Anac-oc | বাহ্যিক শোথ। |
Anac-oc | রাশ (Rhus) গ্রুপের ঔষধ বিষাক্ততা, রাশটক্সের অপব্যবহারের ফলে চর্ম উদ্ভেদ। |
Anac-oc | মুখমণ্ডলে বেদনাযুক্ত উদ্ভেদ, বাম থেকে ডানে বিস্তৃত হয়, অত্যন্ত চুলকানি। |
Anac-oc | পায়ের তলায় শৃঙ্গাকার কড়া ও চামড়া ফাটা। Anac-oc : Anacardium Occidentale
Cashew Nut KINGDOM:
Anacardiaceae SOURCE:
Tincture of black juice between the outer and inner shell of the seed (Seeds are kidney shaped). MIND:
-IMBECILITY WITH APHASIA. -PARALYSIS AND COMA WITH IMBECILITY. -Indifference and apathy. -Weakness of memory. -Muttering unintelligible. -Will loss of in paralysis with imbecility. KEYNOTES:
1. External dropsy. 2. Poisoning with abuse of Rhus species. 3. Erysipelatous eruption on the face spreading from the left to the right. Painful eruption on the face with excessive itching. 4. Lepra; eruption by Rhus poisoning, vesicular erysipelas with intolerable itching. 5. Corns and cracked skin of soles. 6. Horny callosities on the sole. 7. Secretion of urine increased. CLINICAL:
Corns. Erysipelas. Imbecility. Itching. Paralysis REMEDY RELATIONSHIPS:
Compare : Acon, Apis, Ars, Calc, Nux-m, Nux-v, Ph-ac, Rhus-t, Zinc. Similar : Canth, Croto-t, Mez, Rhus-r, Rhus-t. Antidoted By : Iod, Rhus-t. |