3)
  236. OBSTRUCTED, nasal passages coryza, amel. (1)
  237. RAW, pain coryza, during (8)
  238. catarrh, sinuses headache, from sinus catarrh coryza, in (6)
  239. catarrh, sinuses frontal sinuses coryza, in (6)
  240. SMELL, general diminished taste, and coryza, after (1)
  241. SMELL, general diminished taste, and coryza, with (1)
  242. SMELLS, odors, imaginary and real coryza, in post nasal (1)
  243. SNEEZING, general coryza, without (36)
  244. SNUFFLES infants, in new-born coryza, with (12)
  245. SWELLING, of coryza, with (1)
  246. SWELLING, of coryza, with hot (1)


  1. PAIN, alternating with, coryza (1)
  2. PAIN, coryza, after (1)
  3. PAIN, hypogastrium coryza, during (1)


  1. BREATH, hot coryza, during (1)
  2. DIFFICULT, breathing coryza, with (9)


  1. BURNING, pain mouth, extending into, during coryza (1)
  2. OPPRESSION coryza, with (5)
  3. RAW, pain coryza, during (4)


  1. NOSE, coryza, infants (2)
  2. NOSE, coryza, infants dry coryza (1)
  3. NOSE, coryza, infants stoppage (2)
  4. NOSE, coryza, infants stopped up, preventing nursing (2)
  5. NOSE, coryza, infants watery moisture (1)


  1. ELDERLY, people coryza (4)
  2. INFANTS, nose, coryza (2)
  3. INFANTS, nose, coryza dry coryza (1)
  4. INFANTS, nose, coryza stoppage (2)
  5. INFANTS, nose, coryza stopped up, preventing nursing (2)
  6. INFANTS, nose, coryza watery moisture (1)
  7. WOMEN, hysteric pulsation all over body coryza (1)


  1. DRY, cough coryza, during (8)
  2. DRY, cough coryza, during evening (1)
  3. MENSES, during coryza, with (2)


  1. CORYZA, suppressed agg. general symptoms (31)
  2. CORYZA, suppressed agg. general symptoms general symptoms (1)
  3. HAY fever, chronic, coryza (41)
  4. SINUSITIS, infection, nose frontal sinuses  coryza, in (6)
  5. SUPPRESSION, ailments from coryza, agg. (31)


  1. ACHING, above the eyes coryza, as from (1)
  2. ITCHING coryza, during (2)
  3. LACHRYMATION, coryza, during (32)
  4. PRESSING, pain, coryza, with (1)
  5. PROTRUSION, of, coryza, during (1)
  6. SHARP, pain evening coryza, during (1)


  1. ERUPTIONS, facial coryza, with (1)
  2. HEAT coryza, during (4)
  3. PAIN, lachrymation and coryza, with (1)
  4. EVENING coryza, violent fluent (1)


  1. NOSE, coryza (10)
  2. NOSE, coryza secretion, thick plugs of nasal, especially in old people and children (1)
  3. NOSE, coryza stopped up (1)
  4. NOSE, coryza swells (1)


  1. APPETITE, increased, hunger coryza and cough, with (4)
  2. THIRST, coryza, during (2)
  3. Generals
  4. CORYZA, suppressed agg. (31)
  5. CORYZA, suppressed agg. amel. general symptoms (1)
  6. WEAKNESS, coryza, during (2)


  1. HEAT, sensation coryza, during (8)
  2. NOISES, in, head, roaring coryza, during (1)


  1. CORYZA, with (83)
  2. CORYZA, with as from (3)
  3. CORYZA, with as from in begining (2)
  4. CORYZA, with dry, with (2)
  5. CORYZA, with preceded by (1)
  6. FOREHEAD, headaches, general afternoon coryza, as from (1)
  7. FOREHEAD, headaches, general afternoon coughing, after (2)
  8. FOREHEAD, headaches, general middle, of forehead frontal sinuses from chronic coryza (5)
  9. OCCIPUT, coryza, with (1)
  10. SHARP, pain coryza, during (3)
  11. SHARP, pain coryza, during stopped (1)
  12. SHARP, pain, forehead sides coryza, with (1)
  13. SINUS, headaches, from catarrhal coryza, in (7)


  1. DEAFNESS, general coryza, in, after changeable weather (1)
  2. DEAFNESS, general coryza, in, after changeable weather changeable weather from, after suppression of (1)
  3. IMPAIRED, hearing suppressed, coryza or otorrhea, after (1)
  4. IMPAIRED, hearing suppressed, coryza or otorrhea, after discharges, after (1)
  5. IMPAIRED, hearing suppressed, coryza or otorrhea, after eczema, after (1)
  6. IMPAIRED, hearing suppressed, coryza or otorrhea, after eruptions about the (1)
  7. IMPAIRED, hearing suppressed, coryza or otorrhea, after intermittents (2)
  8. NOISES, roaring coryza, with (2)


  1. ANXIETY, coryza, with (1)
  2. GRASPING sensation, coryza, in (1)
  3. PALPITATIONS, coryza, during (1)


  1. DRAWING, pain coryza, during (1)


  1. BURNING, pain coryza, during (2)
  2. VOICE, hoarseness, voice coryza, during (53)
  3. VOICE, hoarseness, voice coryza, during preceding (1)
  4. VOICE, nasal, voice coryza, with (1)


  1. DRAWING, pain drawing, thighs coryza, during (1)


  1. PAIN, limbs coryza, during (4)
  2. TEARING, pain coryza, with (1)


  1. ASTHMA, coryza, with (8)
  2. ASTHMA, coryza, with after, summer in (2)
  3. ASTHMA, coryza, with preceded by (6)
  4. BREATH, cold breath, hot coryza, during (1)


  1. CRYING, coryza, during (2)
  2. DULLNESS, coryza, during (1)
  3. IMPATIENCE, coryza, with (1)


  1. BREATH, breath, hot coryza, during (1)
  2. CRACKED cracked, lips coryza, during (1)
  3. DRYNESS, coryza, during (1)
  4. HEAT, in mouth coryza, during (1)
  5. OPEN, mouth coryza, in (4)
  6. SALIVATION, coryza, during (4)


  1. STIFFNESS coryza, during (9)


  1. BLEEDING, from anus and rectum coryza, during (1)
  2. DIARRHEA, general, catarrh, or coryza, after (1)
  3. DIARRHEA, general, cold, coryza, ceasing (1)
  4. DIARRHEA, general, coryza, during (2)
  5. DIARRHEA, general, coryza, during following (2)


  1. INSOMNIA, coryza, from (4)
  2. SLEEPINESS, coryza, during (4)
  3. YAWNING, coryza, during (5)
  4. YAWNING, coryza, after (9)
  5. YAWNING, coryza, alternating with coughing (1)
  6. YAWNING, coryza, causes cough (2)
  7. YAWNING, coryza, children especially (1)


  1. BELCHING, general, water-brash coryza, with (1)


  1. FROTHY fluent coryza, with (13)


  1. PAIN, teeth, toothaches coryza, with (2)


  1. ENLARGEMENT, tonsils coryza, after (1)
  2. HEAT coryza, during (1)
  3. SORE, pain, coryza, during (1)


  1. TASTE, coryza, like old (1)
  2. TASTELESSNESS of food coryza, in (15)


  1. BURNING, hot urine coryza, fluent, with (1)
  2. COPIOUS coryza, with (3)


  1. CORYZA, after amel. (1)


  1. DIM, coryza, in (1)
  2. READING, inability letters, smaller, appear coryza, in (1)
  3. WEAK, vision, coryza, in (1)