ABSENT-minded (171) অন্যমনস্ক Murphy, MIND - Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

Kolkata Herbal. Ginseng.Homeo Unani Herbal Medicine.Repertory Materia Medicia.

ফোনে অর্ডার দিতে: 01720000039 অর্ডার করার জন্য প্রোডাক্ট কোডটি লিখে কল বা SMS, Whatsapp, IMO করুন. সারা বাংলাদেশ কুরিয়ারে ডেলিভারি । Ginseng Alkushi Ashwagandha জিনসিং আলকুশি, অশ্বগন্ধা শিমুল

ABSENT-minded (171) অন্যমনস্ক Murphy, MIND

ABSENT-minded (171) অন্যমনস্ক Murphy, MIND

Short Description:

Product Description


ABSENT-minded (171) অন্যমনস্ক Murphy, MIND


Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: অন্যমনস্ক ABSENT-minded, (171)

রোগীর ভাষ্যঃ  মাঝে মাঝে আমার অবস্থা এমন হয় যে, আমি কি বিষয় নিয়ে ভাবছিলাম তা নিজেই বলতে পারিনা

Medicine: 1 abel, 2 acon, 1 act-sp, 1 adlu, 1 aesc, 1 agar, 2 agn, 1 all-c, 2 alum, 1 alum-p, 1 alum-sil, 2 am-c, 1 am-m, 1 ambr, 2 anac, 1 ang, 3 APIS, 1 aq-mar, 1 arag, 1 arg-m, 2 arn, 1 ars, 1 ars-s-f, 1 art-v, 1 arum-i, 1 arum-t, 1 asaf, 2 asar, 1 atro, 2 aur, 1 aur-ar, 1 aur-s, 2 bapt, 2 bar-c, 2 bell, 1 berb, 1 bol, 2 bov, 1 bufo, 2 calad, 1 calc, 1 calc-p, 1 calc-s, 1 calc-sil, 3 CANN-I, 1 cann-s, 2 canth, 1 caps, 1 carc, 2 carl, 1 carb-ac, 1 carbn-s, 3 CAUST, 2 cench, 1 cent, 3 CHAM, 1 chel, 1 chin, 1 choc, 2 cic, 1 clem, 2 cocc, 1 coff, 2 colch, 1 coloc, 1 con, 1 cot, 1 croc, 1 crot-h, 2 cupr, 1 cycl, 1 daph, 1 dirc, 1 dulc, 1 elaps, 1 ferr-ar, 2 graph, 1 grat, 1 guai, 1 ham, 3 HELL, 1 hep, 1 hura, 1 hydr, 1 hydrog, 2 hyos, 2 ign, 1 ind, 1 jug-c, 1 kali-bi, 2 kali-br, 2 kali-c, 2 kali-p, 1 kali-s, 1 kali-sil, 2 kreos, 1 kres, 2 lac-c, 3 LACH, 1 laur, 1 led, 2 lyc, 1 lyss, 2 mag-c, 1 m-p-a, 1 manc, 1 mang, 1 med, 1 menis, 2 merc, 1 merc-cy, 3 MEZ, 1 mosch, 1 naja, 1 nat-ar, 1 nat-c, 2 nat-m, 1 nat-p, 1 nit-ac, 3 NUX-M, 2 nux-v, 2 ol-an, 2 olnd, 2 onos, 2 op, 2 petr, 2 ph-ac, 2 phos, 3 PLAT, 2 plb, 1 ictod, 1 psor, 3 PULS, 1 quas, 1 ran-b, 1 ran-s, 1 rheum, 1 rhod, 2 rhus-t, 1 rhus-v, 1 ruta, 1 sal-ac, 1 sanic, 1 sant, 1 saroth, 1 sars, 3 ANDROC, 2 sel, 3 SEP, 2 sil, 1 spig, 1 spong, 1 stann, 1 staph, 1 stict, 1 stram, 2 sulph, 1 sul-ac, 2 syph, 1 tarent, 1 tell, 1 thiop, 1 thuj, 1 tub, 1 valer, 3 VERAT, 1 verb, 1 viol-o, 1 viol-t, 1 zinc, 1 zinc-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, afternoon (1)
Medicine: 1 ang
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, afternoon coffee or wine, after, from much business (1)
Medicine: 2 all-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, afternoon nausea, after (1)
Medicine: 1 calc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, air, in open (1)
Medicine: 1 plat
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, albuminuria, in (1)
Medicine: 2 cocc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, alternating with animation (1)
Medicine: 1 alum
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, become, as to what will become of him (1)
Medicine: 1 nat-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, cerebral irritation, in (2)
Medicine: 2 all-c, 2 cupr-acet
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, conversing, when (4)
Medicine: 1 bol, 1 chin, 1 chin-b, 1 psil
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, daytime, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (1)
Medicine: 1 kali-n
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, dreamy (8)
Medicine: 1 ang, 1 arn, 1 cann-i, 1 cench, 1 olnd, 2 phos, 1 sep, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, epileptic attack, before (1)
Medicine: 2 lach
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, evening (1)
Medicine: 1 hydrog
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, inadvertence (5)
Medicine: 2 alum, 1 am-c, 1 cham, 1 nux-v, 1 staph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, lack of awareness, attacks of (9)
Medicine: 3 ARS, 1 art-v, 2 bapt, 2 hyos, 1 ign, 1 merc-cy, 2 nat-m, 2 phos, 1 zinc-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, mail a letter, goes to, brings it home in her hands (1)
Medicine: 2 lac-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, menses, during (2)
Medicine: 1 calc, 1 mur-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, morning (5)
Medicine: 1 guai, 1 hydrog, 1 nat-c, 1 ph-ac, 1 phos
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, morning 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (1)
Medicine: 1 kali-n
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, noon (1)
Medicine: 1 mosch
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, old age, in (3)
Medicine: 1 am-c, 2 con, 2 lyc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, ozaena, in (1)
Medicine: 2 aur
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, periodical attacks of, short lasting (2)
Medicine: 1 fl-ac, 2 nux-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, purchases, makes, and goes out without them (1)
Medicine: 2 lac-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, reading, while (4)
Medicine: 1 agn, 1 lach, 2 nux-m, 1 ph-ac
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, reading, while sleep, on going to (1)
Medicine: 1 ang
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, senselessness, with, and intoxicated condition (1)
Medicine: 2 nux-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, spoken to, when (5)
Medicine: 1 am-c, 1 am-m, 1 ambr, 1 bar-c, 1 nux-v
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, standing in one place, never accomplishes what he undertakes (1)
Medicine: 2 nux-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, starts, when spoken to (4)
Medicine: 1 aur-m, 1 carb-ac, 1 ptel, 1 sulph
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, stroke, in (1)
Medicine: 3 BAR-C
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, supposes to be in two places at a time (1)
Medicine: 1 lyc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, thoughts, vanishing of (2)
Medicine: 2 cann-i, 1 zinc
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, urticaria, in (1)
Medicine: 2 bov
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, vertigo, during (1)
Medicine: 1 hep
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, waking, on, does not know where he is or what to answer (1)
Medicine: 2 nux-m
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, work, when at (1)
Medicine: 1 hura
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, writing, while (1)
Medicine: 1 mag-c
Source: Murphy – Mind
Rubric: ABSENT-minded, yellow fever, in (1)
Medicine: 2 sulph