To perform Hijama therapy, first, the patient has to shave the hair. And if the patient is already bald or has little hair left he doesn’t need to cut the hair. But patients who have hair but facing regular hair loss needs to shave his head.
If you are suffering from hair loss or if you are already bald then you must try this therapy.
Hijama For Hair Loss
Male pattern baldness is one of the most common forms of hair loss that happens in men. It is also known as genetic hair loss or alopecia androgenic. Hair loss normally happens slowly; usually they start to notice a bald spot on the crown of the scalp. Depending on the individual’s health, many start to see thinning of the hair around the temple area as they reach their thirties. Your hair goes through different phases; your hair growth cycle normally lasts for two to three years, it grows approximately 1cm every month. Your hair grows and then rests for a couple of months and then falls out, after a couple of days new hair starts to grow in its position. It is normal to shed some hair every day but if a person starts to see excessive hair loss then it is a sign of male pattern baldness. – Hijama For Hair Loss
Hijama For Hair Loss & Hair Growth
Research shows us men who suffer from male pattern baldness; they have a high rate of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in their follicles. They believe that DHT is one of the main causes of hair loss. However scientists still do not understand its relationship with hair loss. They do not know why it only occurs at the top of the head and why the sides and back are immune to it? They also found that a lot of people do not take care of their hair, which leads to building up dirt and oil that clogs up the follicle making it harder for the hair to grow back. In time the hair grows thinner and thinner until it completely stops growing and the follicle closes permanently. – Hijama For Hair Loss

Now that you have an idea of how Hijama therapy works, let’s take a look at a clip to see exactly how it is done. – Hijama For Hair Loss
There have been claims that people who have received Hijama therapy regrew hair so I wanted to research and see if it really worked for hair loss. I was unable to find any scientific studies on its efficacy so it looks like it is not scientifically proven to regrow hair. It may help with blood circulation and like micro-needling, perhaps the incisions made on the scalp may induce wound healing and growth stem cells and create new blood vessels in the tissue, but there’s no study on this so I can’t really say if it will work for hair loss or not. It does seem a bit barbaric, especially withdrawing all of the blood out. If you’ve done this, let me know how it went and if you have experienced any gains in hair.
As far as prices, Hijama therapy seems to cost between $40-$80 USD per session in the US, and in India, prices range anywhere from 500 to 2500 rupees, which is between $10-$35 USD but also depends on the number of cups used and the areas treated.