Ars-s-r | পাকস্থলীতে আগুনের মত জ্বালা অনুভূতি, ঠান্ডা পানি পানে বৃদ্ধি। |
Ars-s-r | আগুনের কাছে থাকলেও শীত শীত অনুভূতি। |
Ars-s-r | ঘুমের মধ্যে অস্তিরতাসহ সুস্পষ্ট স্বপ্ন দেখে। |
Ars-s-r | শরীরের নানা স্থানে চুলকায়, গলার ভিতর অসহ্য চুলকানির সহিত খুসখুসে শুষ্ক কাশি। Ars-s-r : Arsenicum Sulphuricum Rubrum
Arsenic Sulphide or Disulfide / Realgar / Sandarach KINGDOM:
Mineral SOURCE:
Arsenic (As, 33), Sulphur (S, 16) MIND:
-Activity increased. -Dreams vivid. -Fear of death. -Irritable, morose, ill tempered. -Restlessness and nervousness tendency with heat. -Sadness. -Smiling. -Talk indisposed to desires to be silent. -Aversion to mental work after eating. KEYNOTES:
1. SNAPPING NOISES IN THE EAR SYNCHRONOUS WUTH PULSE. 2. LEFT SIDE INFLAMMATION OF THE TONGUE. 3. Burning pain in the stomach < after cold drinks. 4. Sensation of internal constriction and band. 5. Fainting tendency. 6. Trembling of the whole body. 7. Thready pulse. 8. Twitching. Weakness and prostration. 9. Skin:pellagra, boils, pimples. 10. Influenza. 11. Chilliness even before fire. 12. Sleep disturbed by dreams. Sleeplessness with without sleepiness. 13. Acne. 14. Nose:sneezing, white discharge and tingling inside on right side. 15. Headache:neuralgic in temples and < stooping. 16. Distension of the abdomen and cramping pain. 17. Bitter taste in the mouth in the morning after waking. 18. Urine yellow coloured like saffron. 19. Pain upper limbs in the morning after waking. 20. Sciatica after influenza. 21. Paralytic right shoulder, right upper limb. 22. Awkward hands drops things. Numbness of upper limbs during intermittent fever. 23. Psoriasis. CLINICAL:
Acne. Diarrhoea. Eczema. Furuncles. Gastritis. Influenza. Neuralgia. Psoriasis. Sciatica |