কফি পানে আফিমের বিষ দোষ নষ্ট হয়, ভাজা কফির ক্বাথ পানে নাক্স ভম, লাইকো, ইগ্নেসিয়া, কলোসিন্থ, ক্যামো ও বেলেডোনার ক্রিয়া নষ্ট হয়, সুতারাং উক্ত ঔষধ সমূহ ব্যবহারের সময় কফি পান করা উচিত নয়। |
দাঁতে ব্যথার সহিত মুখমণ্ডলে ব্যথা, ঠান্ডায় উপশম। |
গর্ভবতির যখন প্রসব বেদনা অসহ্য বোদ হয় তখন মন্ত্রশক্তির ন্যয় কাজ করে। |
স্নায়বিক উত্তেজনাসহ বুক ধরফড়ানি ও হ্রদশৃলে উপকারি। Coff-t : Coffea Tosta
Rubiaceae SOURCE:
It is prepared from the tincture of fruit of the plant. It is an infusion of the well-roasted berries, roasting changes Coffeinum to Coffeine. A/F:
-From excitement MODALITIES:
< Open air < After intoxication < Delivery, parturition during < Motion > Moderate outdoor exercise CONSTITUTION:
Uric acid diathesis MIND:
-An agreeable mental excitement causing wakefulness. Vivacity of thought, versatility. Symptoms would come suddenly and take away all mental energy. -Increased intellectual activity and perception of sounds, motion. -Full of apprehension of terrible things happening. She does not know were she is; feels strangely in her head; palpitation, trembling and chilliness. -Fear of sudden death. -Delirium tremens. -Love for family. -Answers disconnected, incoherently, unintelligently. -Veneration for Supreme Being. Desire to perform good deeds intensified. -Concentration is active. Confusion of mind does not know who she is or where she is. -Eccentricity. Exaltation of fancies. Fearlessness. -Memory active. -Prostration of mind, mental exhaustion, brain fag. -Impelled to push things. Restlessness, nervousness in children. -Starting as from fright. -Repetition of same phrases. -Rush of flow. -Unconsciousness, coma. KEYNOTES:
1. Mind Anxiety from downward motion of hammock while asleep. Benevolence excited. Cares and worries cause diarrhoea. CONVICTION OF DEATH IN PARTURITION. Desire to perform good deeds. Delusions of enchantment. Delusion as if swinging in a hammock above the treetops. Dreams of rainbows spanning the sky. Dreams of death of dear friend which does not abate his mental exhilaration, looking at all with supernatural indifference. EXCITEMENT TENDENCY DURING INFLAMMATORY FEVER IN CHILDREN. Fear of downward motion of hammock while asleep. DESIRE TO BE KILLED DURING PARTURITION. Increased power of reason. Activity excessively increased. Conviction of death during parturition. Hysteria. Talk indisposed to during headache. 2. Generals Restlessness. General excitement. Left side most affected. Aversion to open air. Haemorrhagic tendency. Intolerance of pain. Acuteness of senses. Faintness during nausea. Aversion to food. Pulse almost imperceptible. Trembling externally. Twitching. 3. Head Sensitiveness of scalp or brain. Sensitiveness of scalp or brain < from brushing hair. Sensitiveness of scalp or brain to touch. 4. Eyes Colours before the eyes, halo of colours around light. Vision foggy. 5. Ear Ringing, buzzing noises in ear. Hearing acute to voices and talking. 6. Face Pain in face from decayed teeth. 7. Stomach Faint like nausea. 8. Abdomen Painful distension. Sore bruised tenderness in abdomen. 9. Rectum Diarrhoea from over-work and too much care. Diarrhoea on old people after cholera. Tenesmus in rectum during stool. 10. Male genitals Pollutions, seminal emissions tendency after midnight. Sexual desire diminished. 11. Female genitalia Metrorrhagia. Labour pains excessive, convulsive spasmodic. 12. Heart Palpitation with vertigo and faintness. 13. Back Shivering in lumbar region. 14. Sleep Sleep disturbed by delusions. Restless. Sleeplessness alternating with dreams. 15. Perspiration Perspiration cold and clammy. NUCLEUS OF REMEDY:
-Coffea tosta is useful in confinements to relieve the excess of suffering which some women experiences intolerable pains. -It is useful also in heart affections where there is troublesome palpitation from heart- irritability, and in general nervous excitement. -Like Coffea cruda this remedy has also successfully treated cases of severe toothaches > only with cold water. -It is useful in conditions like tense arteries, Periodic headaches in hysterical women, Nervous and gastric headaches, Vomiting on least exertion, Diarrhoea from overwork and too much care, Gout and rheumatism with tendency to form chalkstone. CLINICAL:
Myopia, Nearsightedness, Prosopalgia, Cholera infantum REMEDY RELATIONSHIPS:
Compare : Coff, Coffin. Antidoted By : Caps. |