Admonition-agg. উচ্চারণ: এড-মোনি-শন - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

 Admonition-agg.  উচ্চারণ: এড-মোনি-শন

Admonition-agg. উচ্চারণ: এড-মোনি-শন

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Product Description


ANTICS, plays (16) উৎকট ভাব ভঙ্গীতে অভিনয় Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICS, plays (16)
Medicine: 1 apis, 2 bell, 1 cic, 1 croc, 1 cupr, 1 dat-m, 3 HYOS, 1 ign, 1 kali-bi, 1 lact, 1 op, 1 merc, 1 phos, 1 plb, 1 stram, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICS, plays delirium, during (8)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 cupr, 3 HYOS, 1 lact, 1 op, 1 phos, 1 plb, 1 stront-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICS, plays drunkenness, during (2)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 stram

ANTICIPATION (69) পূর্বাভাস হওয়া Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (69)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 aesc, 1 aeth, 1 agn, 1 alum, 1 am-c, 2 anac, 1 apis, 3 ARG-N, 3 ARS, 2 bar-c, 2 bry, 3 CALC, 1 calc-s, 2 camph, 1 canth, 2 carb-v, 3 CARC, 2 caust, 1 cench, 2 chin, 1 chin-s, 2 cic, 2 cocc, 2 coff, 1 crot-h, 1 dig, 1 dys-co, 2 elaps, 2 fl-ac, 3 GELS, 3 GRAPH, 1 hydrog, 3 HYOS, 3 IGN, 1 kali-br, 1 kali-c, 2 kali-p, 2 lac-c, 1 lach, 1 levo, 3 LYC, 2 lyss, 3 MED, 2 merc, 1 mosch, 1 naja, 2 nat-c, 3 NAT-M, 1 nux-v, 1 ox-ac, 2 petr, 2 ph-ac, 3 PHOS, 3 PLB, 3 PSOR, 3 PULS, 1 rhus-t, 1 sep, 1 androc, 3 SIL, 1 spig, 1 staph, 2 still, 1 stram, 2 stront-c, 1 syc-co, 2 thuj, 2 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), anxiety from an upcoming engagement (13)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 anac, 3 ARG-N, 2 ars, 2 carb-v, 1 choc, 3 GELS, 3 LYC, 1 med, 3 NAT-M, 1 ph-ac, 2 sil, 2 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), anticipating for his relatives (4)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 calc, 1 carc, 1 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), chill, from (15)
Medicine: 1 ant-t, 3 ARS, 1 bell, 3 BRY, 1 cham, 1 chin, 1 chin-ar, 3 CHIN-S, 1 eup-per, 1 gamb, 3 GELS, 1 ign, 3 NAT-M, 3 NUX-V, 1 sep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), dentist or physician, before going to (6)
Medicine: 2 acon, 1 calc, 2 gels, 1 mag-c, 2 phos, 2 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), examination, before (8)
Medicine: 2 aeth, 1 anac, 1 carb-v, 2 gels, 1 hydrog, 1 lyc, 1 sil, 1 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), excitement, with (4)
Medicine: 3 ARG-N, 3 CARC, 2 coff, 2 gels
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), fear of failure, with (1)
Medicine: 1 lyc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), impending evil, sense of (1)
Medicine: 1 merc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), matters, for, before they occur, and generally correctly (1)
Medicine: 2 med
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), morning (2)
Medicine: 1 choc, 1 nabal
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), singers and speakers, in (3)
Medicine: 1 arg-n, 3 GELS, 1 lyc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), stage-fright (12)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 anac, 3 ARG-N, 2 ars, 2 carb-v, 3 GELS, 3 LYC, 1 med, 3 NAT-M, 1 ph-ac, 2 sil, 2 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTICIPATION, (ailments from), unusual ordeal, of any (1)
Medicine: 3 GELS

ANTHROPOPHOBIA (0) মনুষ্য ভীতি Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind

See – Aversion / Company

ANTAGONISM, with self (10) বিরোধিতা করে, নিজের সাথে Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANTAGONISM, with self, (10)
Medicine: 3 ANAC, 1 aur, 1 bar-c, 1 cann-i, 1 cann-s, 2 ign, 2 kali-c, 1 lac-c, 2 sep, 2 staph

ANSWERS (0) উত্তর দেয়া Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, (0)
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, abruptly (18)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 ars-h, 2 cic, 1 coff, 1 gels, 2 hyos, 1 jatr, 1 mur-ac, 2 ph-ac, 1 phos, 1 plb, 1 rhus-t, 1 sec, 1 sin-a, 1 sin-n, 2 stann, 2 sulph, 2 tarent
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, aversion to (78)
Medicine: 2 agar, 1 alum, 1 alum-p, 1 ambr, 1 am-c, 1 am-m, 1 anac, 2 ant-c, 1 ant-t, 1 apom, 2 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-i, 1 ars-s-f, 1 atro, 2 aur, 1 bell, 2 bry, 1 bufo, 1 cact, 1 calc-s, 1 calc-sil, 1 carb-an, 1 carbn-h, 1 carc, 1 caust, 2 cham, 1 chin, 1 chin-s, 1 chlol, 1 cimic, 1 cocc, 1 coff, 2 coloc, 1 con, 1 cupr, 1 euphr, 2 gels, 3 GLON, 1 hell, 3 HYOS, 1 ign, 1 iod, 1 juni-c, 1 kali-ar, 2 kali-p, 1 lil-t, 1 lyss, 1 mag-m, 3 MANC, 1 merc, 1 mosch, 1 mur-ac, 1 naja, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-s, 3 NUX-V, 1 op, 1 oxyt, 1 petr, 3 PH-AC, 2 phos, 2 puls, 1 rhus-t, 1 sabad, 1 sars, 2 sec, 1 sil, 1 spong, 2 stann, 1 stram, 2 stry, 2 sulph, 2 sul-ac, 1 tab, 1 tarent, 1 verat, 1 vib
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, aversion to morning (1)
Medicine: 1 mag-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, aversion to sings, talks, doesn’t answer questions (1)
Medicine: 1 agar
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, aversion to talkative at other times (1)
Medicine: 1 cimic
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, civil, cannot be (1)
Medicine: 3 CHAM
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, confusedly as though thinking of something else (3)
Medicine: 1 bar-m, 2 hell, 1 mosch
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, correctly when spoken to, during unconsciousness (3)
Medicine: 2 arn, 2 bapt, 2 hyos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, dictatorial (1)
Medicine: 2 lyc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, difficult (14)
Medicine: 1 bapt, 1 carbn-o, 1 chlol, 1 cocc, 1 gels, 1 hell, 1 iod, 1 op, 1 ph-ac, 2 phos, 1 androc, 1 sulph, 2 sul-ac, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, disconnected (6)
Medicine: 1 coff, 2 crot-h, 1 kali-br, 1 phos, 1 stram, 1 stry
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, distracted (2)
Medicine: 2 lyc, 1 plect
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, evasively (1)
Medicine: 1 cimic
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, foolish (3)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bell, 1 hyos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, hastily (12)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bell, 1 bry, 1 bufo, 1 carc, 1 cimic, 1 cocc, 1 hep, 1 lach, 3 LYC, 1 rhus-t, 1 stry
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, hesitating (2)
Medicine: 1 graph, 1 sec
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, imaginary questions (6)
Medicine: 1 atro, 2 hyos, 1 phos, 1 plb, 1 stram, 1 tarent
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, imperfect (2)
Medicine: 2 anac, 1 atro
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, impolite (1)
Medicine: 3 CHAM
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, inappropriate (2)
Medicine: 2 ph-ac, 1 sul-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, incoherently (12)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 cann-i, 1 chlol, 1 coff-t, 1 croto-t, 1 cupr, 1 cycl, 1 hyos, 2 ph-ac, 1 phos, 1 raja-s, 1 valer
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, incorrectly (14)
Medicine: 1 ail, 2 bell, 1 carb-v, 2 cham, 2 hyos, 1 merc, 1 nux-m, 2 nux-v, 2 op, 1 ph-ac, 2 phos, 1 raja-s, 1 stram, 2 verat-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, indifferent (1)
Medicine: 1 atro
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, irrelevantly (11)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 carb-v, 1 cimic, 2 hyos, 2 nux-m, 1 ph-ac, 2 phos, 1 stram, 1 sul-ac, 2 sulph, 1 valer
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, irrelevantly childbirth, after (1)
Medicine: 2 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, monosyllable, (18)
Medicine: 1 achy, 1 agar-pa, 1 acon, 1 bell, 1 carbn-h, 1 carbn-s, 1 carc, 1 gels, 1 kali-br, 3 MERC, 1 mur-ac, 3 PH-AC, 1 plb, 1 puls, 1 sep, 2 thuj, 1 tub, 3 VERAT
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, “no” to all questions (4)
Medicine: 1 crot-c, 1 hyos, 1 kali-br, 1 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, nods, by (1)
Medicine: 1 puls
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, offensive (1)
Medicine: 1 lyss
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, “perhaps” to all questions (1)
Medicine: 1 carc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, question, repeats first (7)
Medicine: 1 ambr, 2 caust, 1 hell, 1 kali-br, 2 med, 1 sulph, 2 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, questioned, when, does not know what to answer (1)
Medicine: 1 kali-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, questioned, when, does not know what to answer says nothing, indifferent, does not answer (2)
Medicine: 2 colch, 1 tarent
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, questions, in (1)
Medicine: 2 aur
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, rapidly (4)
Medicine: 1 carc, 1 lyss, 2 sep, 1 stry
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, reflects long (10)
Medicine: 1 alum, 2 anac, 2 cocc, 2 cupr, 1 grat, 3 HELL, 1 merc, 2 nux-m, 2 ph-ac, 3 PHOS
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, refuses to (33)
Medicine: 2 agar, 1 ambr, 2 arn, 1 ars, 2 atro, 1 bell, 1 bufo, 1 calc-sil, 2 camph, 1 caust, 2 chin, 1 chin-ar, 2 cimic, 2 hell, 2 hyos, 1 kali-ar, 1 led, 1 lyss, 1 med, 1 nux-m, 2 nux-v, 1 petr, 1 ph-ac, 3 PHOS, 1 sabad, 1 sec, 2 stram, 3 SULPH, 2 sul-ac, 1 tab, 1 tarent, 2 verat, 2 verat-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, signs with hands, by (1)
Medicine: 1 carbn-s
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, sleep, during (1)
Medicine: 1 med
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, sleeps at once, anguish then (2)
Medicine: 1 bapt, 1 hep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, slowly (34)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 agar-ph, 2 anac, 1 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-h, 1 ars-s-f, 1 bapt, 1 carbn-h, 2 carb-v, 1 choc, 2 cocc, 1 cupr, 2 con, 2 gels, 3 HELL, 1 hyos, 2 kali-br, 1 lyc, 1 med, 3 MERC, 2 nux-m, 1 op, 1 ox-ac, 3 PH-AC, 3 PHOS, 1 plb, 1 rhod, 2 rhus-t, 1 sep, 2 sulph, 1 sul-ac, 2 thuj, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, snappishly (3)
Medicine: 1 calc-p, 3 CHAM, 1 sin-n
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, spoken to, when, yet knows no one (1)
Medicine: 2 cic
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, stupor returns quickly after (9)
Medicine: 2 arn, 2 bapt, 1 brom, 3 HYOS, 1 olnd, 1 op, 2 ph-ac, 1 phos, 1 plb
Source:  Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, unable to answer (3)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 cur, 1 lon-x
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, unconscious, as if (3)
Medicine: 1 hell, 1 ph-ac, 1 plat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, unintelligibly (6)
Medicine: 2 chin, 1 coff-t, 2 hell, 2 hyos, 3 PH-AC, 2 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, unsatisfactory (1)
Medicine: 1 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANSWERS, vaguely (2)
Medicine: 1 dig, 1 thuj

ANOREXIA nervosa (19) ক্ষুধাহীনতা খাদ্যভীতি Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANOREXIA nervosa (19)
Medicine: 3 ARS, 1 calc, 2 carc, 1 caust, 3 CHIN, 1 hyos, 2 ign, 1 lach, 1 levo, 1 merc, 2 nat-m, 1 perh, 1 phos, 1 puls, 1 rhus-t, 2 staph, 3 SULPH, 1 tarent, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANOREXIA nervosa refuses, to eat (19)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bell, 1 caust, 1 cocc, 1 croc, 1 grat, 3 HYOS, 2 ign, 3 KALI-CHL, 1 kali-p, 1 op, 3 PH-AC, 2 phyt, 1 plat, 1 puls, 1 sep, 3 TARENT, 3 VERAT, 3 VIOL-O

Antics; playing

উচ্চারণ: এন্টিস, প্লেয়িং

দর্শকদের আনন্দ দেয়ার জন্য ভাড়ামিযুক্ত খেলা, অদ্ভূত খেলা, আজগুবি খেলা।

এন্টিস প্লেয়িং ভাঁড়ামি এবং আনন্দের মাধ্যমে মানুষকে আকৃষ্ট করে যদিও এর মধ্যে কিছু পাওয়ার উদ্দেশ্য থাকে না।

নিছক আনন্দ পাওয়ার বা দেওয়ার জন্য এন্টিস প্লেয়িং করা হয়।


Clown: an actor or performer playing a comic role requiring ludicrously eccentric behavior (archaic).

Silly pranks: amusing, frivolous, or eccentric behavior.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৩০ টি

MIND;cc - Antics; playing

দর্শকদের আনন্দ দেয়ার জন্য ভাড়ামিযুক্ত খেলা, অদ্ভূত খেলা, আজগুবি খেলা  

androc.apis astra-m. aur-m-n. Bell. carb-an. Carb-v. cic. croc. cupr. dat-m. helia. HYOS. ign. kali-bi. lac-del. lach. lact. lact-v. lyc. merc. Nux-v. op. phos. plb. sacch. sec. stram. tub. verat.

Annoyed, easily

উচ্চারণ: এন-ও-য়েড ইজিলি

সহজেই বিরক্ত হয়।


শিশু অসুস্থতার সময় সামান্য কারণে সহজেই বিরক্ত, খিটখিটে মেজাজের হয় বলে শিশু রোগীর মা জানালেন।

Slightly angry.

I was a bit annoyed with/at Kathy for not coming.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৮ টি

Mind - ANNOYED, easily

সহজেই বিরক্ত হয়

ars.bry. chin. coff. hep. nit-ac. nux-v. ptel.

ANNOYED (8) বিরক্ত অসন্তুষ্ট Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANNOYED, (8)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bry, 1 chin, 1 coff, 1 hep, 1 nit-ac, 1 nux-v, 1 ptel
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANNOYED, conversation, by (2)
Medicine: 1 bry, 2 ptel
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANNOYED, desire not to be disturbed (4)
Medicine: 2 bry, 1 chin-ar, 1 cocc, 1 gels
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANNOYED, least noise or light, by (4)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bry, 1 coff, 1 nux-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANNOYED, trifles, by (5)
Medicine: 1 bry, 1 con, 1 dros, 1 lyss, 2 nux-v

ANIMATION, agg. (5) প্রাণবন্ত অবস্থায় বৃদ্ধি Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANIMATION, agg. (5)
Medicine: 2 coff, 3 HYOS, 3 LACH, 2 sabad, 3 VALER

Animals - love for animals - pet; her - children; in

উচ্চারণ: এনিমেল, লাভ ফর এনিমেলস, পেট, হার, চিল্ড্রেন ইন

সে(শিশু) তার পোষা প্রাণীকে ভালোবাসে।

এই ধরনের পোষা প্রাণীর কাছ থেকে কিছু পাওয়া যায় না (দুধ, ডিম ইত্যাদি); ‍যদিও এই প্রাণীরা আদরে লালিত হয়।

গৃহপালিত (Domestic) প্রাণীর কাছ থেকে দুধ, ডিম ইত্যাদি পাওয়া যায়।

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১ টি

MIND - Animals - love for animals - pet; her - children; in

শিশু তার পোষা প্রাণীকে ভালোবাসে


Animals - love for animals - pet; her

উচ্চারণ: এনিমেল, লাভ ফর এনিমেলস, পেট, হার

সে(নারী) তার পোষা প্রাণীকে ভালোবাসে।

এই ধরনের পোষা প্রাণীর কাছ থেকে কিছু পাওয়া যায় না (দুধ, ডিম ইত্যাদি); ‍যদিও এই প্রাণীরা আদরে লালিত হয়।

গৃহপালিত (Domestic) প্রাণীর কাছ থেকে দুধ, ডিম ইত্যাদি পাওয়া যায়।


মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৩ টি

MIND - Animals - love for animals - pet; her

সে(নারী) তার পোষা প্রাণীকে ভালোবাসে

med.nat-m.podo. heroin.

ANIMAL, consciousness (1) প্রাণীসংক্রান্ত সচেতনতা Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANIMAL, consciousness (1)
Medicine: 1 choc

ANGUISH (0) মনস্তাপ Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGUISH, (0)

See – Agony

ANGER (242) রাগ Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, (242)
Medicine: 1 abrot, 1 acet-ac, 3 ACON, 1 aesc, 1 act-sp, 2 aeth, 1 agar, 1 agn, 1 all-c, 1 allox, 1 aloe, 1 alum, 1 am-c, 2 am-m, 1 ambr, 1 am-c, 3 ANAC, 1 ang, 2 ant-c, 2 ant-t, 2 apis, 1 arg-m, 1 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-h, 2 ars-i, 1 arum-t, 2 asaf, 1 asar, 1 aster, 1 atro, 3 AUR, 1 aur-ar, 1 aur-s, 1 bar-c, 1 bar-i, 1 bar-m, 2 bell, 1 berb, 2 bond, 2 bor, 2 bov, 3 BRY, 1 bufo, 1 buth-aust, 1 cact, 1 calad, 2 calc, 1 calc-ar, 2 calc-p, 2 calc-s, 1 calc-sil, 1 camph, 1 cann-s, 1 canth, 2 caps, 2 carb-an, 2 carbn-s, 2 carb-v, 2 card-m, 1 carl, 1 cast, 2 caust, 1 cench, 1 cere-s, 3 CHAM, 1 chel, 2 chin, 1 chin-ar, 1 chlor, 1 cic, 1 cimic, 3 CINA, 1 cinnb, 1 clem, 1 coca, 2 cocc, 2 coff, 1 colch, 2 coloc, 2 con, 1 cop, 1 cor-r, 2 croc, 1 crot-h, 1 croto-t, 2 cupr-ar, 1 cur, 1 cypr, 1 cycl, 1 cyna, 1 cyt-l, 1 daph, 1 des-ac, 1 dig, 1 dirc, 1 dros, 2 dulc, 1 elae, 1 elaps, 1 eupi, 1 ferr, 1 ferr-ar, 1 ferr-i, 1 ferr-m, 1 ferr-ma, 1 ferr-p, 1 ferul, 1 fl-ac, 1 form, 1 gamb, 2 gels, 1 gink, 1 gran, 2 graph, 1 grat, 1 haem, 1 ham, 1 hell, 3 HEP, 1 hura, 2 hydr, 1 hydr-ac, 2 hydrog, 2 hyos, 1 hydr, 3 IGN, 1 indg, 2 iod, 2 ip, 2 jatr, 1 kali-ar, 1 kali-br, 3 KALI-C, 1 kali-chl, 1 kali-cy, 2 kali-i, 1 kali-m, 1 kali-n, 2 kali-p, 3 KALI-S, 2 kreos, 1 kres, 2 lach, 1 lact, 1 laur, 2 led, 2 lob, 3 LYC, 1 lycpr, 1 lyss, 1 macrin, 1 m-arct, 2 m-aust, 2 mag-c, 2 mag-m, 1 m-p-a, 1 mag-s, 1 manc, 1 mang, 1 med, 1 meli, 1 meph, 3 MERC, 1 merc-cy, 1 merl, 2 mez, 1 mosch, 2 mur-ac, 1 myric, 1 nat-ar, 2 nat-c, 3 NAT-M, 1 nat-p, 2 nat-s, 1 nicc, 3 NIT-AC, 1 nit-s-d, 1 nuph, 1 nux-m, 3 NUX-V, 1 ol-an, 1 olnd, 1 op, 1 osm, 2 pall, 1 par, 1 ped, 3 PETR, 2 ph-ac, 1 phel, 2 phos, 1 plan, 1 plat, 1 plb, 2 psor, 1 ptel, 1 puls, 1 puls-n, 1 ran-b, 1 rat, 1 rheum, 2 rhus-t, 1 ruta, 1 sabad, 1 sabin, 1 samb, 1 sang, 1 saroth, 1 sars, 1 androc, 1 scroph-n, 1 sec, 1 seneg, 3 SEP, 1 sil, 1 sol-m, 2 spig, 1 squil, 2 stann, 3 STAPH, 1 stram, 2 stront-c, 1 sul-ac, 3 SULPH, 1 sumb, 1 syph, 2 tarent, 1 tell, 1 teucr, 1 thea, 2 thuj, 1 thyr, 1 tril, 1 tub, 1 upa, 1 valer, 1 verat, 1 verb, 1 vinc, 2 zinc, 1 zinc-cy
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, absent persons while thinking of them, at (4)
Medicine: 2 aur, 1 kali-c, 1 lyc, 2 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, activity, with great physical (1)
Medicine: 2 plat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, afternoon (5)
Medicine: 1 bov, 1 canth, 1 cench, 1 kali-c, 1 androc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, afternoon air, in open (1)
Medicine: 1 mur-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, agg. from anger (7)
Medicine: 1 alum-sil, 1 calc-sil, 2 cham, 2 coloc, 1 nat-ar, 2 staph, 1 zinc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, ailments, after anger (93)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 agar, 1 alum, 1 alum-sil, 1 am-c, 1 anac, 2 ant-t, 2 apis, 1 arg-m, 1 arg-n, 1 arn, 2 ars, 1 ars-s-f, 2 aur, 1 aur-ar, 2 aur-m, 1 aur-m-n, 1 bar-c, 2 bell, 2 bry, 1 cadm-s, 1 calc, 1 calc-ar, 2 calc-p, 1 calc-s, 1 calc-sil, 1 camph, 1 carc, 1 caust, 3 CHAM, 1 chin, 1 cina, 1 cist, 1 cimic, 3 COCC, 2 coch, 2 coff, 1 colch, 3 COLOC, 1 croc, 1 cupr, 1 ferr, 1 ferr-p, 2 gels, 1 graph, 1 grat, 1 hyos, 3 IGN, 1 iod, 3 IP, 1 kali-br, 2 kali-p, 2 lach, 2 lyc, 1 mag-c, 1 mag-m, 1 manc, 1 merc, 1 mez, 1 nat-ar, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 1 nat-s, 1 nux-m, 3 NUX-V, 1 ol-an, 1 olnd, 3 OP, 1 petr, 2 ph-ac, 2 phos, 3 PLAT, 2 puls, 2 ran-b, 1 rhus-t, 1 sac-alb, 1 samb, 1 scroph-n, 1 sec, 1 sel, 2 sep, 1 sil, 1 stann, 3 STAPH, 1 stram, 1 stront-c, 1 sulph, 2 tarent, 1 verat, 1 vinc, 1 zinc, 1 zinc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, (0)
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, antics playing (1)
Medicine: 1 op
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, cares (1)
Medicine: 1 ran-b
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, cheerfulness (14)
Medicine: 1 ant-t, 1 aur, 1 cann-s, 1 caps, 1 caust, 1 cocc, 1 croc, 1 ign, 1 nat-m, 1 op, 1 seneg, 1 spong, 1 stram, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, contentment (1)
Medicine: 1 caps
Source:  Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, crying (3)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 cann-s, 1 lac-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, discontentment (2)
Medicine: 1 aur, 1 ran-b
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, discouragement (4)
Medicine: 1 lyc, 1 ran-b, 1 staph, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, exhilaration (4)
Medicine: 1 bov, 1 caps, 2 op, 1 seneg
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, exuberance (1)
Medicine: 1 ant-t
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, hysteria (1)
Medicine: 1 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, indifference (2)
Medicine: 1 carbn-s, 1 chin
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, jesting (3)
Medicine: 1 caps, 1 cocc, 1 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, kindness (1)
Medicine: 1 cench
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, laughing (2)
Medicine: 1 croc, 1 stram
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, quick repentance (8)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 croc, 1 lyss, 1 mez, 1 olnd, 3 SULPH, 1 tub, 1 vinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, sadness (5)
Medicine: 1 ambr, 1 coff, 1 erig, 1 sumb, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, singing (1)
Medicine: 1 croc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, tenderness (1)
Medicine: 1 croc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, timidity (2)
Medicine: 1 ran-b, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, tranquillity (2)
Medicine: 2 croc, 1 kali-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, alternating with, vivacity (2)
Medicine: 1 cocc, 1 nat-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, answer, when obliged to (9)
Medicine: 2 arn, 1 ars, 3 BRY, 1 cham, 1 coloc, 1 nat-m, 3 NUX-V, 2 ph-ac, 1 puls
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, anxiety, with (31)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 alum, 3 ARS, 1 aur, 2 bell, 1 bry, 1 calc, 1 carc, 2 cham, 1 cocc, 1 coff, 2 cupr, 2 gels, 1 hyos, 3 IGN, 1 lyc, 1 nat-c, 1 nat-m, 3 NUX-V, 2 op, 1 petr, 1 phos, 2 plat, 2 puls, 1 rhus-t, 1 samb, 1 sep, 1 stann, 1 stram, 1 sulph, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, argued with, if (1)
Medicine: 1 op
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, aroused, when (3)
Medicine: 1 nux-v, 1 sil, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, blame, on (1)
Medicine: 1 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, business, about (3)
Medicine: 1 bry, 1 ip, 1 nux-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, business, failure, from (10)
Medicine: 1 ambr, 1 aur, 1 calc, 1 coloc, 1 bry, 1 ip, 1 kali-br, 1 nat-m, 2 nux-v, 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, caressing, from (4)
Medicine: 1 chin, 2 cina, 1 ign, 1 nit-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, causeless (5)
Medicine: 1 chel, 1 cyn-d, 1 hydrog, 2 mez, 1 ped
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, children, in (8)
Medicine: 1 anac, 2 calc-p, 3 CHAM, 3 CINA, 1 hep, 1 nux-v, 2 phos, 2 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, chill, during (1)
Medicine: 1 caps
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, coffee agg. (5)
Medicine: 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 2 cham, 1 nux-v, 1 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, coffee agg. drinking coffee and wine, while (1)
Medicine: 1 chlor
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, cold, after taking (1)
Medicine: 1 calc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, consoled, when (8)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 cham, 2 hell, 3 IGN, 2 nat-m, 1 sabal, 2 sep, 1 sil
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, contradiction, from (34)
Medicine: 1 aesc, 1 aloe, 1 am-c, 2 anac, 1 ars, 3 AUR, 2 bry, 1 cact, 1 calc-p, 1 cocc, 2 ferr, 2 ferr-ar, 1 grat, 1 helon, 1 hura, 3 IGN, 3 LYC, 1 merc, 1 nat-ar, 1 nat-c, 1 nat-sil, 2 nicc, 1 nit-ac, 2 nux-v, 1 olnd, 1 op, 1 petr, 3 SEP, 2 sil, 1 stram, 1 tarent, 2 thuj, 1 til, 2 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, contradiction, from blame, or (1)
Medicine: 2 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, conversation, from (2)
Medicine: 1 puls, 1 tarent-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, convulsion, before (1)
Medicine: 2 bufo
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, cough, from (12)
Medicine: 1 acon, 2 ant-t, 1 arg-m, 1 arg-n, 2 arn, 2 bell, 1 bry, 2 caps, 2 cham, 2 kali-c, 3 STAPH, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, cough, from before (3)
Medicine: 1 asar, 1 bell, 1 cina
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, crying from pain, with (4)
Medicine: 2 cham, 1 merc, 1 op, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, delirium, in (4)
Medicine: 2 anac, 2 cocc, 2 lach, 2 stram
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, delusions during menopause, with (3)
Medicine: 3 COLOC, 2 nux-v, 2 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, diarrhea, during (1)
Medicine: 1 gnaph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, dinner, during (1)
Medicine: 1 kali-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, dreams, after (1)
Medicine: 1 mur-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, easily (32)
Medicine: 1 aesc, 3 ANAC, 1 arg-n, 1 ars, 1 bell, 1 calad, 1 calc, 2 caps, 3 CHAM, 2 cocc, 1 con, 2 crot-h, 2 dulc, 2 ferr, 2 gels, 2 graph, 2 hell, 1 iris, 3 LYC, 1 meph, 3 NUX-V, 2 phos, 2 plat, 2 psor, 1 ran-b, 1 androc, 1 squil, 1 staph, 1 teucr, 2 thuj, 1 valer, 2 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, eat, when obliged to (1)
Medicine: 1 ars
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, eating, amel. after (1)
Medicine: 1 am-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, epileptic attack, before (1)
Medicine: 1 indg
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, evening (20)
Medicine: 2 am-c, 1 ant-t, 1 bov, 2 bry, 2 cahin, 2 calc, 1 canth, 1 choc, 2 croc, 2 kali-c, 1 kali-m, 3 LYC, 1 nat-c, 1 nat-m, 2 nicc, 2 op, 2 petr, 1 androc, 1 sil, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, evening 6 p.m. (1)
Medicine: 1 cench
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, evening 8.30 p.m. (1)
Medicine: 1 cench
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, evening amel. (2)
Medicine: 1 nat-s, 1 verb
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, (0)
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, pale, livid (7)
Medicine: 1 ars, 2 carb-v, 2 con, 3 NAT-M, 2 petr, 2 plat, 3 STAPH
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, red (10)
Medicine: 3 BELL, 3 BRY, 1 calc, 3 CHAM, 1 hyos, 3 NUX-V, 1 puls, 1 spig, 1 staph, 3 STRAM
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, red spots in, with (1)
Medicine: 1 am-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, red tip of nose, with (1)
Medicine: 1 vinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, face, white (6)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 carb-v, 1 nat-m, 1 petr, 1 plat, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, fear, of their own anger (2)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, fever, during (1)
Medicine: 1 hipp
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, fits of (2)
Medicine: 1 cere-s, 2 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, forenoon (3)
Medicine: 1 carb-v, 1 nat-c, 1 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, forenoon 11 a.m. (2)
Medicine: 2 arg-n, 3 SULPH
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, forgetfulness, during (2)
Medicine: 1 hydr, 1 kali-br
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, former vexations, thinking about (7)
Medicine: 2 calc, 2 carb-an, 1 lyc, 2 nat-m, 1 sars, 1 sep, 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, fright, with (23)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 2 aur, 2 bell, 1 calc, 3 CARC, 1 cocc, 1 coff, 1 cupr, 2 gels, 1 glon, 3 IGN, 1 nat-c, 2 nux-v, 2 op, 2 petr, 2 phos, 2 plat, 2 puls, 1 samb, 1 sep, 3 STRAM, 1 sulph, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, grief, with silent (27)
Medicine: 2 acon, 1 alum, 1 am-m, 1 ars, 1 aur, 1 aur-ar, 1 bell, 2 bry, 2 carc, 1 cham, 2 chin, 2 cocc, 2 coloc, 1 gels, 1 hyos, 3 IGN, 3 LYC, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nux-v, 2 ph-ac, 1 phos, 1 plat, 1 puls, 3 STAPH, 1 verat, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, happen, at what he thinks may (1)
Medicine: 1 sol-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, headache, from (22)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 arg-n, 3 BRY, 1 cast, 1 cham, 1 coff, 1 coloc, 1 dulc, 1 ign, 1 kali-c, 1 lyc, 1 mag-c, 1 mez, 1 nat-m, 2 nux-v, 1 petr, 1 phos, 1 plat, 1 ran-b, 1 rhus-t, 1 sep, 3 STAPH
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, headache, vexation, after (19)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 bry, 1 cast, 1 cham, 1 cocc, 1 coff, 1 ign, 1 ip, 1 lyc, 1 mag-c, 3 MEZ, 1 nat-m, 1 nux-v, 1 petr, 1 phos, 1 ran-b, 1 rhus-t, 3 STAPH, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, himself, with (9)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 ars, 1 aur, 1 bell, 2 ign, 1 lyc, 1 nux-v, 2 staph, 2 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, himself, with constipated, when (1)
Medicine: 1 aloe
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, indignation, with (12)
Medicine: 1 ars, 2 aur, 1 carc, 3 COLOC, 1 ip, 1 lyc, 1 merc, 1 mur-ac, 1 nat-m, 2 nux-v, 1 plat, 3 STAPH
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, interruption, from (8)
Medicine: 1 bry, 1 cench, 2 cham, 2 cocc, 1 graph, 2 hell, 2 nux-v, 1 androc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, involuntary (1)
Medicine: 1 carb-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, jealousy and incoherent talk, with (2)
Medicine: 1 hyos, 1 lach
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, laughing, with bursts of (1)
Medicine: 2 croc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, laughing, with bursts of bursts of anger, and crying alternate (1)
Medicine: 2 plat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, light, bright, agg. (1)
Medicine: 1 colch
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, lunch, during (1)
Medicine: 1 kali-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, menses, during (6)
Medicine: 1 am-c, 1 cast, 1 caul, 1 cimic, 1 hyos, 1 kreos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, menses, before (3)
Medicine: 1 cham, 1 kali-fcy, 2 sep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, mental exertion, after (1)
Medicine: 1 calc-sil
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, mistakes, over his (9)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 aur, 1 bell, 1 carc, 3 IGN, 2 nit-ac, 1 nux-v, 2 staph, 2 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, misunderstood, when (2)
Medicine: 2 bufo, 2 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, morning (13)
Medicine: 1 am-m, 1 bov, 2 calc, 1 carb-an, 2 kali-c, 1 lyc, 1 mang, 1 nat-s, 3 NUX-V, 2 petr, 2 sep, 1 staph, 2 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, morning waking, on (11)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 canth, 1 carb-an, 1 cast, 1 hydrog, 2 kali-c, 3 LYC, 1 petr, 1 phos, 1 sul-ac, 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, news, bad, about (3)
Medicine: 1 calc-p, 1 caust, 1 ign
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, news, bad, about at unpleasant (1)
Medicine: 1 calc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, night (4)
Medicine: 1 graph, 1 lyc, 1 mag-s, 1 rhus-t
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, noise, at (3)
Medicine: 1 coff, 1 hep, 1 ip
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, noise, at sleep, during (1)
Medicine: 1 calad
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, noon (2)
Medicine: 1 am-m, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, noon to 2 p.m. (1)
Medicine: 1 aster
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, odors, agg. (2)
Medicine: 1 colch, 1 sep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, pains, about (8)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 aur, 1 bry, 1 canth, 2 cham, 2 coloc, 2 hep, 1 op
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, pains, about agg. (2)
Medicine: 1 ant-t, 1 cham
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, pains, from the (6)
Medicine: 1 ars, 2 aur, 3 BRY, 3 CHAM, 2 hep, 1 androc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, paralysed, felt as (2)
Medicine: 1 calc-p, 2 cist
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, past events, about (8)
Medicine: 1 calc, 1 carb-an, 2 nat-m, 1 nit-ac, 1 sars, 1 sep, 1 staph, 1 sulph
Source:  Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, pinched, on being (1)
Medicine: 1 stram
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, pregnancy, during (3)
Medicine: 2 nux-m, 1 nux-v, 2 sep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, recovery, if one spoke of her complete (1)
Medicine: 2 ars
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, remorse, followed by (2)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 croc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, reproaches, from (6)
Medicine: 1 cadm, 1 cham, 1 coloc, 1 croc, 2 ign, 2 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, seizes, the hands of those about him (1)
Medicine: 1 op
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, sensation, as if he should be angry (1)
Medicine: 1 mosch
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, sex, after (2)
Medicine: 2 calc, 2 calc-ar
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, sleep, after (1)
Medicine: 1 chin-s
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, spoken to, when (4)
Medicine: 1 bry, 2 cham, 2 elaps, 2 hell
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, stabbed anyone, so that he could have (9)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 chin, 3 HEP, 1 merc, 1 mosch, 1 nux-v, 1 stront-c, 1 zinc, 1 zinc-acet
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, stitches in head, from (1)
Medicine: 1 dulc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, stool, before (1)
Medicine: 1 calc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, sudden (3)
Medicine: 1 bar-acet, 1 merc, 1 nux-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, suffocative attack, with (1)
Medicine: 2 cham
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, suppressed, ailments from (13)
Medicine: 1 anac, 2 aur, 3 CARC, 1 caust, 1 cham, 2 coloc, 1 hep, 2 ign, 3 IP, 3 LYC, 2 nat-m, 1 sep, 3 STAPH
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, sympathy, agg. (4)
Medicine: 1 ferr, 2 ign, 2 nat-m, 1 sabad
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, talk, indisposed to (9)
Medicine: 1 am-m, 2 bry, 1 hydrog, 2 ign, 1 nat-m, 1 petr, 1 puls, 1 staph, 1 sul-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, talk, indisposed to others, from talking of (2)
Medicine: 1 mang, 1 rhus-t
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, tear himself to pieces, could (1)
Medicine: 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, temper tantrums (5)
Medicine: 1 calc-p, 2 cham, 2 cina, 1 thyr, 2 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, things, do not go his way (3)
Medicine: 1 calc-p, 1 ign, 1 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, thinking of his ailments (1)
Medicine: 2 aur-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, throws things away (5)
Medicine: 1 coff, 2 coloc, 1 hydrog, 3 STAPH, 1 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, tickled, on being (2)
Medicine: 1 ign, 1 stram
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, touched, when (4)
Medicine: 2 ant-c, 1 iod, 1 sanic, 3 TARENT
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, tranquility, followed by (1)
Medicine: 1 ip
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, trembling, with (23)
Medicine: 1 alum, 1 ambr, 1 arg-n, 2 aur, 1 cham, 1 chel, 1 cop, 1 daph, 1 ferr-p, 1 gels, 1 lyc, 1 m-aust, 1 merc, 2 nit-ac, 1 nux-v, 1 pall, 1 phos, 2 plat, 1 ran-b, 1 sep, 3 STAPH, 1 yohim, 2 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, trifles, at (59)
Medicine: 2 acon, 1 anac, 2 ars, 1 atro, 1 aur, 1 bell, 1 bry, 1 cael, 1 calc, 1 calc-i, 1 cann-s, 1 caust, 1 cere-s, 2 cham, 2 chel, 1 chin, 1 cina, 1 clem, 2 cocc, 2 con, 1 croc, 1 digin, 1 dros, 1 hell, 2 hep, 2 ign, 1 ip, 1 kali-bi, 1 kali-m, 1 kali-sil, 1 kreos, 1 lach, 1 lyc, 1 lyss, 1 mang, 1 meph, 2 mez, 1 nat-ar, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 2 nit-ac, 3 NUX-V, 1 petr, 1 phos, 2 plat, 1 rhus-t, 1 sabad, 1 sanic, 1 sarcol-ac, 1 sel, 1 seneg, 1 sep, 2 staph, 1 stram, 1 sul-ac, 1 thuj, 1 tub, 1 zinc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, trifles, at agg. (3)
Medicine: 1 cere-s, 2 phos, 1 sep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, understood, when not (3)
Medicine: 2 ign, 1 laur, 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, vaginal discharge ceases, as soon as (1)
Medicine: 2 hydr
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, vex others, inclined to (1)
Medicine: 3 CHIN
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, vexation, from (69)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 agar, 1 alum, 1 am-c, 1 anac, 2 ant-t, 2 apis, 1 arg-n, 1 arn, 2 ars, 2 aur, 2 aur-m, 2 bell, 2 bry, 1 calc, 1 calc-ar, 2 calc-p, 1 calc-s, 1 cadm-s, 1 carc, 1 caust, 3 CHAM, 1 chin, 1 cist, 1 cimic, 3 COCC, 2 coff, 3 COLOC, 1 croc, 1 cupr, 1 ferr, 1 ferr-p, 2 gels, 1 hyos, 3 IGN, 3 IP, 2 kali-p, 2 lach, 2 lyc, 1 mag-c, 1 mag-m, 1 manc, 1 mez, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 1 nat-s, 1 nux-m, 3 NUX-V, 3 OP, 1 petr, 2 ph-ac, 2 phos, 3 PLAT, 2 puls, 1 ran-b, 1 rhus-t, 1 samb, 1 sec, 1 sel, 1 sep, 1 sil, 1 stann, 3 STAPH, 1 stram, 1 sulph, 2 tarent, 1 verat, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, violent (80)
Medicine: 3 ACON, 1 ambr, 3 ANAC, 2 apis, 2 ars, 3 AUR, 1 aur-s, 1 bar-c, 2 bell, 1 bor, 2 bry, 1 bufo, 1 cahin, 2 calc, 1 camph, 1 cann-s, 1 canth, 1 carbn-s, 2 carb-v, 2 caust, 1 cere-s, 3 CHAM, 2 chel, 1 chin-b, 1 cimx, 1 cocc, 1 coff, 2 croc, 1 cupr, 1 cypr, 1 dros, 1 ferr, 1 ferr-p, 2 graph, 1 grat, 3 HEP, 1 hydrog, 2 hyos, 1 ictod, 1 ign, 1 iod, 2 kali-c, 1 kali-chl, 1 kali-i, 3 LACH, 1 led, 2 lyc, 1 lyss, 2 m-aust, 1 mag-c, 1 mag-s, 2 meli, 1 mez, 1 mosch, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-s, 3 NIT-AC, 3 NUX-V, 1 oena, 1 olnd, 1 pall, 2 petr, 1 ph-ac, 1 phos, 2 plat, 1 puls, 1 androc, 1 seneg, 2 sep, 1 sil, 3 STAPH, 3 STRAM, 1 sulph, 3 TARENT, 1 tell, 1 thyr, 1 tub, 1 verat, 1 zinc, 1 zinc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, violent, fits of (8)
Medicine: 2 anac, 2 lach, 2 med, 1 nux-v, 2 staph, 2 stram, 1 stront-c, 1 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, violent, fits of when things don’t go after his will (3)
Medicine: 1 cham, 1 thuj, 1 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, voices of people (5)
Medicine: 1 bry, 1 con, 1 nux-v, 1 teucr, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, waking, on (17)
Medicine: 1 bell, 1 carb-an, 1 cast, 1 caust, 1 cham, 1 chin-s, 1 kali-c, 3 LYC, 1 lyss, 1 mag-s, 3 NUX-V, 1 petr, 1 phos, 1 rhus-t, 1 sanic, 1 sul-ac, 1 tub
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, weakness, anger followed by (2)
Medicine: 1 mur-ac, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, will, if things do not go after his (2)
Medicine: 1 lach, 1 thuj
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, work, about (4)
Medicine: 1 bry, 2 ign, 1 nat-m, 3 NUX-V
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, work, about aversion to (2)
Medicine: 1 bov, 1 m-aust
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, work, about cannot work (1)
Medicine: 1 calc-p
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANGER, worm, affections, with (2)
Medicine: 2 carb-v, 3 CINA

Anger - touched; when

উচ্চারণ: এংগার, টাচড্‌ হোয়েন

কেউ স্পর্শ করলে রাগ হয়।

কেউ ছুঁইলে রাগ হয়।

অনুভূতিতে নাড়া দিলে রাগ হয়।

মান সম্মানে আঘাত হানলে রাগ হয়।


আমার অসুস্থতার সময় মিজান বলে যে আমি মারা গেলে আমার চাঁদের মত ছেলে মেয়েদের কি গতি হবে-এতে আমার খুব রাগ হয়।

Touched: affected emotionally, especially with gratitude, affection, pity, or compassion

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৯ টি

MIND;cc - Anger - touched; when

স্পর্শ করলে রাগ হয়

Ant-c.CHAM. cina falco-pe. iod. lac-e. lach. sanic. TARENT.

Anger - throwing things around

উচ্চারণ: এ্যাংগার-থ্রোয়িং থিংগস এরাউন্ড

রেগে গিয়ে চারপাশে জিনিসপত্র ছুঁড়ে মারে


শিশু রোগীর হাত থেকে তার মা কলমটি কেড়ে নিতেই শিশু সেটি তুলে ছুড়ে মারে ।

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১৮ টি

MIND - Anger - throwing things around

রেগে গিয়ে চারপাশে জিনিসপত্র ছুঁড়ে মারে

androc.camph. cham. Cina coff. Coloc. hydrog. ignis-alc. Kreos. melal-alt. op. ozone prot. STAPH. Tarent. tax. thea Tub.

Anger - interruption; from

উচ্চারণ: এংগার-ইন্টা-রাপশন ফরম

বাধার ফলে সৃষ্ট রাগ

বাধা দেয়ার ফলে সৃষ্ট রাগ


ডাক্তার আমাকে প্রতিদিন কমপক্ষে ৪০ মিনিট জোরে হাঁটতে বলেছেন; কিন্তু কুঁচকিতে প্রচন্ড ব্যথা পাওয়ার ফলে জোরে হাঁটতে পানি না-এতে আমার ভীষন রাগ হয়।

মিটিংয়ে কথা বলতে গেলেই আমার কাশি হয়-এতে আমার মেজাজ খারাপ হয়ে নিজের উপর রাগ হয়।


মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১৭ টি

MIND;c - Anger - interruption; from

বাধার ফলে; বাধা দেয়ার ফলে সৃষ্ট রাগ

androc. bry.cench. Cham. Cocc. germ-met. granit-m. graph. Hell. ignis-alc. kola lac-cp. lac-h. marb-w. Nux-v. positr. scor.

Anger - contradiction; from

উচ্চারণ: এ্যাংগার-কনট্রা-ডিক-শন ফরম

মতানৈক্য, অসঙ্গতি, বিরোধ হতে সৃষ্ট রাগ


ডাক্তারের চেম্বারে বসে শিশু রোগী টেবিলের উপর রাখা টর্চ লাইটি হাতে নিয়ে খেলা শুরু করে, রোগীর মা তার হাত থেকে টর্চটি কেড়ে নিতেই শিশু রোগী প্রচন্ড রেগে যায়।

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৬৪ টি 

MIND;cc - Anger - contradiction; from

মতানৈক্য, অসঙ্গতি, বিরোধ হতে সৃষ্ট রাগ 

aesc.aloe am-c. Anac. ars. ars-met. AUR. aur-ar. aur-m. aur-s. bros-gau. Bry. cact. calc-p. cassia-s. choc. cocc. crot-c. dendr-pol. falco-pe. FERR. Ferr-ar. ferr-f. ferr-lac. ferr-n. ferr-sil. granit-m. grat. ham. helon. hura IGN. ignis-alc. ind. kali-ar. lac-h. lac-leo. LYC. med. merc. nat-ar. nat-c. nat-sil. Nicc. nicc-met. nit-ac. Nux-v. olnd. op. petr. pitu-a. prot. ros-d. SEP. Sil. stann. stram. tab. tarent. tax. Thuj. til. tub. Verat.


উচ্চারণ: এংগার





Displeasure: a strong feeling of grievance and displeasure.

Become or make greatly annoyed: to become or make somebody extremely annoyed.

A strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them.

Public anger at the terrorist killings.

Anger at/over sth

He never once raised his voice in anger.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৪১৩ টি


রাগ, ক্রোধ   

abrom-a.abrom-a-r. abrot. acet-ac. ACON. act-sp. adam. aesc. Aeth. agam-g. agar. agath-a. agn. aids. all-c. allox. aloe Alum. am-br. am-c. am-caust. am-f. Am-m. ambr. ANAC. anan. androc. androg-p. ang. anh. Ant-c. ant-m. ant-met. Ant-t. anthraci. Apis arg-met. arg-n. arge-pl. arizon-l. arn. ARS. ars-h. Ars-i. ars-met. art-v. arum-t. Asaf. asar. aster. atp. atro. AUR. aur-ar. aur-m. aur-m-n. aur-s. bac. bamb-a. bar-act. bar-br. bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bar-ox-suc. bart. Bell. berb. Bond. bora-o. Borx. Bov. brom. bros-gau. BRY. bufo Bung-fa. buteo-j. buth-a. cact. cadm-met. cael. Cain. calad. Calc. calc-ar. calc-hp. calc-i. Calc-p. calc-s. calc-sil. camph. cann-i. cann-s. cann-xyz. canth. Caps. Carb-an. Carb-v. Carbn-s. carc. Card-m. cardios-h. carl. carneg-g. cartl-s. cassia-s. castm. caul. Caust. cench. cer-s. cere-s. CHAM. chel. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chir-fl. chlor. choc. chord-umb. cic. cimic. cimx. Cina cinnb. Cist. clem. Cocc. coch. Coff. colch. Coloc. colum-p. Con. cop. cor-r. cortiso. Croc. Crot-c. crot-h. crot-t. CUPR. cupr-act. cur. cycl. cyn-d. cyna. cypr. cyt-l. daph. Dendr-pol. des-ac. dig. digin. dioxi. dirc. dream-p. dros. Dulc. elae. elaps eupi. Falco-pe. ferr. ferr-ar. ferr-f. ferr-i. ferr-lac. ferr-m. ferr-ma. ferr-n. ferr-p. ferr-sil. ferul. fl-ac. fl-pur. form. fuma-ac. galeoc-c-h. galla-q-r. galv. gamb. gels. Germ-met. gink-b. glon. gnaph. gran. granit-m. Graph. grat. haem. haliae-lc. ham. hell. helon. HEP. hipp. hir. hura hydr. hydr-ac. hydrog. Hyos. ictod. IGN. ignis-alc. ina-i. ind. indg. iod. ip. irid-met. iris kali-ar. kali-br. KALI-C. kali-chl. kali-cy. kali-fcy. Kali-i. kali-m. kali-n. Kali-p. KALI-S. kali-sil. ketogl-ac. kola Kreos. kres. lac-c. Lac-cp. lac-d. Lac-e. lac-h. Lac-leo. lac-lup. lac-mat. Lach. Lact. lact-v. lap-la. laur. Led. lil-t. limen-b-c. lith-f. loxo-recl. luf-op. Luna LYC. lycpr. lyss. m-ambo. m-arct. M-aust. macro. Mag-c. Mag-m. mag-s. manc. mang. marb-w. med. melal-alt. meli. meph. MERC. merc-cy. merc-i-f. merl. Mez. Moni. morg-g. morph. Mosch. Mur-ac. musca-d. myric. nat-ar. Nat-c. NAT-M. nat-ox. nat-p. Nat-s. nat-sil. neon nept-m. nicc. Nicc-met. nid. NIT-AC. nit-s-d. nuph. nux-m. NUX-V. ol-an. olib-sac. olnd. op. opun-s. orot-ac. osm. osm-met. osteo-a. oxal-a. oxyg. ozone Pall. par. ped. Pegan-ha. PETR. Ph-ac. phasco-ci. phel. Phos. pin-con. pitu-a. plac. plac-s. plat. plb. plut-n. polys. positr. pot-e. prot. pseuts-m. Psor. ptel. puls. puls-n. pycnop-sa. ran-b. rat. rheum Rhus-g. Rhus-t. Ros-d. ruta sabad. Sabal sabin. sacch. sal-al. Sal-fr. samb. sang. sanic. sarcol-ac. saroth. sars. scroph-n. Sec. sel. senec. seneg. senn. SEP. sieg. sil. sinus. sol-mm. sol-ni. Spig. spong. squil. Stann. STAPH. stram. Stront-c. stront-met. suis-em. suis-hep. suis-pan. sul-ac. SULPH. sumb. suprar. syc. symph. syph. tab. tarax. TARENT. tarent-c. tax. tell. teucr. thea Thuj. thyr. til. toxi. tril-c. tril-p. Tub. tub-k. tung-met. upa. v-a-b. valer. verat. verb. vinc. wye. Zinc. zinc-act. zinc-cy. zinc-p.

ANARCHIST (4) নৈরাজ্যবাদী Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ANARCHIST (4)
Medicine: 2 caust, 1 kali-c, 1 merc, 1 sep



উচ্চারণ: এনার-কিষ্ট


বিদ্রোহের নায়ক।

A person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power.

A person who believes that government and laws are not necessary.

A person who believes in, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy; especially :one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order.

POLITICS: Someone who thinks that society should not be controlled by a government and laws.

Someone who wishes to destroy the existing government and laws.

Anarchist:An Anarchist means one who rebels against any authority, established order or ruling power or one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order. Rejection of all forms of control and authority. In terms of intensity of obstinacy or craziness an Anarchist is more intense than a Fanatic. A fanatic can not be an anarchist, but an anarchist can be a fanatic. If intensity increases to yet another higher degree then an anarchist becomes a revolutionary.

We can also co-relate it miasmatically:

Fanaticism -------------------------- Psora
Anarchist ---------------------------- Sycosis
Revolutionary ---------------------- Syphilitic

----- Courtesy of: Dr. Navneet Bidani


মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৬ টি


নৈরাজ্যবাদী, বিদ্রোহের নায়ক

Arg-n.astat. Caust. kali-c. Merc. sep.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১ টি

MIND - ANARCHIST - revolutionary

বৈপ্লবিক, বিপ্লবী




উচ্চারণ: ফ্যা-না-টি সিজম




কোন বিষয়ে যুক্তিহীন উৎসাহ।

Fanaticism is more often used in context with religious mania.

Marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion 

they're fanatic about politics.

A fanatic attention to details.

Anarchist:An Anarchist means one who rebels against any authority, established order or ruling power or one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order. Rejection of all forms of control and authority. In terms of intensity of obstinacy or craziness an Anarchist is more intense than a Fanatic. A fanatic can not be an anarchist, but an anarchist can be a fanatic. If intensity increases to yet another higher degree then an anarchist becomes a revolutionary.

We can also co-relate it miasmatically:

Fanaticism -------------------------- Psora
Anarchist ---------------------------- Sycosis
Revolutionary ---------------------- Syphilitic

----- Courtesy of: Dr. Navneet Bidani

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১৯ টি


ধর্মান্ধতা, গোঁড়ামি, উগ্রতা, কোন বিষয়ে যুক্তিহীন উৎসাহ  

Anac. aur-ar.  bell.  carc. CAUST. con.  cupr. kali-c.  lach. limest-b.  merc.  nux-v.  puls.  rob.  sel.  SULPH. Thuj.  valer.VERAT.




CHANGE: completely different from what was done before.

The twentieth century has brought about revolutionary changes in our lifestyles.

POLITICS: relating to a political revolution.

A revolutionary movement.

Anarchist:An Anarchist means one who rebels against any authority, established order or ruling power or one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order. Rejection of all forms of control and authority. In terms of intensity of obstinacy or craziness an Anarchist is more intense than a Fanatic. A fanatic can not be an anarchist, but an anarchist can be a fanatic. If intensity increases to yet another higher degree then an anarchist becomes a revolutionary.

We can also co-relate it miasmatically:

Fanaticism -------------------------- Psora
Anarchist ---------------------------- Sycosis
Revolutionary ---------------------- Syphilitic

----- Courtesy of: Dr. Navneet Bidani

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১ টি

MIND - ANARCHIST - revolutionary

বৈপ্লবিক, বিপ্লবী


মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা:  ৪ ‍টি


caust.cinnb. merc. merc-i-f.

Amusement - desire for

উচ্চারণ: এমি-উজ-ম্যান্ট ডিজ্যায়ার ফর

চিত্তবিনোদন, আমোদ-প্রমোদের ইচ্ছা

চিত্তবিনোদন, আমোদ-প্রমোদ করতে চায়

আমোদ প্রমোদ আকাঙ্খা করে

বিনোদন আকাঙ্খা করে

বিনোদন করতে চায়


অসুস্থ অবস্থাতেও রোগী টিভি দেখতে ইচ্ছা পোষন করে, পার্কে বেড়াতে যেতে পছন্দ করে, কোন কনসার্টে যেতে ইচ্ছা ব্যক্ত করে।

The feeling that you have when something makes you smile or laugh.

I watched the performance with great amusement. 

To our amusement the tent collapsed on top of them.

Feeling something is funny: the feeling that something is funny or entertaining.

Recreational activity: an enjoyable activity such as a game, hobby, or form of entertainment.

Keeping somebody happily occupied: the act of keeping somebody occupied or entertained.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ৫১ টি

MIND;c - AMUSEMENT - desire for

চিত্তবিনোদন, আমোদ-প্রমোদের ইচ্ছা/চায় 

agam-g.Aur. Bell. calc. calc-p. calc-sil. cann-i. carc. cere-b. coca. coca-c. con. Croc. Crot-c. ferr. heroin. hyos.  Kali-i. KALI-S. lac-del. lac-h. lac-lup. Lach. lil-t. lyc. marb-w. Med. nat-p. nit-ac. nux-m. Olib-sac. pall. petr-ra. Phos. pieri-b. pip-m. polys. puls. Sep. spong. stram. stront-c. Sulph. sumb. tarent. thuj. tritic-vg. Tub. tung-met. vanil. verat.

AMUSEMENT, aversion to (11) আমোদে বিতৃষ্ণা Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMUSEMENT, aversion to (11)
Medicine: 1 aur, 2 bar-c, 1 hep, 2 ign, 1 lil-t, 1 meny, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 olnd, 1 androc, 2 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMUSEMENT, aversion to desire for (4)
Medicine: 1 hyos, 1 med, 2 lach, 1 pip-m

AMOROUS, behavior (61) কামার্ত স্বভাব Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMOROUS, behavior, (61)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 agar, 1 agn, 2 ant-c, 1 apis, 3 BELL, 2 bufo, 1 calad, 3 CALC, 1 camph, 1 cann-i, 3 CANN-S, 3 CANTH, 3 CARB-V, 1 caust, 3 CHIN, 1 coff, 2 coloc, 2 con, 1 croc, 1 dulc, 1 fl-ac, 2 graph, 3 HYOS, 2 ign, 2 iod, 1 kali-c, 2 lach, 1 lil-t, 3 LYC, 1 meny, 2 merc, 2 mosch, 2 murx, 1 nat-c, 3 NAT-M, 2 nit-ac, 1 nux-m, 2 nux-v, 2 op, 1 ph-ac, 3 PHOS, 1 pic-ac, 3 PLAT, 1 plb, 3 PULS, 1 rhus-t, 1 ruta, 1 sabin, 1 sanic, 1 sars, 1 sel, 2 sep, 2 sil, 2 stann, 2 staph, 3 STRAM, 1 sulph, 1 thuj, 3 VERAT, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMOROUS, behavior, erections, without (6)
Medicine: 1 ambr, 1 calad, 1 caps, 3 IGN, 1 meny, 3 SEL
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMOROUS, behavior, thoughts (12)
Medicine: 1 ant-c, 1 canth, 2 carb-an, 2 chin, 2 dig, 1 graph, 1 lach, 1 plat, 1 sel, 3 STAPH, 3 THUJ, 1 verb

AMBITIOUS (26) উচ্চাভিলাষী Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMBITIOUS (26)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 alum, 1 anac, 2 ars, 1 asar, 1 aur, 1 calc, 1 carb-an, 2 carc, 1 caust, 1 cocain, 1 cocc, 1 con, 1 graph, 2 ign, 2 lach, 2 lyc, 1 nat-m, 3 NUX-V, 1 pall, 1 plat, 1 puls, 1 sil, 1 staph, 2 sulph, 2 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMBITIOUS employed every means possible (5)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 lyc, 2 nux-v, 1 plat, 2 verat

AMBITION (0) উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMBITION, (0)
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMBITION, ailments from deceived (8)
Medicine: 1 anac, 1 bell, 2 ign, 1 merc, 2 nux-v, 1 plat, 1 puls, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMBITION, loss of ambition, (28)
Medicine: 1 acon, 1 alum, 1 am-m, 1 apoc, 1 ars, 1 asar, 1 calc-sil, 2 calc, 1 caust, 1 cocain, 2 con, 1 dios, 1 erig, 3 GELS, 1 graph, 2 lach, 1 lyc, 1 nat-p, 2 nux-v, 1 pall, 1 petr, 3 PH-AC, 1 plat, 1 puls, 1 rob, 2 sep, 1 staph, 1 verat

See – INDIFFERENCE, apathetic / WORK, general – aversion, to, mental work

AMATIVENESS (29) যৌনকামনা উদ্রেককারী Murphy, MIND

Rubric: AMATIVENESS (29)
Medicine: 1 agn, 1 ant-c, 1 calc, 3 CANTH, 2 caust, 2 con, 3 HYOS, 1 ign, 1 kali-br, 2 lach, 1 lil-t, 3 LYC, 2 merc, 1 murx, 1 nat-m, 1 orig, 1 ph-ac, 2 phos, 1 pic-ac, 2 plat, 2 sel, 1 senec, 1 squil, 1 stann, 1 staph, 1 stram, 1 sulph, 2 ust, 1 verat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMATIVENESS want of, in men (2)
Medicine: 1 con, 3 LYC
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: AMATIVENESS want of, in men women, in (3)
Medicine: 1 caust, 1 lyc, 1 sulph

ALZHEIMER’S disease (42) অ্যালঝেইমার রোগ Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ALZHEIMER’S disease (42)
Medicine: 2 alum, 2 agn, 2 anac, 1 ant-c, 1 arg-m, 2 arg-n, 2 ars, 1 aur, 2 aur-i, 1 aza, 1 bapt, 1 bar-acet, 2 bar-c, 1 bar-m, 1 bell, 1 bry, 1 calc-p, 1 cann-i, 2 con, 2 crot-h, 1 fl-ac, 3 HYOS, 1 ign, 1 iod, 1 lach, 1 lil-t, 2 lyc, 2 kali-br, 1 kali-p, 1 nat-i, 1 nat-m, 1 nux-m, 1 nux-v, 2 ov, 2 phos, 1 pic-ac, 1 sec, 1 sep, 1 staph, 1 sulph, 1 thiosin, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ALZHEIMER’S disease foolish talking, with (7)
Medicine: 1 ars, 1 bar-c, 1 con, 2 hyos, 1 op, 1 plb, 1 puls

ALTERNATING (0)পর্যায়ক্রমে Murphy Coughing

ALONE (0) একাকী Murphy, MIND

Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ALONE, (0)

See – Abandoned / Company


উচ্চারণ: এড-মোনি-শন

হালকাভাবে তিরস্কার করা সহ উপদেশ দেয়া (মৃদুভাবে বুকুনি দেয়া)হলে বৃদ্ধি


“ফ্রিজের ঠান্ডা পানীয় পান করতে বারণ করা সত্ত্বেও তা পান করলে-এখন মজা বুঝ, কষ্ট তো তুমিই করছ, আমার কি; আবারো বলছি, যা হবার হয়েছে, আর ঠান্ডা জিনিস খেয়ো না”।  

Advice: advice for or against doing something.

Gentle or friendly reproof.  

Remembered the admonition to keep it simple.

Counsel or warning against fault or oversight.

The principal's admonition against bullying.


মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১৯ টি 


হালকাভাবে তিরস্কার করা সহ উপদেশ দেয়া (মৃদুভাবে বুকুনি দেয়া)হলে বৃদ্ধি 

Bell.calc. carc. chin. coloc. germ-met. ham. kali-c. med. nit-ac. Nux-v. op. pall. Plat. sal-fr. sil. stann. staph. tarent.



উচ্চারণ: এডাল্ট-টেরাস


ব্যভিচার সর্ম্পকিত

ব্যভিচার ঘটিত


ডাক্তার সাহেব আমি এলোপ্যাথি খাচ্ছি, কিন্তু কমছে না, তবুও খেয়ে যাচ্ছি। আপনি হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষুধ দেন। হোমিওপ্যাথি ঔষধ খাবো, প্রয়োজনে ইউনানী, হামদর্দ, হারবাল, কবিরাজী ঔষুধ খাবো।

Relating to, characterized by, or given  to adultery.   

Had an adulterous affair that nearly destroyed his marriage.

An adulterous affair.

An adulterous wife.

মোট ঔষধ সংখ্যা: ১৯ টি

MIND;c - Adulterous


Calc.canth. caust. carc. ign. fl-ac.  lach. LYC. Med. nat-m. marb-w. phos. PLAT. PULS. STAPH. Thuj. verat. Sabal. vip.