পাকস্থলীর ফাঁপা অনুভূতি, ঢেঁকুর দিলে উপশম হয়না। |
ক্ষতে অত্যন্ত দুর্গন্ধ কিন্তু কখনো কখনো বিষাক্ত ক্ষতে দুর্গন্ধের অভাব হয়। |
অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গে ব্যথা, দুর্বলতা অনুভূতি ও তন্দ্রা ভাব। |
পাকস্থলী ও হ্রদপিন্ডের দুর্বলতা অনুভূতি। |
বমিভাব ও শীত শীত অনুভূতি। |
জ্বরে অনিয়মিত শীত, উত্তাপ ও ঘর্ম। Echi : Echinacea Angustifolia
Rudbeckia COMMON NAME:
Purple Cone Flower FAMILY:
Compositae SOURCE:
Tincture of whole fresh plant. A/F:
– Insect bites – Poisonous plants MODALITIES:
< Eating < Injury < Operations < Cold air < P.M. > Lying > Rest MIND:
– Becomes angry when corrected, doesn’t wish to be contradicted. – Cannot exert MIND < mental exertion. – Does not wish to think or study. – Aversion to thinking. GUIDING INDICATIONS:
-Septic conditions, blood poisoning. -Venom infection, snake bites. -Weak tired; aching in muscles. Unable to sit up from weakness. -Weakness is felt more in stomach, bowels. -Heat in knees. -Slowness in every action – speech, reply, walking. -Foetid secretions- catarrh, flatus, diarrhoea, leucorrhoea, lochia. -Eases pain of cancer in last stages. -Tendency to malignancy, in acute subacute cases. -Chilliness, nausea, loss of appetite. -Tongue, lips, fauces. -Sense of fear about heart [Acon]. -Mouth-White coating of tongue with red edges. -Tongue-swollen and dry, inspite of increased salivation. -Teeth sensitive to drafts of air. -Desire for cold water. -Pain in abdomen come go suddenly > bending double. -Blood following stool. -Chest-Sensation of lump under sternum. -Female genitalia-Puerperal septicaemia. -Discharges suppressed, abdomen sensitive, tympanitic, offensive, excoriating leucorrhoea. -Fevers-Malarial fevers. -Irregular- chill, rise of temperature, sweat. -Chill in left occiput. -Sweats on upper parts on forehead. -Skin-Bedsores. -Erysipelas. -Gangrene. -Recurring boils, carbuncles. KEYNOTES:
1. Does not wish to think or study. 2. Tongue, lips and fauces TINGLE, sense of fear about heart. 3. Tongue swollen, dry, inspite of increased salivation. 4. Sensation of a lump under sternum. 5. Chill in left occiput. 6. Sweats on upper parts, on forehead. 7. Sepsis and pyaemia. NUCLEUS OF REMEDY:
-Useful for boils, septicaemia, cancer, syphilis other impurities of blood; its action being antiseptic. CLINICAL:
-Appendicitis, Blood poisoning, Boils, Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Erysipelas, Gangrene, Goitre, Gonorrhoea, Insect bites, Malarial fever, Malignancy, Sepsis, Snake bites, Piles, Puerperal infection, Pustules, Typhoid diarrhoea, Ulcers. -Used locally as a cleansing and antiseptic wash. -It will help in secondary anaemias and given high helps the chronic effect of peritonitis, even many years after. -Breaks the boil habit – Dr. Farrington REMEDY RELATIONSHIPS:
Compare : Anthr, Arg-n, Arn, Bapt, Bell-p, Bov, Calen, Glon, Lob-p, Mosch, Nux-v. |